《I'm Stuck! [The Umbrella Academy : Five Hargreeves X Reader]》Chapter Two


"Might as well say it. There's an apocalypse eight days from now, and I don't know how to stop it."

"But then again, I bet you do, given you apparently saw our 'show'." Added Five in quotations.

She averted her eyes, not knowing what to say that wouldn't fck up the timeline as bad as they did it. She has knowledge about time travel and timelines, at the very least.

"Wait-wait, but how did you get back?" Vanya asked, breaking her silence ever since the two came, directing the question to Five.

"I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time," Five simply said, as if there was nothing wrong with how he phrased it.

"Huh, hearing it spoken kinda sounds gibberish but it does make sense," muttered [Name] in answer.

"What do you mean? It makes no sense at all," retorted Diego with a frown at the small girl.

"Well--" Five was about to say more but was cut off by [Name] wanting to speed things up.

"How long were you there again? I actually don't remember," she asked, trying to recall most of what had happened.

"Twenty-five years, give or take." He answered simply, starting to munch on his sandwich as he paced around the kitchen, averting his gaze from everyone, afraid he'll see them lifeless again.

"So what? You're.. thirty-eight?" Asked Luther in surprise.

"No, my consciousness is thirty-eight, apparently my body is sixteen again." He said with a grimace, gazing down at himself in distaste.

"Trust me, sometimes I feel like I'm seventy trapped in an eighteen year old body due to how easily my energy gets drained." [Name] tried to reassure, thinking of other circumstances she felt this way but didn't feel like oversharing.

"You're eighteen?" Klaus exclaimed in disbelief. "I thought you were twelve or something."

[Name] looked at him in confusion, muttering, "Ouch."

"Yeah, you're just too small and too cute to be an adult," he said, reaching over to pinch her cheeks.

"I mean, I just turned 18 two months ago?" She reasoned, slightly muffled with Klaus smooshing her face.

Five rolled his eyes at their antics as he took the newspaper, checking the headlines. "Guess I missed the funeral huh."

"And how do you know that?" Diego asked with a frown.

"What part of the future do you not understand?" Five snapped, irritated that his brother still never liked to use his brain even after all these years. "Heart failure?"




He wasn't surprised at the first two, clicking his tongue as he muttered, "Nice to see nothing's changed." But gazed in shock at the last person who answered, who was the person claiming she knows their future.

"What?" The siblings simultaneously asked, Luther smiling in triumph.

But the girl's eyes went wide, shocked she had just let that slip, and looked to her right with a nervous smile etched on her face.

"I.. uh, well," she stuttered, and upon noticing Pogo enter, sighed in relief. "Mr. Pogo, sir, kindly let them know what actually happened. Please," she added with wide puppy eyes at the ape, begging to be saved from being the bearer of bad news.

The ape sighed once the attention shifts its focus on him, looking up at them sadly. "I guess there is no better time to say this than now while the rest of the family are here. I'm afraid to say that it is a dying man's wish. Your father requested for us to help him on his.. suicide." Followed by shocked gasps at this revelation. "He even had to tamper with Grace's mechanism so she wouldn't administer medical help. He did this as he wanted all of you to gather back together for the apocalypse."


"Dad knew?!" Five said in outrage, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist to try and keep calm.

"But how could he have known about the apocalypse?" Vanya asked in confusion.

"There are a lot of things he knows that even I do not, and perhaps this is one of those," Pogo simply answered, holding his cane as he gazed at the new person.

They all started their own conversations, questioning each person's reasons and perspective, with Five starting to walk away, when Pogo again spoke. "What else do you know, Miss..?"

The girl jolted up upon realizing she was being talked to and answered, "[Name]! And well.." she trailed off as she looked at him sheepishly, side-eyeing Vanya that both Pogo and Five noticed. "There's also that thing," she said with a nervous smile.

He nodded in understanding and ushered her with him, "Come, I must talk to you about something."

The girl followed immediately, the others looking curiously but not following as Five gazed at both of them in suspicion.

"What must it be, Mr. Pogo sir?"

"Please, just call me Pogo, dear. But I'd assume you already know most of what Master Hargreeves is known and capable of."

"Ah, well," she drawled as she scratched her nape. "I'm not sure I know everything there is to know.."

"Then what do you know?" He asked as he led her to the other side of the house, to another sitting room she had never seen before.

"Ahh, erm, well about Vanya's.. you know?" She said and immediately clarified. "Of course, I have no plans to be the one to say the news, given I'm just an outsider, and I would prefer it if you were the one to tell them about it. Although do make it quick before the apocalypse happens," she said pleadingly, looking at him in a sad way.

The ape merely nodded, both in answer and to make her continue.

"Well, that ol' Reggie is, you know? Not like us." She said, biting her thumbnail. "And that Grace has someone she's actually made from."

"What else?"

"Hmm, I dunno? It's been a while since I've seen it, especially since my memory is frankly not that great."

"Understood, I might tell the siblings when it's the right time." Pogo said with a nod, [Name] having a tight-lipped smile in thought.

"Please make sure it's around.. maybe four days? Don't make it, like, eight days from now nor anywhere near that. It's.. something that Vanya needs to be able to manage so sir Reginald's plan wouldn't be for naught."

The ape again nodded in answer, and both were surrounded by silence, lost in thought, and unbeknownst to them was Five hidden from view, furrowing his brows as he teleported away to his old room and checking his wardrobe.

Upon seeing that all he had were his old uniforms, sighed inwardly but still changed from the baggy suit that doesn't fit him anymore into the ones that seem to still be clean enough despite not being used for over a decade. Once he was done, making sure that everything about him looks neat and professional, teleported back to his siblings, trying to find Vanya.

