《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 10


You gingerly stroked the mechs helm laid on your chassis. He murmured at the contact nuzzling closer.

"Long solar cycle?" You asked in the loving voice

You got a grunt in response which caused you to smile.

"Yeah, me too Ratchy. Me too." You smiled tracing the seams of his helm

He pulled you closer fully slipping an arm under your backstruts. You chuckled and laid the stabilizers, that he was laying between, down flat. You placed the datapad you were reading down on the side table of the berth and placed it on his backstruts. You nuzzled your helm closer to him rubbing softly on it.

"How, by the light of Primus, did I ever get a femme as lovely as you?" He spoke softly causing you to smile

"I ask myself the same thing about you." You chuckled

"How did you not fall in love with some of the other mechs here, some much more handsome than me?" He asked softly

You snorted, "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

He paused, "Ooohhh... your blindness. Heh. Sorry, you just never act like you have it."

You chuckled adjusting a setting on toe visor, "I've adapted." You kissed by his audio, "And I don't fall in love with looks. I thought you knew this."

"Yeah.. it's just-" you gently shushed him

"Stop worrying. I'm not gonna leave you." You chuckled softly, "I need a medic to help heal my wounds and I found one. I found you."

"So if I wasn't a medic-" you rolled your optics

"You being a medic is just a bonus, I'm talking about someone to love and help heal physiological wounds." You sighed lovingly, "And I had feared I would never find someone."


"O-oh." He spoke, "Well my reason for falling in love with you is a lot less beautifully worded..."

You hummed, "And what would that be?"

"You could beat a bot into submission with just back servoed compliments and snarky phrases." He spoke quietly

You choked on a laugh, "Are you serious!? That's what I thought was driving bots away!"

"Well it drew me in for sure." Ratchet chuckled

"I'm glad your here so we can someday be grouchy old bots together." You chuckled

"Me too. Me too."


You slowly onlined your optics to be met with darkness. As your visor booted up you rose to a siting position and rubbed your helm.

"A-ah... Frag.." you muttered visor slowly flooding with blurred colors and lines

You grunted, "Well I definitely need to adjust this." You spoke turning the little dial at the side of your helm everything coming into focus, including a large crack, "Ah scrap."

You swung your pedes off the examination table and too the floor growling at the tug of IVs in your arm.

"Ratchet are you serious?" You muttered turning off the system and tugging them out, "I crashed, I doubt I need fluids."

You shook your helm and walked out propellers twitching. An oil barrel soundly lovely right now. You turned down the hall towards the storage room. You grabbed a barrel of oil from storage and popped it open as you walked towards the main room.

When you entered you were surprised to see no body was there. You took a swig from the barrel in your servo and continued to look around. You walked around to the monitors seeing no bot, and you hummed in confusion.

"That's weird... usually there's some bot around." You spoke walking out to the hall


After checking all the dorms and draining the barrel to half full you walked back towards the medical bay. That's where you found all the bots you rolled your optics and stood beside Bulkhead holding Bumblebee and looked in. You leaned towards the duo.

"What's Ratchet freaking out about?" You asked

Bee was the one who spoke, "That fact that your not in front berth and we can't find you."

You hummed, "Curious." You took a swig of oil

"Yeah. It is, like you were just there and now your gone." Bumblebee said watching as Ratchet threatened Prime with a wrench

You chuckled at his oblivious nature, "So why are you being carried by Bulkhead?" Ratchet whirled around and threatened Prowl

"He uh, got his balance module stolen." Bulkhead spoke stepping out farther in the hall to avoid a flying wrench

"Ah." You nodded, "Well no point in staying here. Let's go have a drink." You said raising your oil barrel

They looked at each other then nodded, "Lead the way."

You chuckled and walked back to the main room pulling a few barrels over with you. You sat down with a laugh propellers twitching.

"All of you mechs are idiots." You chuckled cracking open a new barrel

"I am not!" Bumblebee shouted

"You thought I was a mech!" You chuckled back snappily

"Well I-umm.." he stammered

"And you guys are freaking out I'm not in the med bay." You chuckled

Bulkhead spat out the oil he had in his intake, "You're supposed to be in the Med bay!"

"Well so's bee." You chuckled pointing the bottom of the oil can at the young bot, "And he's not freaking out I remember his designation."

"You remember my designation!" Bee shouted in turn

"Yeah you fraggin' scraplet." You teased, "More dense then Bulkhead's protoform."


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