《Naruto of the blue Sharingan》The Return of the Senju and Uzumaki clan
With the Senju's
Naruto looks a bit annoyed at his friends who are now teasing him as they we're preparing to depart Nami no Kuni as the two decided to tease him by calling him Senju sama or Byakuya sama which annoyed the blonde boy to no end causing the two to even tease him more.
"Byakuya sama is what the whole village will call you after we arrived so you should be ready for it Senju sama." Karin said teasingly.
But to her dismay Naruto has a shit eating grin in his face when he look at her.
Naruto knew he wasn't alone in this Konoha royalty stuff as Karin is in it as well for she was named the Uzumaki heiress and as an Uzumaki she herself is a part of the clan that help the Senju and the Uchiha in acquiring the land where Konoha now stands and Karin knows it but just tends to forget it.
Naruto then tease her as well and said in a sarcastic tone. "Well your in this shit too and you know it Uzumaki sama."
"Your both are in it whether you like it or not, as for me I'm just the bodyguard for both of you which is a good thing for me as I don't have to bother with someone calling me with the "sama" honorific." Kazuya said with a shrug.
Another thing that annoyed the two soon to be royalties of Konoha is the clothes they are currently wearing. They weren't used to wearing clothes like this and we're uncomfortable wearing such regal clothes that made Kazuya laughed at them even more.
Meanwhile in Konoha
Preparations are now under way for the return of the two of the three founding clans of Konoha given that one of the clans is a pseudo founder only.
Flashback after the trip of the Shinobi clan council to Nami no Kuni
When the academy was returned to Shinobi control the inoshikacho trio found that something was missing in the history lessons and ask the hokage after they return from Nami no Kuni to give them a copy of the curriculum before the kyubi attack so they could compare it with the current academic curriculum and they immediately spotted the difference and it was the history of the Uzumaki clan and how the clan help the Senju and the Uchiha clans, as they are the one's credited for purchasing the land where the village now stands making them pseudo founders of the village and also the reason of the spiral on both Konoha's hitai-ate as well as why there are red spirals at the back of every Jonin and chunin flak jackets, even the shodaime's wife who is an Uzumaki is missing in the history lessons. The trio immediately knew why the civilian council remove the clan from the history books of Konoha as they don't want the now dead jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto to see that he was a member of a clan and not just any Shinobi clan but a major Shinobi clan to say the least they then report it to the hokage who was bursting in anger towards the civilian council he then called for a council meeting. The hokage will be having a field day with the idiotic civilian council.
The council chambers
The civilian council and the two elders arrived in a celebratory fashion as they thought that they were being given back the power and seats that they lost a year ago but when they arrived they we're surprised by the pissed off looks and killing intent coming off from their Shinobi counterparts.
The mood in the room got even worse when the hokage arrived and was leaking killing intent on the civilians as well as the two elders and if Danzo was here he'll feel the ki of the 3rd Shinobi no kami and surprisingly all of the clan heads from both major and minor Shinobi clans joined the hokage in leaking killing intent on the civilians and the two elders.
The hokage then began without addressing the part of the council he was talking to. "The reason why we called you here today isn't what you think of. You are all being charge of sabotaging academy lessons by removing the reason why the village has the spiral on both our hitai-ate and the back of every jonin and chunin flak jackets and incase you have forgotten the Uzumaki clan is one of the founding clans of Konoha and the now dead Uzumaki Naruto is a member of said clan which Tsunade is also a member and if an Uzumaki knew what happened to their fellow clansmen you'd wish you die early if not you will suffer a painful and horrible deaths Anbu! Take them all to Ibiki and Anko I want to know what else did they remove in the history books. Tell them they have free reign on this pest and get them off my chamber!"
Flash back end
With only 2 of the civilian council members surviving the interogation along with the 2 elders one of the two civilian council members who survived is Haruno Mebuki the mother of academy student Haruno Sakura are only waiting for their impending death alongside the now three elders as they we're also found guilty of a massive academic sabotage. But the Sandaime delayed their execution as he will let the incoming godaime hokage to decide if they will be executed or will spend their whole life in prison without pardon or parole. Though today is a different day as it is now time for festivities as today is the scheduled return of the Senju and Uzumaki clans in Konoha. The people were waiting at the gates of the village for the two clan heirs to arrived.
With the Senju's
They are now near the gates as they hear people shouting "Senju sama!"
It was odd for Naruto as he was now being hailed as royalty something he really deserves from the beginning being the son of the yondaime hokage.
But it was different now as being the Senju heir and son of Senju Tsunade made him practically a prince of Konoha and being handsome doesn't help as Kazuya and Karin found that the girls their age or even older have heart's in there eyes as they saw Naruto making Karin and Kazuya grin.
Naruto on the other hand was oblivious to what the two are grinning about waves his hands at the people, it was a far cry from the looks of hate he encountered 5 years ago.
