《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Seven: Strong Urges



I punched another hole into the wall as I growled, the need to find our mate burning inside my chest like a raging inferno. My wolf growled and howled within me, scratching at the insides of my conscience and making me clutch at my head.

"This is not the time to lose your head Blayde, we need to stay calm if we're going to find him" soothing arms wrapped around my wait as Eli placed his head on my shoulder. It proved helpful to ground me, but it still did nothing to ease the pain in my chest at the thought of Liam being held captive by that sonofabitch.

We had already questioned the townspeople, and they claimed to not have seen a man matching Archer's description around the town. Nor did they see Liam in the streets at all lately, not to mention the council was getting restless and local law enforcement was also here, investigating Liam's disappearance as well. They had got wind that he had been spotted here, and now between that and the fact that murders that were continuing- let's just say it's one hell of a clusterfuck.

"We'll find him, I promise" Eli stated, his voice taking on an edge of determination that I've never heard before. We stood there for god knows how long before he suddenly straightened from his position exclaiming loudly:

"How could I be such a fucking idiot" he yelled before running over to his bag. Yanking out an old book, he flipped through the pages before settling on one page and placing the book on the bedside table.

"Lay down" he pointed towards the bed as he rolled up his sleeves.

"What are you going to do?" I asked as I tried to make sense of his actions.

"I'm going to strengthen the bond between you and Liam, it will only last for a day or two, but it will allow you to know exactly where he is. But, there are some...side effects" he admitted as he scratched the back of his head, a thoughtful expression on his face.


"What type of side effects?" I demanded lightly, my wolf uncaring about the potential consequences as he urged me to go through with it.

"Well in werewolves at least, it causes them to go into a rut as if it was mating season. Which means once we find him, you may not be able to keep your wolf from claiming him there and then" I thought about it, but my answer had already been decided once he said that I would know where Liam is.

"Do it" I demanded, spurring him into motion as he placed his hands on my head and chest. He began to speak in a language I had no hope of understanding as a tingling sensation built up where his hands were on me.

My heart pounded, my wolf paced back and forth in anticipation, and I could feel the bond increase to the point where I knew exactly where our missing mate was. I could feel his fear, his hope that we were looking for him and his hunger for blood.

Shooting up of the bed, I was out the door before Eli could stop me, not that he even tried as he tailed me.

My wolf was chewing at the bit to get to Liam, to claim and take him, showing everyone that he belonged to nobody else except Eli and me.

Eli's POV

I followed Blayde closely as we weaved through the semi-busy streets of the town, his motions were stiff and deliberate as his wolf took over a great deal of control. Suddenly, he stopped directly in front of a old building that looked as if it was used for storage before throwing open the unlocked door and entering.

It the air was stale, and the entire room was dark due to the blacked out windows, but that slowed nobody down as we continued down the corridor to a back room.


"Down there" he growled, his voice deep and guttural as he ripped a hatch door out the floor and proceeded down the slim stairway. I could hear rats scurry into their hiding spot, obviously sensing the angry predator nearby. Water dripped from leaking pipes, creating puddles on the dirty cement flooring, the pools reflecting what little light the old lights provided.

But beyond the smell of mold and rat droppings was the sweet scent of Liam, I could practically feel his fear and helplessness as we approached a concrete door. Growling, Blayde began to pound on the cement door that was no doubt over three inches thick since it was standing up to his blows. Pulling him away, I brought my dragon close to the surface, allowing my body to bulk up some before I shoved the palm of my hand against the door, causing it to crumble and fall where it stood.

Blayde was in the room before I could stop him, already pinning Liam to the floor, and licking up the side of his neck.

"Blayde, there is no time for that, get him out of those chains before Archer decides to show up" I commanded him, slightly surprised when he obeyed, though with much reluctance.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING" I heard someone yell, causing me to snap my gaze back to the crushed door where a short man stood, a gun loaded with silver in his shaky grasp.

"Peter?" Liam asked, astounded as he stood up from the floor, Blayde right behind him, growling at the new presence. But only one questioned bounced around in my head as I processed what Liam had said.

Who the fuck was Peter?

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