《His Worth | MxM》eighteen
"It's so weird to think that anyone can come in here at any moment." Worth murmurs into my ear, and I try to avoid it so that I didn't make a scene. Except it was kinda hard to as I was in the pod with him.
He stood behind me, his body covering mine as I felt his fingers thrusting inside of me. My lack of shame was quite apparent now because I was doing stuff with him even out here.
While the other inmates slept, I had him out of his pod, and now he was just...doing this to me.
"Ah..." I moan quietly when he hits a certain spot.
Worth had me pinned against the counter, bent over as his fingers thrusted in my hole. His whole body over mine as he kept me warm. My body just leaning into his.
Ever since we found out who we were to one another, we couldn't not do something together. Something like this...or just kissing, or even feeling on each other.
I could tell his infatuation has increased by the tenfold in the realization that I am NBI. Who would have thought that he'd be M-N-M...I remember when he was at my eye level.
"W-Wait!" I whimpered out, Worth just thrusting his fingers in and out of me so fast. His lips kissing my neck as I could just feel the tension.
It was too strong.
"Why are you begging me to wait? I've been wanting to do this for so long. To taste your sweet ass." Worth pulled his fingers out, and I feel him spread my ass apart.
He pulled me closer against him, his fingers shoving back inside and I whimpered at them hitting my prostate exactly. I could feel the sensations ripple up my spine and it was too much.
"W-Wait it feels weird..." I try to tell him quietly, his lips kissing my cheek.
"I can make you feel ten times more of what you're feeling." He breathes, and I didn't know if I was excited or nervous.
"I don't...know about that." I croak, looking over my shoulder at him and he grins at me. "Not here...at least."
"Understandable." I feel him yank his fingers out abruptly, and I tried to keep myself from making noise. My lips tightening together, I saw him lick his fingers clean and I yank his hand from his mouth, blushing.
He ends up smirking, shrugging like that wasn't embarrassing.
"Every part of you tastes amazing to me. Besides, who's worrying? Not me." He smirks, soon looking at the clock. "You'll have to clock out soon...huh? I don't want you to leave. Is there a way you can work overtime or, I don't know, take me with you somewhere?"
I snicker, pulling my pants up as I think on that.
"How do you think that'll make the Chief feel if I just...pull you out of here with me?"
"I don't know and I don't care. He'll be fine. He's been appearing less, so I think that's a plus."
I nod, but he doesn't even know that it's because of our deal. A deal that I need to keep intact especially after learning who he really is. I still would've done the same and got him out, but this excited me further.
Before, I was beginning to become frustrated, losing my touch and overthinking. Now...I will prove why everyone called me 'NBI'! I wanted to be an investigator...yeah, I did; and I still do. I just didn't want to go into it with no qualifications and not depend on my parents name.
Like Chief Michael over here, using his family name. My parents are well-known investigators in the FBI, and I want to follow that legacy; but on my terms and talent. Not build off of what they've done.
Catching Micah and then exposing this crooked prison will put stuff on my résumé, they'll see my potential with that.
"You know...as I'm thinking about it," I begin to start, trying not make it obvious that I wanted more information on Micah, "When we were younger, you said you don't know look up to your brother and couldn't stand him. How did you go from the freshman who said that to me, to now he's your everything?"
Worth looked surprised that I remembered that, but I couldn't let him catch on that it was for a bigger purpose... Me even bringing this up.
"There was...an incident when I was a sophomore. I slept with someone I shouldn't who just so happened to be in a rivalry gang of my brother's. The guy I slept with...had a brother who was some high rank or whatever. He was mad that I wouldn't break it off with Devin, so he put a hit on me. My brother saved me right when I was going to beat up by like ten dudes. I don't need to say...what he did, but for once, he was actually there for me. Since then, I said that I'll always be indebted to him from there."
"Indebted, huh?" I look at him, and he nods.
So what is this really now?
Is he feeling indebted to Micah or is this his destiny? Is he just using that as a cover up for what's really at hand here?
"Have you paid him off?"
"Not yet."
"Then how are you going to pay him off if you're in prison?" I question him now, and I saw him chuckle. He didn't seem to know what to say as he looked into my eyes. Almost like he was trying to see if I'd crack or give something away.
When I didn't, he clears his throat.
"I'll figure it out." Is all he says in the end, and I try not to groan in frustration. "I'm just waiting for me to be charged and then, maybe I'll finally pay him back."
"What does you being charged have to do with anything?"
"Who knows." Worth smiles, beginning to shake his head in amusement. "Me being here is honestly for the best. You believe me, don't you?"
I shook my head no, and before he can say anything the next CO in charge comes in. I grab my things and look at him, noticing him just look at me almost with a thought in mind.
He doesn't say anything as he backs away from the counter and the female guard as she tries to talk to him. Only for him to go before me.
