《Beyblade - Metal Saga: A chaotic blader》Chapter 6: Past And Present
It's a normal day for everyone. Well mostly. Gingka and Kenta are like actually every day battling at the bey park. As far as Jacen knows, Kenta has become really strong since his battle with Gingka. The squirt is after all already at over 2000 bey points. Okay, compared to Gingka or Jacen, who got a lot of bey points by battling his siblings and is at the moment at about 23 thousand, it's not that much but it's still pretty impressive. But to tell the truth, Jacen isn't paying attention to the battles at all. He just leans against the wall in the corner of the bey park and stares out the window.
It's been a few days or so since his talk with Liam and ever since he's spacing out far more often than usual. The ravenette also hasn't really slept much because he either can't fall asleep or wakes up from nightmares. It just didn't leave his mind for a minute.
He puts his hands into his black leather jacket. Since a few days he had also changed his outfit to just a plain grey shirt, black jeans, his boots and the leather jacket. His bey and launcher rest in the pockets of the jacket. As he watches the people move outside the window, his fingers run over the fusion wheel of his bey. "Why would he still work with them?" he mutters to himself as his head falls backwards against the wall with his eyes closed.
Jacen gets pulled out of his thoughts when Gingka starts yelling and stumbling around next to the stadium where he was just about to battle Kenta in. He turns to the group and raises an eyebrow. "Did he get hit on the head or what?" he mutters before he walks over as Gingka falls onto the floor with smoke rising from his head. "Okay... That can't be healthy." the ravenette says sweat dropping as he notices the smoke.
Back in the B-Pit, Madoka, Kenta and Jacen had brought Gingka into Madokas room. While Gingka is lying in the bed, Madoka sits on a small stool next to the nightstand, on which a bowl filled with ice and an ice bag stands, and Kenta stands next to Madoka. The ravenette on the other hand stands next to the door with his arms crossed in front of his chest, feeling slightly bad for the ginger haired.
"Hey Gingka. Please speak to me." Kenta looks worried at his friend, who clearly isn't in any good condition. Gingka turns to the others with a slight smile even so his cheeks are pretty red. "I'm all right, all right." his voice gets muffled by the thermometer in his mouth. But hell. 'Who would seriously thing he's alright when he just passed out in the bey park a while earlier.' Jacen thinks and shakes his head slightly as Madoka takes the thermometer from the ginger haireds mouth.
"Wow. It's a high fever." she says worried as she sees the temperature on the thermometer. She puts it down before looking at Gingka again. To tell the thruth, Jacen can't figure out if she's angry or worried or disappointed... Maybe all three at once. "So why didn't you tell us that you weren't feeling that well, huh?" she asks his as she glares at him. Gingka just stares at them as he answers and seems to be totally serious. "Hey, I'm fine. It's nothing, okay guys?" he says and Madoka sighs as she puts the thermometer onto the night stand. "You sure don't look fine." she says as she takes the ice back and puts it onto Gingka's forehead.
"The doctor will be here soon, okay? Just try to relax and get some sleep." Madoka says calmly but Gingka suddenly freaks out. "Huh?!? What doctor ?!" he asks with wide eyes as Madoka smiles confidently and answers his question. "Well, the one I called. You'll feel much better once he gives you some medicine."
Jacen watches as Gingkas red face suddenly turns blue. "Me-... MEDICEN?!" Jacen raises an eyebrow at the ginger haireds reaction. He behaves like a little kid that never has been to a doctor. Exspecially since he starts to hide under his blanket.
Jacen sighs and pushes away from the wall. "I'll leave him to you two. I got stuff to do. Feel better soon Gingka." He says with a wave of his hand as he walks out of the room, not waiting for a response. After leaving the B-Pit, the ravenette starts to wander around the city. He actually lied when he says he had something to do, but he just needs ro clear his mind and have a few calm moments to think.
