《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Fourteen: The L Word



I held my breath after the words tumbled out of me, my eyes searching theirs for any signs of how they would react. I knew that we were mates, and I knew that we had a special bond, but it did little to ease my worries about them leaving me. After all, both of them were hot as fuck and had each other on top of that.

If we're being realistic, they really didn't need me.

"I'm going to make you so glad you said that" Eli tugged me closer to the both of them.


"You don't know how long we've been waiting for you to say those words to us, and since you said them, I don't think I can hold back any longer" he explained as he yanked his clothes off, nearly ripping the fabric in his haste.

"We both love you so god damn much baby, and we're going to make sure you know how much we want and need you" my heart fluttered in my chest as I stared up at Blayde and Eli, their burning gazes making my semi-hard member easily spring to life.

Blayde came to kneel by my head as I settled on my back, his cock within reach of my mouth. Without any prompting, I opened my mouth to allow him to slide his dripping member in between my lips. He threw back his head and moaned, the moan quickly turning into a grunt when I groaned around his dick.

Eli lifted my hips slightly and drove his cock straight into my clenching entrance, the burning pleasure filling the needy emptiness inside of me.

"Fuck, he feels so fucking good" He moaned as he snapped his hips forward, driving the last few inches into my entrance. I could help but scream around Blayde's cock, causing him to let out a grunt of pleasure as he thrust gently into my throat. Relaxing my gag reflex, and my entire body, I allowed myself to be caught up in the pleasure that was drumming through me.

The feel of Eli's cock rubbing against my insides, the salty taste of Blayde pre-cum, it was all too much, but at the same time, not enough.


I needed more, I needed to feel them lose control.

I pulled my head away from Blayde's cock, but stroked him with my hand I turned to address my mates.

"I want it, I want it all" no explanation was needed as Eli's eyes glowed silver, and Blayde's burned with passion. Suddenly my pleasure was increased as my beast came closer to the surface until we were fucking like animals.

I screamed again around Blayde's cock, swallowing his cum and he shot it down my throat, at the same time, Eli released himself deep within me, allowing his seed to fill me up until I couldn't take any more. My own release coating my stomach and chest before being licked up by both my mates.

We all fell to the dirtied sheets, no words needed to be exchanged as we cuddled and curled around each other, the smell of sex lingering heavily in the air.

"We love you too Liam" was the last thing I heard as I slipped off into an exhausted slumber, the smell of my mates easily putting me to sleep.

"Liam, Liam baby you've got to get up, Eli made breakfast" I groaned, not even bothering trying to move as Blayde gently shook me awake, the dull throb in my lower back making itself known. Throughout the night, we had awoken to make love over and over again before falling back asleep, and now I would have to deal with the consequences.

But damn, I would be lying if I said it wasn't worth it.

"Fine, have it your way" I yelp as Blayde threw me over his shoulder, his hand sliding up my backside before giving me a light spank and walking down the hallway.

"Blayde, I told you to wake him up, not toss him over your shoulder like a caveman and bring him out here like that" I heard Eli reprimand him, although his voice was more playful than anything.

Finally, I was let down, and I made sure to give Blayde a very harsh glare before huffing and walking over to the table, ignoring the fact that I was naked. Looking around the dining room, I took in the multitude of photos of different people, my gaze landing on one where both Eli and Blayde stood side by side, embracing each other. I turned just in time to catch a pair of shorts Blayde tossed me, before turning to look back at the photo


"How long have you guys been together?" I found myself asking as I pulled on the shorts before noticing a steaming plate of food in front of me as well as a cup of blood.

Gurgling down the sweet liquid, I quickly turned to the food, eating quickly as my hunger made itself very well know.

"We were together for about a year before we found you"

"How old are you two?"

"I'm thirty-two, and Eli is about Three-hundred-forty-three" he answered nonchalantly as he sat down beside me, Eli taking the chair on my other side.

"Holy shit, that's pretty fucking long" I looked over at Eli, my mouth dropping open as I thought about how life must have been for him very early on.

"Close your mouth before I fill it up" Blayde whispered in my ear, making me shiver and return to my food. My plate was piled high with hash browns, eggs, sausage, and a side of pancakes, which I drowned in syrup before devouring them.

By the time I was finished, my place had been cleared and I could do little more than lean back and put my hands on my swollen abdomen.

"Thank you, I haven't eaten like that in ages" I admitted, accepting a napkin from Blayde in order to wipe my face.

"What was your life like when you worked for the police?" He asked making me think back to the past, which although was still very recent, felt like it had happened years ago.

"I lived in the orphanage until I was eighteen before going straight into the police academy, I'd always known that I wanted to work in law enforcement, so it wasn't a huge decision for me. I worked there for a year and a half, but quickly gained a solid reputation. I didn't do much outside of that" my life was boring, to say the least, or at least my personal life was before I met Blayde and Eli. Before I was turned, I was just an average cop who lived alone and had no other excitement in life other than what the job provided.

"You never partied or had relationships before?" Eli asked, his hand coming to around the back of my neck, his fingers gently massaging right behind my ear. I let out a shameless purr before answering his question.

"No, I didn't even really explore any of those possibilities, hell, I didn't even know I was gay until you two took me" Blayde released a contented grumble at my answer before he leaned in to nip at my earlobe.

"I know what you two are trying to do, and it won't work, I'm still sore from last night" they both chuckled at my protest, but still continued to tease me.

"We can't help it, Liam, when you're around all we want to do is ravish you until you can't remember your own name" Eli murmured into my ear.

"He's right, hearing you scream our names and shout how much you love us as you cum is all we want to hear whenever you with us" I could barely keep myself together, not even fighting as their hands roamed my body.

My shorts were tented, and a small wet spot had developed on the very tip of the ten, much to my embarrassment.

"You know what we want to hear you say, say and we'll let you cum" Eli's hand slid into my shorts and stroked my erection, causing more liquid to gather at the tip.

"I don't know what you're talking about, maybe you should give me a refresher" I teased back, my voice breathless from the pleasure.

"Mmmm, you know, the one that starts we an L" Blayde answered, playing along with our little game.


"Maybe he'll scream it while we're fucking him" was all I heard before I was tossed over a shoulder and watching the dining table shrink from sight as we walked down the hallway.

I was going to be sore as hell after this.

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