《Pixie Dust Away》Recovery Room


"Hello, I am happy to inform you that Isabella's surgery went successfully. Now there is something I need to inform you with." The doctor says, as we all looked at each other, worried.

"What is it? Is she okay?" I asked him, worried.

"She's fine, it's just that the ansthegoloist noticed as he was giving her the ansthesia, she was trying to fight to stay awake. We do not know why and she was taking a long time counting backwards. She got to around seven before she fell unconscious but she should've gotten to around nine before she fell unconsious." The doctor explained, we looked at each other, yeah even when she falls asleep like watching a movie, she's out like a light. That's not like her to fight to keep awake.

"That's not like her, and she doesn't have a hard time counting backwards." I say.

"Do you have any idea what it could've been?" The doctor asked me.

"She could've been thinking about something but I don't really know." I say.

"Okay, we taped her eyes shut before her surgery, her eyes will still be taped shut until she wakes up, just get the nurse to slowly take the tapes off her eyes. She also has two tubes going into her nose, to help to her breathe. The nurses are taking her to the recovery room, she will be brought back to her hospital room in 45 minutes or an hour after she wakes up but we don't fully expect her to wake up. The nurses will take her blood pressure. She may feel groggy and drowsey from the general ansthesia, she may also feel sick or want to vomit, the nurses may offer her medicine and she may have a sore throat or dry mouth, her temperature will also be taken." The doctor explained about Izzy's early stages of recovery. I want to see Izzy now.

"Can we see her?" I asked him.

"Yes you can." He says, as we got up and went to see Izzy in the recovery room, we had to take loads of turns and go up a lift and a couple of stairs but we got there. We saw the reception desk. We went over there.

"Hello, we came here to see Isabella Green." I say to the receptionist.

"Ahh yes, follow me, I'll show you where she is." The receptionist says, as we started to follow her, I was really nervous to see Izzy, if I have to be honest, Cubby was walking right behind me.

"Here she is, nurse this is Isabella's friends that came here to see her." The receptionist says, as we walked over to Izzy's side. Wow, she doesn't really look like herself. Her eyes were taped shut. She tubes up her nose. She had an IV in her hand but she was still sleeping. See I told her she wouldn't wake up during her surgery. She was really peaceful during her sleep. I smiled as I started to stroke her hair. I held her hand as Izzy started to wake up from the general ansthesia. I stroked her forehead.

"There she is..." I say, as I smiled. She looked at me groggy with a groggy smile.

"She's waking up." Cubby gasped as he noticed that she was waking up.


"Aww, our angel is waking up..." Skully says. She is an angel while sleeping. She had trouble opening her eyes due to them being taped shut. Poor Izzy, the nurse took the tapes off her eyes. Izzy was slowly fluttering her eyes open and close as she was groaning since she will be very tired. She looked around the room, she looked at me, then at Cubby, then at Skully, and then at the nurse.

Izzy's POV

I opened my eyes groggily as I started groaning, where am I? I thought I was supposed to have surgery. Everyone started to look at me, worried but also relieved at the same time. I felt Jake was holding my hand and was stroking my forehead.

"There she is..." Jake says while smiling. I looked at him with a smile but I was very groggy and tired.

"She's waking up." Cubby gasped...wait, huh? Did I fall or something? As I'm pretty sure I was supposed to have surgery.

"Aww, our angel is waking up..." Skully says. Hehe, thank you Skully...I guess I am an angel, now most important question where am I? I tried to flutter my eyes open but my eyes were stuck together like glue stuck to my eyes. Everything was pitch black. Someone slowly took the tapes off my eyes and I fluttered my eyes slowly. I groaned as I am really tired. I looked around the room, I looked at Jake, then at Cubby, then at Skully, then at a person, I've never seen in my life. I felt tubes going up my nose, and a needle going into my hand. I felt like crying, I have no idea what is going on here.

"Jake...!" I whined his name, as I started to cry. He took me into his arms. Why the heck am I crying?? Skully and Cubby looked shocked. Jake was rubbing my back while trying to calm me down.

"Shh...it's alright Izz...everything is alright...I've got you, don't worry...shhh, Jake's got you." Jake calmly shhes me, as I kept on crying.

Jake's POV

All of a sudden Izzy burst into tears, we were all shocked as she moaned my name and that's when I saw tears coming to her eyes. I have no idea why she is crying. I was rubbing her back while trying to calm her down while Skully and Cubby looked shocked.

"Shh...it's alright Izz...everything is alright...I've got you, don't worry...shhh, Jake's got you." I calmly shh her, as she kept on crying.

"Nurse? Is this normal for her to be crying?" Cubby asked the nurse.

"Yeah, it's normal, it's one of the side effects for being under general ansthesia. She may feel like she will faint or feel sick like she wants to throw up." The nurse exclaimed, as I kept on rubbing Izzy's back while she was still in my arms. Poor Izzy, it must've been scary for her to wake up with tubes attached to her nose and an IV in her hand. She started to calm down, as I set her back down in her recovery room bed. The nurse checked her blood pressure. She was also lying on her back. They made sure that Izzy was stable enough but she wasn't. She was still really out of it. I sat down in the chair next to her recovery room bed.


