《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 18


Adam : Yo

Adam : Where were you yesterday? I stopped by but you weren't there..

(Y/N) : I was avoiding you duh

Adam : Very funny

(Y/N): Iz the truth bruh, sorry you can't take it

You ran a hand through your hair, frustrated. You had spent most of last night having a long talk with Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman about the next steps that are necessary to take.

You had talked with them for a long time before they had asked the question that had you answering without hesitation, but now you were rethinking it.

"Do you want to live as a superhero or a non-supe? Just because you live as a superhero doesn't mean that you need to pursue it, though."

"Yes. My mom was a superhero and even if it doesn't count, I'd like for even an essence of her to be remembered, through me."

Barb grabbed your hand and offered a small smile, which you returned.

You were seriously rethinking it, staring at your to-do list. Apparently, becoming a supe was more than applying for a new identity. Way more.

You had so many things on the list that just looking at it gave you a head-ache.

You glanced at the clock and '11:11 P.M.' stared back at you in big green numbers.

"Make a wish." You murmured and cleared your table, grabbing your books and twirling a pen between your fingers.

You had a paper due in 2 weeks, might as well get something off that infuriating list.

Just like last night, the morning was not pretty. You ended up falling asleep on your paper and woke up 3 hours later with your ink on your face.

Then, you hastily wiped your drool off your textbook cover and had scrubbed extra hard to get the ink off your face before you were rubbing aloe gel into your red skin.

Then, you took a picture of your to-do list and made it your lock screen, which practically killed you on the inside but you couldn't afford to go off-track.


You stuffed your paper into your bag, intending to finishing it during homeroom. The walk to school was supposed to be relaxing but you ended up stressing out about how you were going to finish so much work.

Seeing the familiar building in your sight, you sighed in relief, at least you had a distraction for at least 7 hours.

Your locker was pretty lonely, so you assumed that you had beat Cherry and Phoebe to school so you proceeded to take out your books. Maybe you could finish your paper before first period?

Your thoughts were interrupted by two arms wrapping around your waist and you sighed, leaning against Max, slight fatigue fatigue catching up to you.

"Guess who." His chest hummed lightly and you rested your weight against him.

"Really not in the mood." You sighed, your eyelids heavy.

He frowned, but didn't move, "Wrong answer. Didn't get much sleep?"

You shook your head, "Not at all."

He gently pushed you away, making you stand on your own and grabbing your hand, "Come on, let's wake you up a bit."

You waited at a table in the cafeteria, your head resting in your palm when Max shook you awake, setting a can in front of you.

"An energy drink?"

"Not to be taken advantage of, but seeing as your practically dead, I think you need it."

He grabbed the can again, handing it to you after opening it. You took a small sip and let the drink run down your throat, feeling more awake from the coldness of it alone.

You rested your head on his shoulder, "I'll pay you back later."

"No need, I take care of my girlfriend."

You snorted, "Girlfriend? Really?"

"Well, aren't you?"

"Look dude, I'm still trying to decide between you and 12 other guys."

He rolled his eyes, "I think I do recall, you asking me out."


"Only because you were too chicken to man up and ask me yourself."

"Hey, I was giving you time to adjust to new information."

"Excuses, excuses." You waved your hand in his face and he narrowed his eyes at you.

Not bothering to make another comment, he reached for your face and you pulled away from him, waving your finger at him, "No PDA in school."

He rolled his eyes once again, "I wasn't planning on it. I just wanted to know what that blue mark on your face is."

Your cheeks colored, "Oh. It's ink."

Max smirked, "Although I don't mind breaking a few rules since you look so disappointed."

The heat spread down your neck and up to the tips of your ears. You looked away, taking a swig of your energy drink.

"Don't worry, as soon as we're off campus, I'm all yours."

You sighed, "As much as I'm sure you think that I want you, I have tons of work to do, and I need to get it all done before I leave for Metroburg with your parents on Friday."

His brows furrowed, "Metroburg? What for?"

"Um," You bit your lip, making a list in your head, "Parent registry, power registry, new identification, superhero identification, inheritance and Secret Academy of Superhero Studies registry."

"Why are you going to SASS?" "I have to attend a few classes and take the finals of each grade so I can be certified as educated." You sighed, stress slowly crippling your brain as you once again rested against Max.

He wrapped his arms around you and some of the tension from your shoulders evaporated, "Maybe I could tutor you?" "Thanks, I'll think about it." You murmured against his neck.

"Aw, you guys look so cute together!" You looked up to see Phoebe and Cherry making their way towards you. You smiled tiredly at them, not making a single effort to lift your head, taking another sip of your drink.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" "Yeah, just didn't get much sleep."

"So, do you guys want to go for a movie after school?" Cherry asked, sitting in front of you.

"Sorry, no cash."

"Oh, I can fix that." Cherry shrugged but before you had the chance to protest against her paying for your ticket, she stood up, cupping her hands around her mouth-

"HEY EVERYONE! MAX AND (Y/N) ARE DATING!!!" Your eyes snapped open and you stared at her with an open mouth while Max raised his brow at her.

She quickly grabbed a list out of her bag, "Jonathan, Leah, Mariam, Jessica, Noah, Issac, you all owe me 5 bucks. Ravi, Eric, Tessa, Xavier, Zander, Levi, you all owe me 10."

She continued to list names as people handed her dollar bills and you stared at her with a gaping mouth.

At the end of her saga, she sat down, with nearly 120 bucks.

You turned to your boyfriend, "I can't believe so many people bet against us dating."

He shrugged, "Not surprised."

Cherry smirked at you, "That's not even all the students."

"You wanted to see me Mr. Bradford?" You asked, peeking your head through his office door.

"Yes, come in." You walked towards his desk and stood since he didn't ask you to sit down.

"Now, Ms. (L/N), I need you to answer this question honestly."

You nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Is it true you're dating Max Thunderman?" Your eyes widened in disbelief.

"Well?" He cleared his throat.

"Um, well, yes, I am."

As if your principal asking you about your love life wasn't weird enough, you actually considered transferring when he said, "Dammit!! I owe Cherry like 50 bucks."

You grimaced, leaving the office.

You better get your share of the bet money.

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