《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 13


"Do you really have to go?" Allie played with Jordan's button of her shirt.

"Yes, princess. I have to go in half an hour." Jordan then kissed Allie's forehead.

Allie pouted, she sat on Jordan's lap on her special spot inside the cafe. "But I don't want you to go."

"You'll see me at night, princess." Jordan smiled. "You used to it, right? You know I work every Monday to Saturday and I always come home at night."

"But not tonight, please." Allie pouted.

"And why is that?" Jordan tucked Allie's brunette hair behind her ear.

Allie looked up to see Jordan, she seemed like she was thinking about something. Then she whispered in Jordan's ear. Jordan raised her brows in shocked. She didn't say anything to comment Allie's words. But then she smiled widely while her eyes searching for Gabby.

Gabby was busy making Cappucino, she was steaming the milk and then she poured the milk slowly to make an art. She looked so focus, she tried making a new art which was a few layers of love art.

Jordan kept looking at Gabby, she bit her bottom lip unconsciously while thinking about what Allie had said to her. Then an idea came up, she excused herself from Allie, walked to the kitchen to tell Emma and Cassie about something.

Emma and Cassie nodded, they grinned which made Jordan smirked. Jordan told them to tell Brandon because she needed to go to the bar.

"Bye, princess." Jordan said to Allie.

"You really go." Allie pouted.

"I have to." Jordan kissed Allie's crown. "Behave, princess."

"Yes, Ms. Neel." Allie joked, Jordan laughed.

"Alright, I'll go guys." Jordan said to all of her employees.

"Drive safe." They responded in unison.

But before she walked out from her coffee shop, she made an eye contact with Gabby who happened to see her straightly too. Oh goodness, their chemistry seemed started to grow.

Jordan secretly called in sick, she went to jewellery store to buy some things and she didn't tell anyone that she wasn't in work today. She spent almost an hour in a jewellery store before she went to a florist.

She ate tacos and drank a coke to kill the time. She waited impatiently until Brandon texted her that they were done. Jordan replied simply an 'OK' then she drove back home.

From afar, she could see that they were enjoying dinner together with a little cake in the middle of a table. She smiled when she saw Gabby's eyes lit up with happiness. She saw how happy Allie was to celebrate her mother's birthday. Yes, today was Gabby's 24th birthday and she thought both of them never celebrated it judging by the look on their faces right now.


"There she is." Brandon said when Jordan entered the closed coffee shop.

"Jordan!" Allie beamed.

She immediately ran into Jordan and jumped so Jordan carried her with a flower on her hand.

"Hey, princess." Jordan kissed Allie's cheek.

Brandon, Emma, Cassie and Gabby saw Jordan and Allie came closer to them and Gabby had no idea why her heart pounded. Jordan gave her the flower which made Gabby blush.

She never be treated like this before. Hell, she never celebrated her birthdays though. Today, Jordan really made her day and she was so grateful.

"Don't you have to work today?" Gabby asked when Jordan sat next to her.

"Called in sick. Won't miss this." Jordan smiled, Gabby blushed. "Besides, this little girl asked me to celebrate your birthday."

Gabby locked her eyes into Jordan who was smiling at her. "Thank you." She said above a whisper because she was so emotional right now.

Jordan made an unexpected gestured which she felt weird, even to herself. She winked at Gabby and suddenly heat rushed making Gabby's cheeks reddened all of sudden.

"Okay. Enough of your secret flirtatious Jordan." Brandon smirked. "Let's have a dinner together."

"Happy birthday, Gabby." Emma and Cassie said in unison.

"Thank you, guys." Gabby said.

Even though it was just the six of them, Gabby felt her whole family was in here with her. She felt so grateful to feel this way, thanked to the woman who sat next to her. Gabby looked at Jordan intensely, Jordan herself fed Allie and joked with her daughter. Gabby could see how much Jordan loved Allie and she was still in awe when she realized how fast Allie and Jordan got closer.

On the other side, Brandon saw how Gabby adored Jordan. He knew the first time he saw how Gabby looked at Jordan. He knew something was there but he couldn't do anything except mocking Gabby. He didn't know how Gabby felt towards Jordan, but he knew the look on Gabby's face everytime she looked at her. It was the same look when Olivia used to look at Jordan, that meant only one thing. Love.

Emma and Cassidy went home first because they had school tomorrow. The college semester's break was over and now they were back to their part time schedule and that meant both of them would come at twelve in the afternoon and Jordan had to work in the kitchen in the morning.