"So Izz, how you feeling?" I asked her, as I took her hand into mine.

"Really tired, they must've forgotten about my surgery." She groaned, as she was completely lying on her back while turning her head towards me.

"Silly, they didn't forget about it. You had it and you were really brave. You woke up from it in here." I exclaimed, as I started to chuckle.

"Ohh okay...oh all I want to do is sleep...that ansthesia must've really knocked me out." Izzy groaned but smiled a bit.

"It sure did." I say, as I didn't bring up why was she fighting to stay awake since she is still coming out of general ansthesia. The nurse came over to us.

"Isabella, are feeling alright?" She asked her.

"I'm fine. My big toe hurts though." Izzy says. I noticed on Izzy's wrist, that there was a red hospital wristband. I wonder why.

"Don't worry sweetie, I will get you some painkillers." The nurse, as she went to get painkillers for Izzy. Cubby and Skully came over to us.

"So Izzy, how did it feel to have surgery?" Cubby asked her, as he went to the other side of Izzy's recovery room bed, with Skully hovering above him. Izzy looked at him, with her eyes half open as she wasn't fully awake but the nurses don't expect her to be fully awake.

"I don't know...I was asleep during it...ugh...I'm sleepy..." Izzy groans while looking at Cubby but she closed her eyes and reopened them. I have to say her response was quite funny since she is still under ansthesia, she will say what will come to her mind. She rubbed her eyes in a groggy way.

"Did you feel like you were flying when you were getting knocked out?" Skully asked her. I rolled my eyes as Izzy won't remember being knocked out for her surgery, she won't even remember being taken or in the operating room, let alone getting knocked out for her surgery.

"Huh...?" Izzy looked at him confused.

"Skully, she wouldn't remember being knocked out for her surgery." I exclaimed, as I put my hands on the side of the recovery room bed.

"Wait, so I said that for nothing?!" Skully asked us, annoyed.

"No you didn't say that for nothing, remember she was really scared before they took her down to the operating room, so we all had to give her calming advice." I exclaimed, as I held Izzy's hand.

"Oh phew. Glad I didn't waste my breath." Skully says.

"You're weird whatever your name is." Izzy groaned. I chuckled at what she said. Yes, she is right, Skully can be weird sometimes.

"Erm, my name is Skully and I am not weird. At least I'm not the one saying random things without thinking." Skully exclaimed. The nurse came back with painkillers and gave them to Izzy in her hand but I figured it would be better if I held them in my hand as knowing Izzy being under general anesthesia, she will most likely drop them on the bed, and then she loses them. I took them from her hand into my hand. I gave her one after one. She only had three of them. She dropped her hand after she gave them to me.

"Ugh, I want to go home..." Izzy groaned, as she moved a bit in her recovery room bed.

"Me too! I'm so bored." Cubby exclaimed, as we jumped back a bit in shock. The doctor came over to us.

"Hello, I'm here to check on Isabella how is she doing?" The doctor asked us.

"She is still really groggy and tired. Do you think she is stable enough to go back to her hospital room?" I asked him.

"Well, it has been 45 minutes since her surgery ended but I will leave her here for an extra 15 minutes which will make an hour of being in here. Oh, she will need to stay overnight to make sure that nothing has gone wrong with her surgery and then she will have an check up tomorrow morning. I will see you all in 15 minutes." The doctor exclaimed, as he left us with Izzy. As we turned back to Izzy, we heard a soft snoring but we only realised that she went back to sleep. Now that's what Izzy is like when she's feeling tired, she will be out like a light. Awww, she looks adorable. She was sleeping on her side and facing me. I smiled as she looks peaceful. I don't think she was supposed to fall back asleep but she was really tired and groggy.

"Was she supposed to fall back asleep?" Cubby asked us.

"I don't think so but let's enjoy watching her sleeping." I say, as we continued to look at her. Fifteen minutes later, the doctor came with the nurse and Izzy was still asleep. I shook her awake, as she groggily opened her eyes but she wasn't as tired as before.

"She's stabled enough to go back to her hospital room. Nurse, can you please take the tubes out of Isabella's nose?" The doctor asked the nurse. She nodded and came over to Izzy. I held Izzy's hand while the nurse takes the tubes out of Izzy's nose. She is starting to look like her normal self. I stood up from the chair as me, Cubby, and Skully stood out the way, so they could unhook Izzy's recovery room bed, as they started to take her back to to her hospital room. I walked beside her on one side of her bed while Cubby and Skully were on the other. I bent down to her as she looked at me.

"Izz, we've got a surprise for you later on." I say. She began to have a small smile on her face. There she is.

"Have you?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah and I know you're going to love it." I say. She smiled even more. When we made it back to her hospital room. I turned the light on. The nurse gave me the blanket before they picked up Izzy and transferred her onto her hospital bed. I came over and layed the blanket over her. Aww, she looks so peaceful. They left us as they took the recovery room bed back to the recovery room.

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