《Naruto of the blue Sharingan》Mission finding Naruto's future wife
With the neo Sannin, Momo, Kakashi and Jiraiya
Naruto was being teased all the time as they go to where team 7 is currently waiting for them and to his annoyance this continued on until before they met team 7.
With team 7
"Why are we waiting here sensei?" Asked Sasuke as he was growing inpatient.
"We are waiting for the team to relief us from this mission as you and your fangirl aren't ready yet for this mission the only one ready is Sai over there." Fuko said calmly.
Sakura who was about to speak but was suddenly shut when their sensei look at her with a glare "and don't you dare speak about how great the Uchiha is Haruno." She added looking angry at the pink haired girl who was about to retort something.
Adding insult to injury Sai who was looking at a certain direction then said "Sensei is correct ugly don't try to inflate the dickless already inflated ego." He then smiled at his teammates.
Fuko just sighed at the antics of her team. When their client approach her to ask a question. "So who is the team that will relief your team Fuko san?"
"It's Senju sama's team the neo Densetsu no Sannin as they are dubbed." Fuko said then she felt five familiar and one unfamiliar chakra signatures closing in on their location she look at her team and sighed in annoyance as the only one who detected the 4 incoming shinobis and 2 kunoichi were her and Sai the two are still unaware of them.
When team 7 met the neo Sannin Sasuke and Sakura were shocked and we're angry at seeing them.
"You?! What are you doing here?!" The two asked at the same time.
But it was their sensei who answered it for them. "Well I'm glad you arrived just in time to relive us Jiraiya sama, Senju sama, Uzumaki sama, Kakashi senpai, Kazuya san."
The Uchiha was speechless while his fangirl had her jaw dropped.
"You are relive Fuko san you may go back to Konoha." Jiraiya said.
Fuko then bowed to the five and wish them luck and turned over the actress Fujikaze Yukie and the film crew to the six Ninja's then quickly move out.
"Sensei?! What the hell?! Why are we not allowed to escort Ms. Fujikaze?!" Shouted the Uchiha and his fangirl screeching.
"And who told you to raise your voice at your superior officer? Fuko asked as she glared at the two. You aren't ready yet if you are then I won't have a problem sending you out of the village." She added
"Do you think this job is easy? No it isn't. Do you think those jutsu's you have are enough to stop an opponent? What jutsu do you have in arsenal huh? She asked this question to the two angry genins." She then hold the two on the shoulder and signaled sai to follow them via shunshin.
With the neo Sannin.
The first part of the trip was a bad first impression for Naruto on the actress as Fujikaze Yukie scoffed at the blonde boy's attempt to get an autograph, Naruto was a little upset at that and so the rest of the trip to the port was quiet as the neo Sannin escort the actress. Though Naruto was distraught over the attitude showed to him by his crush he still isn't giving up.
Yukie Fujikaze has long black hair with bangs that swept on each side of her face and violet-blue eyes. During her filming, she was shown to wear makeup such as pink eye shadow and red lipstick. She wore a green blouse over a pink jacket with brown gloves.
When they arrived at the port and board a ship which is also part of the set. Naruto then saw Kakashi looking intently at the actress then realization hit the Anbu as he then look at Naruto.
"Naruto come here for a moment will you?" Kakashi said.
"Yo! What is it Sensei?" The blonde asked.
"I saw her before. She is princess Koyuki Kazahana and please we're the same rank now Naruto just call me senpai." Kakashi whispered with worry.
"Anyway we need to be ready if we are heading to Yuki no Kuni she will be targeted by her uncle Kazahana Doto. Tell your teammates while I'll tell Jiraiya sama." Kakashi added
Naruto nod and quickly go to Momo, Karin and Kazuya and told them who their client truly is. Kazuya and Karin responded with a smirk that Naruto doesn't like to see right now while Momo was quiet thinking about what strategy will she use. "So what's the plan Naruto?" Asked the two seriously
Naruto then told them "If Ninja's from yukigakure shows up we have to go all out then and spare one for interogation. We also have to protect the princess." Naruto said.
"So we have a prince from another land saving a princess who is going to be a daimyo someday eh isn't it a real life fairy tale happening." Kazuya tease Naruto.
Naruto just rolled his eyes in annoyance but he knew what his friend said is true as he was literally a prince.
