《Running >> TWD, C.G》Twenty


took down the walkers in the courtyard one by one the next morning. She and Carl were both upset they weren't allowed to be involved, but after lots of 'no's and 'it's dangerous's they finally complied and stood behind the fence to attract the walkers and take them down with knives and sharp tools.

Addy breathed a sigh of relief when all the walkers had been taken down, but a knot formed in her stomach when the small group entered the actual prison.

Eventually, the small group gave the others the all clear to come in the prison. Addy followed after Carl and her blue eyes wandered around the cell block. The inside was nicer than she thought, ditch the litter, dirty rags, and blood and they might actually be able to make this place a home.

"What do you think?" Rick asked everyone as he walked down the metal steps, his footsteps echoing as he did so.

"Home sweet home." Glenn muttered as he walked past T-Dog, who was dragging a dead Walker away.

"For the time being."

"It's secure?" Lori asked her husband as her brown eyes wandered around the place.

"This cell block is." Rick nodded.

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel asked.

"In the morning we'll find a cafeteria and infirmary." Rick walked past them.

"We sleep in the cells?" Beth asked, eyeing the cell ahead of her.

"Found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set, too." Rick confirmed.

"I ain't sleepin' in no cage. I'll take the perch." Addy's eyes drifted to her father on the second story as he spoke.

After that, everyone began to disperse and find their own cells. The Dixon girl climbed the stairs and walked past her dad on the perch and into a nearby cell. She didn't want to be too faraway from him after all.

The girl managed to find a relatively clean cell and dropped her bag on the bottom bunk, yawning as she did so. Footsteps sounded just as she closed her eyes for a second of peace,

"Wanna be bunkmates?" His voice held excitement as he swayed slightly on his feet, a habit he'd had since he was little.

"Sure." Addy smiled tiredly. She was too exhausted to argue, and she didn't want to anyway. Carl grinned and shoved his bag on the top bunk, even though they had a long day Carl seemed to be full of energy.



Addy chuckled at Carl as he slipped on the black helmet that was far too big for him. Carl grinned at the girl from under the helmet and took it off. However, the boy's grin was short lived as his father crushed his hope.

"You won't need that," Carl's face fell, "Need you - both of you to stay put." Rick's blue eyes flicked from Carl to Addy. The girl didn't really mind. She did want to go with them, but she knew her father would never allow it.

"You're kidding."

"We don't know what's in there," Rick motioned kept his voice low, "If something goes wrong you could be the last men standing. I need you two to handle things here."

Carl looked dejected but sighed and nodded his head anyway, "Sure."

"Great," Rick handed his son the cell block keys, "Let's go."

Addy looked to her dad, who gave her a quick nod. It was a silent, 'I'll be back soon, don't do anything stupid'. Addy gave a small smile back and watched them until they were completely out of view.

"Open the door! It's Hershel!"

Addy's eyes shot open. She darted down the stairs, only to be met with a horrible sight. The group was wheeling in Hershel on a table, only he was missing half his leg.

Beth cried out in fear and sadness for her father as the group rushed him into a cell. Carol covered what was left of the older man's leg and they hauled him onto the bottom bunk. Addy's lip wobbled and she felt the need to throw up at the awful sight in front of her.

But she didn't.

Instead, she stepped out the cell and controlled her breathing. She heard voices outside the cell block. She craned her neck to see her dad pointing his crossbow at someone.

"That's far enough."

"Cell block C. Cell four, that's mine, gringo. Let me in." A voice responded - a man, and he didn't sound very friendly.

"Todays your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go."

Addy didn't know what to think. Everything seemed so perfect - they had food, shelter, a bed to sleep in. Then everything just came crashing down like a tidal wave when they were least expecting it. First, Hershel's leg, now there was strangers in their home? It was like everything had gone to shit in the matter of a couple hours.



"Foods here!" T-Dog announced happily as he and Rick entered the cell block with boxes and sacks of food.

"Watcha got?" Addy pressed her lips together and Carl helped her slide the gate shut after the two men were in the cell block.

"Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans. There's a lot more where this came from."

Carl gave Addy a kind smile and rushed off upstairs, probably to go finish his comic book he started reading the night before.

"Any change?" Rick asked once he reached the cell Hershel was in.

"Bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is laboured and his pulse is way down, and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." Lori informed her husband, who sighed and turned around.

"Take my cuffs, but 'em on him. I'm not taking any chances." Glenn did as he was told and took the cuffs from Rick's back pocket, just incase.

Addy sighed and walked upstairs to her shared cell, she didn't want or need to see anymore of this suffering. Instead, she grabbed one of Carl's comic books and began to read it, only getting about halfway through before the boy himself interrupted her,

"Hey, I'm going to the infirmary for Hershel. You wanna join?" As if he didn't already know the answer.

"Count me in." Addy smiled and put down the comic book. She grabbed her gun from the nightstand and shoved it in her leg holster.

The pair managed to get into the dark corridors safely, only taking down a couple walkers each.

"Hey, look." Addy gestured to the faded words on the door, 'infirmary'. Carl nodded and pushed the door open gently, swinging his flashlight around in search of any walkers. A groan emitted from the far right of the room. Addy lifted her gun and pulled the trigger, the silencer on the end thankfully making it a lot quieter than it would have been if it wasn't there.

"Okay, you look on that side, I'll look on this side." Carl instructed. Addy nodded obediently and began searching the dusty shelves for anything she could find. After a while of looking, both the kids had managed to find a good supply of bandages and painkillers for Hershel. They shoved it all into a big duffle bag and made their way out of the corridor.

The door creaked as Addy pushed it open. Carl was adamant she go ahead of him incase there was a Walker they missed and caught them off guard.

Glenn's head poked from around the corner of the cell Hershel was in, "I Thought you two were organising the food?"

"Even better." Carl grinned, gripping the duffle bag and shooting Addy a smile, "Check it out." Carl dropped the duffle bag in the middle of the cell and smirked proudly.

Carol gasped, "Where did you get this?" The woman's eyes flicked from Carl to Addy.

"From the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but we cleared it out." Carl looked over to the girl beside him and shot her another smile.

"You went by yourselves?" Lori asked in disbelief as she and Carol started to wrap Hershel's leg.

"Yeah." Carl smiled, extremely proud of himself and Addy.

"Are you crazy?" Lori's brown eyes bounced from the girl to the boy as Maggie looked up at them with raised eyebrows. Addy frowned,

"It's no big deal. We killed some walkers."

Lori's mouth was agape, "Alright - do you see this?" She gestured to what was left of Hershel's leg, "This was with the whole group."

"We needed supplies, so we got them." Carl argued, his voice increasing.

"I appreciate that, but -"

"Then get off our backs!"

"Carl!" Beth quickly scolded the boy, "She's your mother, you can't talk to her like that."

Carl went quiet and glanced at the blonde girl on the floor,

"Listen, I think it's great that you want to help -" However, Lori didn't get to finish her sentence as Carl had already rushed off to sulk in his and Addy's shared cell, leaving Addy in the cell with the adults.

The girl gulped and turned on her heel to leave, but Lori's voice stopped her,

"Addy, did Carl tell you to go with him?"

Addy thought for a moment, he hadn't - he had asked.

"No, ma'am. I offered." Lori nodded slowly and Addy took that as her cue to leave the cell and go find Carl.

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