《Beyblade: Metal Burst All-Stars Royale!! Interdimensional Crossover Tournament!!》Supreme Presence! The Emperors!
"The Crimson Flame, the final member of the original Beigoma Academy Bladers, the Eyes of Red that fought his way through the God Blader's Cup, the Legendary Blader only second to Valt him, and the owner of the New York Raging Bulls, give a round of applause to Shu Kurenai!"
Shu's white hair, bright crimson eyes, scar, pink dress shirt and glove, crimson tie, white boots with black lines, and black trench coat marked gave the other bladers a sense of power of authority from his stature and power.
Rantaro broke the silence immediately.
"Dude, are you seriously fighting against us? Why aren't you teaming up with us again? Don't tell me you're turning on us again!"
Valt grabbed the Boss' shoulders. "Relax, he was only trying to help Lain. Those days are over, right Shu?"
Shu nodded. "After all, I couldn't break you up. It was the six of us from the start, only one of us wouldn't be on the team, so I bowed out."
"To be honest," Rantaro chided, "I'd rather have you than Wakiya."
"Wha's that supposed to mean," Wakiya said while balling up a fist.
Daina had to barge right in between them like they used to in their first team tournament. "Guys, give it a rest."
Kensuke laughed it off while Ker and Beus did the work for him. "Rantaro makes a good point. We'd rather have the second ranked blader than the fifteenth ranked?"
"Second place in a clash of nine Legends and three mentors is pretty impressive."
"Hey, yer forgetting the guy who trained the two who won the tournament!" He pointed his fingers at Shu. "And we still have a score to settle from the Individual Tournament all those years ago. You may have beaten Fafnir and Longnius, but my Wyvern will finally burn your Spriggan into nothin' yer' here?
Shu scoffed in a friendly matter. "Bring it."
Tyson tapped Valt on the shoulders. "So he's like your ultimate rival right?"
Valt nodded. "Once he turned on us and lost his way."
"And because of him," Shu approached from behind, "I was able to steer back on the right path, no matter how far I fell. I'm only hear because he saved me from the monster I let myself become when I was consumed in hatred, and took it out on Beyblade."
Ray and Max joined over to a certain friend of there's on Team Go Justice. "Sound familiar?"
Kai raised his scarf. Daichi only caught on much, much later.
"I only used them to train to beat Tyson."
Shu approached him. "Which means you picked the right path to save the world of Beyblade when it counted, because that's what connected the two of you. Is that it?"
Before Kai could answer, Shu showed off his Spriggan. "Then our paths crossed here for a reason. Show me the power that drove you back on the right track. Spriggan and I will do the same.
Kai accepted the challenge and showed off Dranzer. The Crimson Warrior and Crimson Vermillion mustered their powers as red auras enveloping around their bodies.
"I'm looking forward to our battle."
Hillary broke them up with a question some of the others had.
"You became the owner and manager of an entire organization at the age of thirteen. How?"
"Alexander can answer that."
"The God Bladers Cup was a test to see if the ultimate Bey and partner was possible via science and alteration of one's psyche to become their bey, or could a bladder rise up to that occasion. I bet research, time, and effort into the former and lost. And to owe the one I placed that bet on, I gave it all to him. I get my residuals, Shu gets to lead the team I built as he sees fit. And without fail, he has succeeded my expectations."
"That's the essentials. And if the pit of snakes ever rises-"
"Spriggan will cut it down."
"Exactly. Now show these bladers from other worlds why you were recruited."
Kai made a good note of that. "Almost sounds too similar to Biovolt."
"I've ensured none of our bladers have to go through that form of training to improve. If any of them fall to darkness, I will bring them out. That goes against everything Beyblade stands for. Any organization that uses it for power will be stopped, one way or another."
Yu looked down. "The Dark Nebula and those Hades Inc guys used us as well. Urgh, if that Damien guy ever shows up again, I wanna take him down."
Shinobu, remembering certain accounts of the World Championships and Hades Inc' announcement to the world, approached Gingka with a single question.