He then commanded the three to prepare their weapons while Naruto on the other hand was going to have his sharingan active as he plans to copy every jutsu the Shinobis of yukigakure might have. Momo is also preparing for battle as Naruto told the yuki girl her target will be the leader and she'll help Kakashi in capturing the leader.
The ship soon arrived at the ice covered shores of Yuki no Kuni. Naruto then nod at Karin which is a signal to activate her sensing ability she immediately detected 3 chakra signatures Naruto also sense the 3 he then activates his sharingan as they decided that they won't do a preemptive strike like they used to in so many missions they've been to including the recently concluded mission to Nami no Kuni.
Naruto was holding Sembonzakura Kageyoshi ready to draw anytime being aware of the presence of the three hostile Yukigakure ninjas.
Then an explosion rock the set of the movie and team 6 was ready for the ninjas much to the Yuki nins surprise.
"So they're using chakra armor eh." Thought Kakashi as Jiraiya then summoned gamaken.
While Naruto use Sembonzakura Kageyoshi to protect the film crew and Koyuki.
The yuki Shinobi facing Naruto smirked at him confidently but was quickly replace with a look of horror as Naruto cast tsukuyomi on him and was knocked out by Kakashi while Momo put him in a dead like state he then put the captured ninja in a prisoner seal. While the two other Yuki Shinobi were killed by Kazuya and Jiraiya.
After the short battle ended they looth on the chakra armor of the now captured and dead yuki Shinobis.
In the tsukuyomi world.
"Where is Doto and what is he planning to do?" Naruto asked the crucified yuki nin
"If you answer me I'll let you go. If you don't the torture will only get worse. So speak." Naruto added
Fuck you!!! Do your worst I won't submit" The yuki nin shouted.
Hay!! Oh well I asked you nicely. Naruto said as he begin to stab the man countless times.
After what it seems 3 days of torture. Now are you ready to answer? Naruto asked he glared in the eyes of the man.
The man began to tell Naruto everything that he needs to know about Doto and he swear to end the man when he sees him. But first he must change Koyuki so he devised a plan.
After the interogation he then saw the usefulness of the yuki nin and quickly asked Karin to heal the prisoner as he can be used as a trojan horse he then immediately used kotoamatsukami on the yuki nin and sent two henged shadow clones reinforce with chakra storage seals with the Yuki nin under the influence of the powerful genjutsu as trojan horses.
Meanwhile the princess is knocked unconscious by Kakashi's genjutsu earlier.
They then talk to the man who is actually a samurai of Yuki no Kuni who is also the manager of the actress. "We will help you don't worry but we need to save the princess from herself first." Naruto said.
"That is true when she was young she isn't like this, she is a kind hearted princess." The man named Sandayu said.
Then they we're alerted when they heard that the princess woke up and is on the run but they calmly responded.
Naruto have you put a hiraishin mark on the princess? Asked Kakashi.
Naruto smirked and said Yes, Yes I have. Naruto then flash and brought a knocked out form of Koyuki in the room where they were having their planning.
Naruto then told them that he saw a train heading to their location before he flash awafy.
As they we're talking Koyuki woke up and was shock that she was back at the ship and she glared at Naruto and decided to speak.
Why are you stopping me? She asked with annoyance in her tone.
Koyuki sama hear us out for a moment please. A man with short grey hair with a beard and moustache along with small black eyes. For the most part, he wore small glasses, and a baby blue long-sleeve shirt with a navy blue blazer on top. said you mustn't give up the necklace given to you by Sosetsu sama you are the heiress of the Kazahana dynasty please claim the throne of your father I'm begging you princess Koyuki.
Koyuki just scoffed at that and it angered Naruto so he decided to speak his mind. Your a coward and you aren't living up to the character you portrait in the movies and even worse you are worst than trash your people needs you and you just scoffed at them. I'm not letting Doto have his way in this land I'm not giving up on this mission and just like in Nami I'll liberate Yuki no Kuni from the hands of a power grabbing corrupt man. I don't care if it cause me my life unlike you I want the people of this land experience peace and the spring. Naruto said as he then walk out and was gone in a flash after saying his piece.
The last part of Naruto's speech hit the princess really hard, she has tears in her eyes as she remembered her father's and her dream when she was young.
