《Beyblade - Metal Saga: A chaotic blader》Chapter 3: An Unexpected Call
"Mm. Hey, are you done yet? Ya done yet?" Gingka keeps on asking Madoka the same question over and over again while the brunette is working on Pegasus. At the same time Jacen lays upside down on the couch because why not. "Calm down, Gingka. You don't even leave here time to answer." He chuckles as he gets off the couch and walks over to Gingka and Madoka.
"Hang on a sec." Madoka types something into her computer and scans Pegasus one last time. While she does that, Jacen leans onto the back of her chair and looks at the screen of the computer. All the lights on it turn green as Madoka starts smiling and nods. "Yap the joints are all green." she turns to the ginger. "Okay. Tune-up is complete."
Jacen grins slightly as Gingka thanks Madoka and takes Pegasus before he starts rubbing it against his cheek. "Man. You really are a crazy one. Hopefully you don't starts to give Pegasus 'goodnight kisses'." the ravenette says and was totally joking until Gingka answered:"Of course I do. Who doesn't?" And now the ravenette just stares at the ginger haired with a the 'What the fick?' face.
An awkward silence and a few stairs later, Madoka, Gingka and Jacen are back upstairs in the shop. "Uh, yeah. Anyway, I think you will remember I kept telling you not to battle?" the female asks the Pegasus owner who just answers with a simple 'Uh huh' as all three walk to the front door of the B-Pit. "Thanks to you, tuning up Pegasus took way longer than normal!" She scolds Gingka as Jacen puts his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "Well it was partially my fault too. After all I lost to that Yoya guy."
"Don't worry about it, dude. After all, you didn't battle for 10 months. So it's quite impressive actually that you got a draw against Kyoya. His names still Kyoya, not Yoya though." Gingka says with a light laugh and Jacen just shrugs. "Oh I know by now that his name is Kyoya. But Yoya sounds funnier."
Madoka interrupts the two guys as she starts to tell Gingka to take it slow so that he doesn't overwork Pegasus. But the ginger haired just keeps on saying how fired up he is like five times a row. He sure is optimistic. And so childish. Jacen thinks with a laugh just before Kenta bursts into the shop. "Then lay some of that heat on me, Gingka! Coach me to be a hot beyblader!" the young one shouts totally excited.
But Gingka on the other hand looks more like the younger one speaks german. "Oh but-" he starts but gets cut off by Kenta. "But nothing! I'm fiery, I can do it! I want to become strong just like you, Gingka! That's why I need to be trained by you, and only you!" Jacen just stares at Kenta for a second before turning to Madoka. "Did he even breath while saying that?" he asks slightly concerned as Kenta already runs over to Gingka. "What's wrong? Hurry up and teach me!" the small one stares up at Gingka, who looks slightly uncomfortable.
"Well, it's just that, uh..." Gingka starts before he gets interrupted by three more kids, who also storm into the B-Pit. "Wait a minute!" the big shouts as they walk in before the tall one continues: "Hey Kenta, you were holding out on us! What's the deal?" then all three of them start shouting together. "Yeah, we want Beyblade training from Gingka, too."
While Madoka and Kenta watch Gingka getting tackled by the three boys, Jacen laughs his ass off and almost falls backwards onto the ground. After a moment Kenta than raises his voice. "Hey! Stop you guys! I'm the one who found him!" but that mostly just gives Jacen the final push and he falls backwards, still laughing like an idiot. That's when Madoka jumps in. "Everyone, calm down! And you Jacen, stop laughing already!" she shouts as stuff gets punched or kicked out of the shelves. The ravenette slowly calms down and stands up, still chuckling a bit. "Sorry. But this! This is comedy times 10!"
Jacen looks back at the brawling guys before he turns back to Madoka and freezes. "Oh no. She's angry..." he mutters and puts his hands over his ears as she starts screaming so loud that the whole building shakes. "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A BATTLEFIELD TO YOU?!? IF YOU WANNA BATTLE, GO TO BEY PARK!! DID YOU HEAR ME?!? NOW!! DO YOU FOLLOW?! VAMOOSE! SCRAM! GET OUT!" She shouts as everyone, even including Jacen, actually whimper frightened of her sudden outburst.
