《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Four: Taking Over Sire Duty



The vampire's eyes suddenly turned a dark crimson red, as he stood up straight from the position he was previously in. His scent was so potent and he was so fucking sexy, it was hard to even raise the gun at him when my wolf was going crazy. I could only imagine how Eli felt as he crept toward him, the vampire not making any movement that was until Eli was very close.

The vampire jumped on him, and I was ready to shoot when Eli put up a hand not to.

"He's just feeding, he's not hurting me," he told me as the vampire clutched his other arm, his fangs embedded deeply in his skin. I slowly put down my gun before approaching Eli, my eyes focused on our little vampire mate who was steadily drinking from him.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, reaching up to move his soft blond hair from his face.

"He's a fledgling, he must have been abandoned by his sire here" Eli sighed, his free rubbing down the side of his face as the vampire finished drinking, his eyes still a swirling red. They slowly converted back to a crystal blue leaving him confused and disoriented, his eyes glazed over.

"I-" before he could continue, he collapsed, Eli, catching him and cradling him in his arms.

"He must have been killing in order to feed, usually fledglings are fed by their sire every night until they can control their bloodlust" he explained as he looked down at our mate who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

"How are we supposed to explain this to the council, you know they will want to experiment on him regardless...Or kill him" my wolf angled inside my head at the thought as my grip on our mate tightened slightly.

"Calm down, we'll figure something out, even if I have to be on the run for the rest of my life, I will if it means keeping both of you with me" he assured, planting a kiss on my head and nuzzling my neck. "For now, let's focus on getting him somewhere safe and making sure he's fed, if we play our cards right we can make a case that his sire deserves to be punished for leaving him in this situation" I nodded in agreement as my eyes slid back down to the sleeping beauty in my arms.

We would protect our mate.

Thankfully, we were able to walk through the streets without getting questioned, but we did receive quite a few strange looks from those we passed. We soon made it to the motel we were staying at, our mate barely stirring as we placed him on the king-sized bed.

"So how do we go about this?" I asked as I sat at the end of the bed while Eli took a seat in the dingy old chair, his size making the chair appear as if it were made for a child.

"Well, we start by getting him under control and out of here, the sooner he is out of the vicinity of the murders the better. But the council will start demanding answers, so we would have to either find his sire and shift their attention to them or somehow convince them that the murders are actually the doing of a human which would be near impossible considering the circumstances" he scratched at his chin and sat back a little, his mind obviously trying to work out the situation we found ourselves in.


"And if we say that the vampire escaped, they'll come down here and do their own investigation" I added on, running my hand through my hair before looking over my shoulder at our mate who was sleeping peacefully.

"We have to check in tomorrow, we'll worry about it then, for now, we're not going to get anything accomplished" Eli stated as he stood up, removing his shirt as he crawled into the sheets with our mate. I followed suit and soon we were both cuddling the sleeping beauty in our arms.

My wolf finally settled down with me, feeling complete at last.

I awoke with a start when I felt someone slipping out of my arms, and my eyes immediately locked onto the scared baby blues of our mate who was currently trying to escape our grasp.

"Hello," I said, making him give me a skeptical look.

"Hi?" it came out more like a question, the small noise causing Eli to stretch before waking up as well, his arms wrapping around our mate's waist, making him flinch a little at the intimate contact.

"Why am I here, who the hell are you people" he demanded as he tried to wriggle out of our arms, but getting nowhere as we kept our grip on him.

"What do you remember from yesterday?" Eli asked, making our mate stop and furrow his brows as he tried to recall what had taken place.

"Um, I was running from these two-" recognition passed over his face, and he used his foot to shove me off the bed while struggling against Eli. Being a vampire, he was far stronger than the average human, even though he was a fledgling. I stood up from the floor, watching as Eli pressed our mate against the bedsheets, holding him gently yet firmly.

"Listen, you need to calm down right now, we know that you're the vampire who had been attacking the humans. We want to help you, but we can't do that while you're fighting against us, understand?" he said in a commanding voice that I would have found sexy under different circumstances.

"Yes," he said weakly, his eyes full of fear and desperation.

"Okay, I'm going to let you up, if you run, I'll put you over my knee and spank you" he released him, allowing him to sit up slowly, while I sat down on the edge of the bed and turned towards them.

"What's your name, mate?" I asked gently, making him tilt his head a little as he gave me a somewhat confused look.

"Liam Hawks" he answered before asking a question of his own.

"Who are you two?"

"I'm Eli Macon, and that's Blayde Reamus, we work for the council. Do you remember who turned you?" he questioned, Liam, giving him an almost incredulous look.


"Yes turned, you are aware you are a vampire, right?"

