《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Three: Monster



It happened again, I woke up covered in blood in an abandoned warehouse, with no recollection of what had taken place the night before.

I don't know what was happening to me, one moment I would be fine, then the next I would blackout only to finally wake up covered in blood. It was a vicious cycle that I couldn't break, and on top of that, I'd always have the taste of blood in my mouth.

What the fuck happened to me.

It had all started after I was attacked by Archer, the constant burning in my throat and stomach, the blood, and the blackouts. I had thought myself dead only to wake up in a completely different town with not a thread of clothing, no money, and no idea how the fuck I got here in the first place.

Not to mention I was completely healed from the attack that surely should have taken my life. At first, I had just believed I had been kidnapped somehow and maybe had been in a coma for a while. That would explain the healing and the change of scenery. What it didn't explain was why I was naked, abandoned in a different town with no kidnappers in sight, and hosted no scars from the attack.

And that is without even breaching the blackouts and other symptoms I've been experiencing.

The first day had been the roughest, requiring me to raid a donation bin at night for clothing and hope nobody saw. I had attempted to panhandle for change for a payphone but it seems people aren't too keen on helping the homeless out here. I resigned myself to walking to the local PD but that was when the blackout had begun, just before nightfall.

I tried so hard to remember what happened but my mind shied away and all I got for my efforts was a pounding headache.


I stood up and peeled off my blood-stained shirt, thankful that it was the only article of clothing stained with the crimson liquid. I stumbled out of the warehouse, the bright sun completely over the horizon as I attempted to remember where the fuck I was.

Thankfully, there weren't many people around as I walked down the nearly empty sidewalks. I had a few dollars in my pocket that I had regrettably pickpocketed, and I used the money to buy an old ratty sweater from a thrift shop. I had long since given up on getting help from the authorities or anyone else for that matter, I would surely end up in the looney bin if I did.

Maybe I belong there.

"Will this be all sir?" asked the girl behind the register, his eyes locked firmly on my exposed torso before they made their way up to my face.

"Yes, that'll be all," I said somewhat rudely, making her glare at me before starting to ring up my purchase, all the while a small radio played the news.

"Another body was found today in Lovelock city, drained of all blood and left in an alley with nothing more than a bite mark on the victim's neck. The victim, a man who has yet to be identified looked to be in his 40's with gang tattoos on his body, this is the eighth murder with these circumstances, leading police to believe that they are dealing with a serial killer. The killer, dubbed the 'Lovelock Vampire', attacks people late at night while they are alone, police are advising people to stay inside after sundown or to travel with another person"

"Sir," the clerk said with an attitude as she pushed the shirt towards me.

"Thanks" I replied, sliding on the shirt as I began heading for the exit of the door, narrowly dodging a police officer who gave me a strange look.


"You're not from around here are you?" he asked, his eyes narrowed as he took in my disheveled appearance.

"No sir" I answered politely, not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention.

"Well, stay inside at night, wouldn't want the vampire to get you," he said strangely before walking further into he strode to talk to the clerk. I hurried out of the store and back onto the street.

Clean clothes ✓

Find out where the fuck I am ✓

Figure out what the fuck is going on - Nope

Well, that's two for three, but there was no way I could go on like this. Any idiot could figure out that I was the one attacking those people, after all, it's been eight days since I woke up after the attack.

But how the hell did I get in Lovelock of all places?

What did Archer do to me?

Why couldn't I remember anything?

The questions bouncing around in my head made it hard to think. I made my way back to the warehouse, after all, there was no other place to go. I had to figure out a way to keep from hurting anyone else, but nothing came to mind, except...

No, I couldn't think like that, not unless no other opportunity permitted itself to me. First of all, I needed to figure out why the hell I was attacking people in the first place, and according to the report, the bodies had been drained of blood. With nothing more than a bite mark on their neck, now I know how it sounded, but I'm sure there is a completely logical explanation for this.

Maybe I was sick?

I mean, Archer had bit me, much like the victims, and maybe he had transmitted some sort of disease, like a human form of rabies or something. Maybe I could be cured or at least treated for it, yeah something like that. It wasn't at all logical, but it was the only thing I could think of.

I let out a tired sigh as I walked back into the safety of the warehouse, flinching when I heard voices coming from within. I crept around the wall, craning my head to see two men standing over my bloody discarded shirt. One of them picked it up with gloved hands, putting it in a plastic bag before talking again.

"Damn, what is that smell"

"Do you think-"

"No, it can't be, not like this"

I went to back up, not wanting to be seen, only to crush a piece of broken glass under my foot. I took off not wasting any time in running out to the warehouse and towards the edge of the city. I turned to see both of them in hot pursuit as the world seemed to blur, I sped past people who didn't even look up. Papers flew as I ran past, some people even fell over, but not one of them pointed me out. And the strange men were still behind me. I turned a corner before turning into an alley to hide and catch my breath. My throat burned and my stomach growled loudly causing me to double over in agony.

"Don't move" I looked over to see the men from before their eyes trained on me as one of them raised a gun towards me, one loaded with tranquilizers. My body seemed to shake as something took over, causing me to blackout.

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