《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 6


"Ohhoho! It's da little helicobder!" The large mech cackled

"Ah yes Blitzwing, just the bot I was looking for." You spoke from there you were sitting one stabilizer propped up

With a click the mech switched faceplates to the one called "Icy" or at least that's what Blackarachnia told you the blue-faced one went by.

"Put vy vould you vant to zee us?" He switched back to the first personality you encountered, Random, "Ohohoho! Maype sche vants her sdapilisers crunched und ground into fine little bovter!"

You felt the urge to roll your optics, but you suppressed it, "Now, you wouldn't do that to a poor defenseless femme now would you?~"

He snapped over to the last personality, Hothead, "" he yelled visor narrowing

You raised a servo to silence him, "No, no. I am strictly business right now, Diamondtrail as an odd affinity for you anyways." You ignored the comment about the so called "Autobots"

"Diamondtrail?" He switched ""

You clicked your glossa, "Shame, I thought you'd come along nicely."

"" he shouted canons shifting to aim at where you sat

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You spoke visor glittering from the red light of his charging canons

"" he growled firing

The shot rippled off the shield and collided with his chassis sending him flying back into the building chassis smoking. You giggled softly walking to him a sway in your hips.

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to come here and face you without protection?" You asked climbing over the mechs waist grabbing a cable

"Ohhohoho! Talk apout friendly fire!" Random laughed as you began to tie him up.

You hummed stepping back slightly and commed in. Soon enough an icy blue jet appeared above you and a hooked grapple dropped down. You grabbed it and hooked it under the cabling around the mech. You stood on him and tugged on the cable signaling the jet it was time to move.


Eventually you placed your pede over his intake annoyed. You which you were disgusted to see Random take it in his intake worm-like glossa wrapping around it.

After you had gotten Blitzwing strapped down to a table- vocalizer turned off- and Diamondtrail started to flirt with the mech that couldn't run away you went out again.


You were wondering the streets seeing who you could find. Soon a yellow blur rushed passed you. Snapping your helm after it then grinned slightly and took an off road intercepting the path. You saw his headlights you quickly laid down on the road and gripped an invisible wound.

You heard the screech of his tires and the sound of a bot transforming.

"(Y/n)!?" The small bot ran around to your front digits pressed to his comms, "Prime! I found her! She's in-URED." The bot yelled as you reached up quickly and grabbed his face

":;Bumblebee!? Who did you find!?;:" you heard the voice from his open comm as the small yellow bot gripped your arm as you stood taking him off his pedes

The bot shouted as you transformed his small waist inside of the open section of your form his chassis and legs on either side of you as you took off. He yelled and flailed about.

"Hey! Bot! You stop that before you cause me to crash!" You snapped angrily

He paused, "You.. you don't know my designation?"

"The only thing I need to know about you is that you are a cybertronian bot." You replied flying over the large body of water.

"But it's me! The little bolt that grinds your positions! The yellow nuisance! The-"

You cut him off, "I only have one muzzle and it's already on a bot." You growled landing on the island holding the bot around the waist at your hip.


The bot was relatively silent as you walked to the ship. You quickly entered the code and walked in your pedes hitting the metal floor with a loud clank.

You opened the operating room door and grunted unamused at the femme straddling the mechs hips.

"Diamondtrail I'm ready to operate so I need you to leave." Blitzwing looked relived when he heard you

The ice blue femme reluctantly got off the poor mech. He dodged a kiss she tried to place on his face. To which she grunted and left.

You placed the yellow bot down on the table parallel with Blitzwing's stealing the small bot down. You walked over to the cart and wheeled it over showing off different frighteningly sharp surgical tools.

"What are you doing!?" The yellow bot finally yelled

You hummed picking up a large scalpel, "Surgery. What else?"

"Surgery for what!? To put tracers in me!? You impregnate me with some crazy alien that will break out of my chassis-" this time you cut him off my placing your servo over his intake

"You talk too much." You spoke, "Trust me, I should know what I'm doing."

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