《Beyblade - Metal Saga: A chaotic blader》Chapter 5: A Crabby Situation
"How's the maintenance on my bey going?" "How about mine?" three boys had come to B-Pit to get their beys back after letting Madoka do some maintenance. The three boys are probably around Kentas age and stand in front of the counter while Madoka stands behind the counter and takes a box out of the shelf. "One at a time. I've got them right here, guys. Hold on!" she says with a soft smile as Gingka, Kenta and Jacen stand beside the counter, watching her. Well even so Jacen looks like he could take a nap right than and there.
Gingka laughs slightly as the ravenette yawns for the hundreds time. "Did you sleep at all tonight or why are you so tired?" the red head asks and Jacen rubs his eyes slightly as he yawns once more. "Not really. I face timed with Morgan and Liam until like 6 am for me. I think it was around 5 pm for them. So yeah." he says and yawns again and leans against the wall behind them before he could fall over from tiredness.
"Morgan and Liam?" Kenta asks as he turns to the ravenette shile Madoka gives the boys back their beys. "Oh yeah. I forgot that I never told you anything about my siblings. Well Morgan is my little sister. She is 9. My big brothers names are Liam, AJ, which is actually just short for Alexander Jackson, and Zack. Liam and Zack are twins and 24 years old while AJ is 21." he says before yawning again and continues after that:"Well actually their my half brothers. Same mum, different dads. But Morgan is my real sister. It's just that my brother's dad died about 19 years ago in a car accident. So their mum maeried again some time later and got Morgan and me. Still it doesn't really matter to us. Even if we weren't blood related at all, we would still be a family." he shrugs and runs his hand through his black hair.
Gingka and Kenta both stare at him in shock and Jacen just raises an eyebrow. "What? Did i say something wrong?" he asks but the two guys had no time to answer because two boys ran into the shop, crying as they held their beys in their hands. "What the..." Jacen mutters and pushes away from the wall as the two boys reach the counter, where Madoka is still standing. "Oh no! What's wrong?" she askes the two boys who still cry a bit. The ravenette walks behind the counter beside her to get a better look on what's going on.
One of the boys with brown hair speaks up as both hold their beys towards Madoka. "Look! Look! Look at this!" he shouts and Jacen turns his attention to the two beys. Big parts of the beys are cracked and scratched up but worst, in both bey's energy ring and fusion wheel are big parts missing. Madoka gasps at the bad shape the beys are in. "This is shocking. What happened to these beys?!" she asks the boys as Gingka and Kenta also take a look at the two broken beys. "A sc-sc-scary guy!" the brunette boy stutters and his ravenette friend continues. "He said, 'I'm going to scratch your beys just like my Mad Gasher'. My poor little defenseless bey!" the boys still cry while Madoka clenches her fists and looks like she would like to kill the guy who did this. "What a terrible thing to do!" she growls before she runs towards the door of the shop. "It's unforgivable!" she adds with another growl and Gingka storms after her with Kenta not far behind.
Jacen sighs before looking back at the boys. "Hey. How about you leave your beys here and as soon as my friend gets back, she'll do her best to repeir them, okay?" he asks the two boys with a soft smile, who nod still sniffling a bit. He takes the two beys from them. "You don't have to worry. With Madoka their in good hands." the ravenette gives the two an encouraging smile before bringing their beys into the basement, where he leaves them on Madokas working table. Then he leaves the shop ro search for the others because he's pretty sure that they'll get into some major trouble.
Jacen had tried to find them the whole afternoon. Now the sun us already setting when he finally finds Kenta, his friends Osamu, Akira and Takashi and some creepy looking guy, who has seaweed green hair and wears an old, kind of disgusting brown cape thingy, at the river where Kenta had battled Gingka. Kenta and the weird dude are battling while Osamu kneels a bit behind the other three boys, holding something in his hand while he crys.
Jacen watches from the railing at the edge of the upper part of the incline. Something just puts his nerves on the edge about the seaweed guy, so he keeps a bit of distance while also having the overview over the battle. Suddenly the crab guy starts yelling out of nowhere. "What's that behind you?!" of course everyone looks at that direction, except for Jacen who has learned better than looking away from an opponent no matter what happens. And not in a friendly way. That's why he sees that the guy flicks a small rock at Sagittario who is clashing with a Mad Gasher CH120SF.
The small stone hits Sagittario's fusion wheel, making the bey lose its grip so that Gasher has an opportunity to push the yellow bey back and attack once more. The red bey hits Sagittario's spin track, making it stop at the spot. That's when he says a quiet "I win." suprising the boys, even Osami who stands behind Kenta by now. Kenta of course calls out to his bey. "Sagittario!" "How did that happen?" Osamu asks confused as both boys sweat drop. The seaweed guy starts grinning evily as he speaks up once more. "Crappy. Now how about a big pinch for the loser! Go! Mad Gasher!" he shouts and points with his indey finger at Sagittario.
