《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Thirteen: Getting Exercise


Blayde's POV

I finally let out a sigh of relief as we pulled up to a secluded house that was surrounded by acres of untamed forest. After nearly 16 hours in the car, I was just about ready to explode with the need to go on a run and explore the woods. But that urge was far outweighed by the one that was demanding that I spend time with my mates, and make love to the both of them.

Hmmm, decision decisions, oh who am I kidding, sex always beats a run.

Who needs that type of exercise when you could just have sex?

"Let's unpack first, then I need to go to town to buy groceries" Eli stated as he pulled into the driveway, and got out. I noticed that is eyes lingered on a very quiet Liam, who upon closer inspection, seemed to have a permanent blush on his cheeks. I made a mental note to figure out what that was about as I grabbed some of the bags, helping to carry them into what I assumed was the master bedroom. It had three dark grey walls and one pale green feature wall, and the furniture was made of a dark wood, matching the decor.

Photos of Eli and some random people were sitting on the dresser, while paintings adorned the walls. Picking up one of the photos of Eli and some other man, I let out a low growl when I noticed how close they were, their arms wrapped around each other.

"What's that?" Liam asked, walking up and looking at the photo, only to let out a growl of his own, one that seemed to shock even him going by the way he slapped his hand over his mouth.

"That's the last of the bags, I'm going to go into town for the necessities, by the time I get back, the packing should be- are you guys even listening?" he asked, annoyance coloring his voice as both our heads finally swiveled in his direction. He instantly noticed the photo we were holding and furrowed his eyebrows at our reactions.


"It's just a good friend of mine, nothing remotely romantic, he's as straight as a stripper pole, and recently mated" the reassurance soothed my wolf, but he still wanted to pin Eli down and scent mark him all over again.

Maybe later, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all.

Liam, on the other hand, was still a little peeved, which I understood, his beast wasn't yet completely controlled, and it would remain so for a few more weeks. Not that I minded, in fact, I wanted to see him lose control while we take him. Fighting off the arousal that the image presented, I pulled Liam's body flush against mine. Which in hindsight, wasn't a great idea if I was trying to prevent arousal.

Eli gave both Liam and me searing kisses before leaving to go to the store leaving us to do most of the unpacking.

"Well, we better get started with the unpacking, Eli is probably going to be a while" I pulled away to open the first suitcase, only to be pulled back by Liam.

"I can think of a better way to pass the time" his voice seemed to rumble out of him as he stared up into my eyes. His gaze was so full of passion, lust, and... Love? My heart soared in my chest at the thought of having Liam's love, and suddenly I found that I needed to hear him say the words.

I needed to hear him profess his love for the both of us, then scream it as we took him.

I lifted Liam up against me, my hands cupping his lush backside and grinding his lower half against me as we kissed. His scent, his skin, the taste of him was my very own drug, driving me out of my mind with need, honestly, I didn't know how Eli managed to keep his dragon on a leash with Liam around.


We soon found ourselves tangled up in the sheets on the bed, our body in sync as we came closer and closer to that release that we both needed.

With a loud moan, he sank his teeth into my shoulder as my I flooded his quivering channel.

"Holy shit" he panted as he fell back onto the bed sheets next to me, his skin covered in a light sheen of sweat. I couldn't help but take in his features, embedding this image in my mind forever. His tousled hair, sparkling blue eyes, flushed skin, and swollen lips all served to add to his beauty.

"I see that the unpacking didn't get done" our gazes shifted to Eli who stood in the doorway, his eyebrow raised as he took in our bare forms.

"Yeah, we got a little... sidetracked in the middle of it" I joked, only to notice his eyes darken. At first, I thought it was in anger, but one look at his tented jeans told me that he was, in fact, very aroused.

"Well then it's only fair if I can have some fun too" but before I could fully process what he said, I already found myself bent over the bed as he began to undo his pants.One of his hands pinned me down while the other guided his thick cock into my tight channel.

"Eli" I moaned, my eyes meeting Liam's as he took in the sight of him, the blankets around his crotch tenting from the live show. I tore my gaze away and gasped as he thrust into me, slamming right into my prostate. I bit down on the sheets, while my hands fisted them tightly, the pleasure becoming too much to hold in.

"I want to hear you" Eli growled, ripping the sheet away from me and slamming into me over and over again. I moaned and panted all the while he thrust away, letting out noises of pleasure as he seemed to slide deeper into me.

I couldn't even warn him of my impending orgasm as it crashed into me, the only noise I was able to make was a broken whimper as my cum drenched the sheets below my cock. But still, he hammered inside me, growling no as he chased his own release until I felt him fill me to the brim.

He pulled out, gathering the dripping semen with the head of his cock and pressing it back in before backing away to admire his work.

"I love both of you"

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