《Beyblade - Metal Saga: A chaotic blader》Chapter 4: The Calf And The Foal (title By Jacen)
It is already late noon, when Jacen finally wakes up, but he couldn't be blamed. He stayed up half of the night to face time with his siblings because of the time difference. So he went to bed like 2 in the morning and because of the crazy call he had gotten a few days ago, sleeping wasn't easy either. After all who in their right mind sleep peacefully after being told that they are getting stalked.
The ravenette sits up in Madoka's guest room. She had allowed him to stay here for the time being luckily, because Jacen is too lazy to search for a hotel or apartment for as long as he stays in Metal City. But for ths first time he was in his Pyjama, which is actually just an old grey shirt and baggy black sweatpants. Jacen yawns as he trys to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Sadly he still wasn't fully awake so he decides to take a quick, cold shower to wake himself completely up.
After the shower Jacen changes into a plain white shirt, a black-white flannel tied around his waist with light blue jeans, his black boots and a brown leather jacket to round everything up. He than puts his bey and launcher into holster, which are on the inside of the jacket. He than walks downstairs into the shop and looks around for Madoka and the others but no one is to be seen.
So he checks the basement where he finds a note on Madoka's working table.
Hey Jacen.
Kenta, his friends and I are at the bey park. Gingka ran off somewhere to get himself a double beacon burger or something like that. Anyways we didn't wanna wake you up so if you want to hang out with us just come to bey park when you read this.
"Bey Park, huh. Think I saw that place when I arrived in town." Jacen mutters to himself before putting the note back onto the table and walks back upstairs into the shop before he leaves B-Pit. He than makes his way into the direction where hopefully the Bey Park is.
After what felt like forever since Jacen has almost no fucking feeling for the layout of the city, he finally reaches the Bey Park. To his surprise not only Kenta, his three friends and Madoka are there but also Gingka, who seems to be getting ignored by everyone. All of the kids surround Kenta and Madoka as Jacen walks over to Gingka. "What's up over there?" the ravenette asks his friends as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Gingka shrugs. "I have no idea. But Jacen! I got it! I got the tribble beef burger!" he shouts and pushes the back with the food into the ravenettes face. Jacen in response backs away slightly before raising an eybrow. "Tribble beef burger? Than why the fucking hell does it smell like a hot dog?" Jacen asks and pushes the back out of his face before walking over to Kenta, Madoka and everyone else. "What? The guy at the counter must have made a mistake!" he hears gingka muffle through the hot dog that he had stuffed into his mouth.
While Gingka keeps on sulking, Jacen walks over to the others, standing behind Madoka and Kenta unnoticed again. "And a Balance Type bey combines the powers of both attack and defense. Which makes sense right?" Madoka says and Jacen laughs a bit. "Yeah that's right. But Balance types have also pretty good stamina if you use the right parts. Like my Chaos." he says as both Kenta and Madoka spin around to him and the other kids look at him. "Oh Jacen. When did you get here?" Madoka asks suprised and the taller just shrugs. "Maybe five minutes ago? Or something like that."
"Cool. Well Madoka was just explaining the four types of Beyblades to everyone." Kenta says as he turns back to the brunette. She nods before she continues:"Well, back to business. Last there's the stamina type. This bey has staying power, so it can fight all day and night, and reach the whole stadium. With me?" Madoka says as she smiles at the screen while Kenta grins widely as he holds up his bey. "Like my Sagittario." "Yes, that's right." Madoka tells Kenta as all the kids around them start to analyze their own beys.
Jacen can't stop himself from smiling slightly and looks back to Gingka, who stuffs the rest of his burger into his mouth. But turns his attention back to Akira, one of Kenta's friends, as the boy starts talking. "Yeah. I see. Mine is an attack type. It has attack power, but not stamina. So that means that Kenta's stamina type waited without attacking for my stamina to wear out!" the spiky haired boy says and smiles at Kenta who laughs a bit before he answers. "Yeah, that's right." "It's the best strategy for a Stamina type. To create a drawn out battle. Attacke types mostly trys to finish a battle fast with impressive attack power. And defense types try to block the opponents attacks so that they lose power and stamina, while keeping themselves running on energy. But always be ready for counter attacks. Even defense types can pack a punch." Jacen adds with a smirk as some of the kids stare at him either confused or impressed.
Madoka nods and looks back at her computer. "He's right. Normally every bey has at least a bit of a standard battle pattern. But of course this can be really personalized as well." Jacen nods in a agreement and holds his hand up to underline his point. "She's right. You always have to be ready for anything in a battle." he adds before being suprised by Gingka who suddenly stands beside him.
