《Naruto of the blue Sharingan》Mission to Nami no Kuni
It has been two years since the Senju's and Uzumaki return in Konoha and a lot has changed in the village which is now even bigger with additional Shinobi and samurai clans who weren't a part of any village decided to join Konoha and the result is the villages expansion also the chunin exams in which Naruto and his team joined and dominated the whole exams in Kumo after a year of becoming a genin team halting the plans of both Kumo and Iwa.
Kumo and Iwa we're preparing for war as of yet both villages are testing Konoha's borders and in due time they'll see the destruction of the dreaded village they then planned on doing so in the chunin exams which will be held in kumo, the Raikage then decided to invite Konoha which the two villages usually blocked from joining when they host the exams respectively. They want to dominate the exams to convince their respective daimyo's to support their declaration of war on Konoha.
When Konoha received the invitation they were made aware of the plans of both Kumo and Iwa via Jiraiya and Naruto's spy network. They then planned accordingly and it resulted to team 6 being sent as the lone team from Konoha to join the exams.
Team 6 we're also given a mission to dominate the exams to stop the planned war of Iwa and Kumo although Konoha now has the manpower for a war they don't want one. But they are ready if all options failed.
Team 6 was accompanied by Jiraiya and Kakashi who is in a jonin outfit as they head off for Kumo.
They arrived in Kumo 5 days ahead of the exams and immediately they know that they are in hostile territory they then we're escorted to their hotel room and upon closing the door of their hotel room Karin activate a seal that cancels every seal in the room she then put a privacy seal then add a barrier on top of the privacy seal as well as a sound absorbing seal and a silencing seal on the wall.
The five then rest and prepare for the exams
The day of the exams was on it's way and all the genins were called to the Shinobi academy of Kumo where the first part of the exams are being held Naruto then immediately saw the other genin teams from Kumo, Iwa, Kusa Ame, Suna a all Kunoichi village Nadeshiko, Oto and Taki
Kumo, and Iwa has 10 teams each Kusa, Ame, Suna and Taki has 5 teams each. Oto has 4 teams while Konoha and Nadeshiko has 1 team each
Naruto then sense that all the genins in Kumo and Iwa's teams and was disappointed they re not special they are strong but they are just high genin to high chunin level, he then asked himself what was the kage's of both villages planning as he look at his villages allies Taki and Suna and was impressed as both villages sent their top teams they are high chunin to mid jonin level he then look at the Nadeshiko team and one member caught his attention who is also looking at him with interest. This kunoichi is strong she is a high jonin level.
They were then called to a room one by one, team 6 then look and nod at each other then they were a little disappointed at the type of exam Kumo has as it is like the genin exams back in Konoha.
They passed but they hold back their true abilities as a bait to lure Kumo, Ame, Iwa and Kusa teams to them thus making it easy for them to do their objective in the next round.
All teams pass the first test Naruto then approach the Suna and Taki teams and to his surprised Suna's genins bowed to him thanking him for saving Suna's economy.
Naruto then told them that his team were going to help them find the scrolls for them he then asked them if they had a sensor in their team and told them to memorize his chakra signature he then told them to stay out of the fighting.
All the teams that pass were called to meet in the place where the next part of the exams will take place it was on a mountain range.
The 2nd part of the exam is a survival test where anything goes, killing is allowed. The Kumo Iwa and Kusa genins were given an order to destroy all genin teams except for themselves.
But unfortunately for them Naruto's team has similar orders Naruto only plans to spare 1 team for Iwa and Kumo respectively as Naruto then memorized the scrolls each team holds and who holds them he even look at the Nadeshiko team's scroll and he then notice something wrong or rather unfair as Taki, Suna, Konoha and Nadeshiko team's has different scrolls for each team the cloud scroll while all the teams from Iwa and Kumo all had the same scroll the mountain scroll to avoid fighting each other and also makes them a target for double teaming from the two villages teams so Naruto decided to change plans he will eliminate all the Iwa and Kumo teams he will not let anyone from the two villages to survive the second round.
Naruto then decided to eliminate all of Kusa and Ame teams first to help the Taki and Suna teams.