About half an hour later, Jacen arrives at that ome spot by the river where Gingka had battled Kenta and where Jacen first encountered that Watarigani guy. The ravenette jumps over the railing that separates the side walk from the little decline and slides down a bit before he before he sits down in the grass. He looks at the water for a bit before dropping backwards into the grass, staring at the sky.
"How...? How can he still be alive...? Well he did survive worse, I guess... But still..." he mutters and lays his arm over his eyes. The wind slightly ruffles through his hair as he breaths calmly, trying to collect his running thoughts. He sighs and takes his arm from his face as he sits up again, taking his bey out of the holster that is on the inside of his jacket. "Why the hell are you doing this, Kieran?" he mutters again and stares at his bey.
"Why are you asking your bey and not me?" a voice asks behind the ravenette, making him tense up every muscle. Jacen jumps to his feet in less than a second and turns to the railing, seeing a certain male leaning onto it. "Kieran...." he says and stares in disbelief at the other one. From all the people that could have shown up here and talk to Jacen, he would have never expected Kieran to show up.
The male, that is leaning on the railing looks a bit older than the ravenette since he's sixteen while Jacen is still fifteen. He has black hair, that is slightly brighter than Jacens, and is cut short on the right side while the longer part from the top is styled to the left. A big part of the hair is also dyed blond. A piercing on the right eyebrow, bandage on the nose, grey earrings... He looks exactly like Jacen remembers.
Even the same clothes. The red sleeveless crop hoddie, with a black cross on the left side, silver-black leather bracelet on the right wrist, grey ripped jeans with a silver-gold belt and the black hoddie tied around his waist. The only physical changes the Ravenette noticed are Kieranss skin, which is slightly tanner than it was a year ago, and he looks much more toned. There are also some scars scattered over his body, which haven't been there when they last saw each other. (Kieran looks like the picture of this chapter)
"Hey Jacen. Long time no see." Kieran says with a grin on his lips as he looks down at the smaller male. "How is it going? How's your shoulder? Hope it healed. After all that was quite a beating you got. Remember?" he says like they are best buddies but Jacen on the other hand just clenches his hands into fists, still holding his bey in the right one. He glares at the one at the railing and has the urge to punch him right into his stupid grinning face.
"What do you want?" Jacen asks and glares daggers at Kieran who just keeps the grin on his lips. The taller pushes slightly back from the railing so that only his right hand rests on it. With one swift movement he than jumps over it and walks down to the ravenette. "Can't I just come and talk to an old friend?" he asks, standing now right in front of the smaller and keeps on grinning. Jacen glares up at Kieran again and backs away a step, but the older just takes a step forward.
"Old friend? I think you forgot about our last meeting." he answers with a growl and backs away farther, with the taller following. "Oh, of course I didn't. And you surely didn't either. I left you a nice present after all." Kieran says and makes another step forward as he puts his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Jacen backs away again, only to realise that he is already at the edge of the river and actually about to fall in. But in the last second, he feels a hand grab the collar of his shirt, keeping him from falling.
"Careful. Don't want you to get sick, like your friend, Gingka." the taller says and grins at Jacen again as he pulls him back to his feet. As soon as Jacens feet are firmly on the ground again, he slaps Kierans hand away. "I'll ask one last time, why are you here? And what's up with giving a bey like Dark Bull to Benkei?" the ravenette asks as the taller just stares at him with his piercing red eyes, still grinning like a dork. Kieran suddenly starts laughing and closes his eyes as he puts his hand back into the pocket of his jeans.
After a moment he caught himself again and turned back to the ravenette. "Sorry. But you are just adorable when you're angry~" Kieran says and leans towards the smaller, who has a slight blush on his cheeks. "But anyways. How about we get something to eat and catch up?" he asks and runs his hand through his two coloured hair. Jacen stares at Kieran for what feels like hours before sighing and crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You really haven't changed... Never answering questions and using every opportunity you get to find out about others." he mutters mostly to himself before looking back into the red orbs of the taller with his own blue ones. "Fine. But you will answer my questions. Got it?"