"Thruth out!" the ginger haired shouts. "It's true, that an understanding of how beyblades work is important, But at the end of the day it comes down to this!" he continues and puts his right hand onto his chest where his heart is, just like he had done in his talk with Kenta after their battle. "Heart!" Kenta shouts and Madoka adds "And maintaince." before Gingka continues his talk. "Having a heaft that loves beyblading makes a beyblader stronger."
The kids aww at Gingka totally impressed and most likely a bit speechless too. "But you shouldn't slack off on your training either. Otherwise all the hearts in the world can make you strong enough to beat Bladers like Gingka and I. And even the squirt." Jacen says with a laugh and points at Kenta who starts pouting a bit. "I'm not a squirt!" he shouts angrily, which still is pretty cute with the greenette. Jacen ruffles his hair and grins down at the smaller. "Well you are to me."
Soon everyone was having bey battles to improve their skill and show their heart for beyblade. Even Jacen had a few battles against some of the kids. And though he won all of pretty easily, he had a lot of fun because he felt like he was back home with his little sister, big brothers and cousins.
Madoka, Kenta, Akira, Osamu and Takashi, Kenta's tall friend, had all gone to a park. While the four boys train in a small bey stadium, Madoka is sitting on a bench and works on her computer. Jacen had tagged along too and is sitting comfortably on a big branch right above Madoka. "They sure have a lot of energy. I would probably have fallen asleep hours ago, if I hadn't slept until noon." he says to Madoka as he watches the boys train. They kept on talking about Gingka and how they wanna becomes stronger than him. Akira even repeated into the smallest detail exactly what Gingka had said earlier. "You really are a lazy one, aren't you, Jacen?" Madoka says jokingly and she looks up from her computer to grin at the ravenette. "What can I say? I just like to take things slow. Also Chaos and I still need to get back on our old stands. 10 months without battles really kick you out of the flow." he says as he drops himself off the branch, so that he hangs upside down next to Madoka and can see what she is doing on her computer. His flannel and jacket dangle around behind him as gravity pulls them down, just like his hair does too.
"But you don't seem to be afraid to fall on your face. You could really hurt yourself if you fall down from there. You following?" she says and glares at the ravenette who only rubs the back of his neck embarrassed. "Yeah. But don't worry. I have years of training in stuff like this." he counters calmly as he swings slightly backwards, so that he gets enough power to pull himself up on the branch again and stand up. "And I'm sure you know..." he jumps off the branch with a simple back flip, landing perfectly on his feet. "Training makes the master."the ravenette grins as Madoka has actually jumped slightly when the taller had landed in front of her.
"Still! No matter how good you are, there is always the risk that something could go wrong." she scolds him and Jacen knows better than to argue with a girl. So he puts up his hands in defeat. "okay, okay. You win. I'll be more careful and won't jump of another tree, at least for today." he says and grins at Madoka, who just rolls her eyes before turning back to her computer.
Jacen was just about to sit down on the bench, next to Madoka when Benkei and the other FaceHunters show up. "This can't be good." he mutters mostly to himself as he, for the moment at least, stays where he is. But his hand is already on the inside of his jacket, holding onto his launcher while he has already taken Chaos into the other hand.
Kenta walks up to Benkei and shakes like a dry leaf in a storm. "Wha-What do you want from us?" Kenta asks and Jacen is slightly afraid that the little one will pass out if he keeps shaking like that. "Do you need to go to the bathroom, kid?" he asks mockingly and those nine words are enough to make Jacen jump in. "And do you need someone to take you back to your owner, you pet cow? Or did the little calf finally grew up and can do stuff without its owner Yoya?" the ravenette walks over to Benkei and Kenta as calm as someone can be and had even put his launcher and bey into the pockets of his jackets, where his hands rest as well.
Benkei growls slightly and glares down at the teenager. "You! You are that cocky kid that broke through the Lion Gale Force Wall! And now you dare to make fun of Kyoya!" he shouts clearly angered and Jacen raises an eyebrow as he turns to Kenta. "He did realize that I was making fun of him and not Kyoya, right?" he asks as Benkei calms down again and looks at Kenta. "Anyways I have no business with any of you." "You don't?" both the ravenette and green haired ask at the same time.
Benkei starts to grin and speaks up again. "Tell Gingka Hagane... I'm challenging him to a battle!"
Madoka, Kenta, Gingka and Jacen are currently walking down an old warehouse district. On one side of them are a few worn down warehouses while the ocean is on the other side.
