《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 2: Saved



I was walking down Diagon alley. I was looking for the new bookstore to find a book on phoenixes for work. I had a case with a phoenix attack and the owner is being sued.

I was walking past an alley when something caught my eye; a mop of brown hair. I froze in my tracks. It was a girl.

I rushed forward to see she was unconscious. She had blood dripping from her lips and multiple bruises covering her face. I could barely recognise the girl, but I knew who she was: Hermione Granger. I gently picked her up, her body was really cold. I hoped I wasn't too late.

I apparated to St. Mungos.


I was sitting in one of the waiting rooms. I was nervous, wondering if she was alright. I had only been here for thirty minutes.

I saved Granger. Hermione Granger. Is she alright? Who did it?

"Mr. Malfoy?" A nurse asked.

I stood up.

"You can see her if you like."

I nodded and followed her to Granger's room.

What am I going to say?

She was curled up on the bed. Her face was hidden by her arms and her legs were under her. She was trembling immensely.

"Ms. Granger?" The nurse asked.

She jumped.

"Y..yes?" She asked, not looking up.

"You have a visitor."

"No one... No one should be here," Granger replied.

I felt bad. I'd only seen her like this once other time.

"Granger," I said, cutting in.

Her head snapped up. She looked at me with disbelief.

"Malfoy?!" She shrieked.

She looked terrified.

"Why are you here?!"

She didn't look well. She had tearstained cheeks and a bruised face. She looked better than she did when I brought her here but she didn't look too good either.


"I brought you here," I replied, watching the nurse leave the room.

Hermione was confused.

"Why did you-"

"Because someone beat the living snot out of you Granger," I cut her off.

She looked around and dug in her pant pockets.

"Do you know where my wand is?" She asked, trying to get up.

"I don't think you should-"

She fell on the ground and cursed loudly. Upon instinct, I rushed forward and grabbed her arms. I helped her back on the bed.

"I think you dropped it," I muttered as she held her head.

"I hate having to ask, can you get it for me... My bag too if he didn't take it?" She asked.

"Sure... I'll be back," I replied before apparating.

I looked around the alley and found her wand. Her bag was nowhere in sight. I looked around the alley a bit more and only stopped when it started to get dark. I apparated back.

She was asleep on the bed now. The nurse tending her bruises.

I sat in the chair next to the bed and the nurse jumped.

"Mr. Malfoy? Will you be staying the night?" She asked.

I thought for a moment.

How would she pay for the bill? Who attacked her? Will she be alright? How will she get home?

I made a decision. I had far too many questions to just leave, so, I nodded.

Hermione- later

I slowly woke with my head pounding. The numbing medicine wore off. I opened my eyes and sat up. It took me a moment to process my surroundings.

Malfoy was asleep in a chair.

He stayed overnight.

I furrowed my brows. He had no reason to stay. I didn't know why he did. I noticed my wand on the side table. I reached over and picked it up.


An alarm suddenly went off, hurting my head. A nurse ran in just as Malfoy jumped awake. She snatched the wand from my hand and silenced the alarm.

"Patients aren't allowed to have wands," she stated.


"No. You can have it back when you leave."

I shut my mouth. I heard Malfoy snicker so I sent a glare his way. The nurse left and shut the door.

I rubbed my temples.

"Bloody alarm. Giving me a bloody headache," I muttered.

"What a way to wake up," Malfoy stated.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in an attempt of calming the headache. I groaned in pain and laid back on the pillows.

"You alright?" Malfoy asked.

"Just a headache," I replied quietly.

"I'll get a nurse," he stated.

"I'm fine."

"Granger, if you were fine, you wouldn't be in a hospital bed," he smirked. "I'll get a nurse."

I sighed but didn't argue. He left the room.

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