《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 12


"Iced Mocha Latte." Gabby's voice made Jordan smiled.

She folded her arms over her chest while looking at Gabby who was standing behind the counter getting an order for customer. Felt like someone was staring at her, Gabby turned her head to see that Jordan just averted her gaze from her.

She didn't know why she felt so happy just by Jordan's simple gestured. But she needed to remind herself not to fall deeper for Jordan because Jordan was someone's fiancée.

Get your shit together, Gab. Gabby told herself. She is someone's fiancée. You can't have her no matter how strong you are attracted to her. Wait, am I bi? I never have a strong feelings to a woman before. Or maybe because Allie loves Jordan already and I automatically love her too? Oops, no. She looks at you just because she is your boss and you are her employee. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Gabby?" Jordan snapped her fingers in front of Gabby's face.

"Huh?" Gabby startled. "Yeah?"

"You're daydreaming." Jordan smiled, she put her hands to her leather jacket's pocket.

"Uh, sorry." Gabby blushed because she saw Jordan was bitting her bottom lip right in front of her.

Oh my god, don't torture me, please. Gabby begged. It's hard knowing she is someone's fiancée yet she's here, bitting her lip and she looks so sexy right now. Oh no, kill me now.

"Are you okay, Gab?" Jordan asked her.

"Huh? Yeah, sure. Why not?" Gabby laugh awkwardly.

Brandon elbowed her. "You're blushing."

"Oh, shut up, Brandon." Gabby hissed playfully.

Jordan laughed watching her employeed were joking to each other. It was almost 6pm, Emma and Cassie were sitting on the couch waiting for their time to go home. Brandon and Gabby cleaning the bar area, Allie was playing alone on her spot.

"Uh, do you want to have dinner outside? Allie wants a pizza, and I know a place to have a tasty pizza." Jordan scratched her neck.

Brandon was chuckling behind Gabby. "She asked you out, you idiot."

"What, no!" Gabby hissed at Brandon quietly. "Don't you know she has a fiancée?"

Brandon stopped from whatever he was doing all of sudden. He looked at Jordan straightly in the eyes, Gabby who knew nothing was looking at Jordan and Brandon back and forth. Jordan nodded to Brandon and smiled. She heard what Gabby said apparently.

"I got this." Jordan said. "Gabby?" Jordan placed her her hand on top of Gabby's.

Gabby looked at her hand then at Jordan who smiled at her beautifully. "Yeah?"

"Would you?"

"Okay." Gabby responded quicker than she thought.

Jordan told Brandon to lock the door and they could leave once they were done. Jordan brought Gabby and Allie to her favorite pizza cafe like when she was with Olivia.

"What do you want to eat, princess?" Jordan asked Allie who happened to sit on her lap, as always.


"Meat and cheese, please." Allie answered politely.

Jordan smiled, she kissed Allie's crown. "Good choice. What about you, Gab?"

"I'll have a pepperoni, please." Gabby mimicked Allie.

Jordan rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright, wait here."

Jordan left Gabby and Allie on the table. Gabby was happy seeing her daughter's face got brighter every day, thanked to the woman who was standing in front of the counter right now. Gabby was smiling unconsciously when she saw Jordan.

"Mommy?" Allie cut Gabby's thought off.

"Yes, baby?" Gabby smiled.

"Do you like Jordan?" Allie asked innocently.

It caught Gabby off guard. She looked at her daughter and Jordan back and forth. She didn't get the chance to answer her daughter because Jordan already came back. But deep inside, Gabby answered her daughter. I do like her, baby.

"This is my favorite place." Jordan stated.

"It's lovely." Gabby commented.

"It is." Jordan responded. "It brings back memories."

Jordan looked around, her eyes started to water but she held her tears. Everything in this place reminded her of Olivia. This was Olivia's favorite spot too.

Gabby saw a slight hint of sadness in Jordan's eyes. She put her hands on Jordan's and rubbed it gently to tell her it was okay if she wanted to cry.

Jordan shook her head, she slightly chuckled. She flipped her hand so she interlocked her fingers to Gabby. It took Gabby by surprise, her mouth left ajar. She wanted to ask what was this about but Jordan was talking to her daughter. She watched how her daughter listened carefully of what Jordan said. Hell, Jordan even taught Allie about knowledge at the moment.

Jordan kissed Allie's head and closed her eyes. Being with Allie made her feel alive again, Allie's presence was enough to lighten her mood when she unintentionally remembered about Olivia.

Then their pizza came. They ate together joyfully, it was the first time they went outside to eat dinner. Gabby was happier when she was with Jordan, she didn't realize that she was in love with the older woman because Jordan showed her and her daughter what love meant just in short of time.

Or maybe she was broken inside and Jordan didn't notice she helped Gabby to stick her pieces back together.

"Do you want to walk around before we head back home?" Jordan asked Gabby.

Gabby smiled. "Yeah."

"Alright, come on." Jordan stood up.

They walked slowly, both Jordan and Gabby held Allie's tiny hand. There was no conversation for the past five minutes, but then Jordan broke the silence between them.

"Uh, how did you know I have a fiancée?" Jordan turned her head to see Gabby.

