《PRACTICE | j.jk》1 || kiss


"back on set!" the producer-nim called out for everyone after the lunch break.

you have been shooting this movie for 12 hours now, and it became harder to keep your composure out of stress, but you remained nonchalant for the sake of everyone around you.

you were standing next to the cameraman looking over your lines whilst jungkook - one of the actors you were working with, whom also happened to be a good friend of yours - was ready to shoot the next scene.

after flipping the pages over and over again, you became annoyed by the constant sound of the paper itself.

"ugh," you whined as you threw the papers on a chair.

jungkook was doing a great job at acting everything out perfectly. the less he has to redo a scene, the faster you could go home.

"okay! that's good! one more scene, and you guys can all go," the producer informed all staff after jungkook was finished.

the boy made his way over to you with an expression that showed as if he was pondering over something in his head.

"thank you so much for being a good actor, " you praised him the moment he stepped next to you. his head was down while reading over his lines for tomorrow's shoot.

"you good?" you questioned while placing a hand on his shoulder. he looked up at you, and threw an innocent smile, but it was all just a fake facade, and it was easy for you to tell.

jungkook sat on the chair which had your laying papers on it. "be careful!" you panicked while quickly pulling him up to stand so you could grab your packet.

"sorry, noona. I wasn't paying attention," he apologized right before his gaze became lost again. he must be tired, you thought. but in all truthfulness, the secret behind his distraction was in between his lines.

you waited for another 15 minutes until taehyung - also a fellow actor in this movie, but you weren't as close with him as you were with jungkook - was finished with his scene.

"alright! go rest up!" producer-nim informed through a megaphone, and disappeared behind the set up somewhere. your heart beat with excitement that you could finally return back to your precious and endearing bed.

"great! see you tomorrow, kookie!" you patted his head, and with a smile tried to walk away. tried....only because his foot lengthened in front of you. you gave him a questioning look as his head lifted up, and his eyes met yours.

"noona...." he spoke softly in a tired manner, "want to eat dinner with me tonight?" he was sweet and innocent like an infant, but when he was filming... his personality became sharp, and serious.

"hmmm," you thought about it for a minute. you wanted to sleep right away, but a nice memory of jungkook's bed passed through your head. his bed is the comfiest thing ever,

"okay if you let me sleepover," you replied with a playful smirk. you had no dirty intentions whatsoever and he knew that.

and as to why you've been in his bed before....that's a good question.


for the record, you are actually younger than jungkook. he only called you noona, because of your personality. he claimed that you act more maturely than him, and you were way more flirtatious in a way..

"what is your magical kitchen going to prepare for us today?" you sarcastically implied while entering his apartment. you well knew that he was 'bout to order something.


"some dick," he replied casually while taking his phone out making it a good joke.

"yay my favorite." you sat on the couch, and put your feet up as if you were in your own house. you had manners but not in these living quarters.

jungkook put his keys on the kitchen counter, and began ordering food the second the person on the line picked up. "oh yeah can I also get extra hot sauce thanks,"

you looked at jungkook with a grin knowing that he ordered those for you. he saw you looking at him, so he winked at you, and smiled. wow what a loyal friend,

"ight, thanks," he said before hanging up.

"wow hot sauce! thanks oppa!" you joked, even though, he was really an 'oppa' to you.

jungkook sat on the couch next to you, and took the TV remote. "call me 'oppa' one more time, and you won't sleepover," he threatened with a monotoned voice.

you scoffed. it doesnt make sense,

"okay... by the way," you were curious now that the thought came to your head, "why were you so spaced out earlier?"

he continued to stare straight at the TV.

"just a scene that I will have to do," he replied forcing you to ask more questions.

"which one?"

he turned his head towards you, and gulped. was it that scary?

"it was...." he paused, "a kiss scene."

you started laughing at his innocent expression as if that kiss scene was a big deal.

"so what is the problem?" you asked him. he frowned at your laughter which made you feel bad automatically.

"its just-" he glanced away, "I haven't done one before. also i don't know how to act out the lines,"

aw poor baby,

"you got this, kookie!" you lifted your hand up into a fist for the spirit.

he smiled at you. "thank you..."


the food arrived, and you were impatiently waiting on the kitchen counter with your fork in hand like a little kid whilst jungkook was at the front door struggling with getting rid of the delivery girl whom was fangirling over him.

"thank you so much! make sure to watch the new movie!" he exclaimed before shutting the door on her.

he leaned against the wall, and sighed, "holy shit I'm sweating."

as he brought the food up to you, your legs started swinging back, and forth on the counter chair since the chair was high. jungkook noticed your excitement, and didn't fail to comment on it, "you are so cute."

you raised an eyebrow, and glared at him. "heh? but you call me noona?"

he placed the boxes of food in front of you, and walked over to a counter top. he reached up to open one, and took out a bottle of wine.

"i call you noona for a reason. that doesnt change the fact that you act cute," he explained.

"well thank you, sir,"

you opened up all boxes of food, and began eating slowly whilst jungkook was pouring wine for you two.

"you order italian food, and you pour me wine... aren't you so nice?" you giggled.

you had a good friendship with him. he was one of those guys that you could make dark jokes with, and he wouldn't get taken aback. as to how you met him.... it was at a reality show a year ago. you were teamed up for the show, and thats how you started talking.


and as to the movie you are shooting currently... thats the first acting project you've done with him.

jungkook sat next to you, and gulped down his first cup of wine which completely erased the purpose for pouring it in a cup to begin with.

you noticed that his expression was mostly blank today... it was quite worry worthy.

you swallowed what you had in your mouth, and glared at him as he was chugging the bottle.

