《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 5


You weren't sure when you woke up, you just knew that you had opened your eyes a quarter to two, in the middle of the night. You blinked a couple of time, trying to get your eyes to focus as the dark room suddenly became a tad bit more visible. You released a breath through your mouth, only to find it fogging up in front of you.

You basically crossed your eyes, to see that you had been wearing a mask. You sat up, or at least tried to, but just craned your neck to look around the room. It wasn't hard to figure out that you were in a hospital room, as if the ear thermometer and otoscope braced on the wall was any indication, but the drips connected to your hand and the oxygen tank was a dead give away.

Your eyes were heavy and your mind was hazy but you wanted to know why you were here, you craned your neck towards the only source of light in the room; the tiny window that shone light from the corridor.

Your body was so heavy, it was as if you had been in a coma for weeks and you opted for just lying in your bed and your eyes fluttered close.

When you woke once again, you weren't sure whether you had really fallen asleep or were just lying with your eyes closed, because you felt the same, heavy and hazy, but you assumed that you had since there was light shining through the windows shutters and the clock read 9:30.

You weren't able to remember anything that could have happened that would have landed you in the hospital. As you sat up, you noticed that the drips had been detached but the oxygen mask was still fixed on your face.


You felt a wave of nausea wash over you as you sat up, blinking sleep away as the sound of your breathing became more distinct. Your eyes quickly raked over the bedside table and landed on the remote sitting not too far from you. Snatching it off the table, you stared at the remote, confused between which button to press.

'This one is a bell, which means assistance but the person could mean nurse.' You thought, chewing your bottom lip. Deciding to press the latter, you sighed in relief as a nurse came through the door with a clipboard and a tray. She set the tray beside you and strutted prettily around you, reaching over to grab the ear thermometer.

After checking your vitals, the nurse tightened the knob on the oxygen tank and pulled off your mask. Your eyes followed followed her figure as she frittered around the room.

You suddenly cleared your throat to get her attention, "What exactly am I doing here?"

She looked back at you, surprised, "You don't remember?"

You shook you head and she bit her lip, "What is the last thing you remember?"

"Well, um, I was at the mall, with my friends and that was it." Nodding, she set a tray on your lap and placed your food above it. You didn't feel very anxious to uncover your meal, you've heard about how disgusting hospital food is.

"Well, you got stuck in an elevator and eventually ran out of oxygen, but we were able to give you an ample supply before anything terrible happened, it doesn't seem like any complications will occur." She smiled reassuringly at you and your brows furrowed, "I-I don't really remember that happening."

She nodded and clicked her pen to note down somethings, "It completely normal, the lack of oxygen probably caused some temporary memory loss, but I'll ask the doctor to run some tests."


As the nurse turned to leave, you suddenly blurted, "How is this going to be paid for? I'm an orphan so do I have free healthcare of something?"

You had always been money-minded, people might call it stingy but you were trying to be smart. No one worked and earned for you, you had to do that yourself. In one way, it made you self reliant and another it made you stressed due to the fact that you had no resources and you needed to work harder to save up for college, even though you weren't even close to paying for the first month, let alone semester.

Sure, the government did help, but it wasn't much, you weren't very well-informed about what the government does for orphans and you didn't want to find out in case you were disappointed that it hadn't done it's job. Regardless, you tried to be optimistic, but if you were forced to pay your own hospital bill, then you could forget about college.

The nurse turned back to you with a soft gaze, "It's already been paid for."

"Paid for? By who?" You ask, your brows reaching toward your hairline.

She shuffles through a few papers before, "According to the credit card, it was Hank Thunderman."

Your mouth open and closes and you oddly resemble a fish as she closes the door behind her, not taking another look at your appalled face.

Hank Thunderman. You couldn't believe it.

Scoffing, you uncovered your food, maybe eating would get the awful taste out of your mouth. The first thing that caught your eye wasn't the food but the gleaming, golden hair pin sitting smack dab in the middle of your tray. Your hand instinctively traveled to your hair, you didn't realize it was gone.

Thinking that they probably took it off when you had been admitted, you returned it to your hair and took another look at the tray.

Eyes narrowing, you picked up the only edible thing, aside from the glass of apple juice, and stared at it, confused. Not that you weren't liking it, but what hospital served cake as breakfast?

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