He walked around the house and saw that she was in the common room, arching a brow as he saw a huge portrait of himself on the wall.

"Nice to know Dad didn't forget me," was how he started it, thinking of how to extract information from Vanya of whatever the two were talking about.


But Vanya didn't answer, merely nodding as she gazed up at it.

"Read your book, by the way. Found it in the library that was still standing. I thought it was pretty good, all things considered." Of course, he was quite frankly mad at her the first time he read it, laying bare their secrets as if it was nothing. But being alone in the apocalypse with nothing but his thoughts and Delores to occupy him, he had reflected that he was wrong on some parts of how he had acted back then. Even accepted that the old man was right, that he really didn't think the consequences for his actions through.

"Definitely ballsy, of course, giving up the family secrets so easily like that. Sure that went over well," he quipped.

"They hate me," Vanya murmured back in her quiet voice.

"There are worse things that can happen," he merely shrugged.

"You mean like what happened to Ben?"

"Was it bad?" He quietly asked, knowing that Vanya didn't describe in the book how he died, only that he did.

They were left in a tension-filled silence, enough for Five to know it was.

"There you guys are, we're doing a eulogy in the courtyard. Hurry," Luther said as he opened the door, leaving as fast as he entered.

They both exited the room, Five simply teleporting as he took an umbrella given by mom when he noticed it was raining outside.

He gazed suspiciously at both [Name] and Pogo who entered last, coming back from whatever that conversation was about.

"Hi," [Name] greeted Vanya, who simply smiled back at her with a nod.

"Did something happen?" Asked Grace, who seems to have sensed the somber atmosphere but not the cause.

"Dad died, remember?" Allison asked, worried.

"Oh. Yes, of course," and her smile shifted into a more appropriate reaction.

[Name] looked up at the rest, noticing most are using black umbrellas, except for Klaus with his small pink one more fit for a child, and Luther and Diego's insistence to get rained on.

"Whenever you're ready, dear boy."

Luther lifted up the urn and flipped it down, a small lump of what was left of Reggie's ashes falling sadly on the ground. [Name] couldn't help but smile at this and try to hide her reaction by covering her smiling face.

"Probably would have been better with some wind," Luther commented, finally causing her to snicker and immediately hid her face by coughing and covering it with a hand as she noticed the glances directed at her.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asked, followed by silence. [Name] grimaced as she remembered what exactly happened here and hoped she could stop them from at least breaking Ben's statue.

"Very well.." followed by a genuine speech from Pogo, that was of course cut off rather rudely by Diego.

".. Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." And as much as the girl agrees to what Diego is saying, it's still not right to disrespect Pogo like that, he at least did his best to take care of the siblings even under Reggie's roof.

And when Luther and Diego started throwing punches at each other, [Name] tried to stop them by saying, "Please stop! You're gonna ruin Ben's statue!" That still fell on deaf ears while the other siblings who did hear looked at her in surprise.

"We don't have time for this," scoffed Five, grabbing her rather harshly on the wrist as he pulled her inside, heading straight to the kitchen.

He let go of her as he looked through the cupboards, [Name] staying quiet knowing he's trying to find coffee as she thought if the events on the donut place should still happen or not.

"So what next?" Five broke the silence, furrowing his brows as he continued wracking the whole kitchen, jolting [Name] from her thoughts.


"What's next that's supposed to happen?"

"Ah, that, well," she said with a nervous smile, something that didn't go unnoticed by Five.

Klaus then entered, holding an electric guitar and sitting at the other end of the table.

"Do you know how to play the guitar?" [Name] asked, curious why he even had it in the first place.

"I know some chords, but it's been a while." Klaus said with a shrug, causing her to brighten and walk up to him.

"My brother wanted one, and I was taught by him to play the guitar, just never had the will to actually try." [Name] was glad for a distraction, anything that'll keep her away from Five's topic. She deemed it necessary for the donut place to be shot as she remembered about Hazel's love for the donut lady.

"Really? Then do you know how to sing?" Klaus asked in interest.

"I know how to sing, just not something that would make me the next Songbird," she joked, remembering how often she has concerts in the shower.

Allison then entered, followed by Vanya, who walked straight to [Name] once she caught sight of her.

"Is the apocalypse actually happening?" She asked in concern, looking at the two youngins back and forth.

"Yes.." she trailed off, looking at Five for help.

"Then you know who caused it then?"

Yeah, it was pretty dumb of her to think that he would help her out of the limelight. She sighed in exasperation, shaking her head in disappointment directed at herself.

"Yes but.." she cut off, rubbing her eyes to buy time.

Five finally stopped trying to find coffee and sighed. "An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."

"Dad hated caffeine," reminded Allison with an arched brow.

"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us." Klaus quipped, earning a laugh from both him and the girl. Klaus raised his hand in a high five, [Name] easily returning it with a grin.

"I'm taking the car," Five called, and Klaus immediately sat up straight, worry at his younger-looking older brother, showing.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a decent cup of coffee."

"Can you buy me potato chips?" [Name] requested with a raised hand.

She didn't know if his look screamed of disbelief or confusion, so she answered it with, "Are there no potato chips here? Or is it potato crisps, like the Brits?" But when it was still followed by silence, she looked on in disbelief. "What? Don't tell me potato chips don't exist here? There's already no wifi, and now there's no potato chips? What's next, there's no pizza?!"

But Five only sighed and shook his head, taking hold of her wrist once again. "You're coming with me. You have a lot to explain." He said and teleported both of them out of there. The two of them materializing inside the car as she felt nausea overtake her, holding her stomach and mouth as she tried to stop the dizziness from making her puke.

"You'll get used to it," was all he said as he started the car.

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