《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 4


It had been about an hour and a half since you and Max had gotten trapped in the metal torture chamber that moves up and down. Or as others call it, an elevator. At first, you were scared that you might run out of air, but now you were hoping that the lack of oxygen would put you out of your misery.

Max and you had argued endlessly until both of your faces turned red but now you were just pretending that the other one didn't exist.

"Do you want to yell again?" You ask and Max's eyes flickered open. You couldn't believe that he could sleep in such a situation or even in such a position. The look of annoyance painted on his face would have been something you would have told him to wipe off but instead you just looked, eyes not focusing on him.

"No. They won't hear us anyway." He re-adjusts himself and you can hear his spine cracking as he twisted and turned. You stretched out your legs and it crossed over Max's side of the elevator. He notices, but he doesn't seem to care as he stretches his own.

"How long do you think we'll be trapped in here?" You ask. You're getting tired of the silence, it made your brain feel numb. You really weren't expecting an answer so you just kept talking, "I want a pillow, I'm getting so sleepy and a pillow sounds so comfy."

The fact that you were getting sleepy was also scaring you a little, what if you really were running out of oxygen? Max seemed to be thinking the same thing, judging by the way he kept pinching himself to stay awake.

"I really wish I had my pin right about now." Max raised a brow, "Do you really think that it's magical?"


"The thing saved my life multiple times this morning, and then when I came to school, we celebrated my birthday."

Max scoffed, "Really? A birthday party makes you think a pin is magic?"

You shrugged, "It's the first time in years my birthday has been celebrated in years."

Now he looked genuinely interested, he straightened up, "How come?"

You shrugged once again, "I dunno. When you live in an orphanage you don't really enjoy the day you were born, not that anyone there cares either. I didn't even know the day I was born until 3 years ago when I was actually trying to find my parents. I thought there might've been a chance they just gave me up instead of being dead."

He breathed through his nose and nodded, you felt urged to continue, it felt like the words were just flowing out of your mouth without control and it was relieving to get all of this off your chest, "It's the only thing I've ever wished for."

You breathed sharply through your nose, "That was stupid, just forget it." You shake your head.

"I'm tired, we must be running out of oxygen, I'm saying rubbish." You blabbered and then turned away before you sighed heavily, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

"I don't know what to say, it's not everyday your sister's annoying friend spills her guts to you." He said and your frown turned deeper.

"Can we just talk about something other than my guts, I wasn't thinking." You said stubbornly.

"Fine, anything else about that pin?"

"Um, well, the lady who sold it to me did a palm reading," Ignoring Max's disbelieving laugh, you continued, "She said that someone I'd least expect would be my greatest enemy and that someone I'd never expect would be my significant other."


Max scoffed, "Who'd want to be your significant other?"

"I thought of this a million times, but like, what if you were going to be my significant other, then I wouldn't expect it, but then it seemed that I was expecting it, so how could it be..."

Max rolled his eyes, "You clearly thought a lot about this."

"I did."

"What do you think those idiots are doing up there while we're trapped between floors?"

"Phoebe's probably looking for us and Cherry...well she's probably eating."

Max groaned, "Thanks, now I'm hungry."

"Well if we get out of here, I'll buy you a burrito."

"How about, instead I get you a slice of birthday cake?" A soft smile graced your face, "I never thought I'd say this, but if we never get out of here then I'm glad I died telling you my deepest secrets."

"And if we die in here, then, I'm not buying you that slice of cake."

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