《His Worth | MxM》eleven
I stare blankly forward at a new inmate who was sharing cells with Worth. My flashlight set on them and neither of them had shame.
Worth looked right at me as he slammed into this guy's ass relentlessly, and I showed no emotion. Only tapping on the glass finally as the guy gasped instantly and actually showed shame.
"Officer Nate I'm sorry!" He cries, trying to hide himself underneath Worth's body. I look away from him as I saw Worth look at me with just as little of an expression.
"It's fine, continue on," I say calmly, the inmate looking confused, "Lockdown suits some inmates more than others."
I mock them as I walk away, only to hear them both go right back at it. It was irritating because whatever thing was happening between Worth and I was a couple of weeks ago.
Now it's just embarrassing for him, but it's like Worth is trying to get caught banging these people. He wants me to come and he wants to get a reaction.
I've come to find that out early on.
He's like a child really.
I shake my head, turning on the cameras to his cell. I could see the other inmate clinging to Worth as he straddled his lap, Worth guiding his hips for him. Except you could tell that it wasn't really...anything for him.
Most people when they have sex, it means something. You either get something out of it, you enjoy it, or you love it. He just looks like it's a chore; and a boring one at that.
It's just pathetic at this point.
"Worth you're so cool..." The new inmate tells him, kissing his neck. I could tell that bothered him as he actually moved his eyes off the wall now. "I'm forgetting I'm even in jail."
"That's what everyone wants to feel," Worth speaks finally, his eyes looking directly into the camera, "Even if it's for a moment. A moment to just and really feel alive again. To not hold onto what's holding you down, but to focus on the now. To just think and not hold it against anyone and focus on now."
I saw the inmate sit up, frowning at Worth.
"What are you talking about?"
Instantly that snapped Worth out of his little musing, and he was shoved face down onto the bed. That is an iconic move to me at this point because he has done that to everyone he's fucked it seemed. And it's usually to shut them up.
I didn't bother watching him just fuck him on all-fours as I go into the date base.
I ended up finding out that Worth didn't lie about something. His name really is Malakai; but that's all it shows.
How does he not have a last name set in? So that already makes my job harder to find out what the fuck his situation is.
Now I'm learning for me to satisfy my nosiness. If he wants to stay here and under this corruption, who am I to try and interfere with that?
He clearly gets off to this kind of last style and his dick is never bored. Guess it'd be anyone's dream if they were crazy too. Now I don't know if I can go off what I interpreted since he lied and pretended so much.
Does he like it here or hate it?
I can say he hates the officials and officers. That's not even up for discussion, yet he'll fuck them.
Just...weird all round. I don't get it at all.
Instead I look for his brother, Micah, under relations. I wasn't surprised at all to see him there. Easily, and there was his last name.
Micah Varon. So...unless they don't share the same father - which I doubt since they basically look the same with some differences - his name is Malakai Varon.
Varon...it isn't ringing any bells at the moment, but it's possible I've heard it somewhere. Not anywhere good though.
As I looked at Micah's records, I saw that he was the one with crimes and charges on his record. Worth's was a clean slate despite the fact that he was supposedly in here for all that shit he said he supposedly did.
Except if anyone did those crimes, it would've been Micah. He's the one with assaults, robberies, and GTA on his record. I don't see any murders, but I just think he hasn't gotten caught.
Or...he's getting to the point of getting caught.
I groan, resting my elbows on the table as I run my hands over my face. Looking into such a thing just seems so pointless, especially with how much no one is telling me nothing. Being as useless as it comes when referring to useless.
If you care for someone like how they seem to care for Worth and doing what he says, wouldn't it be best to help him out of here? Or do they want to keep him at their full disposal whenever they please?
It's probably the latter knowing this shit place.
Micah's whole record explained why they didn't want him entering headquarters to begin with. That's why Worth had sex with Chief, so that he could join. His record even has a crime against a police officer, so...
He shouldn't have been in here.
Why would Worth even go that far for him though?
I wouldn't know because that dude told me absolutely nothing about himself besides the basics. I can't believe I almost fell for him. He barely even told me a thing about him, and that's how you start to really feel something for someone. You fall for what you see in them and what you know about them.
I thought I knew what I saw in him, but I knew nothing about him. So...what did I even like in him to begin with?