"What happened to the man responsible for HD Academy, Hades Inc, Spiral Force and the Arrangement System. It was Dr. Ziggurat, was it not?"
Yu shrugged. "Honestly, I get him and Doji confused all the time."
Everyone turned to Selen.
"Don't look at me like that, we just brought up the remaining assets. If we knew he was around, we wouldn't have run things on our own. We wanted to gain power to take over the Blading World, not destroy it with the Spiral Force."
Masamune gritted his teeth. "You better not be lying. You know what they did to Toby and Zeo! If I ever see him again, I'll make sure he pays."
Gingka thought Masamune had the answer but his teammate shook his head.
"Zeo defeated him, but I assumed the authorities found him and sent him to jail. You don't think he could still be out there, could he?"
Madoka thought otherwise. "After what he did, he'd have no one to support. The Dark Nebula under him lost Doji, and the Nemesis Bladers above him have gone missing for months now, you know? Still, if he's out there, we can't let anything bad happen like it did before."
Ray clenched his fists. "If there's another organization out there trying to control the world for Beyblade, you guys aren't alone."
The Metal and Burst groups looked on the members from the Shoot teams, who were all in agreement.
"We've been ready to fight Volkov, the Psykicks, and BEGA before. If you need us, we'll take down any crooks no matter the odds," Tyson said with confidence.
"Thanks, all of you," Masamune said with appreciation. "We're so close to getting people back into Beyblade after the Nemesis Crisis, and we can't stop here."
Judy took Shu over and asked him if the PPB All Starz could partner up with the New York Raging Bulls.
"It would help with more Beyblade research across the ocean. Us American teams have always used science and research in tandem with Beyblade, and we heard your systems have helped you develop blades that are perfect for resonating with a blader's signature style. Had the Spiral Force not be used for such a horrible reason, I don't doubt we could've used that for further evolution."
"It's an interesting theory. After the tournament, I say we could be in contact about that. The idea of using it as an energy source could help the problems with the other dimension and create more opportunities for bladers coming in from different fields and levels of expertise."
Their conversation was going well, and Team Bridge to the Future, Sirens, BeyClub, and Bladebreakers GR were starting to mingle more when Rantaro opened up his fan to stop Shu's path while pointing to Ren.
"Shu, there's something else that you've been hiding from us. And it has to do with you too," addressing Ren.
"Yes. Shu Kurenai, Ren Kurenai. Haven't the rest of you," talking mostly to his team, "figured it out?"
Valt, Kensuke, and Wakiya were lost. Daina got what he meant but didn't like where this was going once they put together what Rantaro was alluding to.
"Shu, you and her got married?!"
Hikaru had to hold herself back from laughing, Mariah was in complete support and wished a certain someone would pop the question, Kira started asking several logical questions, Sophie kept as calm of a face for anyone who came to that conclusion as best as she could, Yu had to ask Tsubasa about that, Selen noted how grown they were to be talking about that, and Ren finally picked up on them having musical last names.
"Well I shouldn't be surprised at this point. This sport is filled with hotties and whatever Ming-Ming is supposed to be," Hillary snarked. "It was only a matter of time before some of us started hooking up with one another."
"Wow Hillary, it's a shame that you're not a blader or hot enough to be an idol like me or that could happen to you," she winked with just a touch of ass to drive her a little mad.
Shu did the best he could to try not smack his hand across his face.
"Guys, do you honestly believe that I could travel through other dimensionals and somehow be able to date and marry someone at the age of fifteen?"
Valt eagerly assumed so. "Yeah Shu, you're amazing!"
"You got almost as many fangirls as Zac," Wakiya claimed. "It'd only make sense you'd look for a blader to be with you. Then again it's impressive you managed to be a ranked blader, a club owner, and find love, if I didn't do two out of those three things already."
"You're also one of only a handful of people to beat Lui," Ker added.
"That's no easy feat," Beus added on.
"Even if that were the case, you can't get married until you turn eighteen and we would need permission from both of our parents."
