《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Twelve: If I didn't Love You



I moaned as Blayde's fingers worked magic on my sore muscles, massaging out knots and allowing me to further relax into his touch. I let out yet another moan when his hands traveled up my spine, gently pressing into my skin and causing me to melt into a puddle of goo.

"Moan like that again and I won't be able to control myself" Blayde cautioned, making chuckle at the subdued arousal that was evident in his voice.

"Ugh, maybe if you hadn't fucked me within an inch of my life, you wouldn't be in this situation" I teased, my stomach growling like a dangerous sea monster as soon as I had finished my sentence.

"Sounds like someone needs a light noon snack" Blayde teased back, making me throw him the bird over my shoulder.

"Well, who's fault is that you guys have only been feeding me blood, I need human food too, you know" I flipped over, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed as I prepared myself for the laborious task of walking after being fucked. But before I could even take one step, I was swooped up into Blayde's arms and carried to the bathroom.

"First we shower, then we go out to get breakfast, and then we come back and pack"


"Yeah, in case you don't remember, Eli is completely furious at the council, and doesn't want to be anywhere near there headquarters, especially since they aided in allowing Archer to get in our home" He explained as he turned on the water in the shower, adjusting the knobs until the water temperature was perfect.

"Why did they let him into our house like that?" I demanded, my beast making itself know as he demanded to rip those responsible to shreds. Blayde soothed me with a caress to the face as he placed me on my own two unsteady feet, holding me up.

"Well, from what I've gathered, he probably convinced them somehow that you were his mate, and that we kidnapped you at a vulnerable time, you know with you being newly turned and all" I growled at that, kidnapped huh?

"Calm down my feisty kitten, there is nothing you have to worry about now, now that we've got you" he leaned in closer towards my ear, nipping my ear before whispering "And now that we've mated, you're going nowhere except where you belong, with us" I purred, actually fucking purred. I threw my hands over my mouth as Blayde pulled back a satisfied smirk on his face as e took in my embarrassed expression.


Pulling my hands from my mouth, he placed them around his neck before allowing his hands to settle on the bottom of my back. "Don't hide your responses, I love it when your beast makes his pleasure known" at his words, I let out a deep purr, tilting my head back and allowing him to decorate my neck with hickies and nips.

"Come on babe, let us get you dressed, fed, and buy you some clothes"

Eli's POV

I slammed the door on my way out, ignoring the whimpers of fear that the council members released when it fell off its hinges, revealing the destroyed room behind it. As soon as I had gotten here, I had made my anger very well known by destroying many of the objects in the room, shifting, twice, and attacking the guards who attempted to stop me.

But I had the right too, after all, you don't fuck with an Elder Dragon's Mates and get away with it. At least now I could go home and whisk my mates off to somewhere where nobody would be able to mess with us and make love to them all day and night. My dragon let out a growl of approval, eager to horde his treasures to himself, in this case, his mates.

I drove like a man possessed before arriving at the house, noticing that Blayde's car was missing, I went in and instead busied myself by packing. Putting the suitcases full of clothes and valuables in the trunk of the car, leaving one open for Liam's stuff as well.

The sound of an engine roused me from my robotic state, causing every muscle to lock on tight as I listened to the sound of footsteps approaching the bedroom. As well as the laughter and conversation between my mates as they threw open the door, their smiles faltering when they noticed my still foul mood.

"How'd it go?" Liam asked as he came to straddle my thighs, allowing me to tugged him close and inhale his scent before giving Blayde a passionate kiss.

"About as good as I expected it too" I answered vaguely, although it did not fool Blayde one bit.


"What did you destroy?"

"The entire council room, and part of the lobby, I shifted twice" Liam gasped and raised one eyebrow at me, and shocking me slightly when he gave me a light slap on the chest. At me and Blayde's confused looks, he sighed before rolling his eyes at us.

"Neither of you understands that destroying stuff is not the answer?" he demanded, although his demands went ignored as I leaned in to sniff his neck and run my tongue along my mark, making him shiver in my lap.

"You don't understand babe, they threatened all of us when they allowed Archer to get close to us, especially you, which meant that my Dragon couldn't let that go unpunished" I explained before capturing his soft skin in between my teeth and sucking.

"He's right Liam, nobody can threaten you without having to suffer our wrath, and the council knew that. But they still made the stupid decision of believing Archer and placing you in danger, so they got what was coming for them" Blayde added before going over to the bags of clothes and placing them into the suitcase for Liam.

"Where are we going?" Liam asked, tilting his head back to give me complete access to his hickie covered neck, allowing me to kiss and tease him as I please.

"Well, I still have a plot of land up in Montana where I used to live a while ago, so I think that's a good start" I paused before adding "But honestly, anywhere is fine as long as both of you are with me, we could live in Timbuktu if you and I couldn't care less" I caught Blayde's glowing gaze, holding it as I bit Liam's earlobe, sucking on it before releasing the abused flesh.

I gently tilted him onto his back onto the bed lifting up his shirt and running my tongue down the length of exposed flesh, planting a swirling kiss right above his waist. He let out a whimpering moan as he gently raised his hips up, asking for more.

"Mmmmm, I don't think so baby, you're still swollen, and as much as I want to ravish you right now, we have to get on the road" I chuckled at his frustrated look, his hand shooting down to grab his erect cock through his clothes.

"Why do you tease me like this?" he groaned as he stood up, his cock pressing up against the denim of his jeans.

"We tease you because its so satisfying to see you squirm and beg while we keep the release you so desperately need out of your reach" Blayde answered as he came up behind Liam, his hand sliding into his pants and squeezing him gently, making him let out a needy noise.

"But as Eli said, we have to get on the road," he said with a satisfied smirk as he removed his hand and began walking down the hall with Liam's suitcase, whistling a merry tune, and he left out mate panting in need.

"Ugh, if I didn't love you guys so much, I would be so mad right now" my eyebrows shot up as his statement replayed in my head over and over, a warm, comforting feeling spreading through my chest.

"Say it again"

"I would so be mad right now?"

"No the other part" I almost growled, taking a step towards him as realization crossed his perfect features. A blush graced his cheeks and he squirmed a little before bolting out the room like a bat out of hell, but it was too late. He already said it, and now he was going to own up to it once we got to our new home, after all, he had no choice now.

He had sealed the deal, set his fate in stone the moment he agreed to mate with us.

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