《Those Eyes (Ayato X Laito)》Confusion


Laito P.O.V

I walked towards a figure in the distance. "Hello?" I try to say. From what I can see, the figure seemed to be wearing a cloak and their back was faced toward me.

They seemed familar. Like really familiar. Do I know them? Then it hit me. Could it be Cordelia herself?

"Cordelia? Is that you?!" I started running towards her. She turned around and slowly took off her hood.

Her emerald green eyes. They show an unearthly glow as she looks at me with those loving eyes. Oh how I have always adored those eyes.

The rest of her hood falls and I gaze at her happy expression and go to run my hands through her short luxurious red hair.

Wait. What?

Laito woke up. The events of the dream still quite vivid in his mind. First of all, "Who the heck was that?!" Second thing, "WHO THE HECK WAS THAT?!"

"Why am I dreaming about her in this type of way?" He sits up and walks to the garden.

'Why does she have red hair like Ayato?' He kicks a random stone and continues to walk.

He doesn't pay attention to where he's going. Eventually he arrives at the woods, his mind still elsewhere.

He continues to walk and accidentally bumps into Ayato, who was there by chance.

"Oh sorry." Laito apologized and continues to walk still absentminded.

Ayato looked at Laito as he continues to walk "He seems to be acting weird today. He never apologizes to someone that quickly. And he didn't even acknowledge me in a flirtatious manner." He gets a bit concerned.

'I should follow him just to make sure he's ok.' He follows Laito and keeps his distance.

Laito arrived at the lake "My mind is all over the place." He stares at his reflection on the water.


A rock was thrown into the water carelessly, causing the water to form ripples. Laito looked at the small ripples as they were like tiny waves to a bigger ocean. He turned his head where the rock was thrown only to see Ayato there.

"What are you doing here?" Laito asked as he walks towards Ayato.

"I followed you here just to make sure you were ok." Ayato looked a bit worried.

"You don't have to be worried about me, besides you wanted space." Laito says with an annoyed tone in his voice.


Laito interrupted "Just go, my heart is breaking for the second time because of you." He slowly walks away.

"Don't put the blame on me, I just couldn't get my head right when I'm around you." Ayato blurted out.

Laito stopped in his tracks with a scoff "There is no need to talk me out of this, I already know that you don't want me."

"But you don't have to act like a mindless fool because of it!" Ayato answered back.

"Did you come here to argue with me or did you come here just to tell me that you're not gay!" Laito yelled.

"Oh do you really want to bring that up now huh?" Ayato gets pissed.

Laito looks at Ayato's hair and eyes. "See you're doing it again, you're mind has wondered off and now you're looking at me the same way you first attacked me in your room." Ayato clenched his fists with annoyance.

Laito sighs "I guess you hate me more. I don't wanna argue with you anymore , It will only break my fragile heart even more." Laito vanishes.

Ayato sits on the ground "I don't want to see him this wa- .....Wait what am I saying why should I care? He's just a stupid pervert that's all."


He continues to worry about Laito and starts to have a weird feeling in his chest "What is this feeling? I've never felt this way before."

"What should I do? I don't want to be with Laito but at the same time I want him to hold me and stare into my eyes as if I am the most valuable prize he can never replace..." His head hung low as he frowns.

"Ugh! Maybe it's all because of this confusion between us."

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