《His Worth | MxM》twelve
"I see you made Worth your trustee."
I look up to unfortunately hear Trevor's voice, coming upon a couple of other DART members. I already know they were looking for him because Worth was in the kitchen behind me.
He has to get other inmates chow in his pod and neighboring ones. I've taken it upon myself to be the watchful eye, obviously.
"Yeah, so what?" I say blankly, and he frowns. "I'm just saying. It's not that big of a deal."
"It isn't...I guess." Trevor suddenly was standing quite close to me, smirking up at me. His arm going around mine like we were friends. "Can we borrow him for a few moments. Celebrating his trusteeship being reinstated-."
"One, get the fuck off me, we aren't friends," I hiss, yanking my arm back and the other DART members looked at us awkwardly, "And he doesn't need you to celebrate for him or with him. None of that weird, unnecessary stuff. Just let him do his job instead of always trying to get in his pants."
"Says you." Trevor scoffs, and I snort. "You can't deny it because you've done it with him too-."
"I haven't actually. I've kissed him though since you clearly want to know so badly."
Right when I said that they all looked taken aback. I wasn't able to hear their stupid ass responses as Worth began to roll out the cart.
I see the trays on it and he was grinning at me, only for his grin to crack into disgust at the sight of Trevor. That clearly bothered him as he smiles forcefully.
"Congratulations on being trustee once again." Trevor congrats him. Worth just looks at him blankly and I could tell he wasn't having his bullshit. He probably could guess why them in particular would come to the kitchen area for inmates.
They literally are supposed to be checking pods, doing shakedowns, and controlling hectic situations. Instead, they're here...not doing their job.
Seeing how they act though, they're probably the worst workers on that task force. It's probably best they're not there.
"Worth we were thinking about throwing something for you to celebrate reinstatement. Are you up for it?" Trevor tells him as if I didn't already say something on the matter.
"I don't need a celebration for something as trivial as this. Any inmate can be trustee, why don't you throw celebrations for them too? I bet they'll like it." He nods at me that he wanted to go and I follow behind him as he rolls the cart.
I look over at Trevor who showed evident irritation. His obvious irritation by how Worth reacted was one thing, but I could tell that they believed I had him acting that way.
No, and we aren't even anything. Why must his actions and us sharing a kiss be attributed to anything? It could've been...but I'm still not fully trusting of him just yet.
I look up, seeing Worth at our cell block. I put the code in and he goes in to serve everyone their trays. Me standing right behind to make sure all of them were given accordingly, but I began to realize.
All of the trays were excessively filled with food. My eyes narrow on Worth because I know he probably had the kitchen workers participating. I...can't be mad at him trying to feed people.
I will pretend to be none the wiser.
"Officer Nate."
I recognize Matthew's voice, seeing him walk over towards me. I let him stand beside me as Worth continues to give trays to other inmates.
"I see you and him are best friends now." Matthew grins up at me and I frown. "Giving trusteeship is a really big deal. I hope I'm not imagining anything more than a friendship between you two. I believe you are different from the rest here."
"Of course." I say quickly, looking back forward.
I couldn't tell if he was trying to be condescending...or mocking in any way when he said that. I'm pretty sure no one knows of the kiss Worth and I shared on their courtyard, based on how no one's rubbed it in my face. Except Worth is here...they wouldn't dare anyway.
"You giving Worth this opportunity might be good in showing others you can be around Worth and not be using him for sexual favors, you know? So many people fall into that spectrum of using him for this and that. It's ironic considering where we are, but can you really be that surprised. This prison is considered the worst out there in terms of corruption."
"Then why is it still open? You worked for the governments, so you said, right?" I question him, and he raises his hands defensively.
"They already got me locked up in here for bullshit, I can't give them an actual reason to keep me here just in case if you're feeling generous and want to snitch on me for a quick buck-."
"No, not at all." I interrupt him fast, looking to see that Worth had given out all the trays. "Well, we'll be on our way."
Worth and I walk out of the pod now. Once the doors close I see him look down at me curiously.
"Nothing, just thinking." I say blankly, looking at the clock. "What's next on your schedule?"
"Lunch?" He snorts since he just gave out lunch trays. I nod because that was only common sense. I don't know why nothing was really...sticking for me.
We both end up walking to the lunch hall at headquarters, with complete silence.
I inherently...was feeling guilt. If I am doing this just for us to be able to become closer...I'm really no different, huh?
It's conflicting because I know my intentions and I don't intend on using him in such a way. Except with every turn I take, someone is ready to place a reason for this or that.