"I think your brother should be here, because why does it seem you're covering for him? What do you have to confess?" I question him quietly with no fear.
I see him just smile now, only for that smile to cease as he narrows his eyes at me.
"You've heard enough from me. Don't...do this." He begs me, and I frown.
That's when he turns away now, walking back to his cell and I become irritated. Right when I walk out I gasp when I bump into another guard. Except it wasn't a guard, it was an investigator as well.
"Why...why are you back here?" I question him, and he nods at the female CO inside.
"She's supposed to be grabbing an inmate for me, but it looks like she forgot when she spoke to that tall guy in there. You know what? Forget it."
"Good, investigators are permitted from entering these areas anyway. You stay in either headquarters or the interrogation rooms. Why are you really back here?" I question him sharply, and he looked impressed that I knew that.
Not like that wasn't common sense anyway.
"Your Chief, Chief Michael is it? My task force sent me here to test the waters and see what's really going on here. I'm from the Washington DC district, and I was stationed here for a month undercover to investigate the corruption. You seem more intelligent than the rest of these guards, even your Chief." He folds his arms, soon grinning as he looks around again. "What's your name?"
"Nate." I say calmly, folding my arms now as we were subconsciously sizing each other up. Cops tend to do that to see if they have what it takes. "What's yours? I don't see a name tag."
"I don't see one on you either, that's why I asked." He chuckles, and I look away. "My name is Tyrese."
We shook one another's hands and once we were done I needed to acknowledge something.
"What...in particular are you searching for? What do you know about? Because I was on a mission myself to take this place down too. Not before I helped an inmate I know who's in here unjustly."
"I heard about him as well. His name in here is Worth, yes?"
I nod, and he grips his chin.
"I was tasked to build up evidence against Chief Michael and some employees here. I was not tasked to take care of his situation, but I'm happy to know you're possibly helping with that. You seem familiar...where have I seen you before?" Tyrese seems to think about it as he looks at my face in examination.
"You're probably thinking of my father, Nathan-."
"Oh! You're kin to the famous investigators possibly of our generation?!" He gasps, smiling excitedly. "I admire them greatly. My father knew yours, but he never became as famous as yours. Not even close!"
I grin awkwardly, seeing him sigh happily. Almost like he was just thinking about what my parents have done.
I want...to be able to inspire people like how they do; but, with time I will.
"That's cool, so now I know you'll really be of assistance then. I automatically trust you...hey? Can you tell me what you've seen around here over some coffee and breakfast tacos?"
I snort, wondering where we could even get breakfast tacos.
"Where will that be?"
"Ever heard of Buc-ee's?"
"That huge gas station nearby? Yeah, but I didn't think it'd have anything interesting. I don't really trust gas stations."
Tyrese smiles at me, shaking his head as he gives me two thumbs up.
"That's than just a gas station. Their food is great. Know who told me?" He asks, and I shook my head no. "Your parents did! Crazy huh?!"
He smiles excitedly and I chuckle at him. Never did I think I'd see a diehard fan for my parents like this. It's nice to see though, makes me feel kinda proud to be their son.
"Well...I guess I trust it then. Let's go." I nod, beginning to walk away with him.
As we left the prison, he ended up driving us to the Buc-ee's. When I went inside I was impressed because I didn't know it looked like this. I thought it would've looked suspicious and kinda janky like regular gas stations. Except it looked like a regular store.
Multiple foods and multiple nice scents. Even sold clothes and stuff animals...their mascot being a beaver I believe.
Once we got the food we just went back to the car, eating in there. I already had much to divulge and I didn't hold back when it pertained to Worth.
"Worth is in there illegally, they have kept him prisoner there for three years! Since he was seventeen, and it's disgusting. They're keeping him there until he confesses that his older brother, Micah, did all those crimes. They just...need a confession. I'm trying to get that out of him, and I will soon." I explain to him, Tyrese nodding.
"That is a illegal if he has not done anything. Did he do anything in particular?"
"No, he hasn't even been charged with anything. His file is clean." I state in frustration.
Tyrese looked disturbed by that revelation and seemed to take a mental note.
"You haven't been there for a year yet, but Chief Michael has done crooked shit ever since he's been employed as Chief there. You vote in your Chief of police, he was employed. So there already is some issue there. He knows what he's doing is wrong and that's probably why he's trying to rush you out. He knows you're the only one who can outsmart him."
"I already have, he's a fuckin' idiot." I snap, soon chuckle as I bite into my taco one last time. "I just want to get Worth out of there, then make it known what's going on there. I have multiple recordings as evidence against Worth's brother and Chief Michael himself."
Tyrese looked impressed, soon looking forward as he drank some coffee.
