《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 26


"Happy birthday, Dear Allison, happy birthday to you." They all sang in unison.

Allie then blew the candles with a huge grin on her face. She looked so happy today with her new dress Jordan had bought her before they came to Jordan's parent's house.

They sat in the living room, Allie opened the gifts they all gave to her and she was excited. Logan and Alex gave her a brand new Sphero Bolt Robot, Allie's facial expression made the four adults got emotional, let alone her mother.

Gabby gave Allie a dress Allie had always been dreaming of. Allie's laugh filled the house, she kissed everyone in that room. Now was Jordan's turn. She didn't give Allie a big box or something like that. She just gave the little girl a small box.

Gabby raised her brows, Jordan winked at her. Allie opened the small box and she arched her brows, not knowing what to say because she was confused. Gabby peeked into the box and her eyes bulged out.

"No, Jordan. You can't give her a car." Gabby said. "No, I can't take it. We can't take it. This is too much. Way too much."

Jordan chuckled. "I don't know what I should give her, babe. And you guys need a car for your own, you can pick her up and go somewhere when I have my own business so you guys don't have to wait for me."

"No, baby. No. Don't." Gabby took the small box, Allie pouted. "This is too much."

Alex and Logan exchanged look, they smiled lovingly. "Take it darling, you deserve it." Alex said.

"No, Alex. This is too much." Gabby shook her head.

"Baby." Jordan took Gabby's hand. "Look at Allie, she is happy. Do you want to make her sad by saying no to the gift I give her?"

Gabby took a moment. Then she sighed. "I don't want to be called a gold dig––"

"Shush. No, you are not." Jordan cut her off, Gabby looked up to see Jordan. "Okay?"

Gabby nodded, Allie squealed out. Then the birthday girl hugged both Jordan and Gabby. Logan and Alex witnessed the love of the three of them and they smiled happily. Finally their daughter had found her way back into love.


Jordan, Gabby and Allie spent the rest of their vacation by visiting the beach. They weren't ready to go home tomorrow because their freedom felt so fast.

"I don't wanna go home." Gabby mumbled on Jordan's shoulder.

Both of them were ready to sleep but their eyes couldn't close because they reminisced their time in here.

Jordan chuckled, she kissed Gabby's forehead. "I know."

"I want to move here one day for sure." Gabby said.

Jordan smiled. "We will."

Gabby looked at Jordan from the side and wondered why Jordan was perfect. "I love you so much, Jordan."

Jordan shifted her body to face her girlfriend. "I love you too, Gabby."

Then they kissed slowly at first, then they kissed passionately until both of them moaned. Jordan was hovering Gabby, Gabby locked Jordan's body with her legs and hands.

Jordan pulled Gabby's bottom lip softly and made the younger woman moaned sexily. "Are you still on your period?" Jordan whispered.

"No." Gabby smiled.

Jordan grinned. "Good."

Jordan took no time to kiss Gabby again. Her hands caressing Gabby's body, her lips was on Gabby's neck and she sucked it hard and made sure to leave some marks.

Gabby was already half naked. She stopped Jordan and she panted hard. "Wait. You didn't forget to lock the door, did you?" Jordan shook her head. "Good."

And they were back to their night activity.

The three of them passed out once they entered the coffee house after their long road trip. They didn't even greeted everyone properly because they were exhausted. Allie slept in her own bedroom, Jordan and Gabby slept together in Jordan's bedroom and they didn't wake up until the next morning.

"Good morning." Gabby mumbled on Jordan's chest.

"Morning." Jordan pulled Gabby closer.

"I don't want to wake up right now." Gabby said, her eyes still closed.

"Me too." Jordan responded. "But I have to go to buy the coffee beans."

"And I have to clean the house. We left it just like that." Gabby replied.

Jordan smiled. "You're such a good housewife."

Gabby snuggled to her girlfriend, feeling the butterflies in her stomach. "Shut up."


Jordan giggled. "We're lucky Allie didn't barge into this room or we will have a morning war."

Gabby smiled. "I think she is more tired than we are. She was so wild yesterday."

"She was just too excited." Jordan commented. "What time is it?"

"I don't know." Gabby mumbled.

Jordan opened her eyes and it was already ten in the morning. "I'm glad my employees aren't assholes because they didn't wake us up this morning."

Gabby laughed. "They're lovely people."

"I know." Jordan kissed Gabby's head. "Come on, wake up."

"Yeah." Gabby responded.

"Alright, I'll give us five more minutes."

Gabby smiled. "I love you."

And they finally woke up at one in the afternoon. Five minutes their asses.

Allie was already on her usual spot, learning something from what Logan and Alex had given to her. The new car for Allie was already parked and Gabby didn't know that at first, but when she knew what car was that, she couldn't say anything. Damn, not even Brandon couldn't comment on that one. They were left speechless.

Jordan was insanely incredible. Brandon then remembered about something Gabby had told him. 'Jordan will love me unconditionally' and yes, she did. She did love Gabby unconditionally.

"How long you'll be out?" Gabby asked Jordan.

Jordan buttoned her shirt and glanced at her girlfriend from the mirror. "I don't know, it depends. Two or three hours maybe. What's up?"

"Nothing." Gabby responded, she looked at the clock. "I don't want to cook today."

"I'll cook." Jordan smiled.

"Buy something, please." Gabby pouted.

Jordan walked towards Gabby. "What do you want, baby?"

"Pizza." Gabby grinned.

"Okay. I'll bring pizza when I go home." Jordan pecked Gabby's lips.

"Thank you." Gabby smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jordan took her leather jacket.

"Drive safe." Gabby said.

"I will." Then Jordan was out of her room.

Gabby sighed, she looked around the mess of this room and the house. She had told Brandon to watch after Allie because she needed to tidy this house up.

"Let's get this over with." Gabby said to herself.

She started to clean the kitchen first. Then to the living room. She took a break when she was about to clean Allie's room. After that, she started to clean their bedroom with a long and loud huff. She was tired but it was nearly done.

She took a break and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the unclosed bottom drawer. She arched her brows because she saw something inside the drawer.

She took a photo and she was shocked. This was the photo of Jordan and Olivia when Jordan proposed to her. Gabby looked closer, but she couldn't see it properly since Jordan was kneeling and Olivia was standing sideways.

Gabby searched for another photo in the drawer and found a photo and made her heart stopped beating. This was the first time she knew what Olivia looked like because Jordan never showed Gabby about Olivia except the name, Olivia.

Jordan took a selfie with Olivia on that photo. They looked so beautiful together and Gabby's heart sank. Then she flipped the photo and found a note in there.

'Jordan Neel Miller and Olivia Isabel Lopez, July 11, The Hill.'

The name did ring a bell for Gabby. Her eyes bulged out. She ran into Allie's room immediately and looked for her files. She was in panic because a fact was about to tell her a truth.

Gabby found a photo on her old files and she cried once she flipped her own photo, she read the note behind her photo and she didn't know what to do anymore.

"No, it can't be." Gabby kept telling herself.

She stayed inside Allie's room until Jordan came back. She didn't even greet her girlfriend back. Gabby wiped her own tears and took her car keys, ready to face Jordan.

"Hey, babe." Jordan's smile faded when she saw Gabby was crying. "Why are you crying?"

Gabby didn't say anything at first. She just gave Jordan two photos and shoved it to Jordan's chest harshly and said the words that Jordan never imagined she would hear before Gabby stormed off from her house.

"She was my sister!"

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