《Pixie Dust Away》The Surgery


Izzy's POV

I know Jake, Cubby, and Skully were saying encouraging words to me but I still feel anxious about the surgery. They took me away from them as Jake slowly let go of my hand. I felt my heart beat even more everytime they wheel me closer to the operating me. I wish Jake was by my side, holding my hand. I miss being in his arms. I kept hearing all of their advices ringing in my head.

'Now you need to believe it in yourself.' I heard Cubby's advice in my head. I was still very nervous even if I try to believe it in myself. 'Don't be afraid...' I heard Jake's advice in my head, I'm try not to be afraid. I was rubbing my hands together as we were about to enter the operating room. I swear I jumped out of my skin, when I saw all the machines, tools, the operating table...'Remember to be your brave self when you enter the operating room...' I heard Jake in my head, okay I will try to be my brave self for him. "You're strong..." I still kept hearing Jake's voice in my head, "...you need to believe in yourself." Jake is right, I need to believe in myself. I was gripping on my blanket as they set my hospital bed next to the operating table, which is where I will be unconscious for two hours. The doctors and nurses transferred me from my hospital bed onto the operating table. They placed the blanket over me as it is a bit chilly in here. One of the nurses placed a oxygen monitor on my finger, it was like a clothes peg, you know when you hang your washed clothes on the washing line. They put a heart monitor sticker on my chest, which shown my heart beating on the heart monitor. They put EKG pads on my chest too. I saw the other doctors looking at the tools. The ansthegoloist sat behind my head.

"Hello Isabella, we met before. Remember what I told you about the ansthesia?" He asked me. I nodded gently, as he soon began to put the ansthesia mask on my mouth and nose. I looked around. "Okay, say it aloud, count backwards from ten, okay go."


"Ten..." I began, 'When you're getting knocked out for your surgery, think of it like you're flying, think of me.' I heard Skully's advice as I thought of him, I was starting to feel sleepy already.

"Nine..." This is when I found it hard to stay awake, I was struggling as I heard Cubby's advice, 'Now you need to believe it in yourself.' I had to fight staying awake, so I could all hear their advices.

"Isabella, don't try to fight it. Just relax and let it go." I heard the anestrologist say, as I started to feel my eyes go heavy. I need to hear Jake's one advice at least.

"Eight..." 'I know you can do it.' I heard Jake's advice as I was starting to let myself fall asleep. I was starting to feel light-headed.

"Seven..." And I blacked out.

Jake's POV

We sat there, anxious and worried about Izzy. This is her first surgery, and we were trying to make her feel better about it but it was just to get rid of our worried thoughts. I can't imagine Izzy lying on that operating table with a tube down her throat and her eyes taped shut. Oh wait, I just did and I just shook my head at it. It made me feel sorry for her. Izzy wasn't going to have her eyes closed but Cubby swooped in about her fear of waking up in the middle of the surgery, so they decided to tape her eyes shut.

"Guys...I'm worried about Izzy..." Cubby says, as he looked at us. I was too.

"Me too, were we just trying to make ourselves not worry, so Izzy wouldn't freak out." Skully says. I think he's right.

"I think so but we had to say those and we meant them, so she wouldn't freak out or that would've been madness." I exclaimed, as they nodded.

"How long does Izzy's surgery last for?" Cubby asked us.

"Two hours." I say

"So we have to wait here for two hours? By the time, she'll be coming out of the general ansthesia, it will be close to evening time. Do you think we make it back to the hideout by night time? Cubby asked us a billion of questions. I think they might keep her over night to make sure that nothing went wrong with the surgery. Of course, we'll stay with her.


"I think they might keep her over night to make sure that went wrong with the surgery." I say, Cubby opened his mouth to ask something but I already know what he's going to ask, "And yes, we are staying with her." I exclaimed. He closes his mouth and puts down his finger. He smiled as he nodded. We sat in silence for like an hour. Where's Izzy's smile and giggles, when you need them? Skully was flying around as he was flapping his wings.

"Guys, I'm going down to the gift store to get Izzy, Get Well Soon gifts. I'll make one big gift for her as to show how much we care about her." I exclaimed, as I left the waiting room and heading towards the gift store. I got her a teddy bear, saying Get Well Soon on a plaster on it's stomach with it holding an ice pack on it's head. I also got her a balloon saying 'Surgery Sucks' that was in pink, while getting a red and blue balloons. What would Cubby buy her? Oh, a Minnie Mouse toy and blanket. I know Skully would buy her crackers. I picked up crackers and also a Minnie Mouse basket. I paid for it all. I put all her gifts into a shopping bag while carrying the gift basket in my arm. I made it back to the waiting room.

"Hey Jake."

"Hey guys, can you help me put Izzy's gifts into this basket?" I asked them, as they nodded.

"Sure Jake." Cubby says, as Skully took hold of the balloons while me and Cubby put the gifts into the basket. "Should we take the gift basket to Izzy's hospital room considering that she's still in surgery..." Cubby says, and then we all sighed. Poor Izzy. We nodded as we started to walk to Izzy's hospital room. I opened the door and turned the lights on. I put the gift basket on her hospital bedside table. Her hospital bed wasn't here as it was in the operating room, so they can transfer Izzy back onto it when her surgery is done and take her to the recovery room, when we will get to see her again. I put the surgery sucks balloon above where her hospital bed should be while I tied the blue balloon to one side while Cubby tied the red balloon on the other side.

We walked back to the waiting room and I turned the lights off. We have 45 minutes left before Izzy comes out of surgery. I know she will feel better, as she's Izzy, she's strong. Although, she may have to deal with some pain but I'm sure they will give her painkillers. I just can't wait to see that face. I was fidling with my fingers while staring at the clock. Time is going real slow. Cubby ended up sleeping along with Skully falling asleep on the side of his head. I'm the only one awake. For the last 15 minutes I started pacing up and down the corridor. Can Izzy's surgery just be over now?? So I can see her. My hands were folded behind my back as I was looking at the ground. I hope Izzy is okay and didn't wake up during the surgery even with her eyes taped shut, as that what she was fearing for.

"Jake...Jake...stop pacing..." I heard Cubby groan but I ignored him. I'm really worried about Izzy, as she is nearly going to come out of surgery.

"Let me deal with him...Jake! Sit down, it's not doing any of us a favor." Skully exclaimed but I still carried on pacing up and down.

"Seriously Jake, you're giving me an headache." I heard Cubby groan, as that's when I became annoyed. They're worried about me pacing the corridor, we should be worried about Izzy, she's the one who had surgery, her very first surgery but they're caring at me sitting down.

"Guys! Stop worrying about me! We need to be worrying about Izzy, she's coming out of surgery in less than five minutes." I exclaimed.

"Sorry Jake, you're right." Cubby says, as I came to sit down next to them.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you guys like that. It's just that I'm really really worried about Izzy." I exclaimed.

"We know Jake, we're all worried about Izzy." Skully says. All of a sudden, the doctor came over to us.

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