《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 24


"Allie!" Gabby yelled. "Be careful!"

Gabby cursed under her breath when she saw Jordan was just laughing at her. The little girl was so excited when Jordan told her to pack her clothes for a week yet here she was, bringing her own bag downstairs and left her mother and Jordan in the living room.

"I swear to god if you don't stop laughing at me and help me pack this clothes of ours, I'll fuck you hard and I'll make sure you can't walk for a day and I don't want to help you out." Gabby threatened.

Jordan burst into laughter. "What punishment is that? You're silly, you know that?"

"Shut up, babe." Gabby hissed.

"Okay, okay." Jordan stopped laughing and helped Gabby packed their clothes for a week.

"Where are we going exactly?" Gabby asked.

"Somewhere," Jordan paused, "over the rainbow." She sang the last part.

"Asshole." Gabby mumbled, Jordan laughed.

"Patience, baby, patience. You'll know where it is when we get there." Jordan replied.

Gabby rolled her eyes. Then after they were done, Gabby locked the door when she heard her daughter yelled.

"Mommy! Jordan! Come on!"

"That's what happen when you didn't stop telling her we're going to a vacation. She couldn't even shut her mouth for a second, god." Gabby said.

"I thought she is your daughter." Jordan said, pointing on Allie downstairs.

"Ha." Gabby rolled her eyes sarcastically, Jordan laughed.

She kissed her girlfriend then they walked downstairs. Allie was waiting for them on her usual spot, Brandon prepared two cups of coffee for Jordan and Gabby because they had a long road trip today.

"Come back soon." Brandon hugged both of them.

"Yeah, yeah." Jordan waved her hand.

"Where are you going exactly?" Brandon asked.

"It's a––"

"Surprise, I know." Gabby cut Jordan off.

Jordan smiled. "Are you still on your period, babe?"

Gabby rolled her eyes, then she put their bags in the trunk. Jordan stayed for a while, giving Brandon some lectures to take care of the coffee shop.

"She really is still on her period." Jordan said before she went out from the coffee shop.

"Good luck with that!" Brandon shouted, chuckling.

"Thanks." Jordan flipped him off.

Brandon burst out laughing. "Drive safe, bitches!"

"Uncle B, language!" Allie pouted, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oops! Sorry, princess." Brandon beamed. "Bye, baby girl! Have fun!"

"Bye Uncle B, Aunty Nat and Aunty Soph!" Allie yelled before she got in the car.

Then Jordan started to drive. Allie was busy in the backseat, she kept learning even though she wasn't in school. That kid was really something else.

Gabby took a look at her daughter, Allie was busy learning math with the iPad Jordan had lent to her. She smiled, she never saw Allie this happy, and Gabby thanked the woman next to her.

"I love you." Gabby said all of sudden.


Jordan smiled. "I love you, too."

Gabby caressed Jordan's cheek. "And I assume you're still not going to tell me where we go?"

Jordan chuckled. "Damn, you play with my heart though. You said you love me just because you wanted to know where we're going?"

"Well, duh." Gabby rolled her eyes.

Jordan laughed. "You hurt my feelings, baby."

"Do I look like I care?" Gabby was really in the bad mood right now.

Jordan smiled, she held Gabby's hand and kissed it. "What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing." Gabby replied. "Give me my hand back."

"Nope." Jordan said.

"Jordan." Gabby warned her.

"Yes, baby?" Jordan grinned.

Gabby groaned. "You're so annoying."

"You love me anyway." Jordan giggled.


Jordan kept holding Gabby's hand on their way to the place she didn't know. They stopped at McDonald's to grab a lunch.

"We still have a long way before we get there." Jordan informed.

Gabby rolled her eyes, she was still not in the good mood to talk. Her period was driving her crazy yet her girlfriend annoyed her.

"Good for you, you're driving." Gabby commented.

Jordan helped Allie to wipe her mouth, she looked up to see her pouting girlfriend. "If I tell you, will you stop giving me your awfully pretty face?"

Gabby shrugged. "No."

"That's what I thought." Jordan smiled. "Come on, let's go."

Allie took a nap once they started to drive again. Gabby leaned on the window, Jordan glanced at her girlfriend once in awhile. But when they were about an hour before they reached the destination, Jordan told Gabby and it made Gabby's eyes bulged open.

"You kidding me." Gabby said.

"No, baby. I'm not." Jordan laughed.

"Why did you do this to me?" Gabby was panic.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I've told you to bring some bikinis, right?" Jordan arched her brows, Gabby nodded. "So there's no problem."

"What is the correlation between bringing bikinis and meeting your parents?" Gabby asked in disbelief.

"They live near the beach, baby." Jordan replied.

"Okay, I get it," Gabby paused, she glanced at Allie who was sleeping peacefully. "But what the fuck? Why didn't you tell me in the first place? Why all of sudden? I'm not ready meeting your parents, babe. What if they don't like me? What if they don't like Allie? What if––"

"Babe." Jordan cut her off. "Stop rambling. It's okay. They're gonna love you. Actually they wanted to have a grandchild but since I'm their only child and I'm not married yet, well, they're gonna love Allie too. Don't worry, babe. It's fine."

"You didn't make me feel better." Gabby groaned.

"What I have to do to make it better for you, babe?" Jordan kissed Gabby's palm.

"You better stop this period." Gabby frowned.

Jordan chuckled, then she kissed Gabby. "Better?"


"Mmhmm." Gabby closed her eyes. "One more time."