"My advice?" Madoka was the first to speak up since they reached the warehouses. "Turn around and don't have anything more to do with those guys." "I agree!" Kenta adds and the four stop in their tracks. "But if I don't show up, they'll come looking for me! They mean business." Gingka says and is clearly not happy about this situation either. Jacen nods in agreement. "That's how guys like them role. And next time they might not be so nice to just say they want a battle. Don't forget that they went far enough to steal Kenta's bey to get Gingka to metal tower." he says and looks around because Jacen doesn't trust old warehouses and people like the FaceHunters. This situation is to much out of a horror movie for his taste.
"I know, but..." Madoka is literally shaking in fear and Jacen sighs slightly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Yeah. They might even come after you next Madoka." Gingka adds, making Jacen regret all of his life choices as the ravenette facepalms. Madoka on the other hand is now completely and utterly terrified. But Gingka just starts grinning and looks at Madoka. "Relax. I'm just kidding."
Madoka sighs clearly relieved. "Oh. Yeah, but I'm not laughing." Jacen rolls his eyes when something catches his attention. He puts his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and leans his head slightly to the side. "Hey guys. Is it normal for japanese standards to have a bull head like hole in a box full of bananas? Because it sure as hell isn't in America..." the ravenette says and points at one of the boxes that stood to their right.
Kenta, Madoka and Gingka look at the hole as well. "Not usually." Madoka says and sweat drops. Gingka growls slightly as they keep walking. "These holes are everywhere. I sure hope this is not one of those street artists." Jacen says as they keep walking. It really put the teenager on the edge because he is pretty sure that this has something to do with Benkei and maybe even Kyoya... Wait. What even happened to Kyoya after he lost to Gingka? We haven't heard from him ever since...
Jacen got a bit lost in thoughts as they kept going so that he notices to late that the wall next to them explodes. A bey crashes through and lands behind them. Jacen turns to the wall and frowns slightly. "The holes..." the ravenette mutters and looks at the bey. Gingka's eyes widen slightly at the realization. "They were made by a beyblade! Talk about an awesome force!"
The orange-red beyblade spins a few cycles and jumps once, before spinning away. Gingka runs after ot without hesitation and Madoka shouts after him before both she and Kenta follow the ginger haired. Jacen on the other hand looks back at the hole and chews slightly on his lower lip. "Dark Bull... The bey is even stronger than before..." he mutters under his breath before running after everyone. If Dark Bull is here, he can't be far...
He catches up with the others in an old warehouse as Benkei is stepping out of the shadows. "They were made while training to defeat you. Gingka Hagane, no matter what, you're going down!" the big guy yells but Jacen barely listens as his eyes are clueing to the bey Benkei is holding. So they really gave Dark Bull to Benkei... But why?
Both Madoka and Kenta hide behind Gingka for cover as the red head just stares at Benkei. Jacen on the other hand walks over to one of the boxes that are stored in the warehouse and easily climbs onto one. He makes himself comfortable and watches the others. Gingka starts smiling and is super excited. "Wow, this is awesome! I am so pumped!" everyone, even Jacen, is pretty shocked by Gingka attitude. After a few moments Benkei catches himself again and looks even more determined than he had before. "Let's battle!" he says and Gingka gets serious as well. "Yeah! I accept your challenge."
As both Benkei and Gingka get ready for their battle, Madoka and Kenta step to the side while Jacen sits on the edge of one of the boxes. He has his left knee pulled up so that his foor rests on the edge of the box, while the other leg just dangles around. He rests his elbow on the knee and watches closely. Let's see if he actually mastered Dark Bull!
The two battling bladers count down:"Three... Two... One! Let it Rip!" they shoot their beys, that immediately start cycling around each other in the middle of the warehouse. "Get him, Pegasus!" "Hit him hard, Dark Bull!" Madoka takes out her computer and Kenta looks at the screen with her as she scans Dark Bull. "I've never seen this beyblade before." Kenta says and Madoka was about to say something, when Jacen interrupts. "Dark Bull H145SD. A Balance type." He says and both Madoka and Kenta are suprised when they hear that. "Have you seen this bey before?" Madoka asks confused and Jacen answers without looking away from the battle. "Once. And it's not a good memory." he mutters, making Madoka and Kenta look between each other irritated before looking back at the screen. "So that means that in attack power, Gingka's bey is... HUH?!?" They look back at the bey battle, only to see Pegasus struggles in a head-to-head battle with Dark Bull. "Gingka's Pegasus is being pushed back?!" Madoka stares at the to beys totally suprised while Jacen nods calmly. "Dark Bull might be a balance type, but it's attack power is still incredible." the ravenette says and watches as Pegasus keeps getting pushed back.
