《His Worth | MxM》nineteen
I sat up fast, looking around as I saw that the sun was rising. I began to move only to. Feel that someone was still laying on me. Looking down, I see Worth still in the same spot, a blanket laid upon him.
I saw that I was still in the uniform from yesterday and didn't even take a shower. Just going on and smelling myself, I smelled that I didn't stink so...I'll shower later on today.
"Worth..." I whisper, shaking him a little bit. In doing so I see him stretch a little bit on me, yawning a big yawn. A smile coming to my face as he looked up at me from where he laid. "Good morning sleepyhead."
"Good morning... That was probably...the best sleep I have ever had in my entire life." He groans, wrapping his arms around my hips as he laid down again. "I just want to sleep some more. How can I not enjoy this right now? Not to mention I'm laying here with you? How could I...let myself go back?"
I don't say anything, because I could tell he was still in-and-out of sleep. So he wasn't really paying attention to what was coming out his mouth.
"I can't go back there, not after getting this. I could leave anytime...I don't need to stay here." He whines, and I saw that the camcorder on my chest was still recording. "Why am I doing this? He is so ungrateful. He doesn't love me, Micah doesn't love me at all. If he did...I wouldn't be here. He-."
I saw him sit up fast, and I saw his eyes wide on me. My eyes were wide on him too as he looked kind of crazy now.
"What was I talking about earlier?" He questions me now, and I don't say anything. "Tell me."
"You just brought up how comfortable you are right here. You don't want to go back, and that you don't necessarily have to go back. That's it-."
"I...I remember Micah's name passing my lips though." He looked off some as I saw him close his eyes. I could tell he was trying to recount his own words, but he was struggling as he cussed under his breath. "Just be honest with me, I won't be mad. Did I mention him at all?"
I don't say anything at first as the both of us look into each other's eyes. I wasn't going to falter and let him find out before I could speak the truth. Soon clearing my throat as I sigh.
"Yeah, you did. You said he doesn't love you." I tell him that part, and I saw him look startled by that. "If you can say that half asleep, you must think so truly. You even told me that when we were younger. I remember a lot."
Worth just looks at me, and I wait for him to deny it. Except it seemed he wanted me to say more on it to see what I'd have to say. What I did remember.
"I remember when you stayed over at my house and you were having a nightmare..."
I end up hearing someone groaning, my eyes opening as I look at my clock. It was one in the morning and I know my parents weren't up this late.
That's when I look over the edge of my bed, seeing M-N-M groaning on the air mattress. He was clearly having a nightmare as he moved around abruptly and that pained look on his face.
I've heard that when a dog is having nightmares to not wake them up because they can be combative. Except...M-N-M is human and I'm pretty sure it's not the same...? Is it the same? Probably since it is that way with dogs.
Close enough right?
"Worth!" I whisper yell, grabbing one of my pillows as I toss it at him. When it hits his body he didn't react, still having his nightmare.
Now I got out of bed, sitting on the edge of the air mattress as I shake him a bit. When I do that his eyes open fast and he inhaled sharply. I could tell he was still out of it as his eyes darted to the sides nervously.
Except when they finally set on me he seemed to instantly be brought back to reality. Since he was in my house after all.
"Sorry, did my groaning piss you off?" He asks me, and I shook my head. "Oh...it pisses off my brother. He usually wakes me up by a fist to the face."
M-N-M chuckled, but when I didn't laugh he stopped.
"Nightmares suck. I rarely get them, but based on how you reacting to yours in your sleep, I basically could feel the nightmare." I tell him, and he grins. "Want anything to drink? I'd give you my water, but I'm not sure how long it's been sitting there and there might be dust in it."
I see him look over at my dresser where the cup of water was, and he smiles as he faced me again.
"I'm not thirsty. Just...tired...upset too, yeah." He nods surely, and I nod. "You will never get it since you live such an amazing life, but...I really...hate my life."
"Oh don't say that-."
"I do!" He exclaims, and I shush him fast as I didn't want him to wake up my parents. M-N-M looks at me apologetically in the end. "You don't have siblings, but if I could choose between being an only child and having just a sibling...I'd choose being an only child."
"I don't know," I snort, beginning to think about how lonely it was growing up, "It can get pretty lonely. Especially with my workaholic parents."
M-N-M didn't seem to mind that, grinning solemnly.
"My brother...is all I have, I can say that because it's true; but does he have to be, really? In his mind, I can tell I'm just a nuisance and something to take advantage of. I don't think he really cares about me all that much either. He's always getting mad at me about something stupid or trying to bring problems onto me. I don't want to be...about that life he's into."
"What kind of life is your brother in?" I ask curiously.