They then proceeded with the 2nd part of the exams they first encounter a team from ame which has the scroll they needed Naruto and his team quickly dispatch the 5 Ame and Kusa teams, they then decided to kill 5 Iwa and Kumo teams and they then go to the location of the Suna and Taki teams and gave them the scroll they needed. when the 11 allied teams heard a shout for help they then search for the distress call and found the lone Nadeshiko team being overwhelmed by two teams from both Iwa and Kumo. The allied teams then decided to give Kumo and Iwa a taste of their own medicine. The eleven teams then attack the Kumo and Iwa allied teams and quickly dealt with them due to the overwhelming numbers and firepower the 11 teams possessed Naruto then told Karin to heal the Nadeshiko team and then give one of the scrolls. He then told the eleven teams to head to the tower but they want to help him carry out his mission so he agreed to their suggestion and quickly encountered Oto teams and they quickly dealt with them.
They quickly move out and hunt the remaining teams which are also looking for them.
5 hours later
They were successful on eliminating the remaining Iwa, Kumo and Oto teams and are now on their way to the tower.
The kumo jonin was shock as one by one with an interval of 2-3 minutes each of the twelve teams that help each other out came to the jonin then submitted their complete set of scrolls. The kumo jonin was now worried as no teams from either his village or Iwa's has yet to turnover a complete set of scrolls he has still no idea that all the 20 team total from both Iwa and Kumo are all dead and no one survived.
3 days later the raikage was fuming as not a single team from his nor Iwa's made it out of the mountain of death and even worse no body was found in the mountain as search and retrieval operations were being done. The raikage then decided to cancel the whole exams after no one from his village made it out alive during the 2nd part he then told the Tsuchikage the news and was furious at the raikage they soon declared war on each other.
Meanwhile in Konoha
there was a meeting between Suna, Taki and Konoha's leadership discussing about the war between Kumo and Iwa as they fear that this war might escalate to them as well they need to be prepared accordingly if it escalates but reports are suggesting Iwa is losing men and resources faster than Kumo as Iwa hasn't fully recovered from its loses since the 3rd great Shinobi world war.
But before the war between Iwa and Kumo began recommendations were being given to promote the teams that participated in the exams.
And so all the teams that participate in the kumo chunin exams are promoted to chunin while Naruto's team the three kage's agreed to promote them to Jonin.
Flash back end
Team neo Densetsu no Sannin were about to report another successful mission an A rank mission when they bumped into team 7 who is composed of Sasuke, Sakura and a boy who has short, straight black hair, and dark eyes which contrast with his translucent-looking pale skin. He is usually seen carrying a small backpack with his brush, scrolls, and ninja ink in it. He wears a short black-and-grey jacket with red straps. He also carries a tip-less tantō on his back. With their sensei who is a female Konoha jonin.
Team 7 then look at the trio and Sasuke arrogant as always mocked them by smirking at Naruto who was all chill out not caring a damn for the team who was beside them. The two teams then head to the mission hall where Tsunade then welcomed the two teams.
"Ah team 7 and Jonin's Senju, Uzumaki and Kazuya. what can I do for all of you today?" Tsunade asked while looking at the four Jonins with team 7
I want a real mission not this stupid chores we are currently doing Sasuke said their jonin sensei quickly reprimanded him for speaking like that. Tsunade then asked is your team ready for a C rank mission Fuko?
Shaking her head negatively the Jonin now known as Fuko said. "Unfortunately no hokage sama their teamwork isn't where I want them to be and we'll be taking another D rank mission hokage sama." Much to the dismay of her team except for Sai but there is nothing they can do about it.
Tsunade then look at the Uchiha and said to herself "hnn you should learn how to work with your team first before I allow you to do atleast a C rank mission. She then pick a mission scroll from the D rank shelf and gave the scroll to Fuko and said. "Alright then here is your mission you may leave.
Bowing to the hokage team 7 leave the mission hall being scolded by Fuko along the way.
After team 7 left Tazuna entered the room and was panicking but was calmed down when he saw Jiraiya and the trio. Tazuna was sweating and was breathing heavily.