Koyuki a man who had long, receding black hair and large black eyes. He wore a pair of circular-framed glasses and a daimyō uniform called on to her daughter.
Yes otou sama? A young girl with short hair which was tied in two low ponytails. She wore a dress with an obi just below her chest and a headdress wrapped around her forehead.
Come here daughter I want to show you something. Her father said.
What is it otou sama? The young princess asked.
This is my project it is a generator that can make Yuki no Kuni to the land of spring this will be my legacy and my gift to you my daughter. You remember the story of the beautiful spring right?
Flashback ended
Koyuki now determined to fight her evil uncle was looking at her self in the mirror. She saw her younger self listening to her otou sama while he tells her stories of spring.
As she was preparing Naruto came back to the ship with intel on Doto. As he fought him but didn't kill him just yet as he was just gathering Intel on the said man and Doto stupidly showed him every jutsu in his arsenal which Naruto copied as Doto goes all guns ablazing unknown to him the Konoha nin is just there to gather information on him. As the fight dragged on Doto was now going tired that's when Naruto gave the power grabbing tyrant an ultimatum of stepping down and surrendering peacefully within a week if not he will end him. Though he knows that his ultimatum will not be complied upon.
He then saw Koyuki and if the way she looks is a hint, she has finally change for the better. He can also see determination in her eyes he nodded at her and told her of the encounter he had with his wayward uncle.
Meanwhile in Konoha
Tsunade was having a meeting with the council to discuss the upcoming chunin exams that will be held a mere month away and Konoha will be hosting the said exams.
"I called you here today to discuss about the chunin exams which will be held in our village I want the finest genins ready for this exams as I want to show all the villages that we are still the same village they fought against in the past 3 shinobis world war." The hokage said.
"And if the mission to Yuki no Kuni be successful we might add another potential client who will be watching the exams here."Tsunade thought to herself.
She then sighed and thought of her son as she muttered "Byakuya. "
Meanwhile in Yuki no Kuni
The film crew was also onboard on the plan as they will be filming while the action takes place.
Naruto is currently with the neo Sannin and Momo as they prepare alongside Koyuki who is with the team and was getting close to Naruto. She is admiring Naruto's wisdom he even told her to act as if she is going to betray them although she was against it but Naruto reassured her that it will be all for Doto's downfall.
Naruto then notice his teammates whispering among themselves while looking at him teasingly he then thought to himself "really?" But then he realized the reason as to why they look at him like that when he look down at the intertwined hands of himself and Koyuki's . He then thought "oh shit this is not good, I won't be hearing the end of this." But when he tried to let go Koyuki stop him by looking at him with her light blue eyes .
As this happens the five members of the team were having shit eating grins on their faces and one of them added a perverted side to his grin.
Naruto felt dread as he will be suffering all the way back to Konoha after this if those looks are a give away to what he will encounter on the way back to the village.
"Oh well might as well play with it" he thought to himself while he hold Koyuki's hand securely to his.
Koyuki who was oblivious to what the others might think was smiling at Naruto.
Naruto then compliment the smile as he said "You know you have a wonderful smile Koyuki Hime you should always smile you'll look even more beautiful." As he said it the 5 have different reactions Kakashi and Jiraiya we're having anime tears of joy as it seems that their charge has grown up into a fine gentleman while Kazuya and Karin were secretly recording the lines Naruto said for it is a teasing material for later while Momo was happy for her master.
Koyuki then blush at the lines Naruto said. the two seemingly lovers walkout to the deck of the ship.
Meanwhile in Doto's lair
The man is cursing his luck he was no match for the Konoha ninja that challenge him he can't even put the chakra locking device on the blonde because of the blonde's magnet release he really needs the key but how can he get it?
He can't even get his hands on his niece who is currently under the protection of said ninja.
With Koyuki and Naruto
Koyuki then shared her father's dream to Naruto who then realized what Doto thought to be a weapon but it was contrary to what he believes.
Hay! What a fool. He muttered but Koyuki heard it and look at Naruto like asking a question and to her luck Naruto got it and told Koyuki what her wayward uncle believes. "He believes that it is a weapon but it is far from it huh." Naruto said with a smirk.
"Naruto does this change the plan?" Koyuki asked worriedly.
Naruto then shakes his head and said "No it doesn't, as it only adds the desired effect on Doto's already shattered ego trust me hime" Naruto said it with a smile.