This is all so wrong, and that very thought caused me to groan into my hands. The frustration was at an all-time high. How do I not be pissed off about this?
I'm no better. I'm no better than any of these people in here! No...I am to a degree because I didn't practically give my whole entire being to the guy. He hasn't taken nothing of mine, but he's surely taken multiple others.
As I sit here I begin to really think. Except that thought was interrupted when the pod doors open.
I saw Chief walk right in with no shame, his eyebrow raised on me. There was nothing I had to say to him as I wait for him to say something. I had no desire to start a conversation with him, so he better spit out whatever he has to say.
"You're looking awfully displeased recently." Chief is obviously mocking, and I snicker as I rest my elbow on the counter. "What's so funny?"
"I'm not displeased at all, more like annoyed if anything. Besides, why do you think that? Is there something you have to tell me?" I instigate, glaring at him.
I know some people would be afraid about losing their jobs, but I wasn't afraid at all. Because I know I could easily say something about this mess. I will say something about it if he fires me.
Not because I'll be separated from Worth, but because this is all wrong. False-imprisonment at its finest. With the way he acts though, you'd think he was meant to be imprisoned.
"There's nothing I wish to share or nothing I need to share to you. I'm here to see-."
"Worth, I know." I snort, shaking my head as I go to the cameras in his room. "Want to see what he is doing? Be my guest."
I turn the computer for Chief to see, and he was able to see Worth having sec with the new inmate. The look on his face said a thousand words; but let's be real here. He really has no reason to be upset.
Worth has slept with his whole task force and subordinates at this point. Why bother getting mad if he fucks a random inmate?
"He shouldn't be doing this, why isn't he in seg?"
"Why am I going to waste my time moving him there when you guys will just have sex with him there instead. I'm not an idiot. Get out of my cellblock." I stand up, looking down at the Chief.
He glared at me, and as he walked away I wondered if he ever really considered firing me... No, he doesn't have the balls for that.
Eventually, it came down to being chow time, breakfast, for the inmates. I let them out and they were still kind of in-and-out of sleep.
Not Worth with his nasty ass.
I saw the guy he slept with close beside him, not even leaving his side. Worth seemed to be staring on blankly with no life as he got his tray, but then passed it to the guy.
He rushed away to eat it, and I wasn't surprised to see him approach me.
"No, back up-."
"Can you hand me some tissues?"
I frown, and I see him wait patiently. I thought...
I turn around, going into the supply closet that was right behind the counter. Once I grabbed some tissues I turn to see a big shadow looming.
I should've known.
"Have you ever had something up your ass?"
I look up at Worth, seeing him wait for my response as he stood at the door. I glare at him because I didn't want to waste my time speaking to him.
It'll only just be time being taken unnecessarily. He has no motive behind it, no, he probably does have a motive.
"What kind of stupid question is that? No, I haven't." I sneer. "How dare you ask me that question? Take these tissues and move out the damn way with that stupid question."
"Because, I'm getting tired of trying to conceal my hunger for you." He just says with no shame, walking forward as he slammed the door. "The Chief has been allowing new inmate after new inmate into my cell...you've realized, right?"
I don't say anything, because he already knew I noticed such buffoonery.
"Haven't you also realized that they bare a resemblance to you?"
Now I was confused. I didn't notice that part. I was so busy just noticing the fact he always had new roommates who were conveniently removed. My arms fold though at his words in the end.
"So what? What does that have to do with me?"
"It has everything to do with you, damn it! Nate, I'm sorry." Worth suddenly says, and I look at him blankly. "My intentions were not good initially, yes, we know this now; but I'm not a horrible person when it pertains to you. I was going to take out revenge, but I was never going to hurt you like that. I just wanted you to want me like the others do-."
"I'm not a hoe." I interrupt him sharply, causing him to nod awkwardly. "I've only ever been with women and you were the first man I ever even considered. Quite possibly the last since you are proving to me how horrible dating a man is, now I know how women feel-."
"You shouldn't say that." Worth chuckled awkwardly, shaking his head. "I'm gay, so a woman has never had her time wasted by me. That was a good try though."
I roll my eyes, still waiting for him to move out of my way. Only for him to suddenly hover his hands over my shoulders as if he was waiting to see what I'd do. When he saw I could care less, he rested his hands on them.
