《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 27


"Who is this Ma?" Ten years old Gabrielle found herself asking.

She was about to put her mother's files to the box. Emilia Rodriguez stopped from folding her clothes, her eyes widened once she saw the photo of her other daughter and herself. She flipped the photo and found a small note.

Emilia smiled. "She is your half sister, Gabby. Her name is Olivia Isabel Lopez."

Gabby arched her brows. Emilia started her story because she knew her daughter was confused. "Your father is my second husband, mija. I was married to a man named Jorge Lopez. There was a misunderstanding between us, we got divorced and he left me along with your sister. Then I met your father, we married and we made you, the most beautiful girl in the world."

Gabby smiled. "Where is she now, Mom?"

"I don't know, mija. I never see her anymore since that day. But I'm glad I still have her photo. Thank you for finding it. It means so much to me." Emilia said. "I'll merge the picture of her and you since you haven't got the chance to see her."

Gabby nodded, smiling. "She must be a lovely person." Gabby commented.

"She is and so are you." Emilia pinched Gabby's cheek softly. "Come on, we need to move today. Our plane take off at three in the afternoon."

"Yes, Ma." Gabby nodded.

Gabby wiped her tears when she remembered that scene in her life. She didn't realize it until now because she didn't know Olivia's surname and sure, she was more than shocked knowing that her step sister was her girlfriend's ex fiancée. The photo was a strong proof, there was no way back.

Her mother changed her surname because she was married to Fernando Rodriguez, that was why Gabby's surname was Rodriguez. And Olivia's surname was Lopez because her mother once married a man named Jorge Lopez.

That was why they looked alike. They had the same gene from their mother. They had the same green eyes and brunette hair.

Did she choose me in the first place because she saw Olivia in me? Gabby asked herself. Fuck. I'm so fucking stupid.


On the other side, Jordan didn't know how to react. She still held the photos. A photo when she and Olivia visited The Hill and a photo of Olivia's childhood and a little girl that looked like Gabby but in different photo like it was forced to be merged with a small note written 'Olivia Isabel Lopez and Gabrielle Elena Rodriguez' plus a signature of a woman named Emilia Rodriguez.

Jordan took a look at the photo once again, she wiped her tears off because a realization came up. Gabby was similar to Olivia. Their features, their hair, their lips and most of all, their eyes. That was why she felt so familiar when she was with Gabby. Because Gabby reminded her of Olivia.

"Fuck." Jordan murmured.

She needed to find Gabby. She needed to talk to her girlfriend. Judging by Gabby's behavior, it was a bad one. This was the most complicated thing she had ever been.

But when she was about to open the door, Gabby came in. They both looked at each other with their watery eyes not knowing what to do nor to say.

Every words in their head disappeared. They just stood there dumbfoundedly. Jordan was about to open her mouth but Gabby cut her off.

"Save it. I don't wanna hear it."

"Please, let me talk." Jordan pleaded.

"Talk about what?" Gabby folded her arms. "There's nothing to talk about, Jordan. It's over."

Jordan eyes widened. "What do you mean it's over?"

"I know the reason why you date me, Jordan. Because I look like my sister, right?! What else?!" Gabby snapped.

"No!" Jordan argued. "It's not that!"

"Then what?!" Gabby raised her voice. "It's the only reason you stay with me all this long because I remind you of my dead half-sister! You even fucking told me 'I love you Olivia' when we were done having sex that night right in front of my fucking face, Jordan! You don't have a reason to be with me for who I am!"

"No! I love you!" Jordan still argued. "I love you for who you are, not because you look like Olivia! I didn't even know Olivia was your step sister! You never told me!"


"Neither do I!" Gabby said. "I didn't know Olivia Lopez was your dead fiancée because you never told me either! You only told me her name was Olivia and you never showed me a picture of her at all. How am I supposed to know?!"

"Please, Gabby. Let's talk about this. Okay?" Jordan lower her voice.

Gabby's chest rose ups and downs rapidly. "No. It's not going to work."

"Why? You don't want to fight for me?" Jordan tried to reach Gabby's hand.

Gabby let her hand to be held by Jordan. "It's not that." Gabby sighed. "I just don't wanna be her shadow in your life, Jordan. No matter how hard it is for you to forget her -well I don't force you to forget her- you will always see me as Olivia, not Gabby."

"No, baby. No." Jordan asked Gabby to sit in the living room. "Hear me out."

Gabby folded her arms over her chest, motioning Jordan to continue.

"I didn't know that Olivia was your half-sister." Jordan started, she took a deep breath before spoke up. "I admit it the first time I saw you, I saw Olivia. It was just because you guys have the same eyes. But day by day I realize that I love you for who you are, Gabrielle. With this new fact about Olivia and you, it doesn't change the thing that I still love you for being Gabrielle I've always known."

Gabby wiped her tears. She inhaled and exhaled before she looked at Jordan's eyes deeply and seriously after awhile. "Answer me this one and let's see where this thing goes."

"Okay." Jordan replied confidently.

"Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't love Olivia anymore and when you look at me you don't see Olivia at all." Gabby stated.

It caught Jordan off guard. Her mouth opened, her lips just moving back and forth but no sound and no words came out.

"That's all I need to know." Gabby smiled sadly and stood up, placing the car keys Jordan had given to her daughter and leaving Jordan alone in the living room. "I'm leaving."

"No, Gabby. No." Jordan ran after Gabby who was already in their bedroom. "Don't leave me, please."

"It's okay, Jordan. It's for the best for us." Gabby forced a smile. "I don't want to live in her shadow. You love me, yes. But you're not in love with me. I know and it's okay. I understand. It's not easy to forget the one we love."

"Please, baby. Stay with me." Jordan begged.

Gabby stopped, Jordan was bawling in front of her and she didn't have a heart to see Jordan like this but it was for her good too. She didn't want to be her sister's shadow if they were together and she didn't even know how long Jordan saw Gabby as Olivia before this fact. Gabby was sure, Jordan was thinking about Olivia when she saw Gabby in some occasion.

Gabby sat down, she took a deep breath and sniffled. "It's okay, Jordan. You'll find me when you realize deep inside in your heart that you're in love with me for who I am, Gabrielle Rodriguez not because you see Olivia Lopez in me."

"Where are you going?" Jordan asked, Gabby shook her head. "Please, give me another chance."

Gabby smiled sadly. "I give you a chance, Jordan. Let me go. Find the answer on your own. You know I love you and I will always love you. But in order to find ourselves, we have to walk in different path."

Jordan didn't respond, Gabby took the chance to speak again. "Thank you for saving me that night, Jordan. And thank you for loving me and my daughter. But that's not enough for the both of us and you know that."

Gabby sighed, she cried when she said those last words. "Good bye, Jordan."

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