Kieran grins and wraps his arm around the smallers shoulders. "Promise. Than let's get going, Kitten." he says and more or less drags Jacen with him, who is actually thinking of 38 ways to kill that idiot right now because of that nickname. 'Just until you have answers...' he thinks and trys to keep himself from actually choking the other guy right than and there.
Jacen and Kieran now sit in a small fast food restaurant. They had chosen a table that is hidden from the shops windows and in the back so that they can talk privately. Kieran didn't even wait until they had sat down and had already ordered a burger menu. At the same time Jacen only ordered a Cola and actually waited for a waitress.
"Now. Back to my questions. What are you doing here?" Jacen asks as he takes a sip from his drink while the other eats his burger. Kieran looks up and is about to answer when Jacen slaps his hand over the others mouth because he is in the middle of chewing. "First swallow, than talk." he just says and leans back as he plays around with the ice in his drink. Arrow rolls his eyes and swallow the bite of his burger before answering.
"Like I said twice or so, I wanted to see how you're doing." the taller says with a role of his eyes and takes another bite of his burger. Jacen raises an eyebrow and takes a sip from his cola. "That's weird. If I remember correctly, you guys were watching me the whole time so you should know how I'm doing." the ravenette says as the other just takes another bite from his burger. Kieran holds up his hand as a sign for the other to wait a second and swallows. "True. But I wanted to know how you are doing without having to look through binoculars." he says with a shrug, like it's the most normal thing in the world to stalk someone.
Jacen sighs and puts his drink onto the table while leaning back in his seat. "Wow. You really haven't changed. Still a little assbutt. And always say what you are thinking." he says as he looks at the other who seems to be only partly listening. Jacen leans onto the table and glares at Kieran. "I'm serious here. Tell me why you are here or I'll get going. I have no time for this." he says and is already on his feet about to leave when Kieran chuckles lightly.
"By the way. Did you know about Zacks new car? He just bought it yesterday. Would be a shame if he would get into an accident right after getting it..." Jacen stops in his tracks, every muscle tense and fists clenched. All the tension in his left shoulder actually hurts because it's still not 100% healed but that doesn't seem to bother him at all at the moment. "Don't you dare touching my siblings..." the ravenette mutters under his breath so that it is only audible to Kieran.
"Oh nothing will happen to them as long as you cooperate, Kitten ~" Kieran says and stands up as well, leaving the money for their food before he walks over to the blue eyed. Jacen still has his back turned to him and isn't sure what to do. He wants to get away from Kieran as fast as he can but... Risking his siblings lifes? What kind of brother would he be if he does that? Jacen is actually so lost in his own thoughts right now, that he only notices who close Kieran is when he feels arms wrap around him.
"Like I said. Cooperate and no one will get hurt." whispers Kieran into the smaller ears as his chin rest on the ravenettes left shoulder. Jacen tenses up even more if that's even possible as soon as he feels the olders breath against his neck. After taking one long breath, Jacen turns his head to look once more into the crimson orbs of the other male. "What do you want?" he mutters and slightly relaxes but not because he gets used to Kierans touch or something. It's just because all the tensing up makes his shoulder hurt again.
Kieran grins again and pulls away from the smaller. "It's not about what I want. It's about what he wants." the dual haired says as he walks out of the diner, with Jacen following after a short hesitation. "You mean Doji. And what does he want?" the black haired asks as both walk down the streets of metal city. But for Jacen this is the worst walk of his life. He doesn't know if he should be happy because Kieran is alive or be angry because Kieran is alive. Why does life always have to be so confusing?
"Well it's been a while since we saw the last time, Jacen Hunter." Doji, the man Jacen hates more than anything, just sits casually at the head of a long table in a conference room at the dark nebula headquarters. "Sadly not long enough, Doji. I actually hoped that the next time I see you, you were already behind prison bars." the ravenette response and glares across the room as Kieran, who stands next to Jacen, turns his head away for a moment just to mutter "Burned" under his breath. Doji just chuckles lightly as he takes a sip of his orange juice.