"What do I...myself, need to do for you to show you I really have feelings for you? I will do anything for you." He murmurs calmly, his hands beginning to cradle my face.
His body came a couple steps closer towards mine as my arms were still folded. I really have no intentions on forgiving him that easily. And my trust for him is completely down the drain.
How am I to know this isn't just a rouse to get back on track of revenge? I'm not fucking stupid. At the same time...am I overreacting now and he is trying to just like me?
I need...proof.
I just don't know what.
"I'll need to think about it." I just say, his hands still caressing and feeling on my face. "I don't know how you could regain my trust in you. What do you think you have to do besides saying sorry?"
Worth looked confused by what I said, and I could tell he wasn't used to being sorry about something. Except he seemed to thinking on it and I pull away from him now.
"I can...stop having sex with your subordinates and the Chief, that won't bother me one bit." Worth offers, and I look at him. "I can do it."
"I know you can, but can they? I really don't need you to prove anything to me, I have my own problems to worry about and how I'm going to handle them. If you want to stop having sex with them, so it on your own accord. Not because I say so." I state, folding my arms. "When was the last time you've done something on your own accord? Besides trying to get revenge on me, because that was genuine. I mean on your accord."
Worth looked taken aback by my words, almost like he wasn't expecting that. His eyes diverted some and I knew he was either hiding something still or just at a loss for words.
I...am that much certain, if I have anything to be certain about.
"Asking what I genuinely want is like me asking a trained dog that I told to sit, to not eat the treat before him. I...am used to keeping that to myself and not usually going by what I genuinely want. Yes, the revenge and putting all these officers in their place, but that's just a ploy. It's not what I really want because if I wasn't here, this stuff would've never crossed my mind to do to others... I do know I genuinely like you, and you probably don't believe me; but I know myself enough to know this. Revenge, or no revenge. I'm done with that, okay?"
I don't say anything, and he was breathing quite deeply. I could tell he must've been quite frustrated considering most would've never had him go to this point. He's probably used to people...just giving in to him. Now, that's just not the case.
I can tell it bothers him, having no control over me. It's almost like I have control over him...if I can even say that.
"I..." I start, and he waits. "I need time."
Worth cleared his throat, nodding as his hands ran up his chest. Like he was wiping sweat off his hands or something. Except I didn't miss the fact that he was somehow hard in this conversation.
"Are you serious?"
"I told you...already." Worth chuckles awkwardly, backing away as he goes to the door. "I am imagining every inmate I do it with, to be you. Except when I come out to see the real you, it becomes harder to...pretend."
"Then don't pretend."
I saw his eyes widen, and I raise my eyebrow. I think that came off quite suggestive considering the conversation.
"Just be yourself with me and talk to me. Not like how you were before, but truly talking to me. Even if we're here, I'll figure out some ways if you're genuine about this," I suggest, seeing him nod fast, "But if I get any suspicions you're lying to me or trying to enact revenge still - I'm done and moving pods work wise. So that we can't see each other."
Worth nods again, this look of anxiousness beginning to fill his eyes. I saw him open the door now for me and I step out.
The inmates were all looking in this direction when I came out first. Only for Worth to come out now and I know when he walked around the counter, they saw he was hard.
It...wasn't a hard thing to see, no pun intended.
That guy who was clinging to him rushed over to him as if to ask what was wrong, only for Worth to completely ignore him. His eyes trained on me the whole time and I look away, not wanting to get more enemies at this point.
I will be honest though...I was somehow feeling a little proud.
This certainly means nothing still. I still need time...
I look down, opening a drawer that has the trustee shirt I was initially going to give Worth. If he was to get this...he wouldn't be confided to here 24/7 and can walk the premises with me without suspicions.
Because he's my .
...perfect, but his only and last chance.
I pull out the shirt and rest it on the counter, standing up as I nod at Worth who was already looking at me.
He sat up fast almost like an eager puppy dog, looking at me in wait. That's when I lift up the shirt so that he could see the back that said '' in bold letters and all caps.
Smirking, I nod at him.
"Want to be my trustee?" I mouth the words, and I saw a smirk begin to grow on his lips too. The both of us smirking at one another from this distance apart.
While his bunkie looking between us in confusion.
I didn't need Worth's answer though.
His expression was the answer I needed.
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