《His Worth | MxM》ten
"I heard you got sick."
I look at Fay as she was walking towards me, her eyebrow raised. I end up nodding to that since it was true.
"Yeah, I did. I'm fine now though, so don't worry," I insist, knowing that it's been some time since I've seen Worth. Not too long, but I was off for a week.
So for a whole week...I didn't see him. That's the longest it's been since I've started working here.
"I know this is random and me being on your side is weird since I am sided at the female pods, but I needed to tell you this." She starts, coming a little closer to me. "It's about what Chief and Worth were talking about. They were talking about you and...I don't know what you and Worth have going on now; but you need to be careful."
I frown, confused because it wasn't even known that him and I really did anything. All we did was kiss...but that's not really much of anything anyway. Word does spread fast amongst the corrupted.
"Careful of what?"
"Of Worth. Chief asked him why he cares for you so much and why you're so close. Worth said he doesn't like you like that at all and is enacting revenge against you for trying to treat him like a bitch and use people. That he wanted to show you that you're no different from everyone else here...and he was using you." Fay just tells me all of this.
I...honestly didn't believe her because Worth hates the Chief. Why would he just spill all of that out.
"What day was this?"
"The day you collapsed." She states, and that didn't...really help because I remember when he chased after the Chief. Because of me trying to follow so abruptly, I passed out. "He was saying that you two kissed in the rain and so what to the Chief, mocking him I believe. Then the Chief asked where did you two go the day you guys left and he said McDonald's, and that was it. I promise I'm not lying."
I look away now because...she said something things that only him and I would know. Worth doesn't even know Fay so she could've only heard this if she was...
"Okay...thank you. I'm actually about to go see him now, so..." I smile awkwardly, and she nods as she steps back fast.
"Okay, good. You can ask him then, and you can gladly use my name. It doesn't matter to me if he knows I snitched or not. That's what I'm paid for, to do what's right. Even if it's snitching." She shrugs casually, smiling at me. "I'll go, see you later and I hope it works out."
I nod, and we both walked away from one another at the same time.
I was...contemplating.
I apologized to Worth though and we moved on from that. Except she did make key points that only we would know...and she wouldn't know unless he was talking about it.
When I get to the door of where Worth said he'd be, I go inside quickly. I faced the door fast as I closed it quietly, kind of feeling odd.
I could feel his presence behind me...and I was oddly comforted despite what I just learned. I wanted to have faith in him...I won't believe instantly because not everyone in here is a bad person.
I've come to learn that.
Turning around to face him now, I let my vision focus in the dark.
I stood in the room with Worth, looking up at him as he looked down at me. The lights weren't on so that it didn't alert that someone was in here. Except there didn't need to be one...I could see him very clearly without the light.
He seemed almost different...but I know he wasn't because we weren't even away from one another for that long. Except it felt like we were when we really weren't at all.
This isn't much of anything...yet why does it feel like it is?
"How are you?" Worth spoke first, and I clear my throat normally.
"I'm fine, as you can see. No coughing or runny nose anymore. Just...back to normal." I nod surely, raising my eyebrow at him. "How are you?"
Worth grins, leaning against some boxes casually.
"I'm just fine, great now that I'm seeing you, of course." He chuckles, smirking at me. My lips tighten together as I remember what Fay told me.
I just didn't want to believe it because it was so...abrupt and random for her to have told me that. I want to say she's lying and I want to condemn her for it. Except she brought up points that were said that only him and I would know.
No one knew we went to McDonald's but him and me. No one knew why I went out into the rain for him and what my reasons were but me, and soon him when I told him.
We were the only ones that would've known such details, yet she did. And that was all just from simply eavesdropping?
I look, seeing Worth closer to me now. He grabbed my hand as he pulled me towards him. My arms hug him back, I could feel his thigh go between my legs. Almost having me sit upon it as he pulled me against it abruptly.
My eyes widening at the friction it caused and I cleared my throat.
"Worth that's..."
"You look like something's bothering you." He says, pressing a kiss to my neck now. Beginning to feel his hands caress my hips, they were close to touching my bottom.
I grabbed his wrists as I moved them back up, looking at him more. I saw his eyes set on how I moved his hand and I know he noticed. I didn't care though because it wasn't something worth getting upset over.
He didn't look upset though, more like...concerned if anything.
"I need to ask you a question and it's a serious one. Be completely honest about what I ask and don't lie because I never lied to you." I tell him calmly, seeing him nod. "Do you know an officer by the name of Fay?"