"Then she's your girlfriend and changed her name ahead of time to be ready for it!" Rantaro's assumption seemed to make sense to Valt.
"I don't really like dating and all that works, but that's so cool Shu, you really planned ahead!"
Daina tried to be sly. "Honestly, with the way you two act," referring to Valt and Shu, "I'd thought you two would get married instead."
Before Shu could shoot down his best friend's assumption, Ren interrupted them.
"Um, I'm fourteen, he's fifteen, and we've never met before. You guys know people can have the same last name and not be related right?"
Rantaro, Valt, Wakiya, and Ken all took the time to consider that while she observed Shu pretty intensely. "Having an older brother would be cool though. You're the Crimson Flame, right?"
"And they call you the Crimson Challenger, is that right?"
She confirmed it. "Ranked number two, huh. I can't even make the top five."
"It seems you're not with the team everyone expected you to be with, that right?"
"Yeah," sighing. "That's why I've been training so hard with Phoenix. It's hard tho, big bro," leaning on his shoulders. "Sometimes it feels like hard work isn't enough. There's still many bladers ahead of me, picked over me. It sucks."
"Can I tell you a story?" She allowed it. "I had a blader who looked up to me, and worked as hard as he could, but after a major loss, he felt he couldn't go higher to the point he wondered if hard work was just the limit. And I knew what that felt like."
"So what happened?"
"We had a talk, and I wanted him to remember something: he loves Beyblade. I wanted to train him to remember that. The more you feel that excitement, that love, that drive, the more it'll push you to do better. That's what you've been aiming for, right?"
"Yeah, that's it!"
"Then don't give up. Do your best in this tournament, regardless of the results, and trust yourself and your team. You and your Thief Phoenix have your own style, right?"
"Yeah, we can figure out any strategy, and steal their chances of victory away."
He showed her Spriggan, "and my Spriggan has ours. Use it to your maximum potential. They'll see just how hard your efforts are paying off."
Ren's eyes watered but she washed it off. "Thanks."
Valt asked to borrow Shu for a bit.
"I kinda wish you were with us, but it can't be helped."
"Let's do so with everyone when the tournament ends. And our team might blow yours out of the water."
"You're with the other Raging Bulls? Fubuki and Lane?"
"You'll see," as Hanami told them to quiet down for the next blader to arrive.
A familiar cocky laughter burned through the entrance.
"The White Dragon King, the White Tyrant, Onigashima's Demon!"
Rantaro gulped. "Him."
Daina's eyes widened. "But him, and Shu-"
"-Together," Ker and Beus gulped.
"Lui Shirosagijo!"
The pale skinned teen, light blue and white hair, dark violet eyes, sharp teeth wear a dark purple shirt with red borders and interior, black pants & white boots, crossing his hands with his white scarf.
"Him and Shu, together?"
Wakiya groaned. "That's way too unfair! Number two and five?"
"Don't whine, weaklings," nothing all of them barring Kensuke were pretty high up in the Blading world. "Longinus and I will crush anyone not in sync with their blade?"
Garland felt a little shake. "A bit intense."
Brooklyn chimed in. "He seems fun," and a dark aura rose. "Looks like I won't have to hold back."
"I never expected the two of you to join forces," Rantaro blurted.
"His little experiment with Lane got me fired up. I'm interested to see if that means this tournament won't bore me to tears," laughing so hard that he showed off his beyblade.
Sakyo blinked. "A reverse-rotation left spinning rotation bey, and a dragon. He's like a master."
"And he's just as cocky," Kyoya started.
"Oh, he looks fun," Yu thought. Lui approached him.
"You're pretty short."
"Hey, these time alterations are weird, I'm supposed to be eighteen right now. Still, you're pretty full of yourself, aren't you?"
"Big talk coming from a substitute member."
"You're not even the leader," Yu whined. "Not even in that Rideout group."
Rantaro laughed. "Lui leading a team is like a drill sergeant training a group of middle schoolers. They'd want him fired from day one."
Lui's face screamed annoyed. "Kiyama, I won't need the other dragon to tear you apart."
