《PRACTICE | j.jk》2 || horny


"thank you for making out with me..." jungkook said with a playful smirk just as you got inside the set.

you smacked his shoulder for him to be quiet. he said that too loudly, and the other actors were only feet away.

"shh! I didn't do it for you to announce,"

he continued to giggle, and poked your cheek like a kid. he should stop being overly excited,

sohyun made her way over to you with an awkward smile, and her hands behind her back. jungkook was not very pleased about making short talk with her especially right before filming a sensual scene at 7 in the morning. he had no harsh feelings towards her, but they weren't sweet feelings either considering the many times she responded to their dating rumors inconsiderably.

"hey, kookie," she greeted him first before giving you a little head bow, and a smile.

"did you read the script?" she questioned him obtaining the same composure she had just as she arrived.

he nodded his head without opening his mouth to speak a word or two. you noticed his expression, and you knew him well enough to realize that he was feeling uncomfortable.

"well I'm glad you did, because the scene is going to get interesting," she sounded very pleased about the action which somehow made you scrunch your eyebrows together in irritation.

"it's nothing," jungkook replied looking away from her gaze.

she crossed her arms, and continued being awkward.

"its nothing until you get a little turned on, and the scene becomes real," she smirked. you scoffed after her words which forced her to glare at you. jungkook put his hand on your shoulder, and slightly pushed you so you could walk away together.

"it will never be real," he told her before leaving with you. you lead him to a café that was only a door away from the set so you could disappear from her gaze.

jungkook sighed after closing the door behind himself. "she is trying too hard."

you rubbed your forehead with your pointer finger, and closed your eyes before stating an unanswerable question. "but why am I mad?"

kook smiled, and looked at you.

"do you like me, noona?" he questioned taking you off guard. you were by the window of the café at this moment in time.

he was grinning at you after his very silly question.

"what kind of question?" you wondered. as you looked outside the window (maybe searching for an answer) you recalled last night, and the moment he did not follow the script and just ran his hands all over your body while sucking your tongue...


ugh that was so hot

he snapped his fingers in front of you bringing you back to reality. "you there?"

you put your hands on your hips, and pouted. "i think you are the one who likes me, jungkook."

he threw his head back, gliding his tongue against the inside of his cheek with a smirk.

"i mean yesterday shit got a little frisky cuz of you," you added with an expression stating 'it wasn't my fault'.

he chuckled at you, and wrapped his arms around your shoulders which squeezed you to his chest.

"shhh, noona we don't talk about it," he said in your ear and continued squeezing you into his embrace.

as you stayed in his hug for a bit you saw a camera flash, and a man running down the street. you eased yourself off his grip a bit and stared down to the man running until the moment he looked back at you with an evil smirk.

you quickly turned your head back to facing jungkook's chest, but your expression was screaming fear.


you breathed.

"I think someone just photographed us.."


jungkook calmed you down by informing you that if any rumors come out he will state the opposite, and do his best to prevent any further bullshit.

he was also not planning on stopping his already publicly announced friendship with you because of those kinds of things.

"get ready," the producer informed jungkook. filming was starting, and also the long feared kiss scene with Sohyun.

"good luck, kookie," you encouraged him by patting his shoulder, and taking his script for him.

he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. "fuck I don't want to,"

you clearly did not want him to feel so stressed out about it. "do it good the first time so you don't have to redo it."

he nodded, and walked to the set.

you had a scene with taehyung next, but it was more of an angsty kind of scene.

where could he be?

you glanced around the set to find him, but instead he was eating at the café.

"hey, Taehyung-ssi," you waved at him. he was a bit startled when he saw you since you never really greeted him first before.

"omo, hey," he replied after swallowing his food. you smiled.

"we have a scene together next so you should come up to the set," you informed him.

he nodded, "we have time. I think sohyun and jungkook will take a while in there," he said with a sarcastic smile.


"haha I hope not,"

"want me to buy you food?" he questioned you as you were standing in front of him looking at the floor.

"hm. sure. I guess they will take quite some time."


you ate with taehyung, and chatted for a while about things that did not concern the movie.

"so you never went on a date?" he questioned you after you mentioned the 'dating' topic.

"no I hangout with jungkook a lot, so guys assume not to ask me out haha," you replied sarcastically, but it was really a moment of sorrow. "also I guess.. media.. doesnt really have me good with relationships... like you know... dating rumors and stuff."

"yeah i get it. you dont want rumors," he replied.

you nodded, and then awkwardly picked up your cup of coffee for a sip.

"well, we should go-" taehyung was about to speak as jungkook yelled your pet name while going through the door.

"noona!" his forehead was sweaty, and his hands were covering his crotch. he seemed as if he was in a rush with an extremely concerned emotion on his face.

you questionably stared at his crotch as he was holding it... holding it.

he scanned the café before looking at you, and then making a whiny face. "noona please come,"

you eyed taehyung with a 'what the fuck' face, but you clearly knew what was happening.

"hey, sorry for the interruption. tell me what you were going to say later?" you told taehyung with a suggesting smile. he nodded and returned the gesture with a grin before you walked over to jungkook, and pushed him inside the set again.

"you are finally done?!" you whisper-yelled at him as you pulled him to a hidden corner behind the scenes.

his whiny expression didn't leave for a second, and he kept shaking his body left and right like a little 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

you crossed your arms, and raised an eyebrow.

"jungkook... you have a...."

"noona im so hard. they made me put my hand in her panties 3 times because she kept messing up on purpose, and im-"

"she messed up on purpose? I knew it," you looked away kind of annoyed. you were unsure of the purpose behind your annoyance, but it didnt slide by.

"ugh i hate myself," he kept whining and rubbing his hardened member through his pants. you took his arm, and forced him to stop.

"i know you are a hormonal mess, but its not time to be an exhibitionist,"

he pressed his head against the wall, and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath, and hitting the wall with his fist.

Damn how needy can he be?

you started feeling kind of angry for some reason. you felt as if jungkook was totally whipped for sohyun. even though, he claimed that he will never do anything with her.... she was quite his type and that triggered your annoyance.

"help," he said taking you off thought.

your voice had become quiet, and monotoned as if you were tired but it was pure confusion," i cant help."

"noonaaaa," he whined again, and grabbed your face.

you weren't in any control of your emotions and that clearly showed.

"have sohyun help you. she made you horny did she not. It would be more efficient,"

you took his hand off your face, and made a pure attempt to walk away as if nothing was bothering you.

jungkook wasn't stupid. he knew what you were feeling.

"but.." he spoke, pushing you gently deeper into the corner you were at.

"what are you-"

"y/n," he said making you feel his breath on you since he was just so damn close.

he lifted your chin up with his pointer finger and smirked when you looked at him.

"she didnt make me horny.." he whispered.

"while we were filming ..... i was thinking about doing that to you..."

your heart skipped 300092874739 beats. you were practically dead on the inside.

"huh.." was all you could say.

his hand went down your side, and then behind to your ass gripping it tightly which pushed you a bit up.

you scrunched your face into a questioning expression.

"are you serious?"

he pushed himself against you as your back hit the wall, and prevented any sort of space between you.

"ugh y/n," he wrapped his arms around you, and squeezed you as he pressed his hardened crotch against you.

you could clearly feel the outline of his dick as he rubbed himself against you.

"jungkook oh my god,"

"im so hard," he whispered in your ear before letting out a desperate sigh.

his hand traveled up you back as he added,

"and yesterday you made me so horny. i couldnt sleep,"

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