《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 25


Jordan and Gabby went downstairs and walked to the kitchen to find Allie and Logan were laughing. They didn't know what was that about but judging by the look on Logan's face, she must be happy about something.

"What, Mom?" Jordan sat on the kitchen island, Gabby sat next to her.

"Gabby, your daughter is something else." Logan complimented Allie.

"Thank you Mrs. Miller, I'll take that as a compliment." Allie grinned.

The three of them laughed. Logan even wiped her tears because she was laughing hard. Then they heard a car stopped in the driveway but they were too busy talking.

"What was that about?" Alex Miller came into view.

"Hey, Ma." Jordan greeted her other mother.

"Jordan." Alex smiled. "What are you doing here, kiddo?"

Jordan rolled her eyes playfully. "I missed you too, Ma." Jordan giggled.

She hugged Alex tightly. Alex mumbled 'I miss you' etc which made Jordan giggled. Alex's eyes caught two stranger in her house but her eyes lit because she could see how Jordan looked at the both of them. So, they were something special to her daughter.

"Who is this?" Alex picked Allie up, Allie wasn't even scared to Alex, she giggled when Alex tickled her playfully.

"The name is Allison, Mrs." Allie said.

"Look how smart and beautiful you are." Alex kissed Allie's cheek.

"Hi, Mrs. Miller. I'm Gabby and Allie is my daughter." Gabby introduced herself.

"Please, call me Alex." Alex smiled, Gabby nodded.

Gabby looked how Logan and Alex treated Allie and she realized that Jordan was right. They loved Allie, just like their daughter did. Gabby never felt this grateful. She looked at Jordan who was busy laughing with her moms and Allie.

Right at the moment Gabby looked at Jordan, Jordan turned her head to see Gabby. Jordan had this loving and admiration eyes, she mouthed an 'I love you' to Gabby and it made Gabby blushed. Their chemistry was strong, Gabby wished she could feel this forever. She was happy. This was pure bliss.

On the other side, Logan was looking both Jordan and Gabby back and forth. She knew what her daughter had been through these years and she was happy Jordan found her happiness again in Gabby and Allie. Logan saw how much Jordan loved Gabby and vice versa. Their eyes told everything than their mouth did. Logan was happy about them.


"Alright, Allie." Alex panted hard. "Give Grandma a break."

Allie giggled. Jordan took Allie from Alex. "She will turn six in three days, moms. That's why I bring them here to celebrate her birthday with her new family."

Gabby couldn't contain her tears. She wiped her tears when she heard Jordan mentioned that her family was her family too. She never knew what the definition of family was. And here she was, in the middle of her new family she couldn't ask for more. They were just so generous regardless Gabby's background.

"You're just five?" Alex asked in amusement.

"Yes, Grandma." Allie started to call Alex as her Grandma she never had, not even Steven's parents acknowledged her presence.

"You're shocked too, right?" Jordan chuckled.

"She acts like she is ten or even fifteen." Alex shook her head. "She even told me the etimology of 'love'. How on earth did she know about that?"

Jordan shrugged and smiled proudly. She was so grateful to have this family. Her parents were amazing, she had a stunning girlfriend and she had the smartest kid in the world.

Gabby reached her hand under the table and she interwined their fingers. Then the fifth of them ate in silence. Jordan knew her mama's rule when it came to eating moment. Jordan, too, told Allie and Gabby and they followed it.

After the dinner was done, Alex, Jordan and Allie went to take a shower. Gabby insisted to help Logan in the kitchen to clean the mess.

"Thank you." Logan said sincerely when Gabby stood next to her, drying the plates off.

Gabby raised her brows, this wasn't even done, yet Logan thanked her. What for? "Pardon me?"

Logan smiled. "Thank you for bringing Jordan back. I know that you already knew what she has been through, and I'm thanking you for that. Both Alex and I were trying to get her back but she was too stubborn. I know it hurt her but she was shutting everyone out and it was bad. I'm glad you can do that."

"No, Logan." Gabby smiled. "The truth is, Jordan was the one who found me when I had no choice to live anymore. And I'm glad now that we found each other awhile ago."