I made him trustee because of sex. I made him trustee possibly to get sex. I made him trustee because I'm obsessed with him.
I made him trustee because that was a way for him to avoid those issues. He has a job and can't abandon that, or he's fired. I can basically watch out for him too.
Yet why does it still feel so wrong?
My thoughts are interrupted as I look up, only to see that we weren't even walking anymore. We were in a meeting room that happened to be in the headquarters.
I look at him cautiously because if someone saw us come in here-.
"No one saw us come in here, you know."
I found myself nodding with relief, only to see him raise his eyebrow.
"What's up with you?" Worth questions me now. "Ever since you've given me trusteeship, you've been acting strange. Not to mention we aren't even really talking unless it comes down to work-related things. Did you fall out of liking me already?"
I saw him look down at me with concern, and I sigh sadly. Shaking my head, I go towards him as I rest my hands on his shoulders. Looking at his chest, I couldn't look in his eyes yet.
"I don't...want to be like everybody else. I keep having people ask me and accuse me of the same thing. What am I getting out of you being with you..." I say, and he doesn't say anything. "All I know are my intentions, yet I still feel like I'm no different."
I feel Worth's hands cradle my face and I look up, seeing him grin gently.
"It shouldn't matter. You can't compare yourself to them because you are, in fact, way different. I promise you, you are much more different than they are. I wouldn't stress about such a thing, okay?" He tries to affirm for me.
I pull my face back from his hands, looking at him awkwardly. I see him grin now as he sat on the table, folding his arms.
"I can tell you this much, I have never once kissed anyone here." He informs me, and I don't say anything to that. "I don't pleasure them besides just sticking my dick in their ass. I know you didn't ask, but I just want to make something clear to you."
Worth stands up as he grabs my hand. He pulls me between his legs as I stand, looking at him as he grins softly.
"I have never wanted...to truly see someone moan my name and writhe under me as much as I want to see you in such a state. I want to make you feel good and I want to drive you crazy. All I know...is that I couldn't ever truly have sex with you here, I will say that." He tells me breathlessly. "Even now...but it's like what my brother said, who cares what people think or if you're possibly considered to be like the rest. You know the truth, you have nothing to prove to anyone else."
Of course Micah said that.
I look into Worth's eyes and see him grinning still. I look over my shoulder at the door only to look back forward at him.
My eyes stayed fully focused on his face and I was now really seeing him. Because I've never looked this hard before.
I always knew he was handsome, but I never really looked at him in anyway but in...the way I always have.
Now that I'm looking I was enjoying what I was seeing. My hands cradle his face and I looked a little more intensely. My lips tighten together in concentration almost, seeing him raise his eyebrow curiously.
"Tell me...something about you." I say finally, feeling his hands caress my back nicely.
I see him raise his eyebrow, but he didn't seem suspicious of my asking. Good, I just wanted to know more about him.
"Well, I'm not from here. This place is shit. I'm from Atlanta. My brother raised me really because our parents were a part of the gang life. They weren't really there and it came a point where once I was born and few months later, they disappeared with the house they left us in. So it's just him and me, and I can't help but admire him greatly for sacrificing his whole childhood experience for me." Worth confesses to me.
Causing his eyes to divert a little, he looked back at me and smiled.
"I haven't told anyone that in some time. Micah has his flaws and I know you saw them, but he's all I have. He's a father to me and I really admire him and what he stands for at times. He's...done some things for my sake and not for my sake; but I love him either way. He's my brother, and my father too."
I look at him differently as the whole 'destiny' thing was beginning to make sense. Did he believe that anything that is in favor of helping his brother...a part of his destiny since Micah gave his life for him too in a way?
...I can see it being that way.
"We grew up much different from each other, but I think that was obvious already." I snicker awkwardly as he nods quickly. "My family is involved in the police force, FBI, whatnot. I wanted to do something along those lines because it was instilled in me that that was what I needed to do. It became what I wanted to do. Be better than the current police force because it's honestly horrible, but I wanted to make a true difference. Not be there, but do something while I'm there. Make a true impact."
I feel his hands stop in my waist, and I found myself hugging him. My head resting on his shoulder as I leaned against him even as he sat on the table.
"You believe...Malakai, that I will make an impact?"
I feel his hands caress my back again comfortingly, and he nods.
"I believe so. You already have made an impact for me because now no one dares approach me. Your presence alone is quite intimidating because everyone here knows what they're doing is wrong. I'm in the wrong too, but being held here like this because of circumstances is wrong as well. It's kind of a monopoly in some sorts."