"See if you can fight the others over your own team."
Tyson looked down at Dragoon. "Think we can take him?" Dragoon shined. "Yeah, it should be fun."
The third person came out against Hanami's wishes, wearing a red trim vest with brown borders, an x shaped belt, yellow stripes on each side over his black top, brown pants and black boots, but what got the other bladers excited was his tall height, around six feet. His red-orange spiked hair, wide teeth, muscular build, and came in, making light of how crazy this team was.
"Kaiza, "Xhaka" Xhakuenji, please wait until I call you."
"Come on Hanami, we can't keep the crowd waiting."
"Sigh, alright. Introducing another S-Tier Blader, the leader of Sword Flames and captain of SB Rios, Brazil's national team, the laughing giant, Kaiza Xhakuenji!"
"Call me Xhaka for short. Makes it easier."
Mystel was impressed that he was just as tall as Xhaka. "You've got competition, big guy."
Garland added on. "He's tough and skilled. That's not an easy combination for anyone to fight."
Xhaka reminded Masamune of Klaus, and Sophie shared the similar sentiments.
"Hey, after the tournament ends, you all should visit my dojo and training place."
Hanami put in on the monitors to see him smash a log in piece, swing from vines, run from boulders, climb up mountains, and more things that scared roughly half the other bladers.
Lui laughed. "You should be lucky we're not battling each other. If the rest of you can't handle that, you don't deserve to be here!"
Tyson, Ray, and Max wanted to give it shot. "Looks fun."
"I wanna go, I wanna go," Daichi exclaimed, flipping up and down. "That's just my kinda place."
Xhaka's infectious laugh let him approach Daichi with ease. "Sounds fun little man. You'll do better than the Beigoma boys."
Daina and Kensuke sighed.
"Don't remind me."
"We almost died back then. Well at least you weren't there, right Wakiya?"
Wakiya could barely hold it together. "R-r-r-r-right."
"Calm down, Wakiya," Xhaka said slapping his back. "If you can handle me in the ring, you can handle a little climb."
"Not with a fall that high!"
"Gramps will heal you right back up. He's got great healing tips."
Hillary raised her hand. "So you're a blader and the support member?"
"You've got the physique for it too," Hiro noted.
"Guys, I'm flattered, but I'm just as old as these guys are. As for the trainer," turning his head.
The next person who came out was familiar with Valt and Rantaro. "It's good to see you two again."
His semi toned skin, curly brown hair and dress pants, amber eyes, red dress shirt, and black-gold vest was too familiar to the two.
"We thought you were still with the Bulls?"
"That's why Shu allowed me to join. After all, I can't have any of our bladers or their blade's performance to be slacking. Even if they're a bit unruly," eyeing Xhaka and Lui. "Still, there's more than just talent to win a battle, and I'm here to keep them on their toes. I hope you two have been performing well?"
"Took a break to coach the Bombers."
"Had a bit of fun with a certain group of Kings."
"As expected," much warmer than he was before. "Do your best."
Hanami introduced the fourth blader, and Daina had a good feeling who it was.
Valt had to think about it. "What do you mean?"
"Shu, Lui, and Xhaka. Back when we formed the Beigoma BeyClub, don't remember what those four were?"
"The Supreme Four, the Spin Emperors."
"Then who's next is-"
"A face we haven't seen in a while."
The bright figure finally revealed himself. His long blond hair with red stripes, his light blue eyes, white-yellow shirt, black choker, a red buckle with a golden Z in the middle, and wearing a black jacket and boots. This time, he also had on a black and yellow mask with light blue lenses. The spotlight all turned to him as idol music began playing in the background.
He dashed out in glamor and sparkles, spinning intensely, and finished with a shining pose. Most of the audience figured out who he was, Lui called him a showoff, Xhaka was just amused, and Shu told him he was almost late.
"But you would call that fashionably late, wouldn't you?"
Valt was amazed, this time much smarter than he was before.
"Little Blaze. It's been a while. Time for this Superstar, to shine!"
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