The red bey charges at Sagittario to scatch it up too, as a black bey interferes. Black Chaos to be exact. The black bey pushed Mad Gasher backwards and hits it one more time, making it stop spinning. "Chaos?" Kenta says and looks up to see Jacen standing at the top of the incline with his launcher. "Sorry buddy, but..." Jacen says as he walks over to the stairs, before jumping off the top of the stairs, making a front flip and lands with a role, standing perfectly on his feet again right in front of Kenta and his friends. "You didn't win. You cheated." Jacen says with a glare as he crosses his arms before turning to Kenta. "And I totally just wanted to show off with that move just now." he whispers to the boys behind him with a wink as they anime fall. The seaweed haired guy looks still totally suprised at the ravenette who just catches Chaos and picks up Sagittario. "What do you think your doing?!" He shouts pissed at the ravenette.
Jacen was about to answer when something blue in the edge of his field of vision catches his attention. "Well someone is a little late." he says with a grin as Gingka runs down the stairs towards the boys. "What is going on here?" the red head asks and looks at the boys and than at seaweed head. Jacen clears his throat before he starts explaining everything pretty fast. "Seaweed head over there wrecked Osamus bey, than battled Kenta, cheated and wanted to scratch up Sagittario. But I interfered, kicked his ass and made a front flip off the stairs because hell I wanted to show off a bit." he says rather fast but still pretty angry as he glares daggers at the guy across from them.
"Sorry, Gingka, I, um..." Kenta starts as the red head also looks at the mad gasher owner. "Don't worry. It's okay, Kenta." Gingka says as he looks at the smaller over his shoulder. Kenta looks at him confused though until he continues. "You were right to try and protect your friends like that." the green haireds face lights up like a Christmas tree at the praise of the taller. "Thanks, Gingka." Kenta says with a smile before turning to the ravenette who still glares at the gasher owner. "And you two Jacen. Thanks for saving Sagittario." he adds and Jacen smiles at Kenta. "No problem, squirt." he says and throws the yellow bey to Kenta who catches it.
"pah! You're Gingka Hagane, huh, Crabby pants? I heard about you from a jumbo crab names Benkei. And about you too, flick flack boy." The seaweed guy says and everyone is quite suprised about this. "From Benkei?" Kenta says and Jacen just crosses his arms again. "did you just say 'flick flack boy'?" Jacen walks over to the seaweed guy and stares him right in the eyes. "Because I don't do flick flacks. At least not on normal occasions. I do flips. So either call me Jacen or back flip boy. But never again flick flack boy. Got it?" he threatens the guy and keeps glaring.
Jacen waits there for another moment before making a half twist back flip and walks back to Gingka and the others, who just stare at him utterly confused. But Gingka turns back to the other guy. "And you are?" "I am the wandering blader, Tetsuya Watarigani. Words like 'friendship' make me seasick. I'm going to crack both yours and your bey's shells. Get it? Now battle!" Tetsuya shouts as he holds up his bey. Jacen clears his throat before glaring at the guy again. "First. I definitely won't remember that name. So I'll just keep on calling you seaweed guy. Second. Are you a fucking idiot? We just saw you cheat and you destroy beys for fun. So why the hell should we battle you?" Jacen says and facepalms as Gingka nods in agreement. "Yeah. No thanks. I only battle with bladers. Anyone who scratches beys on purpose is no blader in my books." the red head says and already turns towards the stairs as he calls out to the small greenette. "Let's go, Kenta." "What he said!" Kenta only adds before walking after Gingka, but Jacen just keeps glaring at Tetsuya, who suddenly starts grinning like a bad anime villain. "What if I mention Madoka? Would that change your mind?" Tetsuya says and catches everyone's attention.
Jacen literally looks like he's ripping the guys throat out in his mind as he marches over to the guy and grabs the collar of his cape. "What did you do to her, seaweed head?" he growls and is even slightly lifting Tetsuya off his feet. "The claws are out, huh?" he counters and grins again. Jacen keeps on glaring at Tetsuya as he drops him back to his feet, pointing his index finger right into the guys face. "You are lucky that murder is punishable in this country..." Jacen lowly growls as the seaweed head just keeps on grinning.