As the six boys walk down a street past a few stores, Kenta starts a new conversation. "That Madoka sure is touchy. We hardly broke anything." Jacen, who walks at the back of the group, shrugs a bit. "I don't blame her. You guys turned that place into a total mess. But damn me! I should have filmed that chaos! It was hilarious!" he says with another laugh and wipes away a fake tear as Kentas friends glare at him. "You know, you could have helped cleaning too, instead of just laughing at us." the big one, who Jacen learned is named Osamu, says only to get another shrug from the older. "I could have, but why? I didn't do anything. I was just caught up between the fronts."
"Well anyways. Let's get going to bey park!" Osamu says and Kenta again asks Gingka to train him which leada to the three asking him the same. "Well, see I have a dentist appointment and my toe nails need clipping and, uh..." Gingka starts, getting a questionable 'They do?' from the four younger boys before he turns around with a quick. "Sorry, but gotta go. We'll talk Beys another time!" he shouts, leaving Jacen with the four disappointed guys.
"Don't take it personal, guys. Gingka just seems to be a... Well... Gingka type of guys. Don't know how else to describe him." he says a shrug as his phone buzzes in his pocket. He takes it out and looks at the caller ID. Unknown... He looks at the boys. "Sorry, but gotta take this. How about you guys go ahead to that bey park and I'll search for Gingka and catch up with you guys later?" he more or less asks as he already runs into the same direction as the ginger haired turning around a corner.
He picks up the phone as soon as there were less people around. "Mister Hunter?" an adult, but still somehow high, voice asks on the other end, sending chills down the teenagers spine, because he knows the voice, even so he can't remember where. "depends on which Mister Hunter you want." he says calmly, not really trusting this situation. Exspecially since only his siblings, parents and friends from America have his number. "Oh I'm pretty sure we hot the right one. Unless there is another Hunter who uses a Black Chaos bey." the voice says with a soft chuckle.
Jacens hand tightens around his phone. "Okay, buddy. Listen up. You either tell me now where you got my number and the information about my bey from or I'll swear-" he gets cut of by the voice. "Don't worry, Mister Hunter. You'll figure everything out soon enough. For now, the only thing you need to know, that we are watching you. So better remember the deal, Jacen." the voice says and hangs up, not leaving the boy even a chance to say something in return.
He stares at the phone for what feels like forever. What deal? And who the hell was that guy... I know that I know the voice but from where? And how did he get my phone number? He thinks before putting the phone away and starts looking for Gingka, even so he's mostly thinking of that call.
It was already evening when Jacen finds Gingka and Kenta down at a riven. He was about to call out to them when he notices their beys. They're having a battle. Man. Should have brought popcorn. He thinks as he swings himself onto the railing that separates him from the small incline that separates him from the two boys.
To the ravenette its clear that the battle had been going on for a while now, because both Pegasus as well as Sagittario are wobbling pretty bad already. Pegasus hits another punch on Sagittario, who is sent flying, but still manages to land on its performance tip and keep on spinning. "Wow. You're totally hanging in there, Kenta." Gingka praises the younger and grins while Kenta pants lightly. "Thanks. Beyblade is about heart. It's all over if you don't keep your emotions in check." the greenette says totally serious, what kind of seems out of character to Jacen. But hey. Who is he to talk. After all, he's sometimes a totally different person when he battles as well.
Gingka grins for another moment before he gets serious as well and looks at Pegasus. "As expected, Pegasus' Stamina is reaching its limit. This will decide it. Strike with all the power you have left! GOOO PEGASUS!!!" he shouts and Pegasus obeys immediately, attacking Sagittario again.
"This is his final attack! If we can just endure this!" Kenta says most likely to Sagittario just before the yellow bey is sent flying again. "Hang in there, Sagittario! Keep battling!" he shouts and his bey lands on the side of a staircase, which is only a few meters to the left from Jacens position. It really held on and endured that hit. That's pretty impressive. Exspecially with an attack type as strong as Pegasus. Jacen thinks as can't hold back a light smirk.
He than notices that Pegasus is right beneath Sagittario. Kenta must have noticed too, as he calls out to his bey once more. "Now go, Sagittario!" the yellow bey slides down the side of the staircase, right towards Pegasus, building up speed since it goes downwards. When the two beys clash, not Sagittario but Pegasus is sent flying. "All right! My Sagittario beat Pegasus!" Kenta cheers happily but Jacen knew that that move was just to simple to get ride of Pegasus.
The ravenettes hypothesis is confirmed when Gingka speaks up. "Not so fast, Kenta!" he says and Jacen turns to the sky, to see something sparkle like a star. Kenta seems to have noticed now too:"What is that?!?" that's when it hits the smaller like a ball as the blue bey flys downwards:"Pegasus Star Blast attack!" just seconds later, Pegasus hits Sagittario right on the top, directly on the face bolt. That hit finally knocks Sagittario down and only leaves a wobbling Pegasus spinning.