"hold up," you took the bottle out of his hands. "you need to calm down."

he wiped his lips with the side of his hand. "sorry. Im in dismay,"

you sighed, and closed the bottle. "go rest. i'll leave soon."

you were considerate, and you would rather have him stop worrying about the scene more than your desperate need to sleep in his bed.

"no. you wanted to sleep here, so don't leave."

he stood up, and went to grab his script.

he came back to you, and showed you the page with the scene for tomorrow.

"read it. it's too intense I don't know what to do... its going to be so awkward to kiss her," he whined. in the movie.. jungkook was a main actor along with the other actress, Sohyun, and they were supposed to be dating within the angst of the storyline.

you skimmed through, "corner against wall......blah blah kiss...blah blah slide tongue inside mouth... blah blah blah hand inside pants-" you paused.

"holy shit," you realized how awkward that would be, "hand inside pants?" you chuckled slightly, but then noticed the 'about to cry' face jungkook was making.

he rubbed his eyes, and leaned against the counter with his elbows. "what if my dick goes hard,"

he sounded as if he had a world problem. you continued eating, and took a sip from the cup of wine he had poured you without saying anything more to make him feel better.

you had no idea how to fix his issues, so it was almost pointless now for you to try anything.

he paced around the room for a bit without saying anything. you were observing him. he was doing weird hand motions as if he was practicing the whole scene in his head, but it just didn't look right.

"alright. thanks for the food. I'm going to sleep,"

he ignored you, and continued to flip through the pages. you shrugged it off, and walked away.

might as well sleep...he should sleep too,


you were sleeping peacefully, and happily through the night in jungkook's comfy bed. he was knocked out on the couch in the living room, but only for a short while until he woke up with a genius idea that could lead to some experiences.

he walked quietly to his bedroom for a visit. you did not hear the door open, neither did you hear his steps.

"y/n.." he whispered while standing right next to the bed on the side that you were sleeping at.

you did not wake up, so he decided to walk around the bed, and slide himself under the covers right next to you.

"hey wake up." he pushed you slightly which finally got your eyes to crack open. his voice was slightly raspy since he was also awake only 5 minutes past.

"hmm," you let out a sound to let him know that you are now aware, and conscious.

"can you practice with me?" he asked you in a quiet voice. you lifted your body up, and turned around so you faced him. it was dark in the room so you didn't really need to give him any facial expressions. he wouldn't have been able to really see it anyway.

"yes, but what do you need practice for?" you weren't going to turn him down by any chance. it did not bother you to be awaken by him, neither did you feel disturbed in any way. you were always nice enough to follow requests.

"that-" he paused, and sighed.. "kiss scene."

you were taken off guard by that sudden request in the middle of the night. how could have he possibly awoken, and thought about that?

"wait what? seriously?" you weren't sure if he was serious or not. although, he seemed pretty nervous.

"i feel like you would easen off my worries," he said, "just one practice, please."

oh okay, lets just practice making out because that totally makes sense ya know

"kookie..." you weren't sure with your decision. obviously turning him down would hurt your poor heart, because you did not want him to feel out of control.

"noona, practice the scene with me, please. i will buy you a gift if you do,"

he seemed very serious about this whole thing. it was dark, and if you just started kissing under these bed sheets.... its gonna get frisky

"ugh kookie this is going to get so wrong," you admitted. he nodded knowingly.

"if its going to help-" you paused, "lets do it."


you read over the script, and it seemed as if the cornering against the wall was a good start.

"okay you corner Sohyun, and then say "you drive me crazy" in seduction," you organized it slightly. oh god this is so weird

jungkook nodded, and shook his hands up a little bit as if he was releasing tension. you stood against the wall expecting him to come over to you as you were holding the script in your hand.

jungkook fast walked over to you, and put his hand above your head against the wall which made the scene very cliche.

"you drive me crazy," he whispered. you felt his breath on you. you remembered sohyun's lines, and proceeded to continuing the scene without distraction.

"why don't you kiss me then?" you said as you grabbed onto his collar provocatively.

jungkook smirked, and leaned in towards your face.

oh fuck its coming

he attempted to press his lips against yours, but he stopped, and then jumped up nervously.

"sorry sorry, lets do it again," he apologized. you chuckled at his actions. is he trying to act innocent right now haha?

you redid the pushing against wall part again, and jungkook was now supposed to makeout with you.

he slid his hand up your back under your shirt which gave you goosebumps that weren't supposed to happen, but it seems as if jungkook didn't notice.

he leaned in to your lips again, and pressed them softly against yours. you completely forgot what sohyun was supposed to do at this point.

as jungkook lead the kiss on, you wrapped your arms around his neck. he slid his tongue inside your mouth, and you returned the gesture by doing what he was doing. he lifted your leg up to his hip, and began running his hand down the side of your thigh.

you pulled away for a second to question it, "was that in the script?"

"no," he replied quickly before kissing you again. he sucked on your lips, and your tongue, and the whole thing just went very sensual.

knew it was going to get frisky...

jungkook lifted you up from the ground wrapping both your legs around his hips, and then lead you to the bed.

this was not in the script either...

he stopped the moment he hovered above you. "jungkook,"

he got up, and shook his head while letting out a deep breath.

"sorry, noona. i forgot the lines,"

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