《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 17


Phoebe was in the kitchen, putting away Max's breakfast in the fridge. School had been closed because of freak showers that had begun in the morning and Max used that as an excuse to not come out of his room.

Sighing, she unpacked the lunches and put them in the fridge as well when she heard knocking.

'Who would come when it's raining so heavily?'

Walking over the door, she was more than surprised when she saw you standing there with an unamused frown. Her eyes widened, "(Y/N)! What are you doing here?! Are you okay?!"

"It's raining." You said monotonously.


"No. It's raining and I walked here without an umbrella and a single drop of water didn't even touch me."

It was only then Phoebe noticed your dry hair and clothes. It was surprising, if she couldn't hear the rain hitting against her windows and actually see the pool-sized puddles on the roads, she would've thought that the sun was shining.

"Even the bottom of my shoes aren't wet." You said, lifting your foot up to show her your dry shoes.

"H-How?" "Water seems to hate me. It has a mind of it's own, you know." You said walking into the house, "How am I going to take a shower?"

"You could just wear that bracelet that my dad gave you."

"Can't. The water kind of destroyed it."

Phoebe raised a brow. "I told you it has a mind of its own."

You sighed, shrugging off your jacket, "Could your parents teach me how to control my powers?"

"Oh, yeah, but they're not home at the moment."

"Where would they have gone in this weather? Oh, they left this morning before the rain and since the roads are closed, they can't come home."


"Can't your dad just fly? Okay, that was the weirdest thing I've ever said."

"Too many people around him. And you'll get used to it."

You nodded, sitting down on the couch and she sat beside you, "How are you feeling?"

"Better. I wanted to cry, but it just never happened. I guess you can't meet someone you never knew."

Your best friend wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a hug, "I'm sorry you never got to know her."

You sniffled lightly, "Me too."

It was at times like these, you really wished you had a mother. Just someone to hold you when you were feeling depressed and would make you feel better. You wanted someone to tell you cute stories about times when you were younger and couldn't remember.

You wanted someone to tell you that you looked exactly like your mother, and then feel proud about it.

You wanted a mother so badly, so you could have someone in the world that was just for you. Even if the world turned its back on you, your mother never would.

But, that could never be. Like it or not, you were alone in this world and just had to rely on people that would never be able to comfort you like a mother.

And that hurt even more.

"Hey, how would you like to go on a spa weekend with my mom and I?"

You gave her a watery smile, "I'd actually really like that."

She grinned at you, "Great! I'll tell my mom to set it up!"

Her smiled was quick to disappear and she looked at you with a slightly guilty face.

"What's wrong?"

"Okay so there's something I need to tell you, but Max told me not to."


Your heart sunk. After what happened at the mall you were just really upset that he left you there but there wasn't much time to feel heartbroken about it.

"What is it?"

"You like Max, right?"

"Yes." There was no other answer. Even though your felt conflicted right now, you couldn't hide your feelings towards him.

You liked him, it was as simple as that.

"Hey." You spoke softly and Max, whose back had been facing you, jumped and faced you with a look of shock which melted into what you could only recognize as guilt.

One thing that you absolutely treasured about this moment was that there was absolutely no tension hanging between you, just a warm bliss that was wrapped around you.

After finding out about Max's intentions, you needed to talk to him.

"H-Hey, what're you doing here?" He asked, awkwardly playing with some trinkets on his desk, "Is what Phoebe told me true?"

His eyes widened slightly and he set down the object, facing you with carefully guarded eyes, "What did she tell you?"

"That you left me there because you were afraid to hurt me?"

His shoulders relaxed slightly, "Yeah."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

He bit his lip uncertainly, "I just thought you might have a lot to handle with finding out about your parents and all."

You nodded, sparing him a small smile, "Okay, thanks for that."

You turned and began to climb the stairs as Max stared at your back with longing but then you stopped and turned back around, "Um, Max?"


"Would you like to go on a date with me?" You gave him a playful smile.

For a moment his face was completely void of emotions but in the next few seconds, he was taking long strides towards you and suddenly his arms were around your waist and your lips were on his.

You smiled into the kiss and he pulled you closer, tilting his head while your arms looped around his neck, gently caressing the short hairs on the nape of his neck.

"I think that means yes."

You pulled away with wide eyes and Max groaned, pointing to his rabbit, "(Y/N), this is Dr. Colosso."

You laughed, "I don't know what's more surprising, that you have a bunny that talks, or that you have a bunny in general."

He rolled his eyes and cupped your cheeks, "Anyway, we were in the middle of something."

"Not with me in the room you're not!"

You giggled at his Max's frustrated glare and Colosso's offended shouting about how you should take things slow. Letting Max argue with his bunny, you climbed up the stairs to see Phoebe behind the counter, re-heating her sandwich with her heat-breath.

"What's Max doing?"

"Getting relationship advice from his bunny."

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