《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Five: In too deep



I sat in the bathtub for what seemed like an hour, wondering how the fuck I got myself into this situation. Within a short span of a little over a week, I have found myself in a new town, turned into a vampire, and now technically I was a serial killer. Not only that but now I'm mates with two men, which by the way are incredibly hot.

I guess that part wasn't so bad.

But I'm so fucking confused and scared on top of that. Being an officer, I've never really felt this sort of fear and confusion, even in bad situations I've always felt like I had some sort of control. Yet it seemed like my life was going into a tailspin, and it was certainly going to end up in a crash if I didn't figure anything out.

"Liam, are you okay?" I heard Blayde ask from the other side of the door, his voice coated in worry.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied, leaning my head back against the cold tile wall as I tried to think of a way to get through all this. But it was difficult when a small voice in the back of my head was trying to convince me to go back to Blayde, and that voice was getting progressively louder as the seconds ticked by. I shoved my hand through my hair before letting out a tired sigh, I couldn't stay locked up in the bathroom away from my problems forever.

I consoled myself with the knowledge that these two men at least seemed to know exactly what was going on with me and the murders and were still willing to help me. However, the tingle of my lips reminded me that their intention may not be entirely pure. Standing up, I mustered what little courage I had before opening the door, my eyes going straight to Blayde's massive form on the bed. Already the voice inside my head had decreased in volume, slowly shrinking away as I approached him.

"So, how are we going to go about this entire... situation?" I asked, needing complete clarity on how this would play out.

"Well hopefully, Eli can track down your sire, and turn him over to the council in your place, once your name is cleared, you will be coming back to live with us" he explained as if it was the simplest thing he'd ever had to deal with, making me place two fingers on the bridge of my nose.

"I can't come back with you," I told him, making him stand up with an almost furious expression on his face.

"What do you mean, you can't come back with us? You're our mate" he growled, backing me up against a wall and pressing his body against me.


"I don't even know what the hell that means, and once I get this crap figured out and under control, I'm going to return to my life," I said angrily my hand coming up to attempt to push him off, only for them to be pinned above my head.

"A mate is our soulmate, our one and usually only shot at meeting our perfect half" he stated, making my breath hitch from the need in his voice.

"You're both Eli and I's mate, no one else's, there is no way in hell we are going to just let you leave after finding you. You can certainly try to return to your old life but you will crave us, so will your body, and the beast that prowls inside your mind, they will all pine for us." I wanted to dispute further, but the wild look in his eyes stopped me, well that and the fact that pleasurable sparks were making it harder to think.

He leaned in and kissed my neck, nipping and licking at the sensitive flesh as I shamelessly let out a stuttering moan. The noise seemed to encourage him, causing him to up his attack on my neck, focusing especially on a small area that had me mindless. His hands pinned mine against the wall above our heads, and a heady satisfaction at being trapped by him unexpectedly filled me.

His hips began to gyrate against mine, an embarrassing whimper leaving me when I felt the delicious friction on my jean-clad cock. I could also feel his arousal, pressing right up against mine, my eyes widening slightly when I realized just how big he was. His hips sped up as we chased or releases, my eyes shutting when I felt heat gather in my nether regions, building up to dangerous heights.

"I thought I said to behave" Eli's deep voice made my eyes flip open as I met his gaze from across the small room, but Blayde's movements didn't even falter. I was dangerously close, but I couldn't dislodge Blayde who kept me hostage against the wall.

I whimpered as Eli came closer, his eyes never leaving mine as my release came over me, warmth spreading in my boxers as I came. Blayde wasn't far behind, growling into my neck as he ground out his release before letting my wrists go. But, he didn't' seem ready to release me completely since he was quick to pull me into his lap on the bed while Eli still glared at him. I should be running for the hills, I shouldn't have let a man I didn't know kiss and dry hump me, and I especially should not be sitting in his lap while his partner looks on. But something in me just seemed to surrender to him, unwilling or maybe just unable to fight against the pleasure that came with his advances.