Brandon stayed a little bit longer, he and Jordan were enjoying the wine while Gabby was upstairs bathing Allie.

"How was today?" Jordan asked.


"It was good." Brandon sipped his wine. "A new customer recommended a new menu."

"Such as?" Jordan started to take a note. She liked a new idea and she was open to any input or critics.

"I never heard of it but some of them told me about coconut coffee or avocado coffee. But I don't know." Brandon shrugged.

"Neither do I." Jordan kept writing. "But I'll try to find it."

"Cool." Brandon smirked. "How is she?"

Jordan raised her eyebrows. "Who?"

Brandon rolled his eyes. "Gabby. Duh."

"She is fine, I guess." Jordan shrugged.

Brandon sighed in annoyance. He didn't know why Jordan couldn't see it. Gabby definitely had a thing for her. Brandon was the closest person to Jordan because he was her first employee and Jordan occasionally shared some stories with him, and he knew Jordan would tell him eventually if something happened. He never pushed Jordan to find another one because he knew it was so hard for Jordan.

But when he saw how Jordan looked at Gabby and how much Jordan loved Allie was enough to prove that they had a strong bond. He just wondered why they never talked about it because sometimes the gestured towards each other showed something.

"You know, sometimes you're ridiculous." Brandon commented.

Jordan snorted. "I know."

Gabby and Allie went downstairs, Allie sat on Jordan's lap and Jordan had to put her wine glass away from Allie's reach. Gabby sat across from Jordan and next to Brandon.

"Wine?" Brandon offered.

"Yes, please. Thank you." Gabby replied.

Brandon poured the wine and gave it to Gabby. They both looked at Jordan and Allie who had their own conversation not minding Brandon and Gabby's presence.

"I never thought Jordan would love someone as much as she loves Allie." Brandon said.

Gabby listened to him. "Why is that?"

"Jordan is a hard person. It took two years before someone could enter her world." Brandon explained. "But when she loves someone, she will love them unconditionally and endlessly. I'm not surprised that she couldn't move on for such a quite long time."

Gabby felt pang of sadness, knowing that probably she didn't have a chance to get closer to Jordan. It was tough to say, but she really loved Jordan more than she ever felt towards someone, not even when she loved Steven back in high school.

"But don't worry. She loves your daughter already. She will love you eventually." Brandon winked.

Gabby blushed hard, but she blamed it was because of the wine. "I never attracted to a woman before." Gabby said quitely.

Brandon smiled. "I'm not going to tell you what exactly you are, I mean your sexuality. But I just wanna say, you can love whoever that person is as long as your heart beats faster when you are with them."

"Thank you." Gabby responded. "You seem to know her better than Emma and Cass."

"No." Brandon sipped his wine. "It's just because I know her longer than them. I'm glad and I know Jordan is too that we have Emma and Cassie. They are good people, they keep staying with us through ups and downs and never leave Jordan even though Jordan has her 'schedule' breakdown."

Gabby raised her eyebrows but then she was back to normal when she knew what was that about. "Her fiancée?"

Brandon nodded. "It happens twice in a year, I know exactly what happened when she had her breakdown moment. It is her fiancée's birthday and their anniversary. She didn't do anything stupid, she just locked herself for a day and didn't talk to anyone at all."

Gabby nodded, Brandon continued. "But don't worry, I guess she is a lot better now. Look at how genuine her smile is. She used to give us her fakest smile everyday, but since you guys came, she really shows us her genuine smile. Thanks to you and Allie."

Gabby smiled proudly. She couldn't say anything because she felt something inside her got bigger, love. Brandon noticed Gabby's smile and he was happy to know that finally Jordan had moved on even though that woman never said it or showed it blatantly.

"Okay, it's time for me to go." Brandon said loudly.

Jordan and Allie stopped laughing. Gabby put her wine glass back to the table. Brandon stood up, stretching his arms and took his coat.

"See you tomorrow, Uncle B." Allie grinned.

"See you tomorrow, Allie." Brandon beamed. "Happy birthday, Gab." Brandon then kissed Gabby's cheek and hugged her, wishing her a joyful day for her.

"Thank you, Brandon." Gabby replied.

Brandon kissed Allie's head and bid his bye to the three of them. Then silence filled the cafe. Jordan stood up, she carried Allie because the little girl didn't want to let her go even if it was just for a second. Gabby cleaned the mess, Jordan said she would go upstairs and took Allie to bed.

They seemed like a married couple for sure.

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