Logan hugged Gabby all of sudden. Gabby didn't know what that meant but she felt something she no longer felt for eight years, a mother's embrace. Gabby cried on Logan's shoulder. She was grateful she met Jordan and her family. They were amazing, sure Gabby didn't know what Logan and Alex had been through when they were young but she felt the same. Found each other when they had no choice.


"That's my girl, Mom." Jordan cut their moment off.

"I know, silly." Logan chuckled. "Your Mama is enough for me."

Jordan rolled her eyes playfully. "Babe, Allie is waiting for you. Go take a shower. I'll help this old lady."

"Excuse me? Watch your mouth, young lady." Logan pointed Jordan's face. "I didn't raise you to talk to me like that."

"She came from your egg, honey." Alex commented, she just came out of her room.

The four of them were laughing. Gabby excused herself, Jordan was sitting on the kitchen island and she faced her moms. Logan just needed to dry one more plate and she was ready to talk to her only child.

"She is beautiful." Alex whispered.

Jordan giggled. "I know."

"I love Allie already." Logan added.

"I know." Jordan said.

"Did I teach you to say 'I know' only?" Logan asked irritatedly.

Jordan snorted. "What can I say? I know you guys love them already."

"So when is the date?" Alex wiggled her eyebrows.

Jordan rolled her eyes playfully, Logan slapped her arm. "Don't roll your eyes on us, kiddo."

Jordan giggled. "Sorry, Mom. To answer your question Ma, I don't know. She just got divorced not long ago and I don't want to rush anything. But I'll marry her one day."

Alex reached Jordan's arm. "We believe she is the one for you. We saw the way she looked at you, and to be honest, she looked at you more than Olivia did. I'm sorry darling, but I say what I see."

"True." Logan added. "Olivia looked at you just for love. But Gabby? She looked at you not only with love, honey. She looked at you with admiration of who you are not where you're from."

"She came from your egg, Lo." Alex commented her wife.

Logan slapped her wife's arm. Both Alex and Jordan giggled. "What I wanted to say is, do your best for your relationship. I know what you've been through and she told me how you guys met and I believe you guys are meant to be together."

Jordan smiled, mentioning Olivia's name was still a little bit hard for her but she knew it was just a nostalgic, it wasn't because of love anymore. "Thanks, Mom."

"No thanks for Ma? How rude." Alex rolled her eyes.

"You said yourself that I came from Mommy's egg, right?" Jordan asked and made them laughed.

Not long after that, their favorite people came downstairs and they enjoyed the night in the living room talking and joking to each other. Gabby noticed, no matter how old Alex and Logan were, they still had their young selves.

"I like your parents." Gabby said when she and Jordan were laying next to each other on their room.

Allie was already asleep in her own room, next to Jordan and Gabby's room. Jordan and Gabby was forced to sleep together since Allie didn't want to sleep with her mother because she would turn six and she was ashamed if she still slept with her mother. Such a wonderful kid.

"I thought you like me." Jordan arched her brows.

Gabby rolled her eyes. "I love them because they give me the most wonderful person in the world."

"Not Allie? Why, thank you." Jordan chuckled.

"Okay, you are second. Allie is first. Nevermind. I'm going to sleep." Gabby turned her body and gave Jordan her back.

"I'm joking." Jordan giggled. "Come here, baby."

"No." Gabby pouted even though Jordan couldn't see her.

Jordan smiled, she pulled Gabby closer and smelled Gabby's scent. "Thank you, my love."

Gabby faced Jordan again and she blushed. "Why are you so patience with me?"

"Because I love you?" Jordan pretended to think. "No? That's not enough? Okay, uhm, what about––"

Gabby kissed Jordan's lips immediately to shut her girlfriend mouth. "Stop talking, Miller Junior."

"Why damn, it turns me on when you call me that, babe." Jordan chuckled.

"Lucky for you I'm still on my period." Gabby laughed.

"Right." Jordan rolled her eyes playfully.

Then they drifted to sleep and wondering what life would bring them in the future. But knowing that they had each other, well, they didn't need to worry.


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