I see him shook his head immediately, and I believed that considering she was eavesdropping.
"It doesn't matter...but she heard you and the Chief talk," I start, looking into his eyes, only to see how blank they were now. No life at all, his hold on me becoming loose, "She said things...only you and I would've known about. Where we went and whatnot when I let you out, no one knew of that because I never told anyone. The only way she could've known was if you either told her yourself or you really were talking to the Chief."
I pull away from him now, seeing him just fold his arms now. There was no accountability or care in the world on his end. I haven't even finished yet, but to see how much he just didn't care...
"People are always fucking prying in my business when it pertains to me. I'm not surprised at all she happened to be eavesdropping." He kind of admits, but I never said the other part.
"She said the Chief asked why you're so nice to me, and you told him you don't really like me at all. That you want to...get revenge on me and 'put me in my place'. To basically have me be another one of your bitches that you can control to show I'm just like the rest since I disrespected you so much." I finally say it all.
Worth doesn't budge or show any reaction to my words. He looked the exact same from when I started speaking until when I finished. Like my words didn't even reach him in any way.
Did he even hear me?
"So...?" I say more harshly, stepping towards him. "Is it true?"
I look in his eyes because when he's shy or tries to hide something he tends to divert his eyes. Except he didn't divert his at all.
"Yeah, I said that. She's not lying at all." Worth admits plainly.
I instantly felt all of my animosity and disdain towards him return all from the very first day I started here. This 'feeling' of possibly liking him? That was gone, I was beginning to feel nothing.
I stepped back fast from again as I felt my lips tighten together, only for him to sigh.
"Except there's been a huge misunderstanding," He finally says, and I didn't believe him one bit, "Those were my intentions at first. I wanted to get revenge on you and put you in your place, yes I did. Protected everyone from you, spoke to you like we were friends and like I didn't hate your ass - at the time. I wanted to knock you down all those pegs to show you that you were and are no different from the rest of the corrupted because they all came in reppin' the same shit. Until they met me, they switched up fast; and I knew you were no different because you wanted to be respected so bad. You'd even sympathize with me just to get there, using people and shit."
I could feel my anger rising because I admitted to that and apologized. I felt horrible that day when I confessed everything and he just...is using that against me? He hated me back then too?
"You told me your fuckin' name," I croak, clearing my throat as I became enraged, "I confessed all of that because I truly felt like shit and you dare mock me about it? Use it against me in your little confession?!"
"Lower your voice I'm not yelling, so you don't need to either." He says simply with no care. It was the lack of remorse and understanding that was so infuriating. "Everything on the idea of 'revenge' changed when you helped me practically be released from prison. That...took me aback because you really were fighting against the system. You weren't just talk and I could tell you were standing by what you said, to my surprise. I angered myself because I had planned all of this revenge against you when...you're truly a good person.
"I felt bad and I angered myself to the point of standing out in the rain that day. I wasn't upset because you didn't kiss me back, who cares. I was mad at myself because I was wrong about something, that something being you. I do like you, but I won't lie and act like this liking towards you started off purely. I really had revenge against you up until you released me that day. My intentions weren't good until then so...you can go about that how you want. Except I know how I am going about it now and I do like you. That's all there is to it." Worth just admits to me.
My hands were balled-up because I really thought him and I were friends. I thought he invited me to that party, because we were friends. That's why he'd randomly be rude to me when I brought up helping...because he still had animosity towards me.
I really wanted to help him and he...used me and tried to get revenge. Playing with my feelings...and for what?
I fucking already said sorry.
Looking at him, I could tell he didn't feel like he did anything wrong. Because in his immature mind, he likes me now. Who cares if it was built off of a revenge ploy to bring me down to my worsts. Who cares about how that fucking looks and how that makes me fucking feel.
Worth shrugged nonchalantly, not even feigning remorse.
It'd be something if he looked sorry for what he did. Except...he wasn't sorry because like I fucking said, he doesn't believe he did anything wrong.
"Officer Nate from you, we aren't friends." I sneer harshly, and Worth's eyes widened.
"It's like that now?"
"Of course it fucking is don't act like things are going to stay the same! You hated me...and you probably still do! You manipulated me feelings just to try and what? Get me down to everyone's disgusting level? I fucking said sorry and I thought we were really friends. This whole time...it was fucking a lie?"