"Gang shit. He does...a lot of bad stuff NBI. I'm surprised he hasn't been caught and put in prison yet. All I know is that when he does get caught, I won't be sad. I'll...be kind of happy despite the fact that I'll be alone." M-N-M wipes his eyes a little bit and I grin, patting his shoulder.
"You'll have me, I'll be there for you. I won't allow you to be alone, I could even try to convince my parents to adopt you!" I nod excitedly despite the fact that they probably wouldn't do that.
Maybe for the right cause, and he's just fifteen. He'll be out in just three years anyway. It's not like raising a baby or child or something.
"Oh don't say stuff like that." M-N-M smiles softly at me, laying back down. "No one would ever do that for me. Who cares about me enough to go that far? As to protect me?"
I crouch before the air mattress, making eye contact with him. I see his eyes widen when he saw that. Smiling at him, I rest my hand on his head.
"I care enough, duh." I say with extra emphasis on the last word. M-N-M just covers his face from me as he lifts the blanket over his face.
"You are saying all this stuff and you're making me happy. It's not going to last...this happiness, so please stop."
"You're so negative! Sheesh!" I shook my head, going onto my bed as I lay back down. "I can tell you think I'm going to abandon you and not be friends with you one day. That's not true at all-."
"I wasn't saying this happiness won't last because of something you did. You will make me happy even if you're not doing something to make me feel that way. My brother will ruin the happiness when I go home eventually. I think...he hates me, but I'm pretty sure I hate him too. Obviously I'll always love him since he's my only family I know of but...he always causes me to be sad and hating my life. He's the worst...I'm telling you, he is the worst." M-N-M tells me.
I look at him as he just seemed to think about it all angrily. My hand reached out, and he didn't seem to notice it at first since he was so mad. That's when I snap my fingers and he finally looks.
"Take my hand." I tell him.
M-N-M looked shocked by that, but ended up taking my hand shyly for some reason. That's when I pull so that he brought the air mattress and himself right beside my bed.
He looked at me in shock as I put part of my blanket on his bed. Smiling at him, I held onto his hand.
"Now...no more sad talk. Let's just go to sleep. You can hold onto my hand or let go at anytime. I don't mind either though, just to let you know." I inform him.
Closing my eyes, I could still feel him hold onto my hand. I honestly wanted him to because I could tell he needed it.
And I didn't mind giving him what he needs. That's what friends are for.
"Things have changed since then."
Worth ends up saying after I told him what Micah said.
"How so? Because I remember, your hatred for him was prevalent. Why does it just change?"
"I already told you. I owe him for having saved me from almost being killed-."
"And how are you paying him back? You said he's ungrateful too, why is that? What has he done that makes him so ungrateful? Is it because you did something for him or are you doing something to pay off that debt for him right now? Is he ungrateful for not appreciating it? Talk to me, you used to talk to me and confess everything to me before. Why not now?"
Worth looked so frustrated.
I could tell he was almost fighting with something inside of him. He didn't want to say anything and yet it was like his younger self was trying to peer through. To tell me for themselves.
Not the Worth before me, but M-N-M.
"Worth..." I say his name, and he continued to be fighting with himself to confess. "M-N-M, talk to me."
I saw his eyes widen as he looks up at me.
"You're...wasting your time. I am not saying a word-."
"Just say a little bit. Are you the one that committed those crimes that you want to be charged for? Just say that much. Look, I'll turn this off." I pretended to turn the camcorder off. Removing it as I set it down flat on the bed, he looks at it.
He looks back at me and I could tell that made him feel a little bit better.
Worth just inhaled deeply, his hands covering his face and I grab them, holding onto them. As I do so, he sighs.
"No...I didn't fucking do that shit." He tells me, and I try not to lose my mind in excitement. Finally having told me this much...
"Then who did? You said you're paying back the debt for Micah for having saved your life in high school. Does...you being here have to do with that? Did Micah do all of that stuff and you're just trying to...pay him back for saving you? By taking up for his crimes and accepting his punishment?"
Worth stats silent, not saying anything. He just got off the bed now, shaking his head.
"I've said too much."
"It's okay...I can already assume enough, but I hate assuming. Did Micah do all of that stuff and you're taking the hit for it to pay him back?" I question him once more, and Worth covers his face again.
This time I don't pull his hands away because I believed he was trying to sum up the courage. I waited for him to say more and I could wait for any amount of time. Especially if it was to help-.
"Yes...I am here to pay off his debt because this was the only way he said he'd truly love me and be there when the trial occurs."
"So he did it-?"