"Tazuna san? what happened?" Jiraiya asked in a concerned tone
"Gato is bleeding Nami no Kuni to death Jiraiya san after you left he quickly moved in and take out anyone who opposed him." Tazuna told them.
"Gato? You mean Gato the shipping magnate." Asked Naruto
"Yes that Gato, He is killing the country so I'm building a bridge so that Nami could survive." Tazuna replied
"Let me guess he is after your head because if you complete the bridge Nami will no longer be under his control and is sending Ninja's after you correct?" Naruto asked.
But before anyone could say anything Naruto then said "Kaa chan let my team go and I will end that midget's reign of terror."
"Okay Sochi you are dismissed prepare for a month long mission. I'm classifying this as an A rank don't worry about the payment Tazuna san." Tsunade said
"Thank you hokage sama" Tazuna bowed to Tsunade.
The trio then went home and prepare and as soon as they got to the gates they were met by Kakashi who is also wearing full battle gear.
"I will be the one accompanying you and your team on this mission Naruto are you all ready?" Kakashi asked the trio.
Hai! Well then let's go Naruto use your hiraishin so that we can be behind enemy lines and we would strike from within before they know it was us. Are your spies in place Naruto? Kakashi ordered.
Naruto then nods and told everyone to hold on to him he then used hiraishin and arrived at his house in Nami they then told Tazuna to evacuate his family in the Senju house and Naruto then used his hiraishin again to go to Tazuna's house. The old man then convinced his daughter and his bratty grandson to come with them when the two agreed they then go to the Senju house and settled there for awhile until Gato is dealt with.
An hour later
Naruto and his team were planning on how to strike Gato down Inari told them, "Why? Why do you bother to even try? You can't beat Gato you will just die trying!"
Naruto sighed and said. "You know kid Gato's not invincible he is just a little man who is afraid and doesn't even know how to defend himself so he relies on his thugs to do the work for him. Do you want to see what happens when we attacked his base?" Naruto said.
"You are all stupid you will just die, you probably live a rich life anyway you don't know how it feels to lose someone you love you don't know what suffering is. So I suggest you pack your things and go back home!" Was Inari's rude reply.
"Oh boy you shouldn't have said that kid." Kazuya said in a whisper
'Oh shit' Karin thought as he look at his cousin's frozen form.
Tazuna slap his forehead in annoyance to his grandson's words
Tsunami reprimanded Inari for saying such words infront of Naruto for she knew the blonde's story due to her connection to Tsunade.
"Inari! Apologize this instant!" Tsunami demanded but Inari is a hardheaded boy and does not want to apologize and still mocks Naruto.
"What's the matter blondie have you realized that you can't kill Gato." Inari said in a mocking voice.
"I bet you will die before you ever reach him." Inari challenge naruto
Naruto then stood up and carry Inari by the collar as he was looking angry at the kid.
He then said in a chilling low voice. Fool, It is you who doesn't know what it feels like to lose everything in an instant. You still have your mother and your grand father that loves you. Unlike you, your grandfather is brave I'd say he even has balls of steel for building the bridge and defying Gato and before you tell us that we don't know how it feels to lose someone let me get this out on you, all of us here lose someone important to us early in our lives. Kakashi sensei here lose his kaa chan after he was born and his tou chan committed suicide when he was young, Karin's Tou san is M.I.A while her Kaa san is killed after being used by kusagakure for healing their shinobi forces and therefore was left an orphan and was also force to heal injured Shinobi in her former village. Kazuya meanwhile lose everyone in his clan and family to a group of missing nins and then you have me. Naruto said.
The night I was born was the same night a rampaging bijuu attack the village I live in and my biological parents sacrifice their lives to save me and the village, the worst part is that I was hated by almost all in the village and they tried to kill me many times over they even took my original eyes off but that all stop when I was adopted by my kaa chan now. Naruto added and then he drop a stunned Inari in his ass.
Naruto then went out and said "I will just blow off some steam." In a cold voice and before anyone could say a thing Naruto was gone and everyone inside the house was looking at Inari who was still stunned at what he heard.
Kakashi then broke Inari from his stupor and told the boy. What he said is all true.
Naruto decided to look around Nami no kuni to assess the damage Gato has and still continues on doing in a henge and saw the poor state of the once prosperous country he used to live in.