"There's a stadium in a place like this?" Gingka asks suprised as he, Kenta and his buddys and Jacen are at the beach. The sun had already set in was pretty dark. Still it was easy to see that the stadium Tetsuya wanted to fight in is everything but ordinary. Not only is it positioned at a small cliff, but it's also slammed into the ground. It also looks loke a giant grab, what kind of freaks Jacen out because he hates almost everything with more than 4 legs. Exspecially spiders. "If you can even call that think a stadium. After all it's shaped like a crab." Jacen mutters as he stands to Gingkas right, while Kenta and his friends stand on Gingkas left. Tetsuya stands on the other side of the stadium.
"Ha, ha, ha! No kidding, clawless! Mad Gasher is the crab constellation. Don't you think it's the perfect staium for me, hmm, snappy?" Tetsuya grins and holds up his Mad Gasher, while Gingka turns to the stadium. Jacen turns his attention to the stadium as well, noticing some holes in the walls. Wonder what those are for. But with this guy probably nothing good. "Are you ready?" Tetsuya asks snd Gingka looks back at the seaweed haired as he answers with confidence in his voice. "You bet."
That's when Kenta makes a step forward. "Remember the agreement. If Gingka wins, Madoka..." the greenette starts but gets interrupted by Tetsuya. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll return her, shrimp. I get it. But if I win..." Tetsuya starts but also gets interrupted by Gingka. Didn't they learn manners, or why is barely anyone allowed to finish a sentence? I just don't get these guys. Jacen sighs and crosses his arms. Oh how he eished right now to walk over to Tetsuya and 'accidentally' punch him in the face. Twice. "You want points?" he asks Watarigani who answer far to happy. "As if! Points are for bipeds. All I want is to be able cover your Pegasus in scratches, okay, get it? Crabby."
Jacen let's out a low growl and he is really about to walk over to that Tetsuya guy and beat the shit out of him, if he hadn't had Madoka still kidnapped to who knows where.
(AJ: 15 dollars that he took her somewhere connected to crabs.
Zack: you're on.
Liam: you two are such dorks... I bet 20
Morgan: I bet one cupcake that Jacen will be the prince in shining armor.
Zack:... Why is she here again?
Jacen: Why are any of you here and jump into my story with your comments?
AJ: Well it's boring without you here *shrug*)
Jacen takes a deep breath to calm himself as he crosses his arms in front of hia chest. Gingka and Watarigani on the other hand start counting down. "Three, two, one... LET IT RIP!" the two shot their beys into the crab stadium.
(AJ: more like crap stadium.
Jacen: *kicks AJ away* stay out of the story!)
"Go Pegasus!" Gingka yells and the blue bey attacks Mad Gasher, flipping the red bey onto its head so that it stops spinning. Jacen stares at the bey before he starts laughing. "Wow. That was the fastest win I've ever seen." the ravenette says and runs his hand through his hair. Kenta and his friends start cheering while Gingka catches Pegasus. "Now, you'll have to return Madoka." the ginger haired says as he stares at Watarigani.
Jacen looks over at the seaweed head and raises an eyebrow at the grin that Watarigani has on his face. "Well, dip me in butter, you're actually pretty good." he walks into the bey stadium and picks up his bey. "Now to start the second round, crusty." he says with a grin and gets back to his side of the stadium.
Jacens eye twitches slightly and he slowly turns to Gingka with one of those 'I wanna punch something' - smile. "I believe you can handle this guy so I'll be going for a small walk... Before I decide to push him into the ocean and drown him." the ravenette than just starts walking, ignoring the other and makes his way down the beach.
The ravenette walks down the beach next to the feet of a tall cliff. "That seaweed head... I swear if I have to see that guy ever again, I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Argh!" he growls to himself and punches the cliff at his side. A few small stones break off and fall into the sand as Jacen waves his hand around. "Ow Ow Ow Ow!" he looks down at his noe bloody knuckles and crunches his teeth. "Fuck. Fuck!" he yells and kicks the rocks away, continuing his walk down the beach.
"Hey! I said that hurts!" Jacen turns his head towards the direction of the voice. "Madoka!" he starts running down the beack towards the voice. "Stop it! Ouch, ow!" He gets closer but then Benkei comes down a way and Jacen crashes into him, falling into the sand while the taller just stumbles alightly. "Benkei? What the frick are you doing here?" Jacen asks him as stands back up and brushes the sand of himself. "I... Ehm... Well-" "OW!" he gets interrupted by another yell from Madoka. "Madoka!" Jacen runs off again with the purple haired following behind. "Stop it already!" Madoka shouts when she finally comes into Jacens field of vision.
"There she i-" Like there was an invisible wall Jacen stops suddenly from his sprint. Benkei finally caught up and also sees Madoka, who is sitting in a pit surrounded by crabs. "Crabs. It had to be crabs..." the ravenette mutters as he makes a step back and Madoka notices them. "Jacen! Bankei! Can you please get me out of here?" she looks at the two boys and Jacen just stares at the crabs. "I would but... I would rather fight a pack of starving wolves than get to close to crabs, so... I'll let Benkei handle this." he says and rubs the back of his neck embarrassed when he notices one of the crabs walking over to him, making the ravenette back away farther.