Jordan laughed, then she kissed her girlfriend one more time before she started to drive again. Gabby's mood was still bad, she didn't talk to Jordan at all and Jordan shrugged it off. Little did she know, Gabby was terrifying. She wasn't ready to meet her girlfriend's parents. The bad memories when she was forced to marry Steven came back to the surface.

"I love you, baby." Jordan kissed her hand.

Gabby slightly smiled, she knew Jordan loved her just as much as she loved Jordan. And she was grateful for that, not only Jordan loved her but she loved her daughter too.

"I love you too." Gabby replied quietly.

Allie woke up a half an hour before they arrived at Jordan's parent's house. Gabby almost had a panic attack, Jordan calmed her down and they stayed in the car for almost fifteen minutes.

"Ready?" Jordan asked.

Gabby exhaled hard. "Yeah."

"Come on, Mommy!" Allie said in excitement. "I wanted to go to the bitch!"

Jordan laughed because Allie mispronounced beach as bitch. "It's 'beach', princess. And no, not today." Jordan said. "It's almost night. We will go to the beach tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay!" Allie grinned.

"Good girl." Jordan smiled, she turned her head to see Gabby. "Come on."

They walked to the front door. The three of them could see the beach from the glass house in front of them. Jordan smiled when she saw her mother walking to the door.

"Hey, Mom." Jordan smiled.

"Oh my god, Jordan!" Her mother hugged her tightly. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"It's a surprise." Jordan said, she turned her body to introduce Gabby and Allie. "Uh, Mom. This is Gabby and her daughter. Gabby is my girlfriend."

The eyes of Jordan's mother lit when Jordan mentioned Gabby. "Hello, there!"

"Hello, I'm Gabby and this is my daughter––"

"Allison, Mrs." Allie cut her mother off. "But you can call me Allie or princess."

Jordan's mom laughed. "Okay, Princess Allie. What about that?"

"Sounds good, Mrs. I love it, thank you." Allie grinned.

"She is lovely." Jordan's mom pinched Allie's cheek lovingly.

"She is." Jordan confirmed. "Where's Mama?"

"Oh, you know your Mama." Jordan's mom waved her hand. "She is still in her office, obviously."

Gabby froze. Jordan had two moms? Gabby looked at Jordan and her mother back and forth. They had same dirty blonde hair and eyes color. Both of them were blue. Gabby didn't know what to do because this was the first time she met her girlfriend's parents.

"Shall we?" Jordan cut her mind off, smiling.

"Yes, please." Gabby nodded.

"I'll be in the kitchen making dinner, darling. Make yourself at home." Jordan's mom told Gabby.

"Yeah, Mom." Jordan replied. "Chicken parmesan, please."

"You're just like your mama." Jordan's mom rolled her eyes.

"Don't be jealous, Mom." Jordan giggled, kissing her mom's cheek. "I'll be in my room."


Gabby was still in shocked. Allie was busy looking at the beach from their room upstairs. She was gawking at the view. The sunset started to come.

"Babe, are you okay?" Jordan asked Gabby.

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay. Just," Gabby sighed, "I didn't know you have two moms is all."

Jordan smiled, she patted her lap, Gabby then sat on Jordan's lap. "Yes, I have two moms. The one you met earlier is Logan, she is the one who gave birth to me, and I call her 'Mom'. And the other one, her name is Alex, short of Alexandra and I call her 'Mama'."

Gabby was taken aback. That name did ring a bell to her. She looked at Jordan carefully then she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"No, it can't be." Gabby shook her head.

"What, babe?" Jordan asked confusedly.

"You're the only child of Alex Miller and Logan Miller?" Gabby asked in disbelief.

"Uh, yeah." Jordan replied. "Why?"

"Why did I not know this? Why did you introduce yourself as Jordan Neel?" Gabby asked.

Jordan slightly laughed. "First of all, it's not that important. Second of all, if I could recall, I didn't introduce my full name to you. Maybe Allie found out about my name which is my middle name."

"Shit." Gabby mumbled, she placed her head on Jordan's shoulder. "I thought I know you, turns out I don't."

Jordan smiled. "We have time to get to know each other more, baby."

Gabby couldn't believe Jordan was the child of the wealthiest people in the state or even the country. She knew what Miller Industry was and she knew what Forthright Model Agency was. But she didn't know that she dated the only child of them.

"Oh, I'm out of this place already. Take me home, please." Gabby said. "I can't take this all anymore."

Jordan laughed. "What are you talking about?"

Gabby pulled away to see her girlfriend's face. "I came from no one. Standing right next to you is just too much. I don't deserve you, babe. You deserve someone else."

Jordan smiled. "Do I care about where you're from?" Jordan kissed Gabby's hand. "I love you for who you are, babe. And I love your daughter as much as I love you. I don't want someone else, I want you and your daughter. That's all that matters."

Gabby searched for the truth in Jordan's eyes. And she found it. "I love you too. I'm sorry if I'm not enough for you."

Jordan hugged her. Gabby's vulnerability appeared at the same time with her period and it was bad. Jordan chose her words wisely.

"Stop saying that, baby. You are enough for me, babe." Jordan said. "Don't think about anything else, please. Think about us, me, Allie, you when we're together." Jordan wiped Gabby's tears. "Okay?"

Gabby nodded. "I'm sorry, the hormones period kicked in."

"I know." Jordan pecked Gabby's lips. "Speaking of, where the hell is Allie?"

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