After looking at the poor state of Nami no kuni Naruto then decided to look for his first target the Shinobi that Gato hired Momochi Zabuza he met the man and tried to convince Zabuza to switch sides but the swordsman was having none of that and was trying to cut Naruto in half. key word is trying.
"Zabuza san I'm giving you a chance to change sides." Naruto said.
Zabuza then said NO!!!!! I told you I won't change sides! He said in a prideful voice.
Naruto then sighed in frustration as he shook his head in disappointment.
He then said in a cold voice "Don't say I didn't warn you. When you, the yuki and the demon brothers are in a coffin the same as your employer with your heads cut off, you have a week to live and I don't get back on my word" Naruto warned in a cold chilling tone to Zabuza and to the man's shock and fear the blonde boy was gone in a flash of purple.
He was now shaking in fear for his life as he was now looking at his back every now and then. The Yuki on the other hand was considering to save herself. So she then decided that this life on the run wasn't for her and is now defecting to Naruto's side she is alone in this decision as the demon brothers we're sticking with Zabuza. She just like Naruto sighed in frustration on her former master's decision to decline the blonde's offer. She then decided to find Naruto.
She then found Naruto feeding a group of kids in the streets when she made her presence known by saying "I was hoping I could find you before the deadline you gave my idiotic former master Byakuya sama."
"What can I do for you? Miss?" Naruto asked.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself first Byakuya sama. My name is Yuki Momo" She said.
"What can I do for you Momo chan?" Naruto asked
"I was hoping that I can be your weapon or anything else you want me to be Byakuya sama I am willing to serve you loyally." Momo said
"No need for that one I sense your feelings and you are geniune in your feelings." Naruto said
Before the beautiful Yuki girl replied he added "plus you are tired of the running and hiding life right?"
"Yes Byakuya sama that is true. I am tired of this life I'm not even a registered kunoichi yet." Momo replied.
Naruto then look at the girl infront of him and said "I see. Hold me so that I can bring you to my house then." He saw that the girl like him lose someone important in her life the two then disappeared in a flash.
The two then appeared inside the Senju house and Naruto introduced Momo to his teammates and Kakashi but when the ex Anbu heard who Naruto brought with him he has second thoughts then Momo told the ex Anbu the reason why she is willingly betraying Zabuza. Kakashi was shocked when they heard her story and also that Naruto tried to talk to Zabuza about defecting to his side but was rudely rejected by the swordsman and then Naruto's teammates heard Momo's reason why she is defecting and also betraying the one who saved her then they realized that Zabuza was an abusive man and doesn't think of her as a person but just a weapon to be used.
One week later
It was the day that Naruto said he'll be killing the midget along with his men including Zabuza and the demon brothers. He will first kill the three Shinobis.
Naruto was with Kazuya and Karin as they prep for the mission. Naruto then told the two that they will be eliminating Zabuza and the demon brothers first then will proceed with Gato and his men.
Naruto then wait till the night to begin their assault. As night time approaches he signaled the two to begin there assault on Zabuza's hide out Zabuza and the demon brothers we're caught sleeping and so they died when the two slit their necks off and cut the heads off of the demon of the mist and also took his sword the kubikiribocho after eliminating the three shinobis, the team then decided to rigged the hide out of Zabuza which includes the three now head less bodies in the hide out with explosive notes that are powerful enough to destroy a castle.
Naruto then put a barrier with sound absorbing seal in it so that the explosion wouldn't wake the whole of Nami no Kuni.
The explosive force rattle the area while that was happening Naruto or rather Naruto's kage bunshin army invade the midgets hide out slaughtering all the thugs that are outside of Gato's base while Naruto on the other hand was using his jiton on the thugs that were inside the midget's base. He slaughtered any thug that is on his path then he came to Gato's room and knocked rudely by kicking the door open. Gato who was shocked at the way Naruto break in his room unscathed was disturbed.
Gato then shouted for his guards to come to his aid but to his horror no one came and there was only the sound of silence.
"No one can hear you now then how about we make a deal here?" Naruto said.
"W-what k-kind of d-deal are we talking about?" Gato stuttering while asking.
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