The 3 then notice the heirs and heiress's of the clans with the exception of the Uchiha as they made their way to the hokage tower alongside Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune and Tonton.
The Sandaime hokage was waiting for them at the entrance of the tower greeted. It's nice to see you all again I hope your travel was peaceful.
Tsunade smiled at her sensei and look at her son then nod at the old leader who guided them in the tower. The people then converged outside the tower and waited for the Senju heir and Uzumaki heiress to be announced.
"So who among the two of you decided to be hokage?" The hokage asked his two students.
"That will be me sensei as for Jiraiya he will be the jonin sensei of those three dubbed as the neo Densetsu no Sannin." Tsunade said
"We will be talking to the daimyo now as he has just arrived and is waiting in the chamber" the Sandaime said.
They then walk in to the council chambers where the daimyo is waiting alongside his advisers the daimyo then spoke in a happy tone. "Ah Tsunade welcome back. Now why was I called for a meeting again? The daimyo asked.
Hiruzen bowed then said "Daimyo sama I am retiring from hokage duties , as such I choose Senju Tsunade to replace me as hokage."
"Anyone else you want to nominate?" The daimyo asked the jonin commander Shikaku didn't raise his hand and so the voting began.
"Those in favor?" Everyone raise their hand as daimyo didn't ask the next question then said "Senju Tsunade you are hereby the new hokage of Konoha from this moment on."
"Thank you daimyo sama." Tsunade said.
"Now it's time for the inauguration of the godaime hokage." Jiraiya said.
The hokage tower top floor.
After the inaguration of Tsunade as godaime hokage she then introduce her son and Senju clan heir and the Uzumaki clan heiress.
"Citizens of Konoha it is an honor to introduce to you an heir to the Senju clan my son Senju Byakuya and also heiress of the Uzumaki clan Uzumaki Karin. The whole of Konoha celebrated except for two people Haruno Sakura who's parents are in prison and Uchiha Sasuke who is brooding alone in his apartment.
After the celebrations are over Tsunade went to work immediately by reviewing the cases of the 3 old fossils and the civilian council members left and what she found was disturbing because this five people deliberately removed known members of her grandmother's clan including her grandmother herself just to make sure that her now adopted son will not know that he was from a major clan which she is also a part of so she wasted no time and told her Anbu to execute the five prisoners immediately. She then look at the records of Haruno Sakura in the academy it didn't take long for her to see that she is so useless the only good on her was her chakra control though it's a double edge sword because her chakra reserves is abysmal, her stamina too is worst due to her taking a diet. She then asked what is she doing in the ninja academy anyway?. She is not cut to be a kunoichi and if she still wants to be a kunoichi she will have to step up her game. Then there was Sasuke's record it was impressive until the Uchiha clan massacre happened and things got worst each year as he kept failing the psychological evaluation exam and even worst he is a high flight risk Tsunade just sighed at the future headaches she will suffer at the hands of these two.
With Naruto
Naruto and his team were walking in the village when the three bumped into their friends.
And they then went to Yakiniku Q Naruto then notice that the clan heirs and heiress's have scars and bruises on their body. He then ask them. "Are those scars and bruises are because of training?
The group then smiled and said. "Well yes we want to become strong since we saw how you were training in Nami." Choji said
"We don't want to be left behind especially we are at the same age group" Kiba added
"Well it's good to hear and see that I am a good influence on you guys." Naruto said.
Meanwhile Nami
As soon as the Senju's were gone Gato strike immediately and drive Nami poor.
Meanwhile in Konoha
Hokage's office
Tsunade immediately implemented the pre kyubi attack curriculum on the academy which saw many drop outs due to having a hard time due to the genin exams being so hard.
The hokage is currently on a meeting with the council but without the pesky civilian council as they were now disbanded and replaced by the minor Shinobi clans the hokage alongside his son and heir and the Uzumaki heiress are also present.
As they were discussing a topic an Anbu arrived and whispered to Tsunade and almost immediately her eyes widen in shocked and horror.
When the council ask ed her. "Hokage sama is there something wrong?" The council chambers was immediately full of worry.
"Orochimaru has established a village of his own and we also found out Danzo was secretly funding and talking to him" Tsunade told the council.
If it was the old council they will just laugh at the news but not this new council as Orochimaru was a Konoha jonin and 1 of the Densetsu no Sannin.
This council never underestimate threats no matter how small it is.
"Aside from that are we ready to lose an ally?" Asked Naruto.
"As my spy network is telling me something is happening in wind country and Sunagakure as the Daimyo of wind country isn't in friendly terms with the Yondaime kazekage." Naruto added.
This shocked the council and an utter silence envelope the room until someone asked
How accurate is your spy network Senju sama? Asked the jonin commander Nara Shikaku.
It was Jiraiya who answered the question. "More accurate than mine and also in realtime." Jiraiya told the council.