"Yes, shit! He committed those crimes and I'm in here for him so that he doesn't have to rot in here. I don't mind being in here...because at least I can really take advantage of people here. Out in the real world, it's always me being taken advantage of and hurt." He tells me and I felt like I was looking at M-N-M.
He had tears in his eyes as he seemed to realize what he's done. I see him bolt for the door and I rush after him, grabbing his hand before he can leave.
"Worth, it's okay-."
"It's not okay! I am to tell nobody! You...you used some kind of thing against me. Like your...your pretty looks and your soft voice to get me to say it because you know I am weak to you! You took advantage of my weaknesses-!"
"It's not like that, no! I just want you to talk to me because I can tell you're hurting. It feels good to talk to somebody...especially when it's about something like that." I murmur, trying to not shout in celebration to the confession.
I can really help him out of here now.
"Look...calm down. Let's go to Buc-Ees. They have a weird food court there, I don't know...can I say that?" I frown, thinking if I can call there food area a food court. "Yeah, let's go there and get some breakfast, okay? It'll help you feel better. It's fine, I promise."
I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, handing him a new one as he brushes his teeth alongside me. I could tell he was wary of it all and I smile at him while doing so.
He just chuckles, looking forward and I could feel my own nerves just from his confession. I have it on recording...it's just what to do with that evidence. I think when he confessed to me he was still drowsy from sleep.
If he was fully awake I doubt he would've been that honest. For me to be able to say...I got this confession was everything. He told me, himself, what I already knew. It was just the fact that he said it for himself. He confirmed that to be true.
His true intentions being here, to take up for Micah's crimes. All for some dumb debt even though Micah should just protect him without there being some compensation after. Just goes to show how horrible of a person he is.
Not that I wasn't already aware of that.
Once we were done brushing our teeth, we just left easily. I still brought my camcorder because since he's told me that much, he might be open to tell me more.
There was just awkward silence though from his end. I know he was still questioning why he told me. I didn't want him to regret being honest with me. I needed him to stop thinking about it so negatively.
"So...Buc-Ees has good breakfast tacos," I start, seeing him look at me, "They're sweets smelled good too. I only got coffee and that last time I went."
"I've never had breakfast tacos. I don't really like breakfast food." He tells me calmly, soon sighing. "I don't mind trying it though. If you say it's good I'll give it a shot."
I grin at the fact that he's willing to try it, and when we arrive there I was happy too. Until I saw-.
"Why the fuck is Micah here?" I sneer in disgust, seeing him talk to somebody at the entrance. Never seen them before, but they looked sketchy.
"I don't...know? Maybe because he can't leave the state, that's a guess." Worth mocks, and I roll my eyes as he gets out the car.
I see him go towards them and Micah looked surprised to see him. Only for him to dismiss the person he was talking to, seeing walk away from him. I instantly took a picture of that person's license plate as he drove off.
Now I get out the car, and Micah's calm demeanor with Worth turned sour upon me.
"Oh...isn't it just 'lovely' seeing you today." Micah says sarcastically.
"I'm afraid I can't say the same." I state sharply, and he rolls his eyes.
"Why are you here?" He ends up asking Worth despite the fact that we should be asking him why he's here.
"We're getting something to eat. That's what." Worth says now, and we begin to go inside. My arms folding as I walk right beside Worth and saw Micah looked distracted on something.
I bet it had something to do with that person who drove off. I'm happy I got the picture now so that I can look into them later. Search up their license plate, of course.
While we're walking, I realize that Worth had strayed off to look at the menus. He was standing a distance away from me and I saw Micah wasn't beside him.
I didn't waste my time looking over because from my peripheral vision, I saw him smirking at me.
"You know, let's be real here. I know you know what's up here, and I just want to tell you that you can't do shit about it. Just from your behavior, I know you know why he's in there. But bitch, I just want to tell you that things will never change about that. I'm never going to prison, ever." Micah says to me and I tried not to give him a reaction.
"You're quite confident in saying that to me with no shame. You realize my profession, right?" I question him.
"So? A punk ass CO works for a punk ass police force. I hold no fear towards any of you." Micah snorts, and that pissed me off even more.
I looked over at Worth, seeing him gawk practically at the displays of sweets. Looking back at Micah, I needed to be sure.
"Did you do those crimes that Worth wants to be charged for?" I ask him, and he raises his eyebrow like that was a dumb question. Except I wanted to hear him say, for himself, that he did it. "Answer me."
Micah laughs, and I just glare at him as he laughs louder. I knew he just looked stupid as people looked at him weirdly.
"Fine bitch, want an answer? Let's just be straight up here since you like to ask dumb questions, so here you go. Yeah, I did those crimes, yeah I did."
Got him.
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