《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 14


Jordan felt something inside her coat pocket and she remembered it was a gift for Gabby. She took off her coat then jumped into the shower.

Jordan heard the front door was closed and she heard someone was walking to the kitchen. She got out from her bathroom, put a simple t-shirt and a shorts and headed to the kitchen, bringing a box of the gift.

She folded her arms over her chest then she leaned on the kitchen doorway, looking at Gabby who was busy washing the dishes. She looked at Gabby's long tanned leg, up to her thigh, to her butt, to her back and she stopped at Gabby's neck because Gabby's hair was up in a messy bun so she could see it clearly.

"Can I help you, Jordan?" Gabby joked.

Jordan startled, she didn't notice that Gabby was done cleaning the dishes. But damn, when Gabby called her 'Jordan' with her own seductive-playfully tone was such a turn on though. Jordan slightly shook her head when that thing crossed her mind, Gabby waited for her patiently, she sat on the kitchen island.

"Uh," Jordan started to walk, she sat across from Gabby and gave her the gift.

Gabby's mouth agape, then she closed her mouth with her hand. She looked up to see Jordan was smiling to her sweetly.

"Happy birthday, Gabrielle." Jordan said.

Gabby couldn't hold her tears, she cried when a realization hit her. Today, everything was from Jordan. Started from the cake when Emma and Cassie brought to her, the dinner thing, the flower, Jordan's appearance when she told her that she had got to go to work and the last was this small box.

"Thank you." Gabby said truthfully. "For everything today."

Jordan smiled. "You deserve it. Besides, I wouldn't know today is your birthday if Allie didn't tell me. I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's okay." Gabby wiped her tears off. "Thank you so much, Jordan."


"You're welcome." Jordan replied.

"May I?" Gabby motioned the small box.

"Sure. Open it up." Jordan smiled.

Gabby unwrapped the small box carefully, wondering what was inside it. She knew it was a fancy thing judging from brand of the box. But when she saw a necklace with a 'G' sign pendant and she was sure it was a diamond, she looked up to see Jordan.

"You've got to be kidding me." She said in disbelief. "You didn't have to buy me such a gift like this, J."

Jordan's heart skipped a beat. It sounded so sexy when Gabby called her 'J'. No one called her that before. And maybe she needed to get used to it.

"Like I said, you deserve it." Jordan smiled.

"It must be so expensive." Gabby couldn't believe of what she saw.

"Nah." Jordan waved it off. "I hope you like it."

"Like it? I love it." Gabby was full of tears of joy.

She couldn't believe Jordan would do everything to her, not even Steven cared about her when it came to her birthday. Damn, that older woman was such an angel.

"I'm glad that you love it." Jordan said.

Gabby mouthed a 'thank you' and she was shocked that there was one more thing left on the box. "What is this?"

"For Allie, I guess." Jordan scratched her neck nervously, hell, she never got so nervous around someone else before. "I can't buy you a thing without buying her too. You guys are one."

Gabby stood up very quick and ran into Jordan. Gabby hugged Jordan bravely once she got closer to her. It caught Jordan off guard, but she hugged Gabby back with this weird position because she was sitting on a stool and Gabby bent her body to hug Jordan.

This was the first time their body connected to each other. And they felt the same spark inside them but no one made a comment.


Jordan took the moment to smell Gabby's scent, it was vanilla and it was intoxicating. Jordan took a deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling the familiar sensation when she hugged someone like this. The last thing she could feel someone's embrace was three years ago before Olivia died.

"Thank you." Gabby whispered in her ear.

It brought Jordan back to life because her mind occupied with those old memories she felt with Olivia. Gabby unwrapped her arms, wiping her tears and she stood right in front of Jordan.

"Let me." Jordan gestured the necklace.

Gabby nodded. She handed it over to Jordan and let Jordan put the necklace on her neck. She felt goosebumps all of sudden when Jordan's fingers touched her neck. She bit her bottom lip, a feeling of something rushed inside her. She knew exactly what it was, but she wouldn't do that because she was scared if that would cross the boundaries.

"It's done." Jordan whispered.

Gabby turned her body slowly. Jordan closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Gabby looked at Jordan's lips and her eyes back and forth. Felt someone was staring at her, Jordan opened her eyes. She did the same, looking at Gabby's lips and eyes back and forth.

Maybe they were on the same page after all.

They crashed their lips against each other within seconds. Jordan cupped Gabby's cheeks and Gabby placed her hands on Jordan's hips. Their lips moved in sync. The sound of their crashing lips filled the kitchen. No one opened their eyes, both of them were enjoying the moment.

It was the first time Gabby kissed a woman and it just felt right. Jordan felt the butterflies in her stomach when her lips dancing with Gabby's. Her mind was full with the lovely sensation at the moment and damn, Gabby's lips was driving her crazy, she even rubbed Gabby's neck with her fingers to express how she felt.

A couple of minutes later they parted after their breathlessly kissing moment. Jordan leaned her forehead against Gabby, they breathed heavily, smelling each other scent and then they looked at each other for the first time after the kissing.

Gabby took Jordan's right hand and placed it on her chest, asking Jordan to feel her heartbeat. Then they both chuckled. Gabby was a little bit embarrassed because she was pounding when she kissed Jordan. Jordan kissed Gabby's forehead and she hugged Gabby afterwards.

"Thank you for coming into my life." Jordan said truthfully.

Gabby shook her head. "No, thank you for saving me."

Jordan pulled back slowly, looking deeply into Gabby's eyes. Gabby took the time to see Jordan's blue eyes.

"And thank you for loving my daughter." Gabby said sincerely.

Jordan smiled. "She is lovely."

"She is." Gabby stated.

"Mommy?" Allie's voice startled them.

"Yes, baby?" Gabby walked to the kitchen doorway.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Allie rubbed her eyes, she held her teddy bear in one hand.

"I'm sorry, baby. Mommy is thirsty." Gabby said, she carried Allie and she laid her head on Gabby's shoulder.

"Let's go to bed. I'm sleepy." Allie said.

"Okay, let's go to bed." Gabby replied.

Jordan smiled, Gabby looked at her not knowing what to do. Jordan understood, maybe Gabby was still confused about their situation.

Jordan kissed Allie's head and pecked Gabby's lips. Gabby blushed with Jordan's gesture but then she smiled, feeling the happiness inside her.

"Good night, princess." Jordan knew Allie was asleep but she kept saying it.

Gabby chuckled. "Good night, J."

"Good night, G." Jordan replied, smiling.

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