《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 7


~Ratchet pov~

I huffed transformed and transformed where the signal of Bee last was. I looked around and my gaze landed on Prime.

"He isn't here." I spoke bitterly

Primes comms erupted with Bumblebees screaming and low hum of a saw. Bee screaming was muffled.

":;Are you usually this loud when you haven't even had the med bot touch you?;:" I stiffened at the familiar voice

":;AHAHAHAHAHA! I can zee vy zee little pot is frighdened! You chust vere elpow choints deep in mein inzites!;:" Blitzwing's voice cackled over the comm

":;grrrreat now I don't have a muzzle for you.;:" her voice snapped in its usual sharp tone

We heard Bee make a muffled sound and the tapping of metal.

":;Sawing into you would could fracture the part I'm looking for. Hmm.;:" there was the shifting of metal and Bee making more muffled noises, ":;Now, I'm gonna- what's that beeping?:;" there was a pause, ":;You glITCH YOUR COMMS ARE ON!;:"

The comm cut off to static and I was frozen. The only time I had heard her voice was in desperate memories of lonely night cycles. I looked at Prime confused and spark hurting.

~2nd pov~

You kicked sharply at the table with the triple-changer trying to get him to chill out. You were currently fishing about wrist deep in the small squirming yellow bot.

You grinned slightly below the battle mask digits gracing the device you were looking for. You gently wrapped your servo around it causing the bot to wrench around as you began to tug it free.

With a few loud snaps the device was free. You placed it on the tray beside the much larger one. You finally decided the screaming bot is better than a bot who shut up about, you didn't even know what he was talking about. You slapped the muzzle over the mechs intake Shooting him a glare.


You turned back to the yellow bot and began to sew up the precise slice on the under seam of his chassis.

"Hey! Ow! Why don't you just weld the seam shut!?" The bot snapped

Your optics narrowed in annoyance, "Does it look like I have a welder?" You retorted tilting your helm back and forth annoyed

"Well then maybe you shouldn't-OW!- cut open bots for-for whatever those are!" He yelled optics darting to the devices on the tray

You tugged at the stitching making sure it was tight, "Just be glad I'm closing the wound." You growled

"Fine! What are those then!" The small bot growled in pain

"Man you're a feisty little fragger aren't ya?" You teased battle mask shifting up and down as you spoke, "And you don't know much about your own anatomy either."

"That-" he glanced back at the devices, "-is obviously not an important part of me if you just removed it. So-OW- why should I be worried."

You finished the stitching and retracted your battle mask with a smirk, "If your so confident about it how about a game of chase. You'll get a thirty klik head start."

You tugged him free of his binds an the small mech smirked, "You won't catch me! I'm the fastest thing on wheels!"

You watched him leap from the table and immediately fall.

"10 kliks." You spoke as the mech struggled up only the fall again

You giggled as he flopped about trying to balance himself and you heard the mech on the table behind you shift in laugher.

"15 kliks." You laughed as the mech struggled to his pedes trying to get to the door

"WHAT THE FRAG IS HAPPENING!?" The young bot yelled trying to stand


"27 kliks." You spoke wiping from energon off your servo, "28 kliks." The bot face planted again, "29 kliks." You started to track around the table, "30 kliks." You chuckled pinning the bot to the floor with your pede, "You lost."

You lifted him back into the table and strapped him back down.

"What did you take from me!?" He shouted

You narrowed an optic, "You really don't know what happened do you?"

Blitzwing shifted on the table and you decided you remove the muzzle.

"Sche took our palance motules. For vat burpoze I couldn't pegin to guess." He switched faceplates, "OHOHOH! Maype sche's konna make ein mod for herzelf!"

You grinned slightly, "It seems like your friend his better educated than you, but he's wrong about the mod though." You hummed looking down at the modules on the trays, "So wrong."

"Then what are you planning to do with them!?" The small yellow bot yelled

You looked at the much larger bot, "Now this should be one you should know Blitzy~" you teased with a chuckle, "Think about it. A broken battle class ship, I need balance modules from a large and small bot."

Icy followed you as you moved towards a corner of the room parking the cart there the low hum of the gyrating pistons filling the room. His optics suddenly widened.

"Imbozible! You can't craft ein gyrating biszion motule vithout all zee necezary barts! It vill ko nuclear! Esbecially vith palance motules from pots!" He shouted

You chuckled pulling open a drawer, "Who says I don't have the necessary parts?"

You looked at both of them from the corner of your optic, "But you two are no longer necessary."

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