"Are you kidding me?!?" the brunette shouts, while Benkei just stares in disbelief at the other boy and Jacen just shakes his head. "Sadly not. I hate almost every animal with more than four legs." he mutters as he has already stepped backwards ten meters or so just to keep the distance between him and the crabs. Benkei just his head slightly before launching his bey, Dark Bull at the crabs, sending them flying. As soon as the crabs are gone, Jacen runs back to the pit and helps Madoka out of it. "Sorry again but... I really, really hate crabs." he says as he takes Madokas hand with his still slightly bleeding one, because he was so stupid to punch a cliff before.
"It's okay. I'm not a fan of them either. And thanks Benkei." Madoka says as she steps out of the sand pit and dusts herself off and Benkei rubs the back of his neck slightly. "No problem. But don't think I just helped. I only helped because I hate that Watarigani." "Than we are already two." Jacen says as he puts his hands into his pockets before either of them actually notices that he's still bleeding a bit, even so it doesn't really hurt anymore. The ravenette turns to Madoka. "We should get back to Gingka and the others so that he can stop battling that cheater." Jacen says and the other two nod so they make their way back to the crab bey stadium.
"Huh..." Madoka says to herself and Jacen turns around to the brunette. "What's wrong?" hw asks as Madoka stares at her hand and Benkei just keeps walking. "I have blood on my hand... Maybe one of the crabs pinched me hard enough to break my skin." she says and looks at the ravenette, who rubs the back of his neck. "Actually that's most likely my blood..." he mutters as he takes his other hand out of his pocket and shows his knuckles to the brunette. She almost immediately grabs his wrist and examines his hand. "What happened?" she asks as she took a closer look to the wound.
"Well I was kind of pissed because Watarigani, first kidnapped you, than broke Osamus bey, than cheated to beat Sagittario in a battle and wanted to break him too. Than he challenged Gingka and of course Gingka excepted because he had you and than he keeps on cheating and cheating and I got so pissed that I left the others. But even after walking a bit, I couldn't calm down so I punched a cliff and well... Wrecked my knuckles a bit. But I'll be fine. Don't worry." Jacen says with a light smile and trys to pull his wrist from the girls grip but her grip is stronger than he expected. "At least let me clean and wrap it up. Or do you want it to get infected?" she asks and glares at the ravenette.
Jacen sighs and turns his head away from Madoka. "Fine but hurry up, okay." the brunette smiles at him before pulling out a first aid kit from who knows where.
Benkei had waited up for the other two so now all three of them reach the others together. In the bey stadium Pegasus is cycling Gasher who spins on a pretty weird performance tip. It almost reminded Jacen of a drinking straw and Watarigani is covered in mud. Karma bitch. Karma. Jacen thinks just as Pegasus is about to attack but the seaweed head speaks up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." this of course surprises everyone. "If I lose, I won't tell you where Madoka is!" he says with a grin and again Jacen feels the urge to drown him in the ocean.
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Stygian Mage
"Welcome Traveler."It was what Soren first heard when he met an impossibly strange man in a horrendously strange world, where fantasy became reality. Now, stranded in the unknown world, Soren must make use of the discovery that strength is all that matters in this world, and try to get himself back home--That is, If he's able to find his way. But there is always more behind the veil of uncertainty, and Soren must be deathly sure of the decisions he makes. After all, curiosity can kill more than just cats. [Author: This is the first story I have ever written so have mercy on me. Bear with me please if I make any mistakes. I welcome all sorts of criticism as it will help me improve. Hope you guys like it.] PS: This story will contain explicit sexual content and profanities. The Mc is not a good guy in this story so don’t expect a nice Mc who will help others regardless of his well-being. P.P.S: The cover image is not owned by me. I used Adobe Spark to combine and edit some free images. P.P.P.S: Also posting on Webnovel, Moonquill, Wattpad, and Scribblehub. Edit: I thought I should add this in here because it seems to be a problem for many people--My inspirations came from mainly chinese webnovels, so my writing style resembled that a lot at start. I just wanted to leave a note here for people who don't like such stuff. I've already improved a lot and changed my style in recent chs, so hope you guys give it a try before dropping prematurely if that's your reason. Furthermore, I will also be editing all the early chs in the near future to make the quality similar to the recent chs. Current Schedule: 1 ch / week [On Saturdays]. [Will be increasing the release rate once I'm comfortable with this speed].
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