《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 3: Truth



When I was going back to the room Granger was in, I saw the Daily Prophet. I stopped at the sight of her face. I read the headline.

Hermione Granger, A Cheap Cheater

I picked up the news and went back to the room. I read it in the doorway while the nurse made Hermione drink a potion.

Ron Weasley came home to a shock two days ago. He came home from work, hoping to see his fiancée, Hermione Granger. Instead, what he saw shocked everyone. Hermione Granger kissing another man, lying on the couch. It wasn't long before the news spread.

Harry Potter was first to receive the news, and kicked Ms. Granger from his home. Soon after, she loses her job. What has become of Hermione Granger? Where is she now? Who was she cheating with? Find out soon, in our next prophet.

-Rita Skeeter

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

She cheated?

I looked at the woman. She wasn't like that. Something was wrong.

"Malfoy? What are you reading?" Granger asked as the nurse left.

"Daily Prophet," I replied.

"Can I see it?" She asked.


"Why?" She asked, looking a bit panicked.


"What does it say about me? I'm a cheater? Ron tried to take me back?" She asked.

I handed her the paper and shut the door behind me. She read the paper and threw it on the ground.

"Lies!" She yelled.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting on the end of her bed.

She scooted back so her back was to the wall, so she was farther away from me.

"He lied. I caught him cheating. He took the house, my job, my friends, my bank account, and my pride," she stated, covering her eyes. "And still beat the snot put of me after!"



"I mean look at me! I'm in the hospital talking to none other than Draco Malfoy!" She continued, getting a bit louder.


"He managed to do it!" She yelled. "He managed to ruin my life in a few hours!"

"Granger!" I yelled.

She shut up.

"Do you have somewhere to live?" I asked.

She stayed silent.

"Do you have money to pay the bill?" I continued.

She looked away and bit her lip.

"Granger, do you need help?" I asked softly.

She stayed silent. I understood.

This could be a moment to redeem myself. No more sleepless, guilty nights.

"When do you get out of here?" I asked her.

"The nurse said three," she said in a small voice.

It was only eight now.

"I'm going to set up a room for you at my house, I'll be back," I told her.


I apparated.


I moved away from the wall and sighed. I tried to stand but my head was spinning. I didn't feel well.

Too much stress.

I sighed and lied down. I closed my eyes and passed out.


"Granger, wake up," a voice muttered, shaking my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I hummed, still keeping my eyes closed.

"Granger, we need to leave," Malfoy stated.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

"Alright," I muttered.

I got out of bed and to my feet. Everything was spinning and it made me sick. I stumbled a bit before pair of strong arms went around my waist.

"The healer said your head would be a bit fuzzy for a few days and you need bed rest when you get home," Malfoy stated. "Only side apparating."

I nodded so he apparated. He helped me to a room and to the bed. He handed me my wand first, to which I was grateful.


"This is your room. You can stay as long as you like even if you don't need to. My room is next door, if you need anything. Timmy will bring you dinner around six," he listed. "That door," he said, pointing to a door in the room, "is your bathroom."

"Thank you," I said quietly.

He nodded.

"I'll be back in a few, I'm going to see if any of Mother's old clothes are still here."

I nodded so he left.

I looked around the room. Hardwood floors, dark green walls. It was a huge room and had Malfoy written all over it.

I groaned and lied back.

What have I gotten myself into?

I didn't bother getting under the covers or shutting off the light. I just fell asleep

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