《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 6: Firewhisky


Granger slowly fell asleep in my arms. I helped her lie down and covered her with the comforter. She was still shaking a bit and tears stained her soft cheeks.

I slowly stood up and went to my room.

Does that happen often? I hope not...

I laid down in my bed, trying to forget the screams I heard only moments before. She had a panic attack. Saying I was stressed, was an understatement.

I tried to sleep. It took me forever to finally doze off.


I woke when I heard Granger's shower squeak off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Why must I be a light sleeper?

I crawled out of bed and got around for work.


Work was dreadful. Percy, my assistant, had an emergency and had to leave. I had piles and piles of paperwork.

At dinner, Granger picked at her food with an annoyed expression.

"So.. How was your day?" I asked, knowing she was about to rant.

"These two guys came in and purposely messed up the shop. Threw books everywhere, putting some in the wrong places. I almost cursed them both. Then, after I'd cleaned up, a family of six marched in with a bunch of toddlers. They wouldn't stop crying and begging," she complained. "And those two guys! They just... You don't even know the half of it!"

I dropped my fork and stood up. I pulled Granger out of her seat by her arm. She said nothing as I pulled her to my room. I let go of her and went to the cupboard. I pulled out two bottles of Firewhisky.

"Firewhisky?" Hermione asked as I sat on the bed.

"I think we both need it," I stated gesturing for her to sit.

She sat down and took a bottle.



Hermione was completely drunk. I was mostly buzzed but my head was a bit fuzzy. Hermione was laying on my bed. We were talking about a hundred things at once.

She turned to look at me for a moment.

"Did you know you are like... Really hot?" She asked.

I laughed.

"I'm serious, you're like really hot," she stated.

She sat up and leaned on me.

"And I gotta tell you a secret but you gotta be quiet Shh," she said, already shushing me.

"I'll stay qu-"

"Shh! I said Shh!" She shushed.

I nodded.

"I always liked you... Like a lot. Like really like," she whispered, putting her hands in front of her mouth. "Don't tell anyone, SHH!"

I was sober enough to understand. I wanted to say something to her, anything.

Instead, the alcohol worked it's magic. I sat up, and kissed her. Without hesitation, she kissed back. Heat spread through my veins. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her closer. She pulled my shirt over my head.

That's when I stopped. I roughly pushed her away.

She's drunk... I can't take an advantage of her...

But you're drunk too... Just not as much...


I sighed. She looked disappointed and maybe a bit mad.

"Come here," I ordered, pulling her back over.

I pulled her down to lay beside me and put my arms around her.

"But Draco," she whined.

"No... You said there was more about those jerks earlier.. Wanna tell me what they did?" I asked, changing the subject.

"The jerks... Oh! The ones at the store?" She asked.

I nodded. Her expression went a bit sad.

"You wouldn't believe it," she stated.

"Try me."

She took a deep breath.


"They marched right up to me, after breaking the store, and they... Well, first they called me and cheater. Then they..." She mumbled the last part.

"Speak up?"

"They each slapped me," she whispered, looking away from me.

I sat up quickly.

"Shh! Stay quiet Shh!" She shushed with wide eyes.

"Why didn't it bruise?" I asked, moving her face around.

"Grammar charm, duh," she scoffed.

I muttered the reverse spell to the glamour charm. Each of her cheeks turned a dark purple. No, a slap would have left a light pink mark.

They didn't slap her... They bloody punched her...

I muttered some quick healing spells and the bruises healed. She leaned forward and snuggled up to me. I instantly put my arms around her.

I miss this... She's so warm cuddled up to me.

I gently laid down with her in my arms. She tightly put her arms around me.

"You know the worst part?" She asked, her voice muffled by my shirt.


"People saw, and did nothing," she stated.

I didn't say anything. I pulled the covers up to her shoulders and kissed her forehead.


Her eyes closed and she inhaled deeply. It wasn't long at all before she fell asleep.

I rubbed my hand gently on her back and closed my eyes.

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