"You're quite impressive. You're definitely your parents son. I admire that. We can be a team almost. To take down that shithole because what they're doing to Worth and some of the other inmates is wrong. Corruption is the bane of prison systems, and most people already hate the police. All it takes is one person to make every other cop look bad. Even investigators as well! So...this needs to be handled." Tyrese sighs, looking back at me. "Want to be of assistance in aid of each other to take that place down?"
I nod fast, the both of his making a firm handshake.
With that we ended up leaving on a good note that we would help each other. A pact, really is what it is. He'd have my back and I'd have his in there. I didn't forget about Fay either.
When we got back we both see each other off, him going one way and I go mine. Except as I head to headquarters there was this...odd feeling arising. Because when I got to my dorm I felt like...someone was in there.
Grabbing my taser, I unlock the door and I gasp to see-.
I saw him looking down at me, his eyes narrowed on me. He looked pissed off, which I haven't seen that kind of look on him in a bit.
"How did you get out of your- never mind. That girl was there-."
"Why...did you leave with that black guy? I saw him...and I saw you two leave together." Worth inhales deeply, only to exhale quite sharply. "I'm not jealous of you two...if you're thinking that. I'm upset because I know he's an investigator. That CO told me."
I sneer, that's why she didn't let him in. Was it for Worth's sake since he clearly hates investigators?
"You have nothing to worry about."
"But I'm worrying. You were asking a lot of questions earlier and I answered some. You're not...trying anything are you-?"
"No! He's here because he's trying to end the corruption here! He's building up a case against Chief Michael and some other employees, okay?" I say fast, becoming kinda worried there.
Worth just looked at me for a moment, only for his face to relax. His hands grip my shoulders as they caressed them gently.
"Okay, I believe you." He grins down at me. "I know you're not a liar, so I trust anything you say. If that dude is really here to build up a case against Chief Michael, let him know that I have to say about that bitch."
My eyes widen, and I shook my head. Smiling as I saw him look confused by that.
"I can tell him for you."
"What's the point? It'll be better if it's heard from me. Because I have exact recounts and I can be used as a witness. No offense, but I don't need a fed telling a fed my story, if you know what I mean." He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly.
The only reason why I was worried about having him talk to Tyrese is because I never told him that Worth doesn't know I'm doing this. It's secretive and I completely forgot to make that known.
I could say that the next time I see him, but that's the thing, I don't know when that 'next time' will be. How did I miss informing him of that at least?
"Okay...the next time I see him, I'll tell him you have some information to share."
"What if I see him while I'm on my trusteeship duties? Or do you want me to just wait for you to look into it since he knows you and might be suspicious of me?" He asks a good question.
I told Tyrese about Worth already, and if I tell Worth he already knows his name, that's just giving away that we spoke of him. Now I'll have to lie more and I wasn't planning on taking it this far. I just wanted to...make sure he didn't think anything more than necessary.
"Yeah, just wait." I say, going around him now as I plop down on my bed. "He doesn't know who you are and might think you're just some weird inmate trying something."
Worth didn't question my words or seem to think I was lying as he nods. He sat right beside me on my bed, laying his head on my lap.
I looked down at him, his eyes closed as he seemed to be allowing himself to take a nap. I've never seen such a relaxed expression from him before, so I didn't mind staring down at it.
The way he'd breathe calmly and his handsome face was so relaxed upon my lap. My hand rested on the side of his head, seeing his eye open on me.
We don't say anything at first, but he soon chuckles as he closes his eye. Only to lay more comfortably on me and nestle a bit closer.
"I'll be honest...I've never laid on someone's lap or ever been held so comfortably before. You know...like hugs or someone caressing me comfortably to the point of sleep. Not ever...has anyone cared to, Micah certainly didn't do this stuff. This is the first time I've been able to lay on someone's lap like this." Worth confesses, smiling suddenly. "It feels nice...this."
I felt that wave of guilt and pain rush over me. The fact that he's practically never felt such a thing was sad to me. Micah's bitch ass couldn't even do it for him.
"Wait, sit up for a moment." I tell him, and he does so in confusion.
That's when I lay at the headboard, resting my back on the pillows. That's when I spread my legs apart and rest a pillow on my lap. I nod for him to lay between and he chuckles, doing so as he rested his head on the pillow.
Only to move it as he held onto it instead, hugging it. I let my hands caress whatever hair he had despite the fact that it was shaved and just kinda...puffy yet fuzzy. If that makes sense.
I could see him relaxing while I did that, and I grin down at him as he was clearly dozing off so fast.
If anyone in this whole prison needed this...it would be him. Some affection and care can go a really long way. Especially if you've never felt it before. It can be...sleep-inducing?
I chuckle at myself, looking back down at him and saw that he was knocked out. His head laying on my thigh as he clearly was asleep. I didn't mind if my leg fell asleep and went numb.
If I could see him comfortable like this...it was worth it. And I can't wait until I get him out, and he can feel this way freely with no stipulations.
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