"I don't want you to be anyones monopoly."
"I'm not."
"You...are." I breathe sadly, leaning into him more. "They keep you here wrongfully, and use you inappropriately. They have a possession over you...you're their monopoly that they use when it's convenient for them. It disgusts me."
I feel him smile against my shoulder, and I look to the side. I see him look at me now and I don't say anything. Only to his lips come closer towards mine.
I look to the side some, feeling his lips press to my cheek. He looks at me in shock and I grin shyly.
"No kiss?"
"Do you think you deserve a kiss yet?"
Worth looked entertained by my question.
"I think I deserve whatever you're willing to give me." He murmurs, his lips grazing my cheek. "Can I...do something for you? May I...I mean."
I felt his dick against my pelvis as I leaned against him. I don't say anything, my eyes locked onto his.
I could see that just being around me seemed to arouse him in a way and I...liked that.
He gripped my shirt, and I feel his lips kiss my neck tenderly. My hands grips his arms the deeper he'd kiss, my body almost moving away from it because I was sensitive. Only to soon feel his hands unbutton my shirt.
I didn't say anything yet because I was curious what he'd do. Only to feel his hands grope my chest and I caused me to stagger back almost. He pulled me back fast, seeing him almost look overwhelmed.
His face went between my chest as I feel his tongue lick upwards. A chill going down my spine to see his eyes stay locked onto mine.
To feel his hand grope my chest, his tongue ran against my nipple. My lips parting in shock because I wasn't used to this. I've never had someone...look at me this way or do something like this to me.
Worth's lips wrapped around my nipple as I feel his tongue tease it within his mouth. My body reacting oddly as I looked away, trying to contain the weird feelings going through me.
"W-Wait." I feel his hand grope my bottom to the point that I lost feeling in my leg almost. I couldn't help but gasp at that point, my hand gripping his wrist as I yanked it down. "Worth w-what-?"
"I'm sorry I have just been wanting to touch you for so long. Now that I can, how can I suppress this desire?" He kissed my chest as he pulled me closer, inhaling deeply. "Everything about you I desire. I have never wanting someone as much as I want you. The very day I saw you, even with how you treated me...I wanted you."
I feel him practically pull me onto his lap, and I couldn't help myself when I moaned against him. To feel that I was hard against his dick, the friction was there.
Just from that noise alone that I made, his eyes widened and I could tell that he liked that. His lips smashing onto mine and suddenly I hear the door open.
The both of us look to see Chief and some other officers together. I already noticed Trevor within the mix as I pull off of Worth fast. Looking at him as he looked irritated, so I trusted he didn't intentionally do this.
"Good job Trevor. How did you know they'd be doing something? Who are we kidding, it was obvious-."
"You guys don't know anything. Just running your fucking mouthes just to run them, and for what? Because I won't fuck your now loose asses?" Worth snapped harshly, standing up and before me. "Piss off."
"I'm afraid we can't do that." Chief shook his head, walking in as they follow behind and some stay outside. When the door closed I looked at Worth who seemed not surprised by this outcome.
I grab his arm and he didn't even look like he was there. His eyes were blank and I shook his arm.
"Worth, hey-."
"You can either participate or watch. No one's leaving here until we get what is expected. There's nothing wrong with this because this is how we do things. That doesn't change because you want it to. Right Worth?" Chief goes towards him and I became disgusted.
Yanking Worth back now, I glare at them.
"I won't let you." I sneer, looking at him in disgust. "It's wrong. Do you have no shame?"
"Do you have no shame? Don't interfere with things that have nothing to do with you. You're already having him in a more intimate way than he's ever been with us. Isn't that enough for you? Why be so selfish-?"
"How dare you call me selfish?!" I shout now, only for one of the workers to finally step forward. One who was actually bigger than me, but not bigger than Worth.
I was used to being taller and bigger than everyone; so for him to suddenly want to step up?
"It's not really your decision, it's Worth's. Why are you trying to force it upon someone? You're all pathetic."
"You're fucking pathetic!" He shouts back at me and I feel him shove me right into Worth. Until I suddenly see a fist fly right at the guy's face.
Seeing fall right onto the ground, gasps erupted as we look. Worth no longer in that trance and back to normal. That look of disgust and hatred so prevalent.
Despite the fact that he struck a DART member.
He looked down at me, grinning solemnly.
"Take me to seg, please."
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