1 week later
The day of Doto's stepping down or downfall is upon Yuki no Kuni as the two forces are gearing up.
Doto will not step down much to Naruto's disappointment he then sighed and thought "what a fool."
Team 6 and Momo with the samurais of Yuki no Kuni attack Doto's lair with the trojan horses doing their jobs much to Doto's shock but they we're quickly dealt with by Doto himself.
Koyuki then walk to Doto and gave him the necklace with the team acting shocked at the betrayal but we're on guard when Doto grab Koyuki by the neck and take her to the generator.
Doto then put the key on the socket switching the generator on but it wasn't the effect he believe it to be taking advantage of this Koyuki tried to stab Doto in the chest but she was shocked when his wayward uncle is wearing a chakra armor.he then grab Koyuki by the neck and tried to choke her. You bitch!!!! I'm going to kill you!!! Doto was on a rampage as he tried to snap Koyuki's neck when all of a sudden Koyuki poof into smoke shocking Doto.
Koyuki was kawarimi'd by a shadow clone of Naruto and seeing what the man did to his hime he quickly used hiraishin and slammed Doto's back with a rasengan catapuling the big man to a nearby icy hill Naruto was enraged as Doto is still standing.
Naruto use a binding jutsu on the man so that he won't escaped his death then Naruto said You hurt my Hime. I'm going to kill you. In a cold voice that send chills to Doto, Naruto then used Doto's jutsu which shocked the man.
Hyoton: kokuryu böfūsetsu!
Twin black ice dragons hit Doto but it seems he is a little hard to kill. So Naruto decided to burn him to ash.
Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!
Naruto just used a small amount of chakra to make sure that the hot blue flames only burn his target and not the surrounding area.
Doto's body was reduced to ash and is now no more then all of a sudden Naruto collapse and his teammates and Koyuki who was now awake rush to him.
And cut! The director exclaimed.
Jiraiya then said it seems the hyoton jutsu he use earlier is the culprit he had put so much on to that hyoton because of his rage but don't worry though he will recover quickly. Seeing the worried looks of Naruto's teammates and especially Koyuki.
A week later.
Like Jiraiya said Naruto made a quick recovery and now it was time for Koyuki's coronation as Daimyo of Yuki no Kuni. There was a parade and Naruto and his team were the guest of honor as Koyuki sent them an alliance proposal and a gift to her heroes she gave them a improve version of Doto's chakra armor with Naruto's armor more fitting for him as Koyuki see to it that the armor itself incorporate in his clothes. Also included is a scroll for the hokage's eyes only.
As the team was preparing to depart Koyuki approach Kazuya and told him to give Naruto a sealed envelope with a wink from the actress turned Daimyo seeing the wink Kazuya smirked and nod at the daimyo.
Naruto then witness Koyuki signing autographs when he remembered that he hasn't got his autograph y
et but Kazuya gave him an envelope and said. It's from Koyuki sama Kazuya look at him while smirking.
He opened the envelope and saw two pictures but one has a seal on it and has a note on it for your eyes only while the other one is a picture of him sleeping comfortably while Koyuki is kissing him on his cheek. Kakashi was wide eyed while Jiraiya had a perverted grin Karin had a teasing grin and Momo was smiling.
Naruto just look at Koyuki while she mouthed words to him. I'll see you in Konoha for the finals of the chunin exams my love.
Naruto just smiled while looking up.
1 week later
"Team 6 returning from a successful missions to Nami no Kuni and Yuki no Kuni." Kakashi told the gate guards as they entered the gates of Konoha with Momo. They then walk to the hokage tower to report on the successful missions.
They then knocked at the door of the mission hall and entered then they saw team 8 and 10.
"Well well look who finally showed up." Tsunade said in a teasing manner.
"It seems my Sochi has a knack of making me worried and miss him alot." She added.
Naruto tried to shut his teammates up but to no avail. "Well hokage sama it seems you'll be a mother in law soon." Kazuya said.
The whole room was looking at the hokage who was a little stunned at the announcement.
"Can you clarify?" Tsunade asked while looking at her son intently.
"Argh! Damn it!" Naruto thought to himself.
Kazuya then look at Kakashi who give him the scroll that Naruto recognize as the scroll that is for the hokage's eyes only.
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