"We must intervene now or Suna might be a trouble if we just accept every mission from wind country. As an ally we must show to Suna that we care and are willing to help them." Naruto said
"How do we help Suna then Senju sama?" Asked Inoichi.
"Well it's simple really, it is to alocate missions sent to us by wind country and other countries covertly to Suna and then talk to the fire daimyo and ask him to intervene on the issue on behalf of Konoha and also alocate missions to Suna to help their struggling economy that way we won't risk losing an ally." Naruto replied.
Before anyone could react to this
"If we lose an ally like suna you probably know what happens next?" Naruto asked them.
The council was silent they asked themselves what will happen if they lose Suna then their eyes widen in horror as they realized what will happen. All of them knew what will come next if they don't do what Naruto proposes.
"Iwa will be testing our borders by going into kaze no kuni and Suna won't stop them." Shikaku answered.
"A troublesome situation isn't it Nara sama?" Naruto asked.
"I didn't see this coming" thought Hiruzen then sighed in frustration. "I'm really getting old for this shit, I'm glad I'm now retired." Hiruzen whispered to himself.
"Hokage sama what shall we do?" Hiruzen asked his student now the hokage.
"We'll go with my son's plan. It is a well thought plan as he was planning it for three years now." Tsunade replied. She then smirked when she saw the reaction of the council.
The council was shocked at what they heard the hokage said and we're looking at Naruto in awe. All except Jiraiya and Karin who knew of the plan since they we're there in Nami when Naruto submitted and told them of his plan.
Tsunade then asked "Any other agenda's we need to speak about?
Hokage sama it is about Uchiha Sasuke. Was Inoichi's reply.
"The last "loyal" Uchiha huh? What about him?" Tsunade asked.
It is about his psychological performance it is mediocre and he is a very high flight risk and we all know that he is still being spoiled by some members of the civilian population. Inoichi replied.
There is also a problem of Orochimaru wanting to obtain the sharingan and will no doubt take advantage of Sasuke's inferiority and superiority complexes Naruto said.
This shocked the council yet again as the news of Orochimaru wanting a sharingan.
Hiruzen gritted his teeth as he really had become soft over the years he balled his hands into a fist and was shaking in rage. He had a chance to end his wayward student's life years ago but he couldn't.
Tsunade and Jiraiya notices this. Tsunade was the first one to comfort the former hokage by holding his hand and shake her head in a no.
Jiraiya then got to his sensei's side and hold him on the shoulder as he whispered to Hiruzen. "Don't worry sensei Naruto saw how he attain his immortality and has a counter for it he can even removed the curse mark what Orochimaru said was unremovable and no fuinjutsu can ever seal it well guess what Naruto found a way." Jiraiya said this with a confident smirk on his face.
This seem to worry the former hokage even more but Jiraiya said. "No it isn't what Minato used, it is different and it also doesn't require a sacrifice. Jiraiya smiled.
Hiruzen sighed in relief though he was curious at what his surrogate grandson found.
Jiraiya then smiled at his sensei's curious look and said. Well he saw how Orochimaru replaces bodies every three years with the one's having his curse mark he then formulates that if he can trap Orochimaru in a body until the said body deteriorates with his soul and essence trap with the said body ending the snake in the process.
He has the seal done last year and is only waiting for the snake when he shows up Jiraiya added.
A month later
Naruto, Karin and Kazuya entered the academy but we're to advance even for the batch they were put on that a week later the instructors agreed to give trio the graduation exams with the hokage's approval.
But this doesn't sit well with one Uchiha Sasuke who was really pushing to graduate early but was unable to do so due to having a very poor psychological evaluation exam result he was seething in anger.
The genin exams for the trio was easy for them they pass it all with flying colors and our now genins of Konoha.
They began their missions the very next day it was the dreaded D ranks but they know that they need to go through these things and they already have 40 higher rank mission in their name one of those was the successful intercept of the kumo jonin who had kidnapped a unbranded Hyuga (Hinata). Also another one of the 40 was when they encountered Rokusho Aoi and where Naruto and Karin had their first kill.
When Sasuke first saw them doing D ranks he laughed at them but was horrified when he realized that he'll be doing the same thing when he graduates.
The Uchiha then tried to persuade Jiraiya to train him but unfortunately he was being turned down saying he is not equipped to teach him anything because he doesn't have the same eye as Sasuke has.
Sasuke then asked if he knows someone else who has the sharingan other than him Jiraiya then lied to him by saying he doesn't know anyone who has a sharingan.
As Sasuke walk out disappointed Jiraiya's team arrived. They then walked together with their sensei Jiraiya to the hokage tower.
End of chapter
Hello again!
Naruto and his teammates graduates far more early than canon due to Naruto's education not being sabotaged and with the intellect of his father Minato Namikaze plus the help of Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi and Shizune making Naruto a genius prodigy.
Naruto's way of killing the snake will be through fuinjutsu and his last resort will be using his Susanoo's totsuka no tsurugi.
With that out of the way ja ne.
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