《Running >> TWD, C.G》Nineteen


burst open and the five group members rushed in, killing any walkers that got in their was as they did so. Adelaide found herself with Carl searching the kitchen. The Grimes boy went off one way and the Dixon girl went off the other, searching a thin pantry.

Grabbing her flashlight, Addy's blue eyes roamed the various shelves until they landed on a wooden door at the end of the pantry. The brunette slowly approached the door until she was directly in front of it. She held her breath and reached for the door knob, twisting until it creaked and opened.

Addy quickly raised her gun, ready to shoot whatever was on the other side, only to be met with a crossbow in her freckled face.

The girl lowered her gun and breathed a sigh of relief. Her father chucked and nodded his head at her,

"You good?"

"Yeah." Addy replied, her voice almost a whisper. The girl turned and exited the pantry the same way she entered.

She found Rick and Carl looking through the cupboards in the kitchen and began to look herself, unfortunately not finding anything useful.

After looking around and making sure the house was safe and secure, some of the women and Hershel began to bring in everyone's belongings. Addy eyed Lori's huge belly. It was starting to get extremely hard on the road with her state, so Addy was just hoping they would be able to hunker down in the small house for as long as they could.

Adelaide sat on the floor in the main room next to her father who was preparing an owl for the group to eat. The girl wiped a bead of sweat from her brow - it felt like only days ago the weather was changing and getting colder, now everyone was just wishing for a cool bottle of water.

Carl walked in with two cans and sat down next to Beth. He grabbed a can opener and began trying to open them. Rick looked at him over his shoulder and walked over to his son, grabbing one of the cans and throwing it away. Addy jumped as it clattered on the ground and was confused as to why Rick had done so, but that confusion soon faded as she noticed the label on the tin can, dog food.

Everyone sat in silence and Addy scratched her wrist. She had never liked quiet, it made her feel as though she had to say or do something just to make it stop. However, the silence was short lived as T-Dog made a sound and jerked his head towards the window.


As quick as they could, the group exited the house and shoved all of their belongings back into the cars. Maggie grabbed an axe from the side of the house and Addy piled into the car and sat next to Carl.

And then they were gone, as quick as they came.


The cars and motorcycle stopped and their passengers departed from the vehicles. Carl and Addy stood in front of the cars on watch, gripping their guns anxiously,

"Fifteen, you're on point." Rick nodded at the two kids and walked back over to the hood of the car where the others were huddled around looking at the map.

The adults talked for a while and Addy zoned out until her shoulder was nudged from behind,

"'Be back soon."

Adelaide nodded at her father's words and watched as he and Rick walked off into the woods for a hunt.


It wasn't long before the group stood before the chain link fence of the prison. The walls towered over them and made Addy feel extremely small. Addy shook off her thoughts and watched as Rick cut a hole in the fence,

"Watch the back side!" T-Dog warned.

Addy grunted as she crouched and pulled herself through the hole. Carl held out his hand and grabbed Addy's and helped pull her through, the girl smiling in return

As soon as everyone was in the walkway of the prison, Daryl and Glenn worked together to tie up the hole with some cord before the walkers could reach them.

Walkers in blue prison uniform groaned and stumbled towards them simultaneously. Once the hole in the fence was dealt with, the group rushed to the gate where an overturned bus laid before them.

"It's perfect," Rick said, taking in the view of the large prison, "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by the night."

"But how do we shut the gate?" Hershel was skeptical.

"I'll do it, you guys cover me." Glenn offered, squinting in the harsh sun.

"No, it's a suicide run." Maggie shook her head.

"I'm the fastest." The Korean man tried to reason.

"No," Rick started, "You, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can over there, pop 'em through the fence. Daryl, Addy, you two go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you, Carl take this tower. I'll run for the gate."


The two Dixon's plus Carol made their way to the tower and got in position as the others stood at the fence, yelling to get the walker's attention. Addy aimed her gun down at the walkers in the field as Daryl and Carol did the same.

The girl fired at a Walker, managing to get a headshot, then another, this time only managing to get it in the knee. Daryl, however, noticed and fired his crossbow, the bolt going straight through the walkers brain.

Addy looked to her right to see her father with a slight grin and scrunched her nose in annoyance. However, she let out a breath of relief when she saw Rick enter one of the towers, having successfully shut the gate.

"He did it." Carol laughed in joy, Addy sending a small smile her way.

"Light it up!" Daryl yelled and made a circle motion with his finger. Everyone began shooting at the walkers and Addy managed to get a few more kills.

"Fantastic!" Carol laughed when they had come down from the tower and met up with Hershel and Carl on the ground.

"Yeah, nice shootin'." Daryl nudged his daughter's shoulder, his words mainly directed at her.

Addy rolled her eyes playfully and rushed over to Carl, "How many did you get?"

"Seven." The boy smirked proudly.


Carl's smirk faded into a frown as Addy laughed at the boy's reaction, "Guess you'll just have to get better aim, cowboy."

"I haven't felt this good in weeks." Lori laughed as they passed her through the gate.

"Oh! We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!"

Addy smiled as Carl looked around the yard with a happy grin. Feeling eyes on him, the boy looked up to be met with the blue ones of Adelaide Dixon. The girl looked away when Carl noticed and looked at her, the heat rising to her cheeks.

Her shoulder was nudged playfully and when she looked up she was met with a mischievous look. Glenn grinned and walked away quickly before Addy could smack him upside the head, the girl smiling down at her feet as the blush spread across her cheeks.


Addy's blue eyes focused on the silhouettes of the various group members - more specifically the smaller one with the sheriffs hat. She was overjoyed they had found a safe place to now call home, but she was exhausted. She was grateful that night was cooler than it was in the day.

Her swung her legs and bit her lip as she sat on the ledge of the overturned prison bus, only turning around when she heard movement. Daryl helped Carol climb up the bus as she grunted and passed him the bowls of food she brought.

"That's not much, but if I don't give you something you won't eat at all." Carol was all too familiar with how stubborn the Dixon's could be - especially Daryl.

The man handed his daughter one of the bowls of food and started to eat his own.

"I guess little Shane over there's got quite the appetite." Daryl joked before taking a bite. Addy tried not to choke on the food as Daryl referred to Lori and her unborn baby.

"Don't be mean," Carol scolded slightly but chuckled along anyway, "Rick's gotten us a lot further than I ever thought he would, I'll give him that." Daryl hummed in agreement.

"Shane could never have done that." Addy tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear as the soft breeze blew it about.

"What's wrong?" Daryl asked the woman, noticing how she rolled her shoulders uncomfortably.

"It's that rifle - the kickback. I'm just not used to it." She rubbed her shoulder again. Daryl put down the bowl of food,

"Come on,"

Addy looked over her shoulder and grinned at the two before turning her head back around and finishing the meal.

"Better get back." Daryl said after he finished massaging the woman's sore shoulder. Addy stood and grabbed the empty bowl as Carol said,

"Pretty romantic. Screw around?"

Daryl looked from her to his kid and scoffed playfully, causing both the girls to laugh.

"I'll go down first." Daryl crouched and began to climb down the bus.

"Even better."


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