《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 1: Broken


She caught him cheating.

That's where it all started.

Hermione-two Years After The War

I walked down the hall to my apartment. I had a long day at the office and I was beat. I fumbled with the key until I unlocked the door. I opened the door and froze.

Ron, my fiancée, was laying on top of another woman, snogging her senseless. They were doing nothing more than kissing, but it hurt no less.

Somewhere in their kissing, Ron managed to look up. He quickly scrambled to his feet, acting as if I hadn't seen what he did.

I was to shocked to move. He walked over to me, stuttering apologies, explanations. I ignored him.

"Ron, leave this house. Now," I demanded.

"I'm not leaving! My name is on the paper!" He shouted.

"So is mine!"

"You can't legally make me leave, you can either stay with me, or leave," Ron growled, "and if you leave, it will be the biggest mistake of your life."

I summoned all my stuff and put it in my beaded bag, glad the expansion charm was so good.

"I will ruin your life if you leave!" He shouted.

"Bye Ronald, we're over."

I left the house without another word.

I apparated to Harry and Ginny's house, hoping I could stay the night. When I knocked on the door, it was a long time a very tired Harry opened the door.

"Hermione?" He asked.

"Hi Harry... Uhh I was wondering if I could spend the night," I said nervously.

"Sure, come in," Harry replied.

He showed me to the guest room.

"Why aren't you at your apartment?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Thanks for letting me stay," I smiled.

"Anytime," he replied, walking back to his room.



I woke up to yelling.

"She bloody cheated on me! That's why I'm here, I'm trying to forgive her," Ron yelled.


I got out of bed and stumbled out the door. Ginny had tears on her face and Harry's expression was livid.

"How could you?!" He yelled, storming up to me. "I thought you were better than cheating!"

"I don't-"

"Get out! Get out of my house!" He shouted, making me flinch.



"Please listen-"

"If you don't leave, I will use force!"

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I grabbed my bag and apparated to work. I broke down. Ron cheated and made it sound like I cheated.

"I want to speak to her!" A familiar voice yelled.

Ron was pushing his way into my office.

How did he get here so bloody fast?!

"Hermione," he said loud enough for the entire Ministry to hear. "I'm willing to take you back. I just want you to love me. I can forgive you for cheating. We can get through this."

"Why are you doing this?" I whimpered.

He gave me an evil grin.

"How could you be so cruel!" He yelled as my boss came up behind him. "I though you loved me! I was going to take you back!"

My boss stepped in as fake tears rolled down Ronald's face.

"Granger?" He asked. "Did you really cheat?"

"No! No I didn't!" I yelled, more of a pleading voice.

"Yes she did! She cheated on me. I caught her!" Ron fake whimpered.

"Weasley, leave," my boss ordered. "You too Granger."


"Leave, you're fired," he growled, walking away.

"But sir! It's not a real reason!"


"By law, I can fire you for what ever reason I want. I don't like you anymore, you're fired."

Ron smirked at me before apparating.

I grabbed my bag again, in shock, and apparated. I had tears streaming down my face when I went to Gringotts. I tried to get into my vault, to get all my savings. I needed a hotel room for the night.

"Ms. Granger, I'm afraid your account has been switched over to just Mr. Weasley," the goblin said.


"I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do. I'm not certified to give you the vault."

I apparated. This time, to an alley. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. I had very little money, no house, no job, no friends, and a broken heart.

How could he do this?

I cried softly. I didn't notice the footsteps coming closer.

At least it can't get any worse.

I shouldn't have thought that. Not even the idea.

My hair was grabbed. I let out a cry of pain and opened my eyes. Ron stood there with evil eyes.

"You should have stayed," he stated. "In less than fifteen hours I have destroyed your life."

I tried to grab my wand, but the second it was in my hand Ronald sent it flying across the alley.

"Help me! Someone!" I screamed as Ron grabbed my arms.

He slammed my small body to the ground and pinned me down with his knees. I screamed for help just before he punched my cheek. I felt a bit of blood spill from my lips.

I continued to scream for help as he punched me. I knew unbelievable bruises were forming on my face as more blood spilled from my lips.

It wasn't long before black spots filled my vision. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I screamed one more time before one last blow to my head, knocked me out.

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