《Those Eyes (Ayato X Laito)》Brother


Kanato P.O.V

Many changes have been taken place in the past few days. The biggest one, was the tension filled awkardness between my other two brothers, Ayato and Laito.

To say that it isn't affecting us all is an understatement. We all understood Laito's sudden attraction to Ayato. Out of all of us, Ayato had gotten the trait we all adored from our mother.

Her green emerald eyes.

The ones that calmed us down, the ones who brought us back to reality when we were lost in our own self hatred. Our mother, despite being rude and hurtful towards our well being, cared for us. She loved us. She loved us all.

We rejoiced at her death and were saddened to no longer be in her comfort anymore. It may not have been much, but it was our paradise. Laito... He took the worst of it.

He refused to speak to anyone for a solid month. Even after that, he still distanced himself from us. I tried talking to him. That night, we shed both tears of sadness and of happiness. We became closer after that. We understood each other. It wasn't easy to be left alone by someone you deeply loved.

After that incident, he opened up to the others again. Everything was going just fine. Until the dreams of Cordelia started to plague his mind. At first it was inconvenient. I heard him muttering about her in his sleep when I was passing through the hall the first time it happened.

The next time I heard it, I knew the situation was becoming worse. He confessed to me about it one night when he couldn't stand the thought of bearing it down all alone. He told me of his dreams of her. How she slowly overtook his dreams.


Once a month...

Once a week...


The next dream was more vivid than the last. It kept coming. It never stopped. I am not entirely surprised that he cracked under all the pressure and found comfort in Ayato. He did have our mother's eyes after all.

Not only did they both have the trait we all adored, he sometimes even acted like her. His arrogance and self seeking attention seemed just so like her.

All of us at one point had to restrain ourselves from jumping into Ayato's arms seeking for Cordelia's comfort. The similarities were just unbearable sometimes.

Laito may have jumped into Ayato's arms to seek Cordelia's comfort, but he slowly fell for him. I personally know. I see it in his eyes. I see it on his actions. I see it in the words he says to me about Ayato. The passion he thought he carefully hidden. I see through it all clearly. Because I loved him once. I love him. I still do.

Being observant can have its perks. But it can also have its downsides.

Meanwhile at Laito's room

Laito is laying on his bed thinking of Ayato.

'I- I can't stop thinking about Ayato.' He puts a hand on his forehead.

"This thinking isn't good for m-" A knock on the door interrupted him. 'It's probably Yui.' "Come in!"

The door opens and Ayato walks in.

Laito sits up "I didn't expect that you'll come here."

Ayato sighs "I just wanted to check on you."

Laito scoffs "of course, you came to see if I was dead from your rejection."

"No, I wanted to check on you because Kanato told me that you've been having dreams of Cordelia."

Laito walks to Ayato with a sad expression "I am having dreams about her and it's really bothering me, I just don't know what to do."


Ayato hugged him "It's ok cause I'm here now."

Laito wraps his arms around Ayato's waist "please don't leave me." tears fall from his eyes.

Ayato blushes "I won't leave you, ever."

Ayato P.O.V

'Poor Laito.' Normally I wouldn't care for him but he needs me in any way. I look at him in the eyes just to see tears flowing down and dark circles from lack of sleep.

"Laito, you need sleep." I cupped my hand on his cheek.

"No, If I sleep that woman will be waiting for me." Laito looks straight into my eyes and his face slowly approaches mine.

What should I do? He'll be more heartbroken if I push him away. I guess I have to accept this kiss.

I close my eyes and felt his soft warm lips against mine. I'm only doing this just to make him happy but why does it feel like I want to do this with him everyday?

I purposely loose my balance and we both fell onto his bed. Laito smirked "Ayato you're such a naughty boy, we both know you did that on purpose."

How embarrassing "And what if I did?" Those words slipped out of my mouth.

"Then I was right, you do want me." He unbuttoned my shirt.

This is it, I've officially turned him on but why do I feel happy about it?

Laito yawned and his eyes slowly shuts.

"Laito we can't do this, you have to go to sleep." I tucked him in bed.

He grabbed my sleeve "don't...... Leave me.... While I'm.... Asleep."

"I won't, I'll be right next to you." I ruffled his hair.

He smiled and falls asleep.

I've always cared for him but now I fear that there may be something more.

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