Gabby's face reddened, she must be embarrassed because she was about to tell Jordan the truth. "Uh, I unintentionally heard you talked with Allie."

"Oh." It surprised Jordan, so Gabby heard all of it?

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude but I was about to wake you guys up but I heard you guys talked." Gabby apologized.


Jordan forced a smile. "It's okay."

There was silence again, not even Allie spoke, maybe she was so full so she couldn't talk or she would throw up.

"Are you guys in a long distance relationship?" Gabby found herself asking.

Jordan's heart pounded. "Y-yeah. We're in a long distance relationship."

"Oh, where is she now? Is she working in some multinational company? Is she still studying abroad?" Gabby pushed her jealousy aside, she needed to know where her 'rival' was.

Wait, rival?

Jordan suddenly stopped walking. Allie looked up to see her and she extended her hand and Jordan carried her. Afterwards, Jordan looked into Gabby's eyes with the same sadness eyes when she talked with Allie about Olivia.

"No, she neither working or studying." Jordan paused, her eyes started to water but she forced herself to look at Gabby. "She is up there."

Gabby's eyes bulged out. She didn't expect that at all for sure. Wait, no way. Jordan's fiancée is dead? How could she say 'is' and not 'was' when she told Allie? Gabby thought to herself.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know about that." Gabby reached Jordan's hand and squeezed her hand gently. "I thought she is somewhere here in the world."

"She is." Jordan forced a smile. "Buried six feet under the ground."

"Jordan." Gabby frowned, her heart felt something weird when she knew about this.

"It's okay." Jordan closed her eyes and tears fell freely.

Gabby and Allie wiped Jordan's tears in unison. Jordan felt something stronger pulling her from her own thought about Olivia. Something told her not to hang on to her dead fiancé because there were two people who showed her love so she could face the world no matter what happened.

"I love you too, Allie." Finally she said it.

Finally Jordan had the courage to tell the little girl that she loved her too. Not only Allie who smiled sweetly, Gabby was smiling too and she didn't know that the corner of her eyes watery.

Gabby knew, her job was too hard. Pulled someone's thought out from her dead fiancée was so much harder than she had a living one because the memories would always be there everytime and she didn't know was she capable of dragging Jordan out of her memories of her dead fiancée or she wasn't. But all she knew was, she was willing to try no matter how hard it was.

They ended up home an hour later. Allie was bathing and Gabby groaned because the little girl was so stubborn. Gabby's voice was heard from the kitchen where Jordan was.

She couldn't believe she finally revealed the truth about Olivia even though it wasn't clear enough but she was sure Gabby got the message. Jordan couldn't understand what she felt right now, relieved was an understatement because she felt more than relieved.

"Allison Daniella Carter, get back here!"

Gabby's voice echoed the house. Jordan startled, she heard someone was giggling and she found Allie was wrapped in a towel, her hair damped wet and she was grinning when she saw Jordan sat on the kitchen counter.

Jordan smiled, she imagined how Gabby looked like when she was mad. Allie kept giggling and she ran in the kitchen to avoid her mother.

But Jordan's smile faded when she saw Gabby was wrapped in a towel too. Once Gabby knew that Jordan was in the kitchen and looking at her with a mouth ajar, she averted her gaze to avoid eye contact. This was the most awkward thing that ever happened to them.

Allie's giggle broke the silence between the two adult women. Gabby snapped her head to see where the daughter was. Allie ran away once they were done bathing together and Gabby didn't know that she ran into Jordan. Again. As always.

"Allie, come on, get dressed." Gabby said.

"No." Allie giggled.

"But baby, you're wet." Gabby's cheeks suddenly turned red.

Here she was, naked behind a towel, telling her daughter that she was wet and so was she, with a pair of eye watching them both unspoken but she knew Jordan was staring at her the whole time plus she said something that could be possibly weird to be heard by both of the adult women.

"Uh," Jordan scratched her head. "Allie? Go get dressed, princess. A princess should wear something."

"No." Allie chuckled.

"Baby." Gabby warned. "Come on."

"No, Mommy." Allie walked and held Jordan's leg.

Jordan smiled, but then Gabby lifted Allie and at that moment when Gabby bent her body, Jordan could she her cleavage and she was shocked, she turned her head to hide her blushing.

Hell, for almost three years she really closed her heart because she wasn't interested in any women, and at the moment she saw Gabby she knew that the younger woman was already open it up bit by bit. But tonight? Seemed like Gabby already opened the biggest door in Jordan's heart.

"You are not allowed to eat ice cream for a week, Allison." Gabby said in her motherly tone.

Allie frowned when Gabby carried her. She made an eye contact with Jordan to ask her for help but Jordan just winked at her. Jordan knew her place and this was Gabby being a mother.

"You're not asking for help, baby girl." Gabby said. "It's not working."

Allie's frown went deeper and she grunted, Jordan smiled at her. Then they walked out from the kitchen. Once again, Jordan couldn't take her eyes off of Gabby. Her eyes following Gabby's butt swung back and forth sexily.

"I know you're staring, Jordan." Gabby said in her motherly tone to Jordan.

Jordan blushed in embarrassment. Oh, shit.

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