《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Six: Not Yours



I looked over at the bed where Liam was resting for the 100th time, trying to figure out how the hell we ended up so lucky as to find our mate after so long. Blayde was already thirty-two, which was incredibly young for a werewolf, but quite an old age to find your mate at. However, I was a few centuries old and had come very close to dying after not finding my mate for so long. I still remember the day I had met Blayde, and how ecstatic I was that day.

"Well, all the paperwork for Andy is completed, and I will be sure to take your request to adopt him to the council with my recommendation, you should expect him within the following weeks" I told the Alpha of the Shadow Wolf Pack as well as his mates who sat on either side of him, their faces glowing with happiness.

"Thank you so much, Elder Eli, I appreciate your help in this process" both the Alpha and I rose from our seats, shaking each other's hand before walking out of the study.

"It is my pleasure, I am glad to see a child placed in a proper home, and no doubt the council will see your pack as the perfect home for him" we continued to chat, making our way down the corridor when I caught a slight whiff of something amazing. My dragon whimpered, but when I didn't catch any more of the fragrance, I just brushed it off.

"We hope to see you again soon Elder, and once again, I don't know how to thank you anymore for your aid," one of his mates said, Evan, I think.

"You're taking in a boy who is in desperate of a family that is thanks enough" I assured him before bidding them farewell and walking out the door. I was walking towards my truck when I felt someone grab my arm, making me turn around to see a short blonde woman with big blue eyes.


"You're going so soon, I was hoping you could stay around and allow me to give you a tour," the lady said pressing her body against my arm. I kept my face blank even though I was internally growling at the woman.

"My apologies, but I wish to wait for my mate"

"I can be your mate, for the night" she winked and lifted one of her hands decorated with bright fake nails to my neck, stroking me much to my displeasure. I opened my mouth to once again tell her that I was not interested, but a growl stopped all that.

We both turned to see and a sexy muscular man standing there, his glowing hazel eyes locked onto the female who was holding me. Thinking that maybe this was her mate, I backed away from her towards my car as she scampered off.

His gaze then turned to me, the mouthwatering scent that I had caught earlier returning with a vengeance. He advanced on me as I remained there, completely stunned that I had met my mate after all these years. He pressed me up against my car, still emitting a low rumbling noise that was less of a growl and more of a purr.

"Mine" he growled before his lips meant mine, my dragon finally fully awakening deep within me at the touch of our mate. We pulled away from the kiss for air but kept our bodies plastered against each other as his eyes began to return to a dark brown.

"Mate" he rumbled.

"Mate" I smiled joy coursing through my veins. I could feel that we were missing something, or rather someone, but right now, that didn't matter.

Not when I had my mate right where they should be.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Blayde asked as he stepped out of the bathroom, his hair still damp with water.

"I was thinking about the day we met" I admitted honestly as I leaned over to tie up my boots.


"I still wish I had beat up that slut for laying a hand on you" he let out a quiet snarl before calming down slightly his eyes glowing with an expression that I've come to recognize quite easily.

"No, not now, we still have to go out," I told him as he approached me, dropping the towel in the process. I had to fight myself to avoid jumping him right there and then, especially when he slid onto my lap, leaning forward until our heads were touching. His scent was that of burning wood and cinnamon made me hard in mere seconds, not to mention his perfectly sculpted body that was so fucking close to mine that I could feel the heat coming off his skin.

"We have a job to do" I muttered, making Blayde smile before getting off my lap, mischief dancing in his eyes as he put on some clothes.

"That never gets old" I heard him say as I narrowed my eyes at him, of course, he would tease me.

After making sure the door to the room was locked, and leaving a cup of blood in the room for Liam, both Blayde and I took to the streets. Liam's sire was bound to me out tonight, and the sooner we caught him, the sooner I could get back home and ravish my mates.

"Where should we start?"

"Probably near a street with plenty of alleyways and dark areas, like down there" I pointed down the block to the next area over where it seemed like most of the street lamps went out. But as we neared the street, we instantly caught the scent of death. The trail seemed to continue throughout out a small park before we were led to a tree, a tree that seemed like an effigy of death.

Rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, all of them hanging from the sharpened branches of the tree. Many of them were skewered on to the branches, or nailed onto the trunk of the tree, with a message written in blood on the wood.


"We have to get back to Liam, now" we ran back to the motel, dread weighing down my stomach like a lead ball as I came to a screeching stop in front of the motel door. It was hanging off its hinges, dull flickering light casting ghostly shadows on the ground beneath it. With my heart pounding in my throat, I opened the door, stepping over the fallen coat rack before taking a good look around the trashed room. The chairs were toppled over, the bed sheets were torn to shreds, there was a hole in the wall next to the bathroom door, and blood splattered on the other wall.

But none of that mattered.

Liam was gone

Liam's POV

I woke up, grimacing when the bruises on my body made themselves noticed right away. Ignoring the pain, I sat up on the concrete floor, chains clattering as they moved with me. They were attached to my arms but allowed me enough freedom to stand up and move five feet from the wall. I surveyed my surroundings, my instincts kicking in as I looked for any sort of way out of here.

Noticing a window on the upper half of the wall to my right, I desperately tried to get a glimpse out of it. But it was far too small to get a proper lookout, all I could see was the daylight shining through, casting shadows on the floor below.

It was just a plain concrete room, no furnishings, no other shackles, only a concrete door that looked as if it slides open and closed.

I was so fucking screwed.

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