(AJ: why even orange juice? He's an adult, he could trink alcohol.
Liam: not everyone likes to drink alcohol. Maybe doji just really loves orange juice.
Zack: you two seriously worry about that now? Our little brother seems to have a history with the dark nebula and you two are just like.... 'Cool'
AJ&Liam: Yup.)
Doji turns to Kieran as he stands up from his chair. "Would you leave us alone? I have some business to talk about with him." Kieran looks Jacen for a second but than nods and leaves the conference room. The ravenette watches the dark nebula agent leave even so he doesn't turn away from Doji. "So... What is so important that you actually threaten my family to make me come here?" Jacen asks coldly and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Doji chuckles as he walks over to the teenager. "oh, that wad just a safety measure. Didn't want you to tell your little friends about our plans. Unless you want something to happen to your siblings." Jacen blankly stares at Doji as the adult turns away from him, facing the window. "What the Dark Nebula wants is actually pretty simple. We want you to keep an eye on Gingka and tell us everything. From what he eats for breakfast to when he goes to bed."
Jacen raises an eyebrow before glaring at the older man, reaching out instantly for his bey. "So you want me to spy on my friend? Why? What's so special about Gingka?" the teenager asks and wraps his hand around Black Chaos, hiding it behind his back when Doji turns to him. "I can't just tell you all our plans. You are still a traitor. That's also why Kieran will be your supervisor while you are our double agent."
"So basically I either betray my friends or you'll hurt my family?" Jacen still stares at Doji as he puts the bey into his shoter, while he Doji takes another sip of his orange juice. "Yes. With Kieran joining you. Like said. You are still a traitor but Gingka trusts you." the adult says calmly and puts the glass onto a table.
"Or I'll just sent you flying out the window!" Jacen pulls his bey and shoter out behind his back and shots Black Chaos at Doji. But the adult was prepared for this. He knows Jacen probably just as good as the ravenette knows himself, so it was quite obvious that he would try to fight his way out of the situation.
Black Chaos didn't even get close to Doji before it got to intercepted by Dark Wolf. When the Bexs clash, a giant shockwave gets created. The windows burst, the table and chairs get blown away, the giant door that Kieran had disappeared behind, bursts open, revealing the dual haired boy leaning against a wall. And Jacen? He didn't expect Doji to react that fast so he wants prepared for the shockwave and gets thrown into the wall behind him, or more precisely through the wall.
Kieran runs back into the conference room and stares at the scene before him. Doji stands there unmoved with the table and chairs in pieces, windows gone and the two beys still spinning completely balanced in the middle of the room. He than hears a groan from the hole in the wall and sees Jacen stumble out. Even through his raven black hair, the light crimson is clearly visible at the back of his head, running down his neck. "What the motherfricken hell happened?" Kieran asks and looks at the adult and teenager. Jacen turns to him for a moment and it's pretty easy to see that his eyes have a hard time focusing on anything. "So, Hunter. Do we have a deal?" Jacen growls slightly before wincing at the pain in the back of his neck head.
"Fine. But break your end of the deal and you can be sure than this whole place will be thorn down to its foundation!" Jacen says and glares daggers at the smirking adult.
"You know, I can totally walk on my own." Jacen glares at Kieran who has the ravenettes arm over his shoulder while he has his own arm around Jacens waist. "Yeah totally. Not like you ran into three walls before we even left the DN's headquarters." he responses as they walk down the streets towards B-Pit. Jacen just growls lightly and looks away from Kieran.
After about ten minutes, they walk past a big open area between some stairs and see Benkei, Madoka, Kenta and Gingka there plus a girl that neither know. They seem to celebrate something though Jacen doesn't know what. That's when Madoka is the first to notice the two males and run over. "Jacen?! What happened to you?"