"There's no such thing" both Eli and I stiffened at his answer, a vampire who didn't even know he was one. It had happened before in the past, humans being turned without their knowledge and left to run wild, but it was one thing to hear about it and quite another to witness it.

"You are, deep down you know you are. The burning in your mouth and throat, the hunger that never goes away, and you probably haven't eaten any human food in the last week have you, that isn't what your hungry for" he turned away instead of answering, his face hard as granite, no doubt Eli had hit the nail on the head.


"Let's start with something easier then, where are you from?" I asked, making him turn to me, his eyes dilating slightly before he answered.

"I'm from Silver Springs Nevada, I am a Police officer from the local precinct there" he explained, at least that made sense considering that Silver Springs wasn't too far from here, only an hour-long drive.

"Do you have any friends or family there?" I asked, hoping that he didn't have a spouse or children waiting for him back at his home.

"No" he replied, his form slouched ever so slightly as he admitted that fact. Don't worry baby, as soon as we figure this out, we'll become our own little family, with you in the middle of course.

"Do you remember being bitten or attacked at any time?" I finally asked, knowing that we could possibly navigate this cluster fuck a bit easier if he was aware of who bit him.

"Yeah actually, I hav-had this co-worker name Archer, who was always a bit... strange. He would stare at me for a long time or flirt with me although I never led him on in any way. We were at the bar, and he had left after getting upset when I wouldn't show any interest in him and I thought that was it. But when I went to walk to the bus stop, I was pulled into an alley by Archer...he kissed me, called me a 'Pretty little thing' and then bit me on the neck before I shot him in the chest. He ran off, I chased him, but blacked out and woke up here with blood all over me" I wanted to cradle him in my arms after hearing what he had gone through, but the need to track down this so-called sire of his and fucking murder him was overruling all that.

"Liam, you're a vampire plain and simple, and that man who bit you is your sire. You're our mate, but I will explain that later on, right now we need to figure out what to do because your life is on the line. We were sent here to find you, contain you, and hand you over to the supernatural council so you could become some sort of guinea pig to them, but I promise we won't let that happen." he paused, letting a shock Liam absorb all the information before continuing on.

"You need to do what we say when we say it if you want to get out of this city alive, okay. We need to know what your sire looks like, and then we need to know where we could find him" Eli said, his eyes alight with determination. For a moment Liam paused, glancing between Eli and I as if he was looking for any hint of lying on our faces. Desperation flickered in his eyes when he found nothing that hinted at all this being just one cruel joke, it made me want to pull him into my arms to comfort him. Instead, I clenched my fists at my side to prevent myself from doing just that, it would only add more shit to his plate if I did.

"He six feet, had light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a mole on his right cheek. His name is Archer West, and I don't know where he lives" I couldn't help it anymore, I tugged Liam into my arms, he struggled a little bit calmed when he felt the effects of the mate bond. Since he wasn't in control of his other half yet he would be particularly susceptible to the mate bonds effects and our presence.

"Blayde, you watch over Liam while I do a little bit of research on this Archer character, I'll be back before nightfall," Eli told me as he grabbed his jacket, slinging it over his shoulder before turning back to me once again, Liam still in my arms. "Behave, both of you. That goes double for you Blayde" he pointed towards me, narrowing his eyes when I gave him an innocent look and waved him out the door.

I turned to Liam who was still looking at the door with a questioning look before he turned those beautiful blue orbs my way. "What did he mean by be-?" he started asking, only for his statement to be cut off by a startled noise when I pushed him down onto the bed. I climbed on top of him, staring deeply into his troubled blue eyes that were so god damned captivating. I knew that I shouldn't be trying to seduce him in the middle of all this, but my wolf wasn't going to let up until I had a taste of my sweet little vampire.

He was dragging his claws on my insides, begging to get closer to Liam, to mark him.

To mate him.

"Blayde?" his voice was breathy, he was obviously feeling the lust and attraction that the bond created, and that's what set me off, knowing that he wanted it just as much as I did.

I pressed my lips against him, his instantly moving in sync with mine as we tasted each other. The kiss wasn't uncontrolled like I thought it would be, instead, it was innocent, just all about exploring each other's lips.

Lips that I would be kissing often.

He tasted so damn sweet, like the candies I used to eat as a child, and I could kiss him forever, but of course, the need to breathe made itself known. I pulled away but kept my face close to his as we both panted. A light blush settled on his cheeks, before he suddenly tugged himself from underneath me, running into the bathroom.

I wanted to go after him, but I knew he needed time.

After all, what the hell would you do if you suddenly woke up in a strange town, started killing people, found out you're a vampire, and that you are now mated to two men.

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