Kenta falls to his knees and leans onto his hands as he hovers over the defeated Sagittario. "That's it. I lost this one. I couldn't do it after all. I'm just no match for you, Gingka." Kenta says and to Jacen it looks likethe young boy had sad puppy eyes. After walking over to the younger, Gingka speaks up again. "But you did great Kenta. Luckily i still had my special move at the end there. That's the only thing that let me win the battle." Gingka says encouragingly as Kenta jumps back to his feet.
"But if I lost, there was no point. And if there aren't any strong opponents, you will just... You will just go off somewhere else, right?!" Kenta yells, surprising both Gingka and Jacen, who jumped of the railing and now stands at the top of the stairs, unnoticed. "I don't want that!" the younger continues. "Please Gingka, I'll try harder. I will! I will become strong enough so I won't lose to you! So please don't leave this town." Jacen couldn't hold back a small chuckle. He really thinks Gingka would just leave that easily? I don't know that guy to well, but it just seems to OOC for him. Jacen thinks as he puts his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
Gingka looks totally confused as he answers to the smaller. "Did you say leave? I never said anything about leaving this place." Kenta is about to say something when Gingka turns towards the river while putting his right hand onto his hip. "I told you, i have taken a liking to this town, didn't I?" he turns back to Kenta as he raises hi left arm a bit. "I don't have any plans to leave right now." he says smiling while Kenta just looks super suprised. "What? Really? But if that's the case, I don't understand. Before you wouldn't even consider training us. So I was sure..." Kenta says while looking up and down between Gingka and the floor before he gets interrupted by the ginger.
"Oh, that. Listen Kenta." he starts as Gingka rubs the back of his head with his right hand while his left rests on his waist. "With Beyblade, you just can't be taught how to become any stronger, you know." Gingkas arms drop to his side before he raises his right hand onto his chest where his heart is as he continues. "The Bey's strength is decided right here. Wanting to win more than anything, like you right now, Kenta." Gingka says with a smile as he looks down on the other. "You mean like me?" "Yes. That's why I was having a hard time saying I couldn't coach you, but... Sorry, it seems I have caused a bit of a misunderstanding." Gingka smiles again as he rubs the side of his head, where his bandana sits.
Kenta looks down for a second before he starts smiling. "Oh so that what it was. I feel better Gingka." "Yeah. If it's a battle like this one, I'm more than happy to stay. I don't mind hanging around somebody who wants to win so badly. Thanks to you, I was able to find another rival that gets my spirit all fired up." They smile at each other with Jacen slowly getting bored and sitting down on the top stair. Are they stupid or hoe can it be that they haven't noticed me yet?
"All right, Gingka. Well, so... You'll battle with me again? Not coaching but a man to man battle?" Kenta asks excitedly. Gingka grins as he anwsers. "sure. You got it, Kenta." "And I'm being ignored." Jacen suddenly blurts out because he was just to bored. The teo other boys turn to him, slightly startled. "Jacen? Since when are you here?" Gingka asks and Jacen looks at his watch. "I would say about 15 Minutes." he answers the gingers question and runs down the stairs, but jumps from the third last, making a full-twist front flip. As soon as his feet touch the ground, he spins on his heels to face the two boys. "man I've been itching to do that since I saw the stairs."
"Wow! That was so cool! Where did you learn that?" Kenta asks the ravenette with sparkling eyes as Gingka just chuckles lightly. "Oh that? That was nothing. My big brother Liam taught me parcour. In a place like New York it's one of the fastest ways to get around in my opinion." Jacen says and rubs the back of his neck a bit.
"Oh and by the way. Who called you earlier? You seemed so eager to get away from us." the smallest asks and Jacen starts to get lightly nervous since he isn't sure if he should tell them what the call was about. "Oh. The call. Yeah. I remember... Don't worry about it. Was just someone wjo dialed the wrong number." he says fast and wasn't sure if the other two believe him, so he changes the topic. "Oh man. It's getting really late. I have to head back to Madoka. My stuff is still at her guest room!" the ravenette says and is already running back to B-Pit.
He doesn't notice the confused and wary looks on the other faces. But seriously. Who was that guy... His voice... It's like i should know who he was... Like there is something important that happened in the three years with... No. It's definitely something that happened in those three years... I just have to remember what it was... Or even better, remember the complete three years...
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