Jacen didn't think of a response to that yet. After all he can't just tell them that he was beaten up by the leader of an evil organization that wants him to spy on Gingka. Luckily Kieran moves in and saves his butt. "That was my fault. I suprised him at a bridge and Jacen is quite jumpy. So he literally jumped of the bridge." Kieran says and smiles lightly at all the people, not letting go off Jacen since the dual haired feels that the ravenette is barely walking on his own and is leaning most of his weight on Kieran.
- In Serial56 Chapters
Edgar Vogel was a 30 year old underemployed veteran who dropped out of college. His life was comfortable but all ambition was lost. His plans, born of depression and anxiety, were to simply live out his life of mediocrity and enjoy what little he could. That all changed, all it takes is something small to change fate, in his case ice. Reborn into a primitive but fantastical world, full of magic and monsters, he may make something of himself. Oh and there's a massive war against werewolf hordes on the mainland. Edgar, now Jon, has a second chance at life. His previous life was reduced to fragments of technical knowledge that come to him in the form of visions. His new home, the Northern Isles, is far removed from the conflict of the mainland for now as he lives in the quiet frontier village of Terra. His new family believes that fate can be changed and destiny overruled but he has no idea. Whether that's true or not, being told by a crazy old lady that his fate starts with him sitting by a rock in the middle of a field seems wrong, but who knows? Maybe she's right but what's the bit about 'await the bite' supposed to mean? Jon soon learns and his life changes forever. What can a young boy who's gained wolven-blood do? Will he be a monster or will he find salvation? Jon was bitten. ********************************************************************************** Welcome to the Northern Isles. My first story posted on here! I already have the outline of the first couple of books planned out and will be posting a new chapter every Tuesday and Friday. The story will be dark at times but I intend to keep things fairly light when I can. I'm aiming for a world that isn't full of sunshine and rainbows but isn't as bleak as it could be. Focusing on friendship, camaraderie, sh*t talking, and adventure.
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The path He chose
A man who seeks the strongest, one who is rivaled to no one.Thrust into a world of unbelievable myths of forgotten tales.A past he must discover as a descendant of a god that is forsaken by the heavens.A world where he seeks the strongest yet becomes so weak and torn.The man who is known to be the smartest yet most heartfelt person.A true heir to unrivaled riches and treasure troves of gold.This is the story of the man who is recognized only by his family but not to the world,This is the path He chose[Mature]
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Ghost Friend | Ninjago × Reader ✔️
Losing a friend was hard, but him returning as a ghost possessing another friend just to become the green ninja was something Y/n did not expect at all. --------------------- Takes place in season 5.- Morro × Reader (female). - There are many yeets in this book. IMPORTANT NOTE!! - This is an old fanfic and it's not even edited or outlined, so don't take it seriously. - It might be cringy, so read at your own risk. - Also, it was meant to be more on the comedy side than have an actual plot. So don't take it too seriously. Note: I do not own Ninjago or any characters in the story except Anima and Y/n's dragon's name. Total word count : 21,173Ranking:#1 : ninjagomorro [2020.6.15]#1 : ninjagocole [2020.6.26]#1 : morro [2020.8.4]#1 : ninjagozane [2020.8.29] #1 : ninjagonya [2020.8.29]#1 : ninjagojay [2020.9.6]#3 : ninjago [2020.9.19]#1 : ninjagoseries [2020.9.30]#1 : ninjagokai [2020.10.2]#1 : spinjitzu [2020.10.26]#1 : senseiwu [2020.11.3]#3 : lego [2020.11.18]#1 : stoplookingatthetags [2021.3.6]#2 : misako [2021.4.2](((If you are reading this story on any other platform other than Wattpad you are very likely to be at risk of a malware attack. If you wish to read this story in it's original, safe, form, please go to www.wattpad.com and search ZTA1692. Thank you.)))
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