"But... But... Gingka, you can't lose!" Kenta shouts to Gingka, who starts grinning as he pushes his right hand into the air. "Okay, Pegasus!" he shouts and Pegasus is now the one pushing Dark Bull around. Benkei is shocked for a moment before ge also starts grinning. "Not too bad!" the purple haired shouts and Gingka response:"you, either." Pegasus and Bull keep pushing against each other and the two beys run up a wooden pillar until they reach the top. They then separate and jump onto a wooden roof beam.
There pegasus starts attacking Dark Bull again. "Good Job Pegasus!" Gingka shouts with a grin. Dark Bull jumps back to the ground with Pegasus on its tail. Pegasus is about to hit Bull from above when Bull jumps at Pegasus, pushing the blue bey back and hitting its spintrack. Gingka stares at beys in disbelief. "Wh-What? Pegasus, fly!" he shouts and waves around with his hands. Pegasus frees itself from Bulls grip and lands back onto the ground while Bull crashes into a wall, leaving a giant hole in it.
"Man, that beyblade's strong!" Gingka sweat drops as he holds his arm in front of his face to shield it from the flying stones and dust. Benkei clenches his right hand into a fist and glares at Gingka. "Strong enough to wipe you off the map!" the purple haired shouts and Madoka and Kenta gasps in suprise. "What kind of attack was that, Madoka?" Kenta asks the brunette but again, Jacen was faster to answer. "it's the spin strack. It is kind of shaped like a bull's horns." he says as the two beys clash again and again. "Like a raging bull. It's the main source of that attacks strenght. If Pegasus gets the full power of that attacks... Let's just say it won't end good." he says as the beys clash again with Pegasus ending up flying.
"Just what I expected of ya, Gingka Hagane! You're not gonna allow me to win that easily!" Benkei shouts still grinning evilly. Gingka growls slightly before yelling:"Go, Pegasus!" Pegasus zooms up another pillar, jumping again onto the roof beam from before jumping off again. "You're good. That's why defeating you is gonna be sweet! All my blood, sweat and tears are about to pay off big time!" Benkei yells and Bull charges at Pegasus. "Fly like the wind, Pegasus!" Gingka shouts as Pegasus flys down from the top of the warehouse. "Bellow, Dark Bull!" Benkei shouts as Bull attacks Pegasus from the ground. The two bey clash midair and great a fierce wind and make the ground rumble. They also sent the boxes in the warehouse flying.
"Fuck!" Jacen growls and fast jumps off the box he had been sitting on before he could get blown away. He holds his hand up, shielding his eyes from the wind and looks over to see a box fall towards Madoka and Kenta. "Damn it!" he shouts and runs over to the two, tackling both Madoka and Kent out of the way, just before the box crashes onto the ground. He kneels onto one knee and holds his hand again over his eyes. "You two okay?" the ravenette asks the two younger as they nod. Jacen looks back to Gingka and Benkei when the ceiling starts to crumble and fall down. "Gingka, look out!" Madoka shouts and Jacen curses again under his breath. To everyone's suprise Benkei jumps in action and pushes Gingka out of the way, getting both himself and Gingka to safety. They both lay on the ground afterwards.
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When studious Clarissa James began her sophomore year at Arbor State University, she never expected to befriend the former See-Thru Girl, or for megaheroes and megavillains from Megatropolis to turn her quiet college campus upside down. But when Clarissa discovers she has her own megapowers, Megaton Man, Yarn Man, and Kozmik Kat must help Ms. Megaton Man uncover her origin secrets and fulfill her destiny as America's newest Nuclear-Powered Hero! Don Simpson is the cartoonist-creator of the satirical comic book series Megaton Man and Bizarre Heroes, and the sci-fi graphic novel Border Worlds. Says Don, "Clarissa was introduced as a very minor character back in Megaton Man #4 (June 1985). Little did I know she would take over my imagination, or become so central to my sprawling imaginary world. Her smart, savvy, sassy tone makes her the perfect narrator for these never-before-told stories and ongoing adventures, as she meets these characters for the first time." Mature themes include sexual relationships, drug use, and some strong language. New chapter every Tuesday 10:00 am EST US (15:00 UTC). All characters, character names, likenesses, words and pictures are ™ and © Don Simpson 2019, 2020, all rights reserved. Chapters previously posted on msmegatonman.blogspot.com.
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