"Blayde did I not tell you to behave" Eli growled a little as his hard gaze clashed with Blayde's defiant one. Worry coursed through me, I was at the mercy of these men's goodwill, and if they fought that could mean I would be on my own again. I opened my mouth, probably to spew some half-baked excuse for our compromising position only for Blayde to speak first.

"He was talking about leaving us once he was in control of his beast, my wolf couldn't handle it" Blayde stated, his hand coming down to stroke my hair in a way that pleased me more than I'd like to admit.

"Dammit Blayde, he's got enough crap on his plate, he doesn't need to be dealing with a horny shifter on top of that" I let out a little growl at that, unable to hold it back. Both of their heads snapped to me as I tried to disappear into Blayde's chest. "I provoked him, it was my fault, not that I didn't enjoy it," I managed to get out, making a smile curl at Blayde's lip.

"Yeah, don't be so hard on me, it's not like you didn't enjoy the show" Blayde claimed, motioning to the large bulge in Eli's jeans. He sighed before taking a seat on the edge of the bed, all traces of the earlier seriousness gone.

"You're right, I guess I'm just a bit upset that I didn't get to join in" his statement had my cock once again hard as a rock in my jeans, making both men sniff the air before turning their eyes to me, or rather my crotch.

"Damn, he smells so fucking good" Eli murmured, his eyes flashing a brilliant silver before returning to his normally steely grey. "Did you find anything?" Blayde asked, thankfully drawing the attention off of my sudden arousal.

"Yeah actually, another person was murdered last night, with the same M.O. as the others" Eli stated with a smile, making me raise an eyebrow at his strange joy. That was until I realized what that meant.

"Impossible, he as with us all night"

"Exactly, which means there was absolutely no way that Liam could have killed those people. Plus, I got the blood analyzed by a council-run lab, it's animal blood, raccoon to be exact" Eli smiled broadly making my breath catch in my throat as I took in his attractive features. Letting out a sigh of relief, I further relaxed against Blayde, processing the new information I had just heard.

Raccoon blood? The thought would've made me want to gag if it weren't for the fact that the predator lurking inside me growling in hunger. I licked my slightly chapped lips as my throat began to tingle slightly, warning me of my hunger.

"Speaking of blood, I think it's time you feed, Liam. If you don't feed by yourself, you'll never learn how to control your beast" Eli said as he rolled up his sleeve, revealing his muscular forearm.

"Beast?" I questioned idly, my gaze already zeroed in on the veins that lurked just under his skin.

"When a supernatural is born or in your case, created, a second soul comes into existence with them, sharing their body. This soul can be anything from an entity to an animal depending on what species of supernatural we're talking about. This happens so that your soul and being doesn't get torn apart by the power you hold" he explained, and although I understood, questions still bounced around my head. Yet they were all silenced when Eli came closer, stroking my face and offering me his arm.

"If you don't learn to drink without the assistance of your beast he will continue to take over whenever you're thirsty" he warned, but I was still apprehensive about biting him. Even as my fangs descended, I refused to open my mouth, I couldn't do it. The thought of taking his blood was mentally repulsive even if he was willing to give. Yet I was still so hungry.

"Isn't there another wa-gah" in a split second Eli's hand was squeezing my cock through my pants, making me open my mouth to let out a sound of surprise which was quickly cut off by his arm being shoved into my mouth. I glared at him, unwilling to bite down but unable to move back due to Blayde's hand holding my head forward.

"You're not going to win this battle baby" Blayde whispered into my ear, making me sigh internally before giving in. I sank my fangs all the way into his flesh, moaning when his blood spilled into my mouth. I drank slowly savoring the rich taste of his blood, like sweet nectar on my tongue. Both Eli and Blayde praised me gently, kissing or rubbing on my skin, and to be honest, I didn't mind their touch. In fact, I found that I quite liked it, craved it even.

What have I gotten myself into?

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