《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 11


"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." you continued your pitiful whimper at the mech you loved, "I-I want this just as much as you... I'm sorry..."

"Hey... shush..." Ratchet murmured softly holding your helm in her servos, "I don't blame you. There is vitally nothing you can do about it..."

"I wanted to give you want you wanted so badly..." you murmured as he wiped some tears away

"You were sick, the protoform you were making was making you sick." He murmured sadly, "It was either lose you and keep the slim hopes that the protoform would make it to sparklinghood, or lose the protoform and make sure your online."

"I'm sorry..." you whispered in a breathy voice, "I just want you happy.."

"I'm happier with you here and healthy then suffering with a protoform that was going to offline you." He spoke softly a few tears slipping down his face, "You did all you could. I don't blame you for anything.."

You blinked your teary optics up at him, "I-I-"

He pressed a thumb over your dermas, "You didn't know. You didn't know."


"Are the stasis cuffs really necessary?" You asked looking at your servos cuffed to the table

"I am sorry, but for all we know you could still be working for Diamondtrail." Optimus spoke sitting in front of you

"Ha! That spike hating glitch!? Don't make me laugh!" You snorted

"Okay... Well why were to helping Diamondtrail?" He asked

"K. Two reasons, one. I couldn't remember why I hated her, two. I was doing it to get my memories back." You spoke

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"This conversation."


"You asked for the last thing I remember and this conversation is the most recent thing I remember."


"No that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" You asked

"What's the last thing you remember before you offlined?" Optimus asked stressed

"Well there was the emerging from the rubble." You hummed looking up slightly, "I was feeling good, then there was a searing pain through my whole chassis and a looked down and I was cranking out a ridiculous amount of energon, then I was offline, or at least in limbo for awhile."

"Limbo? Explain."

"Well it was like I was floating but standing on solid ground, it was too dark yet too bright. It was nice actually, but also some of the worst torture I have ever endured." You paused, "I could hear pits screaming below me, but I could hear the faint call of the Allspark beaconing me." You shook your helm suddenly it was hard to vent, "I wasn't alone there. T-There was many others. All confused and lost wanting to know where they are, or why primus is making them suffer like this.." you took a deep vent, "Though I was completely alone in the void. They weren't calling for me, they were just muted voices in the background."

"And after that?"

"It felt like a fire has started in my chassis. I screamed and called out but no one could hear me. Then suddenly I was online." You spoke, "Diamondtrail was there. She said that we were friends and we made a deal," you sighed, "I was to fix her ship and she would give me my memories."

"How can we know you aren't just lying to us to gain our trust and help Diamondtrail?" Optimus asked

"Now why in the pits would I do that?" You grinned, "And if I do recall correctly your an Octopus."


Prime leaned back slightly confused, "How do you?.." his optics widened slightly, "Oh. That's right..." He looked over his shoulder, "Ratchet can you come take over?"

On cue the door opened and the mech you fall for oh so long ago walked in dismissing the Prime and siting where he just was.

"Hi Ratchy." You spoke with a grin

"Ok so to determine if it is actually you. I have some questions." Ratchet spoke gruffly not meeting your optics

"Fire away." You chuckled

"What was your position under me?" He glared slightly at your perverted grin, "During project omega."

"Well that's an easy one, I was your weapons expert." You would have said with a shrug if you could move

He rolled his optics, "What's the stasis of your sight?"

"I am completely utterly totally blind as a Teletaian." You chuckled

"How did you get the three scars on your derma?"

"Saving your aft from a member of the Femme Battalion."

"What's your motto on training?"

"If you haven't spewed your insides onto the training for your not training hard enough. Duh."

"What is your go to guess for anything involving numbers?"


"Three mechs walked into a bar."

"You would have thought one of them would have ducked."

"What's the kind of flowers in the first bouquet I ever got you?"

"How in the pits am I supposed to remember that? It was probably something dumb like Pink Trayian's in a diamond cut." Ratchet stared at you for a minute then nodded, "Wait that's right!?"

"When's our anniversary?"

"Uhhhhhh... is it.... umm... frag I should know this..."

"It's next month."

"Yeah yeah."

"How many sparklings do we have?"

"Zero, cause my protoform is stupid and wouldn't do the thing."

"What did I say I fell in love with you for?"

"I could mercilessly beat bots with my words." You chuckled, "I still can."

"Well.... That's all of them..." ratchet spoke looking down at the datapad, "And you got all of them right..."

"Can you uncuff me now?" You chuckled, "Unless we'll be doing something more interesting.~"

"Yup. It's you that's for sure."

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