"Not all of it was. I know what was real for me and what wasn't. I have nothing to prove to you. I know that I like you despite what happened. Move on from that. You weren't even supposed to know about that anyway-."
"I'm happy I did so that I didn't fuckin' waste my time liking a douchebag like you!" I snap at him, and he looked away. "You are such a liar! You don't like me at all...you used me-."
"At first, I used you, at first!" Worth grips my shoulders, looking down at me seriously and actually showing emotion. "I was genuine on some things though. I have never told anyone here my actual name, I didn't lie about that. I really did find your mouth to be pretty-."
"Get the fuck out my face!" I shout now, yanking away from him.
I twist around towards the door only to feel him grab my arm, and I glare at him.
"Let go, now."
"Officer Nate."
"Officer...Nate, I do like you. I have no ill-intentions towards you now. Don't hold this against me because I'm not feeling that way now. Don't let this be an indicator for how I really feel for you because it's bullshit." Worth tells me, and I don't say anything. "Besides, don't act like you wouldn't deserve anything you had coming at you after how you treated me though."
I'm done.
"Get the fuck out of this room and back into your pod, now." I yell at him, grabbing his arm as I open the door.
Pulling him through, I some DART members heading down the opposite way of me. Trevor happening to be there as he saw us both and smirked.
"How was it?" He asks me, and I sneer at him.
"Shut the fuck up. How was what? How was nothing. Mind your fuckin' business and do your damn job instead of worrying about dick. Piss me the fuck off." I snapped at him and he looked gasped.
I kept going, not even caring.
I did want to maintain friendships with them to get information, but I'm just done. The information is to shit for all I'm concerned.
"You're upset...aren't you-?"
"I'm not answering dumb ass questions right now." I sneer, putting in the code to the pod as the doors open.
Once they were open I shove him inside, just going to the counter as I nod at the woman for shift change. She didn't argue since she clearly saw I was not in the mood, leaving the fastest she ever has.
It was obvious that no one was happy to see me here, not that I really gave a fuck. They probably hoped I'd die while I was out.
Worth was right at the counter too, looking down at me. I glare at him as I didn't want to look at him.
"Is there something you need?" I question him harshly, and he doesn't say anything. "Hello? You decided out of nowhere you can no longer hear?"
"I don't need anything-."
"Then stop standing in front of the counter. You're blocking my view of others." I tell him sternly, no longer going to waste my time with someone like that.
I really...developed feelings for him just for it to be a revenge ploy for him. I don't care if it's not like that anymore, supposedly. It's just the fact that it ever was.
"You're probably looking for a sorry, right?" Worth finally says, not even moving. I don't say anything because I didn't expect one.
I don't...need one either. It just goes to show his true character. Who gives a fuck about an apology.
"I don't want it. This is why criminals can't be trusted...even fake criminals like you." I say simply with no life.
He scoffs now, shaking his head in irritation.
"You really let some snitch get in the way of what we have?"
"What we 'had' was built upon your revenge. I was none the wiser and it was fake, you. You were fake, and I fell for a fake, vengeful Worth. Pretending and trying to lure me in with nice actions and sweet words, but it was for muck-."
"I truly defended you against everyone, that wasn't fucking fake. I cared for you to some degree; so don't get it fucked up like I didn't. Just because I wanted revenge on you doesn't mean a thing. I still inherently cared for you to the point of not wanting others to hurt you-."
"You only felt that way because you wanted to hurt me first. You're not fooling anybody. I see through all your shit now." I interrupt him as my voice was laced with venom.
He definitely looked offended by me saying that as he shook his head. Looking down at me with evident displeasure, being obvious he didn't like what I said.
"After everything...you really think I'd do that to you?" Worth asks me. I look at him like he's an idiot because come on!
"I don't know," I snicker, shaking my head at him, "I don't really know you like that to be answering those kind of questions."
I wasn't even saying that to try and be petty either. I really knew nothing about him. There were the stuff we talked about, but what do I really know about him? Besides his first name...is that even real?
Worth didn't like me saying that as he scoffed, walking off quickly from me. Going into his cell willingly, slamming it closed for everyone to know he was upset.
Now they all were looking at me.
Could he be any more obvious?
Not like he should be the one upset, I should be! I was the one who was lied to and almost played out to be a fool. Even if he wasn't going to go through with it anymore, I don't care.
I still feel...manipulated.
And that pissed me off.
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