《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 9


~2nd pov~

You stood behind Diamondtrail Blackarachnia beside you. Diamondtrail grinned as she looked at the scans of her ship.

"You did well both of you." She spoke as you traced your arm behind your back

"I suppose I should commend you both for your hard work and dedication." She turned to you, "And give you what I had promised.."

You slowly eased the blade into your servo waiting for the perfect moment.

She hummed, "(y/n)." She looked at you with piercing blue optics, "I want you to be my first lieutenant."

You perked up surprised and confused, "Why?

"Many reasons. Mainly because you are an amazing skilled Femme and I need you on my team so I can rebuild my empire." She spoke, "The Femmes Battalion." She looked at Blackarachnia, "I want both of you with me."

You narrowed your optics, "Wouldn't I be much more useful if I knew what I could and couldn't do?"

"And I would be much better if I didn't have this retched organic half of me!" Blackarachnia protested

"No don't you see," Diamondtrail spoke in a calm voice, "Both of you are much better bot with out the things to desire." The bulky femme took a step forward, "Much better."

Blackarachnia coward a bit under the gaze of the large femme, you remained standing tall glaring at the femme through your visor.

"You made a deal. Time to hold up your part." You growled lowly

Diamondtrail released a deep rumbling laugh towering over you, "Or you'll what?"

You saw it, it was small and just a flash, but you saw fear in her optics. Your optics widened.

"You fear me." You spoke aloud the femmes optics widened and she took a step back


"What makes you say that?" She was hiding the waver in her tone well

"It all make sense!" You tartly laughed, "Hah! You fear me. Me!! That's why you refuse to return my memories despite you saying your my friend and to trust you."

Diamondtrail glared at you, "You are over stepping your bounds."

Before you could respond the doors on either side of the bridge blew off. You spotted a familiar red and blue mech and a grey one you weren't so familiar with. You looked back at Blackarachnia and nodded.

Diamondtrail you quickly tackled the icy blue femme despite the confusion of some of the bots. You yanked the orb on the chain free from where it was tied to her hip. The chaos of battle soon ensued. You ducked through the fire as Diamondtrail trail tried to grab you and return her own fire. You were knocked back into the control panel sending the ship to start and rise.

You threw yourself to the floor grabbing the orb as it began to roll away. The unmanned ship began to tilt sending you smashing into the ceiling the others soon following. You gasped as you were kicked into the open glass panels you swallowed thickly hanging on by a servo orb still not with you.

You snapped your battle mask up. You managed to get yourself back inside just in time to see Blackarachnia bail using her webbing to make a parachute and float safely down.

You stood and surveyed the area. You spotted the orb and rushed for it despite two bots battling there. You heard a shout of your designation and turned your helm towards it then back towards the orb which got kicked away. Again you ran for it.

You grabbed it and rushed towards the entrance you were about to transform when something wrapped around all four propellers on four back causing you to stumble and fall forward into the open air unable to transform.


You felt someone grab your pede as you clenched on tightly to the orb. You looked back at who had a grip on your pede and hummed at the unfamiliar bot. Though, something in his face seemed familiar like that home you were missing was in his optics. You retracted your battle mask as he offered you a small shy smile.

He seemed so familiar. Like someone you would lay down your spark to keep safe. Like someone who has made you laugh and cry, hate and love. Someone you've known for many millennia. Someone... someone you couldn't put a designation too.

He gasped as something hit him causing him to release your pede and caused you to fall again. You managed to maneuver yourself so you hit the ground on your back. You groaned in pain as you skidded on the dirt keeping the orb safe.You stopped moving just before a rocky cliff your shoulders propped up on it.

You looked at the orb in servo. Subconsciously you pressed down the different symbols in a pattern. Slowly the orb opened and your optics widened at the blinding blue-white light. A spark...

You opened your own chamber swing only some sort of shard there. Almost instantly your protoform called out for it. The tendrils of your chamber pulling up reaching for it wanting to keep it safe where it belongs. You obliged pulling the orb closer tendrils gently wrapping and pulling the spark in and pushing it into its rightful place.

You closed your chassis. Not even a nano-klik later your optics flashed and you screamed at the burning that flooded over your sensor nodes arching off the ground. You screwed your optics as another scream tore from your vocalizer.

The pain slowly left and your chassis heaved your optics fuzzy. You could hear someone coming, but you were too tired. A stasis nap sounded like a charming notion.

Yeah. A stasis nap.


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